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Area of study
Healthy active lifestyles
Learning Objectives
To understand the Physical, mental and
social benefits of exercise.
To be able to categorise reasons and
explain why they are important.
Key influences that impact on
sustained involvement in
physical activity
Knowledge/concepts/task examples
Paired discussion – use of mini whiteboard. Group feedback.
Categorise the reasons for participation in social, mental and
Homework – Answer exam questions.
To understand the cultural influences on
Categorise the cultural influence on physical activity. What can
clubs and groups do to increase involvement?
To discuss women in sport and the
opportunities they have compared to men
Paired discussion – Men and women in sport and the
difference - Group feedback. Complete worksheet about
women in sport.
To understand how image influence such as
media and fashion can affect participation
Discuss effect of media on our decisions to participate.
To describe influential people on our
decision to take up a sport
Key influences that impact on
sustained involvement in
physical activity
To be able to discuss the influence of
resources and socio-economic status on
sporting choices
Opportunities and pathways for
involvement in physical activity
To understand the different roles in physical
Discuss – what influences your sporting choice? Complete
worksheet about influences.
Can you list activities that cost:
Less than £50 to take part in, between £50-£150 and over
£300 to take part in.
Discuss with partner: What opportunities are there to become
involved in sport (roles) – feedback to group. Complete
worksheet about roles in physical activity.
TASK: Research a governing body and how athletes progress
to elite level. Report back to group.
TASK: Research the different sports leader’s awards and the
aims. ( Report back to group.
TASK: How would you become a football referee? Research
on the internet. Report back to group.
Opportunities and pathways for
involvement in physical activity
To be able to describe the participation
pyramid and its meaning
Discuss and explain the participation pyramid. Complete
To explain initiatives that provide
opportunities for involvement in physical
TASK: Research the PE, School Sport and Club Links
strategy (PESSCL) and find out the aims and progress.
TURTON SCHOOL GCSE PE Theory Scheme of Work – EDEXCEL Syllabus
Opportunities and pathways for
involvement in physical activity
Exercise and fitness as a part
of an active lifestyle
To understand the range of local and
national facilities available and their aims.
TASK: To find out about national sports centres in the UK and
what they provide
To be able to explain a range of youth sport
trust programmes.
Discuss what the youth sport trust do and their aims.
To understand the definitions of health,
fitness and exercise.
Define and discuss health – Factors affecting.
To be able to describe the difference
between health and fitness.
Exercise and fitness as a part
of an active lifestyle:
TASK: Discuss what will happen with a lack of exercise?
Fitness definition + factors related. Exercise definition. Class
work questions related to definitions.
To understand and describe the
components of health related fitness
Remember health related fitness – BMMFC. Discuss each
component, define + provide examples. Group discussion.
To practically explore the tests for health
related exercise and to be able to
evaluate/interpret recordings.
Practical opportunity – use pupil recording sheet.
To understand the components of skill
related fitness
Health related fitness recap - use pupil recording sheet.
Skill related = remember CRABSP. Pairs to discuss each
component and suggest were you might see this component
Health Related Fitness
Exercise and fitness as a part
of an active lifestyle:
Health Related Fitness
Exercise and fitness as a part
of an active lifestyle:
Skill Related Fitness
Exercise and fitness as a part
of an active lifestyle:
Skill Related Fitness
To explain why these components are
important to different sports.
To explore the testing for skill related fitness
and to be able to evaluate results.
Set up health related fitness tests. (% body fat test, Hand grip
dynometer, Sit up bleep test, Sit and reach test, Multi-stage
fitness test). Pupils to work in pairs and record scores.
Evaluate strengths + weaknesses.
Practical opportunity – use pupil recording sheet.
Test pupils each other against skill related fitness tests +
record/analyse results. Evaluate strengths + weaknesses.
TURTON SCHOOL GCSE PE Theory Scheme of Work – EDEXCEL Syllabus
Physical activity – Principles of
training and goal setting
To understand the principles of training
that a performer should use to increase
To explain the principles of goal setting
and the importance.
To understand the different methods of
training and their effects.
Methods of training and
assessing fitness
To describe various fitness tests that are
useful to a performer during a PEP.
To understand the components of an
exercise session.
Understanding the exercise
To explain what the function of a warm up
and cool down are.
Personal health and well-being
To understand the 7 components of a
balanced diet.
To describe the effects of dehydration and
the importance of water before, during and
after exercise.
Your healthy active body effects of weight, safety and
drugs on participation
To be able to define the terms overfat,
overweight, obese, underweight and
To body mass index and the affect of weight
on performance.
Discussion & write down definitions. How does FITT link to
improvements in fitness? Can you relate these to a PEP
programme. What effect will they have when you are carrying
out a PEP.
Discuss the SMART goal setting principle and review
Task: Discuss and complete a Par-Q questionnaire. What
does it tell us?
Highlight the 5 methods of training; Interval, Continuous,
Fartlek, Weight and circuit. Who they might suit best?
Discuss personal experiences. Relate type of training to
practical activity.
Discuss free and machine weight advantages and
disadvantages. Answer exam style questions.
Discuss the elements of an exercise session and the
importance. Draw on pupil’s experiences.
TASK: What factors should you consider when devising a
exercise session or PEP?
Discuss reasons for food. Highlight the 7 components of a
balanced diet and discuss the importance. How will diet affect
sporting performance? Look at own diet
Energy balance - Energy intake vs Output
c/w – Exam questions
What is carbo-loading and dehydration? Why are they vital to
an athlete? Pupils to research dehydration and symptoms.
Discuss + come up with own definition + then compare with
actual definitions.
Look at how under eating / over eating can affect health and
performance. What does optimum mean?
Calculate BMI.
TURTON SCHOOL GCSE PE Theory Scheme of Work – EDEXCEL Syllabus
To understand the different body
somatotypes and the influence on
Your healthy active body effects of weight, safety and
drugs on participation
To describe ways of measuring fat and
muscle in the body.
Your healthy active body - Risk
associated with participation
To be able to understand how rules and
officials protect against injury
To understand and identify specific
equipment/clothing for particular sports
To be able to explain the term ‘balanced
competition’ and how this can be achieved
Your healthy active body Substance and the
To understand the effect of smoking and
alcohol on the performer
To understand why sportspeople take drugs.
To identify the main categories of drugs,
who might take them, their effects and side
Active lifestyles and your
cardiovascular system
To understand the functions of the
circulatory system.
To be able to identify the differences
between veins, arteries and capillaries.
Active lifestyles and your
cardiovascular system
To be able to identify and label the
components of the heart.
To be able to define heart rate and describe
the effect training has on resting H.R.
Discussion on sport and body types. Highlight the 3 main
Link to performance
Discuss how elite performers have fat measured. If equipment
available – pupil to try out skin fold test.
c/w – Exam Questions
Can be started as a practical lesson. Demonstrate through a
variety of warm / cool downs. Discuss psychological + mental
benefits. Pulse raisers, Mobility, Stretches and Cool Downs.
List the associated risks with gym, games, OAA and
swimming. How are these risks minimized? Why do sports
have rules? How do rules help prevent injuries?
Footwear – suitability & why.
Balanced competition Size/age/gender/skill and weight.
Highlight the effects of Alcohol and cigarettes – How will these
substances affect performance.
What are performance enhancing drugs & there effects? How
drugs and addictive substances affect performance.
How they affect general health and the associated dangers
Watch video introducing cardiovascular system. Discuss
circulatory functions and reasoning.
Look at the physical make up veins and arteries. Visual
comparisons. Make a table of major differences. Feedback to
Recap prior learning on mini whiteboard. Discuss and highlight
the chamber, valves, and flow of blood in the heart.
What is heart rate + measure it. Understand implication of low
resting heart rate.
c/w – Exam question
TURTON SCHOOL GCSE PE Theory Scheme of Work – EDEXCEL Syllabus
Active lifestyles and your
cardiovascular system
To be able to define heart rate, stroke
volume and cardiac output.
To understand the heart function as a
double pump
Active lifestyles and your
cardiovascular system
To describe the components of blood and
the role they play in the body.
To understand the significance of blood
Active lifestyles and your
respiratory system
To understand the structures of the
respiratory system and their functions.
Discuss + take notes on function of each component.
Fill in worksheet + highlight function of each component.
To understand the effects of alcohol and
smoking on the lungs and performance.
To be able to describe the long term effects
of training on the respiratory system
Active lifestyles and your
muscular system
Discuss the significance of blood pressure and exercise
impacts for health.
Highlight long term benefits on cardiovascular system.
To learn the composition of inhaled and
exhaled air
Active lifestyles and your
respiratory system
Discuss function of blood components + complete worksheet.
To be able to describe the long term effects
of training on the circulatory system
To be able to describe the mechanisms of
Introduce the concept of cardiac output and effects of
exercise. Use pupils to demonstrate in the classroom –
immediate effect of exercise.
c/w – exam questions.
To understand the three muscle types and
their functions
To be able to label the important voluntary
muscles in our body
Discuss the movement of major respiration components when
breathing. Make notes on the process.
Physically monitor the movement whilst breathing.
c/w – Question + order of breathing worksheet.
Define the measures of respiratory volumes. Vital capacity –
use peak flow as practical example.
How aerobic and anaerobic respiration differ and its effects on
Discuss the physical sensations you experience during the
activities. Oxygen debt – must be repaid.
Highlight long term benefits on respiratory system
Discuss prior knowledge. Explain muscle classification and the
3 types found in the body.
Practical - look at muscles and what they do when contracting.
Fill in the muscle diagram and function grid.
TURTON SCHOOL GCSE PE Theory Scheme of Work – EDEXCEL Syllabus
Active lifestyles and your
muscular system
To be able to define and explain muscle
tone and posture
To understand the difference between fast
and slow twitch muscle fibres and the
relevance to the sportsperson.
Active lifestyles and your
muscular system
To understand and describe the term
‘antagonist pair’
To understand the different types of muscle
Active lifestyles and your
muscular system
To understand how to improve muscular
strength and muscular endurance.
To be able to explain the long term benefits
of exercise on muscles.
Active lifestyles and your
skeletal system
To be able to describe the functions of the
To be able to recognise and label a
Active lifestyles and your
skeletal system
To be able to classify the different types of
To describe the regions of the vertebrae and
their function.
Active lifestyles and your
skeletal system
Define Muscle tone and link to Posture. (Practical look at
Discuss / dictate definitions of fast/slow twitch fibres.
Link fibre type to activities using sporting examples.
C/W – exam question
Discuss antagonist pair and examples.
Discuss types of muscle contraction. Use pupils to show
isometric & isotonic.
c/w – Exam question
Discuss how a performer will improve muscular strength and
endurance. (weight x reps).
Highlight long term benefits on muscular system.
c/w – Exam question
Discuss skeletons functions. Highlight practical examples and
reasoning for functionality. Use skeleton + pupils to place post
it notes to locate bones.
Plenary – pupils to locate and name 1 bone on partner.
Discuss Long, Short, Flat & Irregular bones.
Highlight regions of the vertebrae and function related to sport.
C/W – Exam question.
To be able to define a joint
Define a joint. 3 types of joint and their functioning.
To be able to describe the different types of
synovial joint and how they are used in
various sporting movements
Discuss the types of synovial joints. Provide sporting
examples. Analyse joint usage of elite athletes.
C/W – exam question.
TURTON SCHOOL GCSE PE Theory Scheme of Work – EDEXCEL Syllabus
To understand the different structures of a
Active lifestyles and your
skeletal system
To be able to describe the difference
between cartilage, tendons and
To understand and analyse sporting
examples of joint movements and their
Active lifestyles and your
skeletal system
To describe the long term benefits of
exercise on bone structures
To understand potential bone related injuries
that can occur during performance.
Analysis of performance section
Analysis of performance section
– PEP introduction
To highlight the components/structures of a typical synovial
Discuss the role of connective tissue.
Discuss types of movement at a joint. Practical demonstration
( in class)
Link movement with a specific joint and discuss sporting
examples.H/W – label an athlete with 5-10 joint movements
Why exercise is beneficial and how will it benefit bone
structure in the long term. H/W – exam questions.
Discuss fractures (open/closed) and dislocations. Overuse
injuries - Tennis and golfers elbow. Draw on student
experiences. C/W – answer exam questions
How to observe and analyse a
Discussion/brainstorm rules and regulations of a variety of
Assessing the strengths and
weaknesses of a performance
Understand the observation and feedback cycle. Watch video
clips of performances and assess strengths and weaknesses.
Evaluating a performance against the
perfect model
Use video analysis software to compare performances against
a perfect model.
To understand the concept of the PEP
and how to implement.
Discussion/brainstorm ideas. How can training be planned look at the PEP. What are your individual needs. Intro, aims
and focused components discussed.
TURTON SCHOOL GCSE PE Theory Scheme of Work – EDEXCEL Syllabus