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World History
Unit 1: Early Civilizations
Chapter 1 Toward Civilization (Prehistory-3000 BC)
1. Understanding Our Past
2. The Dawn of History
3. Beginnings of Civilization
Chapter 2 First Civilizations: Africa and Asia (3200 BC – 500 BC)
1. Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile
2. Egyptian Civilization
3. City-States of Ancient Sumer
4. Invaders, Traders, and Empire Builders
Chapter 3 Early Civilizations in India and China (2500 BC- 256 BC
1. Cities of the Indus Valley
2. Kingdoms of the Ganges
3. Early Civilizations in China
Unit 2 Empires of the Ancient World
Chapter 4 Empires of India and China (600 BC-AD 550
1. Hinduism and Buddhism
2. Powerful Empire of India
3. Pillars of Indian Life
4. Three Schools of Thought in China
5. Strong Rulers Unite China
Chapter 5 Ancient Greece (1750 BC – 133 BC)
1. Early People of the Aegean
2. The Rise of Greek City-States
3. Victory and Defeat in the Greek World
4. The Glory that Was Greece
5. Alexander and the Hellenistic Age
Chapter 6 Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity (509 BC – AD 476)
1. The Roman World Takes Shape
2. From Republic to Empire
3. The Roman Achievement
4. The Rise of Christianity
5. The Long Decline
Chapter 7 Civilizations of the Americas (1400 BC – AD 1570)
1. Civilizations of Middle America
2. The World of the Incas
3. People of North America
Unit 3 Regional Civilizations
Chapter 8 The Rise of Europe (500-1300)
1. The Early Middle Ages
2. Feudalism and the Manor Economy
3. The Medieval Church
4. Economic Expansion and Change
Chapter 9 The High Middle Ages (1050-1450)
1. Growth of Royal Power in England and France
2. The Holy Roman Empire and the Church
3. Europeans Look Outward
4. Learning, Literature and the Arts
5. A Time of Crisis
Chapter 10 The Byzantine Empire and Russia (330-1613)
1. The Byzantine Empire
2. The Rise of Russia
3. Shaping Eastern Europe
Chapter 11 The Muslim World (622-1650)
1. Rise of Islam
2. Islam Spreads
3. Golden Age of Muslim Civilization
4. Muslims in India
5. The Ottoman and Safavid Empires
Chapter 12 Kingdoms and Trading States of Africa
1. Early Civilizations of Africa
2. Kingdoms of West Africa
3. Trade Routes of East Africa
4. Many Peoples, Many Traditions
Chapter 13 Spread of Civilizations in East Asia (500-1603)
1. Two Golden Ages of China
2. The Mongol and Ming Empires
3. Korea and Its Traditions
4. An Island Empire Emerges
5. Japan’s Feudal Age
Unit 4 Early Modern Times
Chapter 14 The Renaissance and Reformation (1300-1600)
1. The Renaissance in Italy
2. The Renaissance Moves North
3. The Protestant Reformation
4. Reformation Ideas Spread
5. The Scientific Revolution
Chapter 15 The First Global Age: Europe and Asia (1415-1796)
1. The Search for Spices
2. Diverse Traditions of Southeast Asia
3. European Footholds in Southeast Asia and India
4. Encounters in East Asia
Chapter 16 The First Global Age: Europe, The Americas, and Africa (1492-1750)
1. Conquest in the Americas
2. Remaking the Americas
3. Struggle for North America
4. Turbulent Centuries in Africa
5. Changes in Europe
Chapter 17 The Age of Absolutism (1550-1800)
1. Extending Spanish Power
2. France Under Louis IV
3. Triumph of Parliament in England
4. Rise of Austria and Prussia
5. Absolute Monarchy in Russia
Unit 5 Enlightenment and Revolution
Chapter 18 The Enlightenment and The American Revolution (1715-1800)
1. Philosophy in the Age of Reason
2. Enlightenment Ideas Spread
3. Britain at Mid-Century
4. Birth of the American Republic
Chapter 19 The French Revolution and Napoleon (1789-1815)
1. On the Eve of Revolution
2. Creating a New France
3. Radical Days
4. The Age of Napoleon Begins
5. The End of an Era
Chapter 20 The Industrial Revolution Begins (1750-1850)
1. Dawn of the Industrial Age
2. Britain Leads the Way
3. Hardships of Early Industrial Life
4. New Ways of Thinking
Chapter 21 Revolution in Europe and Latin America (1790-1848)
1. The Age of Ideologies
2. To The Barricades!
3. Latin Americans Wars of Independence
Unit 6 Industrialism and a New Global Age
Chapter 22 Life In The Industrial Age (1800-1910)
1. The Industrial Revolution Spreads
2. The World of Cities
3. Changing Attitudes and Value
4. A New Culture
Chapter 23 Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800-1914)
1. Building a German Nation
2. Strengthening Germany
3. Unifying Italy
4. Nationalism Threatens Old Empires
5. Russia: Reform and Reaction
Chapter 24 Growth of Western Democracies (1815-1914)
1. Britain becomes more Democratic
2. A Century of Reform
3. Division and Democracy in France
4. Expansion of the United States
Chapter 25 The New Imperialism (1800-1914)
1. A Western Dominated World
2. The Partition of Africa
3. European Challenges to the Muslim World
4. The British Take Over India
Chapter 26 New Global Patterns (1800-1914)
1. Japan Modernizes
2. Southeast Asia and The Pacific
3. Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
4. Economic Imperialism in Latin America
5. Impact of Imperialism
Unit 7 World Wars and Revolutions
Chapter 27 World War I and Its Aftermath (1914-1919)
1. The Stage Is Set
2. The Guns of August
3. A New Kind of Conflict
4. Winning the War
5. Making the Peace
Chapter 28 Revolution in Russia (1917-1939)
1. Two Revolutions in Russia
2. From Lenin to Stalin
3. Life in a Totalitarian State
Chapter 29 Nationalism and Revolution Around the World (1914-1939)
1. Struggle for Change in Latin America
2. Nationalist Movements in Africa and the Middle East
3. India Seeks Self-Rule
4. Upheavals in China
5. Empire of the Rising Sun
Chapter 30 Crisis of Democracy in the West (1919-1939)
1. The Western Democracies
2. A Culture in Conflict
3. Fascism in Italy
4. Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Chapter 31 World War II and Its Aftermath (1931-1949)
1. Aggression, Appeasement, and War
2. The Global Conflict: Axis Advances
3. The Global Conflict: Allied Successes
4. Toward Victory
5. From World War to Cold War
Unit 8 The World Today
Chapter 32 The World Since 1945: An Overview (1945-Present) (pg 824-845)
1. The Changing Political Climate
2. Global Economic Trends
3. Changing Patterns of Life
Chapter 33 Europe and North America (1945-Present)
1. The Western World: An Overview
2. The Western European Democracies
3. North American Prosperity
4. The Soviet Union: Rise and Fall of a Superpower
5. A New Era in Eastern Europe
Chapter 34 East Asia and Southeast Asia (1945-Present)
1. Japan becomes an Economic Superpower
2. From Revolution to Reform in China
3. The Asian Tigers
4. Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim
Chapter 35 South Asia and the Middle East (1945-Present)
1. Nations of South Asia
2. Forces Shaping the Modern Middle East
3. Nation Building in the Middle East
4. The Middle East and The World
Chapter 36 Africa (1945- Present)
1. Achieving Independence
2. Programs for Development
3. Four Nations: A Closer Look
4. Struggles in Southern Africa
5. Africa: Past and Present
Chapter 37 Latin America (1945-Present)
1. Forces Shaping Modern Latin America
2. Latin America, The United States, and the World
3. Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean
4. Forces on Argentina and Brazil
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