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Surface Currents and Climate
Surface waters of the Earth’s oceans are forced to move, primarily by winds.
Where winds blow in the same direction for a ong period of time, currents
will develop that transport large masses of water over considerable
distances sacross ocean surfaces. In this activity you will identify some
surface currents and determine their effect on the temperatures of the
continents they border.
1. Label each current on the map using key given
2. Color the arrows of cold-water currents blue and warm-water
currents red.
3. Answer analysis questions.
1. Why aren’t all ocean surface currents the same temperature?
2. Cold water currents tend to have a cooling effect on the continental
coastlines that they border while warm water currents tend to have a
warming effect. In the U.S., the currents have a _______________
affect on the eastern coastlines and the currents have a
__________ on the western coastline.
3. The average high temperature for the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in
August is 95 degrees F. The average high temperature for San Diego,
CA in August is 78 degrees F. DFW and San Diego are on the exact
same latitude line. Using what you know about currents, explain why
there is such a difference in average high temperatures.
4. How would the weather in Florida be affected if the Gulf Stream
were removed?
5. What determines if the current is a warm water or cold water
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