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CE 588 Solid Waste Management Course Information Fall 2009
M 5:30 – 8:20 in EB 0028
Professor: Dr. Morgan EB 2057
[email protected]
Office Hours: M 2:30 – 3:30, W 10:30 – 11:30, F 10:00 – 11:00 and by appointment
If you stop by and I am available, I will see you. However, due to other commitments, I will not be in
my office all day every day. If you cannot make it to my office hours, see me after class, or have your
question answered through e-mail, then making an appointment is a superlative option. I will make
every attempt to maintain my office hours and notify you in advance if I will miss them.
Web Site:
1. Teaching Philosophy: Upon leaving SIUE, I want you to be good, solid, professional engineers who reflect well on
the profession and the Department and take pride in your work. I attempt to design my courses such that you learn
to take environmental considerations into account in your professional work and personal lives and think for
yourselves—evaluating and assessing information, forming conclusions, and reexamining those conclusions in light
of new evidence. I want you to apply concepts and problem-solving skills to situations beyond those explicitly
covered in class. I want you to communicate intelligently and professionally and conduct solid research. In
particular for this course, I want you to learn the fundamentals of the field and how to obtain additional information
as you require it in your careers—in other words, how to learn on your own.
2. Performance: I attempt to keep my teaching philosophy in mind when determining what content to include and
exclude and in linking all parts of a course together (e.g., linking the homework questions to the course objectives,
which are linked to my philosophy). I also attempt to highlight how individual parts of the course fit into the course
objectives. However, I may not always do so or be clear when I do. In addition, in the seemingly inevitable
semester crunch of preparing lectures, activities, and assignments and taking care of all the other business of
academics and professional life, I sometimes temporarily abandon my philosophy to make my life a little easier. I
apologize up front for these times and pledge to attempt to minimize them.
3. Needs of students with disabilities: Notify me no later than the end of the first week of class concerning any
academic accommodations you need. You must have a documented disability and an ID card from Disability
Support Services.
4. General Course Objectives:
 Know terminology and abbreviations used in the field sufficiently to converse with technical and non-technical
 Know titles of relevant laws and their major objectives/impacts.
 Know the factors affecting design choices and understand how they might affect a design (including generation,
composition, and behavioral issues).
 Know the design issues associated with MSW landfills, transfer stations, incinerators, and MRFs.
 Propose and design a possible management system for solid waste using the concepts of integrated solid waste
management (the waste management hierarchy).
 Communicate professionally and effectively.
5. Attendance: You are responsible for obtaining materials and turning in assignments on time. Documented proof
may be required for missing an exam. If at all possible, notify me beforehand. In-class assignments will be given
throughout the term and cannot be made up.
6. Exams: A large portion of exams will be based on material covered in class. This material comes from a variety of
sources and goes beyond the information covered in the text. Exams typically consist of both quantitative
questions (calculations) and qualitative questions (e.g., true/false statements, multiple choice, and short answer
questions). They may or may not be open book and notes; you will be notified beforehand. You are responsible for
having all information necessary to complete problems.
7. Grading:
 Plagiarism: Refer to professional publications and your text for proper referencing styles. Plagiarism is a
serious offense and will not be tolerated. Plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment and can result in
an F for the course. Plagiarism is a specific form of academic misconduct. Deliberate plagiarism is regarded as
a serious act of academic misconduct. Whether inadvertent or deliberate, plagiarism includes the following:
(a) word-for-word copying of sentences or whole paragraphs from or presenting of substantial
extracts from either paper-based or electronic sources (the work or data of others) that are
published or unpublished (including books, articles, theses, working papers, seminar and
conference papers, internal reports, and lecture notes or tapes) without clearly indicating their
(b) using very close paraphrasing of sentences or whole paragraphs without due acknowledgement
in the form of reference to the original work
(c) submitting another student’s work in whole or in part
use of another person’s ideas, work or research data without acknowledgement
submitting work that has been written by someone else on the student’s behalf
copying computer files, algorithms or computer code without clearly indicating their origin
submitting work that has been derived, in whole or in part, from another student’s work by a
process of mechanical transformation (e.g., changing variable names in computer programs).
Within the profession of engineering, working in teams is the normal means of operating, and group projects and
assignments are partially designed to give you experience in this process. When undertaking a group project,
you are encouraged to work very closely with your team members and also to discuss issues with other groups
working on the project. However, each project submission (whether working in a group or as an
individual) must be the independent work of that group or individual. In the normal design process, there
are many decisions to be made that will be based on opinion and judgment. It is expected and encouraged that
you will discuss these decisions with each other. However, your final submission for a project must be the
outcome of your team’s decisions and judgments. Given the large number of opportunities within a project for
different decisions to be made, it is highly improbably for two design projects to be exactly the same, even though
the assigned problem is the same.
 Credit: Assignments that cannot be read or are not presented in a professional engineering style will not receive
 Due date: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date, which will be given in class. Late
papers will be accepted but will be docked 10% per day, including weekends and starting immediately following
class. Students with excused absences will be given a reasonable amount of time to catch up on their work with
no penalty. No assignments will be accepted after the assignment has been returned or the solution has been
posted, whichever occurs first.
 Group work: Unless stated otherwise, you are allowed to work in groups and can submit one assignment for the
group. For some assignments, you may be required to work in groups. A common grade will be given on group
 Errors: If you feel an error has been made in grading an assignment or exam, you may submit the work for
regrading by the end of the class period following the return of the work. After this time, your grade will not be
changed. The work may be regraded in its entirety. If you bring a classmate’s paper as evidence of “unfair”
grading, both papers will be regraded. If you still feel a problem remains, you may make an appointment with me
to discuss it.
8. Course Grade: No extra work will be given to individual students to improve grades. If you plan to withdraw late in
the semester (resulting in a grade of WP or WE), talk to me first, or you will receive a grade of WE (which is
computed as an F in the GPA). An incomplete will be given only in extreme conditions and only if we have
discussed it well before finals week. All graded work will be used as a baseline for assigning grades. Work will be
weighted as follows.
Issue Review
Midterm exam
Final exam
At the end of the semester, I will determine final grades by comparing the class grades to an average of 75 and to
each other. I will draw breaks based on my perception of the grade you earn. I am willing to give all A’s or all E’s,
so your grades are not a competition.
9. General Course Outline: Chapters correspond to the text—Integrated Solid Waste Management: Engineering
Principles and Management Issues by Tchobanoglous et al., 1993. Not all material covered will be in the textbook,
and not all material contained in the indicated chapters will be part of the course.
1) Background/introductory material
(1) History and Regulations
(2) MSW and Its Generation
(3) Waste Properties
2) Collection of MSW
3) Transfer/Transport of MSW
4) Source Reduction
5) Recycling
6) Combustion
7) Landfilling
3, 5, 6
4, 5
(6), 7 - 8, 19-2
10, 20-3
4-4, (6), 9, 12, 14, 15, 18
4-4, 9-7, 13, 19-3
4-4, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19-4
10. Important Dates: See the attached schedule.