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Journey of Hope: Great Migrations and the Transformation of America
A review of various groups who moved to, from, and within the United States adapted to their
new social and physical environments and transformed North America.
Blood and Thunder: An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States
A review of the collision course between Euro-Americans and the indigenous people of the
continent, from the early interactions at English settlements on the Atlantic coast, through
successive centuries of encroachment and outright warfare.
Many Rivers to Cross - The Shaping of an African American Identity
A review of African American history and culture, from Slavery, Reconstruction, the Harlem
Renaissance, and the Great Migrations through Segregation, the Civil Rights Movement
Remember the Ladies: Travails and Triumphs of Gender Activism
Explain how activist groups and reform movements, such as antebellum reformers, civil rights
activists, and social conservatives, have caused changes to state institutions and U .S. society
Revivals, Awakenings, and Reforms
A review of active agents for change in the United States through celebrated revivals,
awakenings, and reform movements that were born in times of cultural stress and helped
create and sustain a national identity in a changing world.
Life of the Party: The Origin and Transformation of American Political Parties [POL]
A review of the development of American political parties--from their origins in the 1790s
through political cycles, key elections realignments that shaped our political system.
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Party Crashers: The Impact of Independent Political Movements [1840-1968]
Independent Political Movements have used third parties to advance some of the most
important changes in the United States, notably the abolition of slavery, the extension of voting
rights, and the advancement of civil rights.
Hail to the Chief: Presidential Domestic Polices and Programs
A review of the policies and strategies of six key Presidents whose constitutional power to
command the armed forces and lead the executive branch showcased their varying styles,
personalities, and beliefs, shaping our developing nation.
War and Peace: Foreign Relations from 1776 to 1945
A review of key U.S. presidential doctrines that advanced American interest through such policy
goals as isolation, interventionism containment, engagement, de-entanglement, and securing
the regional concerns to address fundamental aspects of U.S. national security
Grand Expectations: American Foreign Policy Since World War II [1945 to 2015]
A review of the complexities of America's evolving foreign policy agenda from the aftermath of
World War II through the years of decolonization, Cold War maneuvering, and European
unification in an increasingly multipolar and interconnected world..
The Write Stuff: Books that Shaped The American National Identity [CUL]
A review of powerful and persuasive books, pamphlets and papers that literally change the very
society they came from and profoundly impacted society.
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This theme focuses on why and how the various people who moved to and within the United States
both adapted to and transformed their new social and physical environments.
Japanese Internment
Chinese Exclusion Act
Emergency Quota Act
The Catholic Church mission system,
We shall build a city upon a hill
Nativism and Know Nothings,
Encomienda system
Manifest Destiny
Settlement of Jamestown Colony
Dust Bowl Migration
Columbian Exchange
Irish immigration
Bartolome de Las Casas
Trail of Tears
Sunbelt Migration
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Journey of Hope: Great Migrations and the Transformation of America
A review of various groups who moved to, from, and within the United States adapted to their
new social and physical environments and transformed North America.
1. Why did the European Crusades directly lead to the Age of Exploration?
a. European nations needed to develop more efficient means to travel to
newly acquired lands in the Middle East.
b. Islamic control of the Middle East and North Africa cut off Europe
from the Mediterranean Sea during the 11th century.
c. Lost navigational technologies of the Greeks and Romans were
discovered during the Crusades in newly conquered lands.
d. Returning crusaders brought exotic spices, perfumes, and fabrics,
creating a new European demand for these commodities.
2. Which 15th-century European country dominated the African slave trade?
3. In 1494, Pope Alexander’s Treaty of Tordesillas established the line of
demarcation granting ?
a. all of the land north of the meridian not already claimed by Christian
nations to the Spanish
b. all of the land east of the meridian not already claimed by Christian
nations to the Spanish.
c. Portugal the right to establish a colonial empire in South America.
d. all of the land west of the meridian not already claimed by Christian
nations to the Spanish.
4. Which deadly epidemic most devastated Mexican natives and was the subject of numerous
15th- and 16th-century primary accounts of disease?
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5. During the colonial period, the triangular trade route among the colonies, Britain, Africa, and
the West Indies led to?
an increased slave population in the colonies
increased exports of cotton and tobacco from the West Indies to the colonies
a decrease in the merchant population in the colonies
increased pirate attacks on British merchant ships
4. The “Middle Passage” refers to
the route traveled by Lewis and Clark through the Rocky Mountains.
the route to the Orient sought by Henry Hudson.
the road established between Cumberland, Maryland and Vandalia, Illinois
the voyage between Africa and the Americas taken by the slave traders
6. As settlers from various nations arrived in the New World, they interacted differently with
the Native American Indians. A major difference between French and British settlers was that
French treated the Indians with more respect and intermarried with some tribes
the French fur traders waged more bloody wars with native tribes before 1720
British settlers were less interested in establishing permanent settlement
only the French attempted to convert the natives
7. Settlers who established the British colony in Virginia during the 17th century were
primarily seeking to
recreate an Old World feudalistic society in the New World
create a perfect religious commonwealth as an example to the rest of the world
profit economically
increase the glory of Great Britain
8. The system of indentured labor used during the Colonial Period had which of the following
It enabled England to deport most criminals.
It enabled poor people to seek opportunity in American.
It delayed the establishment of slavery in the South until about 1750
It facilitated the cultivation of cotton in the South.
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8. The Dutch settled New Netherland primarily to
a. secure a refuge for the persecuted
b. check the growth of English colonies in North America
c. expand their commercial and mercantile network
d. gain colonies to produce agricultural surpluses
9. Which of the following statements about Africans brought as slaves to the British North
American colonies is true?
a. They were the primary labor source for plantations in the Chesapeake by 1630.
b. They had a much lower life expectancy in the Chesapeake than in South Carolina or
the West Indies.
c. They greatly outnumbered Europeans in every colony south of the Mason-Dixie Line
by 1776
d. They maintained cultural practices brought from Africa.
10 . During the colonial period, the triangular trade route among the colonies, Britain, Africa,
and the West Indies led to
a. increased unemployment in the colonies
b. an increased slave population in the colonies
c. increased exports of cotton and tobacco from the West Indies to the colonies
d. a decrease in the merchant population in the colonies
11. American colonists began to use African slaves primarily because
a. the papacy created an edict calling for the use of African slaves in Catholic-controlled
b. the African slaves were more accustomed to agriculture than the Native Americans
c. the Native Americans were decimated by European disease, while the Africans
developed immunity
d. the practice of indentured servitude was outlawed by the pope
11. Which of the following statements about Africans brought as slaves to the British North
American colonies is true?
a. They were the primary labor source for plantations in the Chesapeake by 1630.
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b. They had a much lower life expectancy in the Chesapeake than in South Carolina or
the West Indies.
c. They greatly outnumbered Europeans in every colony south of the Mason-Dixie Line
by 1776
d. They maintained cultural practices brought from Africa.
12. In what way did the Jamestown Colony and the Massachusetts Bay Colony differ greatly?
a. Unlike Jamestown, Massachusetts Bay was established as a joint stock
b. Jamestown became a royal colony, while Massachusetts remained a
proprietary colony.
c. Unlike Jamestown, Massachusetts Bay maintained peaceful relations with the
Native Americans within the region.
d. Massachusetts Bay did not suffer from the same hardships as Jamestown during its
first years.
13. The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 best explains the
a. development of economic differences between the northern and southern colonies
b. colonists’ difficulties in effectively resisting the British military during the American
c. significant proportion of colonists who remained loyal to Great Britain during the
American Revolution
d. growth of social tensions between backcountry settlers and coastal elites
14. Which of the following most appropriately characterizes the violence exhibited in such
episodes as Bacon’s Rebellion, the Boston Tea Party, Shays’ Rebellion, and the Whiskey
a. Most violence occurred in urban areas.
b. Most violence produced no deaths.
c. The level of violence subsided after the American Revolution.
d. Violence was directed at “outsiders” or representative of distant authority.
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15. Which of the following transportation developments opened the West to settlement and
trade between 1790 and 1830?
Turnpikes and canals
Railroads and steamships
Turnpikes and railroads
Canals and railroads
16. Jefferson’s purchase of Louisiana had its origins in his desire to
remove the French from forts along the Mississippi River
acquire a port to provide an outlet for western crops
acquire territory for the expansion of slavery
oppose New England Federalism
17. All of the following accurately describe Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana Territory from
a. It ended the threat of American Indian raids on western settlements.
b. It was made possible by the failure of Napoleon’s forces to suppress a slave revolt in
c. It showed Jefferson’s considerable flexibility in dealing with foreign policy.
d. It violated Jefferson’s own views concerning the strict construction of the
18. President Jackson’ Native American (Indian) policy resulted in which of the following?
a. The first efforts to grant citizenship to Native Americans
b. The Division of tribal lands into small units and their allotment to heads of families in
each tribe
c. Widespread uprisings among the Sioux in the Dakota Territory
d. The removal of the Cherokee from the Southeast to settlements across the
19. During the 1840s and 1850s, which set of immigrant groups arrived in unprecedented
numbers, resulting in a nativist backlash in popular culture?
Scots-Irish and Welsh
Dutch and French
Irish and Germans
Italians and Greeks
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20. The majority of Irish immigrants to the United States in the 1840s and 1850s settled
along the Great Lakes region.
on farms in the Midwest.
in cities along the east coast.
on homesteads on the frontier.
21. In the 1850s, the South differed from the North in that the South had
a better-developed transportation system
a better-educated white population
less interest in evangelical religion
fewer European immigrants
22. What economic change resulted from the transportation revolution before the Civil War?
The Northeast became better connected to the western section of the country
Trade between the United States and Europe was sharply reduced
The system of slavery on southern plantations began to disappear
The federal government began to regulate new businesses
23. What was a primary motivation for the Kansas Exodus of many African Americans to the West
following the Civil War?
a. Finding employment as sharecroppers
b. Establishing bonanza farms
c. Escaping the racial tensions of the South
d. Finding employment in railroad construction
24. The greatest priority of western railroad development as illustrated above was to
a. remove American Indians from western lands.
b. consolidate into larger trusts.
c. promote government power in the region.
d. open new markets.
25. The completion of the transcontinental railroads through the American West contributed
most to the
a. migration of settlers to the West.
b. preservation of American Indian culture.
c. environmental protection of natural resources.
d. demilitarization of the West
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25. Which of the following BEST exemplified a government subsidy to promote western
a. Granger laws
b. Interstate Commerce Act
c. Homestead Act
d. Morrill Land Grant
26. Between 1865 and 1920, railroad companies contributed to the economic development of
the United States by
Eliminating the need for water transportation
Concentrating on military rather than civilian tasks
Encouraging the formation of farm workers’ unions
Providing the most efficient means of transportation over long distances
27. In the period from 1865 to 1900, the United States Government aided the development of
the West by
a. maintaining free and unlimited coinage of silver
b. offering low-interest loans to businesses
c. granting land to railroad companies
d. providing price supports for farm products
28. During the late 19th century, the Federal Government helped the transcontinental railroad
companies by
a. breaking up railroad monopolies
b. providing free land for railroad construction
c. setting safety standards for railroad operations
d. establishing uniform shipping rates
29. In which pair of events did the first event most directly influence the second?
discovery of gold in California – Louisiana Purchase
building of the transcontinental railroad – disappearance of the frontier
settling of the Oregon Territory – passage of the Homestead Act
assimilation of Native American Indians into American society – passage of the
Dawes Act
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30. The main purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862 was to
encourage settlement of public lands in the West
provide land for building a transcontinental railroad
raise revenue for the Federal Government
maintain a balance between slave states and free states
31. All of the following account for nativist sentiment against the “new immigrants” of the late
19th century EXCPET that the immigrants
practiced different religions
had different languages and cultures
were willing to work for lower wages than were native - born workers
dominated the professions of law, medicine, and engineering
32. Which of the following statement about American cities between 1890 and 1930 is correct?
Area of residence increasingly became an indicator of social class.
Poor people moved to the outskirts of cities.
Industries shifted from the cities to the suburbs.
Neighborhoods lost their ethnic identification.
33. From 1870 to 1890, new migration from Asia and Southern and Eastern Europe led to
the more equal distribution of power in urban areas.
segregated ethnic communities and distinct migrant enclaves in cities.
proactive reforms from state and federal governments.
greater unity and success for labor unions.
34. The internal migrations of African Americans in the United States from 1865 to 1900
led to mass demographic shifts to urban areas by the end of World War I.
was severely limited due to the stranglehold of tenant farming.
was marked by confrontation and violent protests throughout the U.S.
were banned in the American West.
35. Which of the following statements is true about immigration to the United States during
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the last two decades of the 19th century?
a. United States immigration laws sharply reduced the number of eligible
b. Irish immigrants came in larger numbers than earlier in the century.
c. The United States government entered into a “gentleman’s agreement” to ban
immigration from certain countries.
d. Southern and Eastern Europeans came in larger numbers than earlier in the
36. Between 1890 and 1914, most immigrants to the United States came from
Southern and Eastern Europe
Northern and Western Europe
Latin America
Southeast Asia
37. Which of the following groups was affected by the first United States anti-immigration
measure targeted at a specific ethnicity?
38. Why did many labor leaders object to immigrants coming to the United States?
Immigrants seemed unable to adapt to the new culture.
Some immigrants were suspected of being former criminals.
Most immigrants could not speak English.
Immigrants were willing to work for lower wages.
39. The “Great Migration” out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was
most immediately the result of
a. the first Red Scare.
b. their economic displacement due to the rising number of migrants from Mexico
moving into the South.
c. the influence of the mass media.
d. economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I.
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40. Which of the following best describes the Harlem Renaissance?
a. The rehabilitation of a decaying urban area.
b. An outpouring of black artistic and literary creativity.
c. The beginning of the NAACP.
d. The most famous art show the early 20th century.
41. The Immigration Quota Act of 1921 and the Immigration Act of 1924 were designed to
restrict migrants from
southeastern Europe.
42. In response to the conditions depicted in the photograph above, many American families
a. advocated for overseas expansion.
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b. disrupted society with racial strife.
c. migrated within the United States.
d. resented President Roosevelt’s unwillingness to use government power to provide
them with relief.
43. Which of the following was true about the internment of Japanese Americans during World
War II?
a. It applied to anyone of Japanese ancestry living anywhere in the United States.
b. Japanese American citizens could leave the internment camps if they signed a loyalty
c. Japanese American men living in the internment camps were not allowed to serve in
the military.
d. It was the result of a Presidential executive order
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44. The creation of the type of society depicted in the image above was possible because of
the dismantling of the New Deal.
strict environmental regulations.
the suburbanization of the middle class.
conservative victories on taxation.
45. The passage of the Immigration Act of 1965
a. was a compromise with nativists and led to few gains for Latino and Asian migrants.
b. eased restrictions on immigration by ending the previous quota system.
c. continued to favor northern Europeans but allowed small increases for U.S. allies.
d. led to a tightening of immigration standards to stop Communist infiltration.
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This theme focuses on how and why definitions of American and national identity and values
have developed, as well as on related topics such as citizenship, constitutionalism, foreign
policy, assimilation, and American exceptionalism.
Battle of Little Big Horn
Navajo Code Talkers
Paxton Boys
Indian Removal Act
The American Indian Movement (AIM)
The Indian Citizenship Act
Dawes Severalty Act
King Phillip’s War
Juan de Sepúlveda
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Pueblo Revolt
Massacre at Wounded Knee
Asiento System
Worcester v. Georgia
French and Indian War
Helen Hunt Jackson, A Century of Dishonor
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Blood and Thunder: An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States
A review of the collision course between Euro-Americans and the indigenous people of the
continent, from the early interactions at English settlements on the Atlantic coast, through
successive centuries of encroachment and outright warfare.
1 The Spanish colonial system of forcing Native Americans to work for individual Spaniards in
the Americas was known as (1 point)
a. indentured servants
b. indigenous diaspora
c. peonage
d. encomienda
2. Which of the following best describes American Indian alliances with North American
colonies during the 17th and early 18th centuries?
a . The alliances were limited due to reductions in the fur trade.
b. The alliances were based mostly on religious connections.
c. The alliances were overwhelmingly with the French.
d. The alliances were shifting, complex, and fragile
3. The circumstances surrounding King Phillip’s War (1676) suggest that
a. New England settlers clashed with the native tribes over territorial expansion
b. Great Britain had to send troops to protect its colonists against the encroachments of
French settlers
c. colonial governors could not protect colonial commerce
d. British settlers frequently raided Spanish settlements in North America
4. The only Native Americans who were able to unite and become strong enough to resist the
English colonists successfully were the
a. Powhatan Confederacy
b. Pequots
c. Iroquois League
d. Seminoles
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5. In which pair of events did the first event most directly influence the second?
discovery of gold in California – Louisiana Purchase
building of the transcontinental railroad – disappearance of the frontier
settling of the Oregon Territory – passage of the Homestead Act
assimilation of Native American Indians into American society – passage of the
Dawes Act
6. Between the 1860s and 1880s, the federal government’s policy toward Native American
Indians is best described as
first promoting reservations, then promoting family land holdings
promoting reservations only
promoting family land holdings only
first promoting family land holdings, then promoting reservations
7. Helen Hunt Jackson’s A Century of Dishonor was significant because it aroused public
awareness of the
injustice of having taken land from Mexico in the Southwest
need for reforms in federal land policy
wrongs that the federal government had inflicted on American Indians
hardships endured by Chinese laborers while building the transcontinental railroad
8. The intent of the Dawes Act was to
assimilate American Indians into the mainstream of American culture
reorganize and preserve the tribal cultures of American Indians
legally establish the communal nature of American Indian landholding
restore to American Indians land seized unjustly
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9. According to a famous essay by Frederick Jackson Turner, the American frontier provided
room for Germanic culture to flourish
incentives for urban growth
the opportunity for individualism and mobility
an opportunity for conflicting cultures to flourish
10. In the late 1800s, the policy of the Federal Government toward Native American Indians, as
exemplified by the Dawes Act, was to
a. grant immediate and full citizenship rights to Native American Indians
b. encourage assimilation of Native American Indians into the mainstream of
American culture
c. move Native American Indians into the cities to supply labor for developing
d. restore lands to the Native American Indian tribes that had lost lands to white
11. The violent conflict during the second half of the 19th century between the United States
and American Indians was most influenced by the
a. large numbers of Native American confederations resisting settlement.
b. destruction of habitat and natural resources.
c. rise of industrialization.
d. failure of the United States to adhere to previously signed treaties.
12. Which of the following Supreme Court decisions directly dealt with Native American
territorial rights
a. Gibbons vs. Ogden
b. Fletcher vs. Peck
c. Marbury vs. Madison
d. Worcester vs Georgia
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13. Native Americans contributed to the war effort during World War II by
a. joining the military in large numbers and using native languages in military code
b. working in factories built on reservations.
c. buying a large number of war bonds.
d. patrolling the borders of the United States.
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This theme focuses on how and why definitions of American and national identity and values
have developed, as well as on related topics such as citizenship, constitutionalism, foreign
policy, assimilation, and American exceptionalism.
Emancipation Proclamation
Harlem Hell Fighters
Stricter Fugitive Slave Law
Three-Fifths Compromise
Northwest Ordinance
Executive Order 8802
Free Soil Party
Harlem Renaissance
African Colonization Society Formed
William Lloyd Garrison
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Brown v. Board of Education
Black Codes
Harlem Renaissance
Langston Hughes
Freedman’s Bureau
Tuskegee Institutive
Origins of Slave Trade, 1619
Black Power
Niagara Movement
John Brown’s Raid
American Anti-Slavery Society
Black Codes
Stono Rebellion
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Many Rivers to Cross - The Shaping of an African American Identity
A review of African American history and culture, from Slavery, Reconstruction, the Harlem
Renaissance, and the Great Migrations through Segregation, the Civil Rights Movement
1. Slave labor was brought to the Western Hemisphere by colonists because
a. the region was lightly populated when the Spanish arrived
b. Native Americans were unfamiliar with the tools and methods to harvest sugarcane
c. Aztec and Inca leaders had already begun to import slaves even before the Spanish
d. there was a lack of manpower to do the labor-intensive work of harvesting sugarcane
2. Which of the following is a correct statement about the use of slave labor in colonial
a. It was forced on reluctant white Virginians by profit-minded English merchants and
the mercantilist officials of the Crown
b. It was the first case in which Europeans enslaved blacks
c. It fulfilled the original plans of the Virginia Company.
d. It spread rapidly in the late 17th century, as blacks displaced white indentured
servants in the tobacco fields.
3. Which of the following statements about Africans brought as slaves to the British North
American colonies is true?
a. They were the primary labor source for plantations in the Chesapeake by 1630.
b. They had a much lower life expectancy in the Chesapeake than in South Carolina or
the West Indies.
c. They greatly outnumbered Europeans in every colony south of the Mason-Dixie Line
by 1776
d. They maintained cultural practices brought from Africa.
4. During the colonial period, the triangular trade route among the colonies, Britain, Africa, and
the West Indies led to?
an increased slave population in the colonies
increased exports of cotton and tobacco from the West Indies to the colonies
a decrease in the merchant population in the colonies
increased pirate attacks on British merchant ships
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5. American colonists began to use African slaves primarily because
a. the papacy created an edict calling for the use of African slaves in Catholic-controlled
b. the African slaves were more accustomed to agriculture than the Native Americans
c. the Native Americans were decimated by European disease, while the Africans
developed immunity
d. the practice of indentured servitude was outlawed by the pope
6. A major effect of the Stono Rebellion was
an increase in the number of slaves brought into the southern colonies
a war between the South Carolinians and the Stono Indians
an attempt by slaveholders to lessen the horrors of the “Middle passage”
harsher treatment of slaves in many parts of the South
7. Slavery and indentured servitude in colonial America differed in that most indentured
a. were promised great financial compensation for their service
b. received land after the completion of their indenture
c. came voluntarily
d. were considered members of their master’s family
8. Which of the following is a correct statement about the use of slave labor in colonial
a. It was forces on reluctant white Virginians by profit-minded English merchants and
the mercantilist officials of the Crown.
b. It was the first case in which Europeans enslaved blacks.
c. It fulfilled the original plans of the Virginia Company
d. It spread rapidly in the late 17th century, as blacks displaced white indentured
servants in the tobacco fields.
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9. Bacon’s Rebellion of 1676 was significant in that it
led the colonies to recruit a greater number of indentured servants
contributed to an increase in Indian uprisings in Virginia
created fear of additional rebellions by former indentured servants
was the largest slave rebellion in United States history
10. In which of the following British North American colonies was slavery legally established by
the early 1700s?
a. The middle and southern colonies only
b. The tobacco and rice-growing colonies only.
c. All the colonies except Pennsylvania and the New England colonies
d. All of the colonies.
11. Which of the following had the greatest impact on the institution of slavery in the United
States in the first quarter of the 19th century?
a. Demands of Southern textile manufacturers for cotton
b. Introduction of crop rotation and fertilizers
c. Use of more stringent techniques of slave control
d. Invention of the cotton gin
12. Which of the following was a reference to slavery in the Constitution?
a. The banning of slavery in the Northwest Territory.
b. A prohibition for 20 years of any law banning the importation of slaves.
c. Slavery was outlawed above the Mason-Dixon Line.
d. Slavery could not be outlawed.
13. Starting in the early 18th century, some southern British colonies adopted slave codes from
Barbados that
were similar to the French and Spanish standards for slave treatment.
ensured the protection of basic human rights for slaves.
limited the total number of slaves on a plantation.
led to the emergence of strict racial categories in colonial society.
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14. One impact of the widespread cultivation of cotton and other cash crops in the South was
a. creation of a more economically and socially egalitarian society in the South.
b. increasing economic isolation of the South from the rest of the country.
c. rapid growth of textile mills and other manufacturing throughout the South.
d. increased political power the South was able to wield in Congress.
15. The goal of the American Colonization Society was to
a. recruit immigrant labor for American factories
b. return freed slaves to Africa
c. assimilate recent immigrants into American Society
d. extend United States influence to overseas colonies
16. Which pair of issues aroused the most controversy in 1819 and 1820?
internal improvements and Latin American independence
slavery in Missouri and Latin American independence
slavery in Missouri and a financial crisis
Monroe’s prospects for reelection and the protective tariff
17. The acquisition of territory from Mexico as a result of the Mexican War was most
significant in that it
settled conflicts between the Native Americans and the United States government
heightened sectional tensions over the issue of slavery
led to Bleeding Kansas
led to the acquisition of Oregon
18. The Wilmot Proviso specifically provided for
a. the prohibition of slavery in the Louisiana Purchase territory
b. the primacy of federal law over state-legislated Black codes
c. the prohibition of slavery in lands acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War
d. federal return of fugitive slaves
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19. In the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, popular sovereignty
was proposed as a way to
allow northern states the power to ban slavery
deny southern states the legal right to own slaves
allow settlers in new territories to vote on the issue of slavery
overturn previous Supreme Court decisions on slavery
20. Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 provoked the most
controversy in the 1850s?
a. The admission of California as a free state.
b. The establishment of the principle of popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession
c. The ban on the slave trade in the District of Columbia.
d. The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law.
21. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin did which of the following?
Fought to protect the environment
Supported the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement
Emphasized moral principles in foreign policy
Exposed problems in American society through literature
22. Which of the following statements was not an argument against the Fugitive Slave Act?
The law made it easy for freedmen to be kidnapped.
The law violated the Dred Scott decision.
Accused fugitive slaves lacked the rights of due process.
Methods of returning fugitive slaves were cruel and dehumanizing.
23. Which of the following best describes the situation in Kansas during the antebellum
a. The people of Kansas were overwhelmingly abolitionist
b. As a result of the policy of popular sovereignty, Kansas became the site of much
tension and bloodshed.
c. Kansas was permitted to enter the Union as a slave state in order to keep the balance
of power even in the Senate.
d. Kansas was one of the few states that refused to participate in the slave trade
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24. Which of the following would not be considered an event illustrating the tensions that
directly led to the Civil War?
a. Bleeding Sumner
b. John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry
c. Publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
d. Nat Turner’s rebellion
25. In issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, one of Lincoln’s goals was to
a. gain the active aid of Britain and France in restoring the Union
b. stir up enthusiasm for the war in such border states as Maryland and Kentucky
c. please the Radicals in the North by abolishing slavery in areas of the South already
under the control of Union armies
d. keep Britain and France from intervening on the side of the Confederacy.
26. Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is correct?
a. It recognized the power of Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories, but refused
on technical grounds to free Scott.
b. It stated that Black people were not citizens of the United States
c. It upheld the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise.
d. It upheld the principle of popular sovereignty.
27. Which of the following best describes the goal of John Brown’s raid of Harpers Ferry?
a. Raiding the military arsenal to supply later slave uprisings
b. Liberating the slaves being held there
c. Defeating the southern militias stationed in the region
d. Taking the pro-slavery governor hostage to bargain for the release of
slaves within the state
28. One way that “Bleeding Kansas” , the Dred Scott decision, and John Brown’s raid on
Harper’s Ferry had a similar effect on the United States was that these events
a. Ended conflict over slavery in the territories
b. Eased tensions between the North and the South
c. Contributed to the formation of the Whig Party
d. Made sectional compromise more difficult
a g e | 33
29. In the presidential campaign of 1860, which of the following positions was asserted by the
Republican Party platform with respect to slavery?
a. The extension of slavery to other countries should be prohibited.
b. The Missouri Compromise line (36-30) should be extended to the Pacific Ocean, and
slavery should be prohibited in territories above that line.
c. The gradual emancipation of the slaves should begin, and the federal government
should compensate slave owners for the loss of slave property.
d. The extension of slavery to United States territories should be prohibited by the
federal government, but slavery should be protected in the states where it already
30. Which of the following statements best describes the role of African Americans during the
Civil War?
a. African-Americans were readily conscripted into combat duty early on both sides.
b. At the war’s start, the North quickly created numerous African American combat
c. While the Union desegregated its military, the Confederacy refused.
d. African-Americans were not allowed to serve in either side’s navy.
31. Which action under Reconstruction officially overturned the Dred Scott decision?
a. Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan
b. Johnson’s Reconstruction plan
c. The Thirteenth Amendment
d. The Fourteenth Amendment
32. Following the Civil War, the rights of freedmen were restricted by Southern governments
a. refusal to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment
b. the holding of constitutional conventions
c. creation of Black Codes
d. division of the South into military districts
33. Which government action extended suffrage to African-American males during
a. The creation of the Freedman’s Bureau
b. The passage of the Thirteenth Amendment
c. The passage of the Fourteenth Amendment
d. The passage of the Fifteenth Amendment
a g e | 34
34. After the collapse of the Reconstruction governments, the men who came to power in the
“New South” were called
a. Carpetbaggers
b. Copperheads
c. Redeemers
d. Scalawags
35. Why did Reconstruction end in 1877?
a. The Republican and Democratic parties effected a compromise agreement after the
1876 presidential election
b. The treaty ending the Civil War had set such a time limit
c. Most of the politically active Black people had left the South for Northern cities
d. The freed slaves had been successfully integrated into Southern society
36. In the post-Reconstruction South, the economic arrangement know as sharecropping
a. agricultural workers signing contracts which bound them to a particular plantation
for a period of time
b. landowners dividing up their land and allowing growers to use plots of land in
exchange for a portion of the yearly yield
c. former slaves being granted ownership rights to tracts of lands that had previously
been owned by slave owners
d. groups of freed African American laborers working for wages on large plantations
37. The Freedman’s Bureau was established to
a. protect blacks from carpetbaggers and scalawags
b. help blacks win election to public office
c. help former slaves find jobs and protect them from discrimination
d. help rebuild the transportation networks of the South
a g e | 35
38 .Which of the following provisions would NOT be found in the various Black Codes passed
after the Civil War?
a. A requirement that African Americans attain a permit if they wished to travel
b. A prohibition of interracial marriages
c. A requirement that African Americans serve in the State National Guard units for two
d. A ban of African Americans carrying weapons
39.The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments are similar in that all three
extended voting to different groups in the United States
were ratified during the Civil War
expanded the rights of African Americans
were ratified despite opposition from the Republican Party
40 .Which of the following best describes the situation of freedmen in the decade following the
Civil War?
a. The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other
nearby planters
b. Each was given 40 acres of land a mule by the Union government
c. They were required to pass a literacy test before being granted United States
d. All were immediately granted political equality by the Emancipation Proclamation
41.“Jim Crow” laws were laws that
a. established separate segregated facilities for blacks and whites
b. effectively prohibited blacks from voting in state and local, but not federal, elections
c. restricted American Indians to U.S. Government reservations
d. restricted open-range ranching in the Great Plains
a g e | 36
42.The disagreement between W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington regarding the status of
African-Americans in the early twentieth century is best summed up as a debate over
a. whether African-Americans should emigrate to Africa
b. what social injustices federal legislation should correct first
c. whether African-Americans should first seek legal or economic equality with white
d. whether state governments or the federal government should be the primary vehicle
of social change
43. Ida B. Wells became an influential reformer through her work in
a. establishing settlement houses in cities throughout the United States.
b. mounting an international antilynching crusade.
c. supporting a national crusade against alcohol use.
d. founding the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
44. Who was a fearless African American anti-lynching advocate, suffragist, and women’s rights
Alice Paul
Carrie Chapman Catt
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Ida Wells-Barnett
45. Which of the following was a major effect of World War I on American society in 1917 and
migration of African Americans to the North
reduction in income taxes
increase in amount of consumer goods
increase in unemployment rate
a g e | 37
46. The “Great Migration” out of the South by many African Americans during World War I was
most immediately the result of
a. the first Red Scare.
b. their economic displacement due to the rising number of migrants from Mexico
moving into the South.
c. the influence of the mass media.
d. economic opportunities created by the demands of World War I.
47. Which of the following best describes the Harlem Renaissance?
The rehabilitation of a decaying urban area.
An outpouring of black artistic and literary creativity.
The beginning of the NAACP.
The most famous art show the early 20th century.
48. Which work was representative of the Harlem Renaissance?
a. Langston Hughes, “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain”.
b. W.E.B. DuBois, The Philadelphia Negro
c. The Autobiography of Malcolm X
d. Gunnar Myrdal, An American Dilemma
49 .The first massive migration of Black Americans from the South occurred during which of the
following periods?
a. During and immediately after the First World War
b. Immediately following the Civil War
c. During the Great Depression
d. In the decade after the Second World War
50 In 1896 the Supreme Court ruled in the matter of Plessy v. Ferguson. This was a landmark
decision because it established which of the following?
African Americans’ right to own land
the abolition of slavery
legalized the concept of “separate but equal”
African Americans’ right to vote
a g e | 38
51 .Which of the following men organized the Universal Negro Improvement Association?
Booker T. Washington
Marcus Garvey
James Weldon Johnson
W. E. B. Du Bois
52 . Which of the following was true of W.E.B. DuBois?
a. He founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
b. He worked closely with Booker T. Washington
c. established a black college at Tuskegee, Alabama.
d. He believed that blacks should temporarily accept segregation from whites.
53. Which of the following was a major effect of World War I on American society in 1917 and
migration of African Americans to the North
reduction in income taxes
increase in amount of consumer goods
increase in unemployment rate
54. The proposed March on Washington in 1941 was organized
a. to force President Roosevelt to speak out against the lynching of African
Americans in the South
b. to protest race riots in northern cities such as Detroit and New York
c. to demand the end of racial segregation in the armed forces
d. to protest against defense contractors who discriminated against African Americans
55. During World War II, African Americans in the military
a. could only serve in the army.
b. were integrated for the first time into white units.
c. served in leadership positions.
d. received training as airplane pilots.
a g e | 39
56. As a Civil Rights leader in the 1950s, Martin Luther King Jr. believed that
a. protests must be grounded in Christian principles.
b. the Supreme Court was the only government body that cared about African
c. economic advancement was more important than political or social rights for African
d. only violence would change white America’s racial attitudes.
57. The Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka directly contradicted the
legal principle established by
Plessy v. Ferguson
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Schenck v. United States
Schechter V. United Slates
58. Students staged a sit-in in Greensboro. North Carolina in 1960 to protest
a. the war in Vietnam
b. segregation of public facilities
c. cutbacks in student aid
d. poverty in the South
59. The chief goal of African Americans in the Civil Rights movement in the South in the 1960s
was to
a. establish affirmative-action job programs
b. end segregated education
c. obtain the practical right for blacks to vote
d. secure ratification of the Twenty-Fourth Amendment outlawing the poll tax
60. Which of the following antiwar movements was most influential in organizing large-scale
The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
The Black Panthers
Students for a Democratic Society
The Free Speech Movement
a g e | 40
61. Malcolm X, an African American civil rights leader who embraced confrontational tactics
against white resistance to desegregation and civil rights, was affiliated with which group?
a. The Congress of Racial Equality
b. The Black Muslims
c. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference
d. The Black Panthers
62. The Civil Rights movement’s Freedom Summer and the Selma March
a. brought attention to the black-power movement
b. directly increased membership within the Black Panthers
c. illustrated the lack of African-American voting rights
d. led to the Civil Rights Act of 1964
63 .Which of the following best describes the methods advocated by Malcolm X?
a. Meek acceptance of “Jim Crowism” until increasingly enlightened Southern whites
were prepared to change it
b. Gradual assimilation of the two races until they became indistinguishable
c. Patience while developing the skills that would make blacks economically successful
and gain them the respect of whites
d. Rejecting integration and nonviolence
a g e | 41
a g e | 42
This theme focuses on how and why definitions of American and national identity and values
have developed, as well as on related topics such as citizenship, constitutionalism, foreign
policy, assimilation, and American exceptionalism.
Wyoming grants women the right to vote
Susan B. Anthony
Jane Addams
Margaret Sanger
Rosie the Riveter
ERA Amendment
Lowell system
Women’s Christian Temperance
Union (WCTU)
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Mercy Otis Warren
Republican motherhood
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
19th Amendment
Rachel Carson
Cult of domesticity
Phyllis Schlafly
The Feminine Mystique
Seneca Falls Convention
Alice Paul
Roe v. Wade
Abigail Adams
a g e | 43
a g e | 44
Remember the Ladies: Travails and Triumphs of Gender Activism
Explain how activist groups and reform movements, such as antebellum reformers, civil rights
activists, and social conservatives, have caused changes to state institutions and U .S. society
1. Which of the following statements best describes the ideas that caused the division between
Anne Hutchinson and the Puritan church?
a. Hutchinson wanted to grant citizens of all faiths the right to vote.
b. Hutchinson openly promoted the idea of an individual personal relationship with
God without the guidance of church leaders.
c. Hutchinson openly protested the witch trials taking place in New
d. Hutchinson promoted the return of Catholic traditions within the
Puritan church.
2. Which of the following was true of a married woman in the colonial era?
She would be sentenced to debtors’ prison for debts incurred by her husband.
She could vote as her husband’s proxy in elections.
She generally lost control of her property when she married.
Her legal rights over her children were the same as those of her husband.
3. Who famously admonished her husband to “remember the ladies”?
Deborah Sampson
Molly Pitcher
Phillis Wheatley
Abigail Adams
4. Which of the following best describes “republican motherhood”?
It glorified femininity and the woman’s role in the house.
It encouraged women to instill virtue and civic values into their sons.
It promoted the notion of separate spheres for men and women.
It led large numbers of middle class women to demand
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5. Which of the following statements about woman suffrage is true?
a. The six states of New England were the first to have complete woman suffrage.
b. Woman suffrage was introduced in the South during Radical Reconstruction.
c. No state granted woman suffrage before 1900.
d. The only states with complete woman suffrage before 1900 were west of the
6. By the 1850s the crusade for women’s rights was eclipsed by
a. the temperance movement.
b. abolitionism.
c. prison reform advocates.
d. evangelical revivalism.
7. Which of the following movements, glorifying women’s role as homemakers, resulted in part
from the increasing separation between home and the workplace brought on by
Republican Motherhood
The Cult of Domesticity
The Gibson Girls
The Feminine Mystique
8. What was the immediate impact of the women's movement on American society during the
1840s and 1850s?
a. Few feminist goals were achieved, but individual women did break down some social
b. Most Americans accepted women's call for equality but were reluctant to change the
legal system to achieve it
c. Feminism gained control of the reform agenda in the country at the expense of
d. Feminism became a national issue for both political parties to address.
a g e | 46
9. The women's movement in the antebellum period was characterized by all of the following
a. involvement of middle-class women
b. close links with the antislavery and temperance movements
c. demands for equal compensation for equal work
d. conventions in the Northeast and the Midwest, but not the South
10. Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton held the first U.S. convention on the rights of
women at which location
a. Seneca Falls, NY
b. New York City, NY
c. Lowell, Massachusetts
d. Dayton, Tennessee
11. Who was a fearless African American anti-lynching advocate, suffragist, and women’s rights
Alice Paul
Carrie Chapman Catt
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Ida Wells-Barnett
12. Rosie the Riveter was a symbol of the
participation the women in the war effort during World War II.
Women’s Liberation Movement of the 1960s.
new fashions for women that became popular in the 1950s.
change that occurred as a result of women’s suffrage.
13. Jane Addams is most closely associated with which of the following
a. temperance reform.
b. higher education for women.
c. women's suffrage.
d. the settlement house movement.
a g e | 47
14. The role of the World War II propaganda piece Rosie the Riveter was
to inspire men to sign up for the armed forces during World War II
to inspire women to stay at home to raise their families during World War II
to inspire women to join the workforce during World War II
to inspire minorities to seek factory work during World War II.
15. The key message of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique was
a. black and white women must unite to save the National Organization of Women
b. women must elect more Congressional representatives who support the Equal Rights
c. the Federal Government was supporting the women's movement
d. well-educated women were wasting their lives as housewives in suburbia
16. The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 in order to
a. encourage women to believe in the "feminine mystique"
b. challenge sex discrimination in the workplace
c. oppose the proposed Equal Rights Amendment
d. advocate restrictions on access to abortion
17. Who mobilized the modern environmental movement with the publication of Silent Spring?
Phyllis Schlafly
Ralph Nader
Rachel Carson
Cesar Chavez
18. Who was a prominent feminist in the 1970s?
Betty Ford
Phyllis Schlafly
Gloria Steinem
Phyllis Diller
a g e | 48
a g e | 49
THEMATIC REVIEW #5 - Revivals, Awakenings, and Reforms [Politics and Power]
This theme focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and
government in the United States, as well as how political beliefs and institutions have changed
over time.
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Progressive Movement
City upon a Hill - John Winthrop
The Civil Rights Movement
American Antislavery Society
Fundamentalism vs. Modernism
Roger Williams
LBJ and The Great Society
Salem Witch Trials, 1692
Quakers Society of Friends
Anti-Catholic Nativism
First Great Awakening, 1730s-1760s
The Enlightenment
Second Great Awakening
Horace Mann
American Party (Know Nothings)
Social Gospel
Populist Movement (rural grassroots reform)
a g e | 50
a g e | 51
Revivals, Awakenings, and Reforms
A review of active agents for change in the United States through celebrated revivals,
awakenings, and reform movements that were born in times of cultural stress and helped
create and sustain a national identity in a changing world.
1. The major significance of the Great Awakening of the 1700’s was its
a. inadvertently helped to nurture the seeds of independence by emphasizing the
individual’s freedom to choose his or her own religion
b. was led by Englishmen George Whitfield and Jonathan Edwards from Massachusetts
c. led to divisions within churches that led to different Presbyterian and Congregational
d. All of the Above
2. Which of the following characteristics is associated with the 19th century transcendentalist
a. The importance of empirical understanding over emotion
b. The embrace of American culture and society
c. The emphasis on emotion, instinct and individualism
d. The focus on established principles for greater understanding
3 The first and second Great Awakenings were similar in that both
a. were purely American phenomena
b. encouraged long period of silence in which the congregations felt the spirit of Gold
during services.
c. made use of revivals to attempt to convert the sinful
d. enforced the Puritan use of incense
4. What was the main goal of early 19th century Utopian communities?
a. Serving as sociological studies
b. Achieving religious, social, economic and/or political perfection
c. Providing better services for lower-income families
d. Rehabilitating nonviolent criminals
5. Which of the following would most directly support the argument that Progressives were
a g e | 52
a. Rural agrarian reformers played little role in the movement
b. Progressives did little to end the segregation of African Americans
c. Women’s movements were sidelined by male dominated governments
d. Most Progressives wanted to keep immigrants and laborers from voting
6. .Which statement concerning African-Americans' movement for Civil Rights in the 1960s is
a. its leaders failed to use the U. S. Congress as a means of achieving its goals.
b. white support and participation was rejected from the very beginning of the
c. the movement failed to achieve significant progress.
d. it stimulated the growth of other reform movements.
7. The establishment of Brook Farm and the Oneida Community in the antebellum United
States reflected
a. the blossoming of perfectionist utopias
b. attempts to foster racial integration
c. the influence of Social Darwinism on American thinkers
d. the continued impact of Calvinist ideas on American thought
8. Reform movements during the first half of the 19th century attempted to accomplish all of
the following EXCEPT
a. rehabilitate criminals
b. induce humane treatment for the insane
c. widen the division between church and state
d. convince people not to drink alcohol
9. The Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740s seemed necessary to many people because
a. the Catholic Church had enjoyed a resurgence throughout the colonies.
b. the Anglican Church was becoming increasingly influential in many areas.
c. piety and opportunities for salvation seemed to be dwindling among the people.
d. Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield had been exposed as religious frauds.
10. By the 1850s the crusade for women’s rights was eclipsed by
a g e | 53
the “Lucy Stoners”.
the temperance movement.
prison reform advocates.
11. Which of the following stressed the importance of individual inspiration, self-reliance,
dissent, and nonconformity?
George Whitefield
James Fenimore Cooper
Joseph Smith
Ralph Waldo Emerson
12. In the 1820s, Robert Owen’s community at New Harmony
fostered the revivals of the Second Great Awakening
established the first refuge for Mormons in the United States
rejected the individualism and materialism of industrial capitalism
served as a model for the employment of women in textiles
13. The platform of the Populist Party supported all of the following EXCEPT
a. direct election of United States Senators
b. maintenance of the gold standard
c. restrictions on immigration
d. a graduated income tax to replace tariffs
14. The UNIA helped to economically uplift poor Blacks by
a. promoting the concepts of Black pride and self reliance.
b. establishing the Negro Factories Corporation.
c. publishing Black World magazine with international news.
d. unveiling the conspiracy behind the Tulsa Riot.
15. Both the Elkins Act and Hepburn Act increased the government's ability to
a. limit child labor in factories
b. regulate unfair business practices by railroads
c. use federal troops to break strikes
d. limit the power of corrupt political machines
a g e | 54
16. Jacob Coxey’s solution for ending the Depression of 1893 included a call for
a. restrictions on immigrant workers
b. balancing the federal budget
c. nationalization of the banks
d. government-sponsored jobs.
17. Ida B. Wells became an influential reformer through her work in
a. establishing settlement houses in cities throughout the United States.
b. founding the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
c. mounting an international antilynching crusade.
d. supporting a national crusade against alcohol use.
18. Progressivism surfaced in the early 1900s as a response to
a. the United States construction of the Panama Canal and United States intervention in
the Dominican Republic
b. the rise of the Anti-Imperialist League, which opposed American expansion abroad
c. yellow journalism during the Spanish-American War
d. a desire for reform in industry and politics
The Social Gospel movement of the late 19th century emphasized
Interfaith ties between Judaism and Christianity
social responsibility as a means to salvation
a fundamentalist approach to religion
German socialism
20. Reform legislation, including stricter building codes and factory inspection acts, followed a
horrendous fire in 1911 that claimed 146 lives at the
a. Swift Meatpacking Plant (Chicago)
b. Triangle Shirtwaist Company (New York)
c. International Harvester Corporation (Chicago)
d. U.S. Steel Corporation (Pittsburgh)
21. Which of the following was true about the founding of the National Association for the
a g e | 55
Advancement of Colored People in 1909?
a. It appealed mainly to rural blacks in the South who were disillusioned with W.E.B. Du
Bois’s approach to civil rights.
b. It included both whites and blacks, and used the courts to attack Jim Crow.
c. It excluded whites as members and leaders.
d. It sought economic links between African Americans and African nations.
22. All of the following statements about higher education in the United States between 1865
and 1917 are correct EXCEPT
a. An increasing number of higher institutions admitted women.
b. The teaching of religion became increasingly important at major northeastern
c. Graduate education based on the German model became widespread
d. Many states established new institutions under the Morrill Act
23. The goal of the American Colonization Society was to
return freed slaves to Africa
recruit immigrant labor for American factories
assimilate recent immigrants into American Society
extend United States influence to overseas colonies
24. In Andrew Carnegie’s essay, “The Gospel of Wealth,” he suggests that the wealthy should
a. give five percent of their annual income to charitable causes
b. continue to make as much money as possible without concern for the needs of
c. write books to share with the masses on how to become wealthy
d. dedicate any wealth in excess of their own needs or their families’ needs to
philanthropic works
25. As an advocate of the “Gospel of Wealth,” Andrew Carnegie believed that
a g e | 56
a. the Bible showed the way to great wealth.
b. acquiring great wealth was a manifestation of natural rights theory.
c. making money was God’s reward to the strongest individual.
d. the rich had a moral responsibility to use their wealth to improve society.
26. All of these reforms were added to the Constitution through amendments during the
Progressive Era EXCEPT
a limit on the number of terms a president may hold office
women’s right to vote
imposition of the income tax
direct election of U.S. Senators
27. Which of the following is true about the political climate during the later half of the 19th
a. Presidential administrations advocated progressive reform.
b. The government decreased the federal bureaucracy by eliminating unnecessary
federal positions
c. Many farmers joined the Populist Party to advocate for a silver standard and tougher
government regulations on business
d. Democrats and Republicans had very different political agendas
31. Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to bring the issue of land and natural resource
conservation to the public forefront. During his presidency, he did all of the following EXCEPT
a. visit Yosemite National Park with conservationist John Muir
b. strengthen the United States Forest Service
c. establish the Indian reservation system
d. create numerous national parks
32. During the New Deal, President Franklin D. Roosevelt recommended legislation to achieve
all of the following EXCEPT
nationalization of the banks
the development of public power-generating facilities
government payments to farmers who plowed up their crops
legal protection for workers who sought collective bargaining
33. In terms of goals, the Great Society of the 1960s hoped to
a g e | 57
a. expand the reforms of the New Deal and Fair Deal.
b. increase the number of women working outside the home.
c. emulate the success of Eisenhower’s “modern Republicanism”
d. encourage the accumulation of wealth for America’s corporate elite.
34. Which of the following was not part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act?
a. Allowing federal funds to be withheld from program that practice discrimination
b. Banning of discrimination in public accomodations
c. Banning of differenct voter registration practices based on race
d. Outlawing Poll Taxes
35. Civil Disobedience, an essay that later influenced both Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther
King, Jr., was written by the transcendentalist
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Louisa May Alcott
James-Fenimore Cooper
Henry David Thoreau
36. CORE and SCLC were similar in that both organizations
a. were church based organizations
b. belived in the use of militant protests
c. did not allow white membership
d. advocated change through non violence
37 .During the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, activities of the Congress of Racial Equality,
the National Urban League, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People (NAACP) illustrated that
a. all civil rights groups use the same tactics
b. different approaches can be used to achieve a common goal
c. organizational differences usually lead to failure
d. violence is the best tool for achieving social change
38. The approaches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X to the civil rights movement
a g e | 58
differed in that
a. King was part of the SCLC, and Malcolm X created SNCC
b. Malcolm X adopted a view of the “alleged inferiority of the Negro” while King did not
c. King fought for desegregation, while Malcolm X supported a separate identity for
d. King, unlike Malcolm X, strongly promoted the ideals of black nationalism
39. Lydon Johnson's Great Society ended primarily due to
race riots after the assassination of Martin Luther King Hr
the escalation of the war in Vietnam
a lack of popular support within the nation
the emergence of another Red Scare
a g e | 59
a g e | 60
Life of the Party: The Origins of American Political Parties [POL]
This theme focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and
government in the United States, as well as how political beliefs and institutions have changed
over time.
The Populist Party
Jacksonian Democracy
The Whig Party
Reagan and the New Right
Anti-Federalist Faction
Hartford Convention
Candidate Stephen Douglass
Democratic–Republican Party
States' Rights Party - Dixiecrats
The Progressive Party
Era of Good Feelings
The Democratic Party
“Corrupt Bargain.”
Free Soil Party
Pallid Politics of the Gilded Age
Candidate William Jennings Bryan
Jeffersonian Democracy
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a g e | 62
Life of the Party: The Origin and Transformation of American Political Parties [POL]
A review of the development of American political parties--from their origins in the 1790s
through political cycles, key elections realignments that shaped our political system.
1 “Let me…warn you in the most solemn manner against the ruinous effects of the spirit of party… The
alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party
dissension…is itself a frightful despotism.” This statement reflected which of the following political
a. Abraham Lincoln’s reaction to the Southern threats of secession.
b. U.S. Grant’s reaction to the disclosures of corruption within the Republican Party
c. Andrew Jackson’s disparagement of the Anti-Masonic Party.
d. George Washington’s concern over the development of political parties during his
2. Political parties first appeared during Washington’s administration for all of the following reasons
a. some leaders joined together to oppose the policies of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton
b. Britain possessed political parties, and the founding fathers wished to mimic the British
system of government
c. the group called the Democratic Republicans favored a strict interpretation of the
d. the Federalists favored a strong centralized government while the Democratic Republicans
favored states rights
3. Which of the following most accurately describes the attitude of the Founding Fathers
toward political parties?
a. Parties are vehicles of ambition and selfish interest that threaten the existence of
republican government.
b. Parties are engines of democracy that provide citizens with a voice in government.
c. Parties are necessary evils in any republic.
d. In a large republic, parties are the best means of creating effective coalitions of
interest groups.
4. In 1787-1789, which of the following groups was most likely to oppose ratification of the
a g e | 63
Farmers in isolated areas
Export merchants
Southern planters
Urban artisans
5. Thomas Jefferson opposed some of Alexander Hamilton’s programs because Jefferson
believed that
a. the common bond of a substantial national debt would serve to unify the different
b. the French alliance threatened to spread the violence of the French Revolution to
c. the federal government should encourage manufacturing and industry
d. Hamilton’s programs favored wealthy financial interests
6. The unstated purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to
unite the nation in time of danger
deport immigrants who were becoming too numerous
protect freedom of the press from misuse by Anti-Federalists
weaken the Democratic-Republican Party
7. Which of the following antebellum-era historical developments most conflicted with the
goals of Jeffersonian Republicans as outlined in the excerpt above?
The nation’s transformation toward a more participatory democracy
The emergence of a new national culture
The acceleration of a national and international economy
The growth of northern industry and regional economic specialization
a g e | 64
8. The purpose behind the spoils system was
a. to press those with experience into governmental service.
b. to make politics a sideline and not a full-time business.
c. to reward political supporters with public office.
d. the widespread encouragement of a bureaucratic office-holding class.
9. In the 1830s, the factor that most directly promoted the development of the two-party
system was
a. the growth of the immigrant population
b. increased interest in foreign affairs
c. changes in the methods of nominating and electing the President
d. increasing sectional conflict between northern and southern states over the tariff
10. Jacksonian Democracy was distinguished by the belief that
an aristocracy posed no danger to the Republic
the National Republicans alone knew what was right for the people
political participation by the common man should be increased
franchise restrictions should be racially neutral
11. The nomination of James K. Polk as the Democrats’ 1844 presidential candidate was
secured by
a. expansionists
b. anti-Texas southerners
c. Henry Clay
d. eastern business interests.
12. From 1820 to 1865, the debates over nullification, protective tariffs, and the spread of
slavery into the new territories concerned the constitutional issue of the
Balance of power between the federal and state governments
Balance between the rights of individuals and the need to maintain order
Protection of the rights of ethnic and racial groups
Separation of power between the executive and legislative branches
a g e | 65
13. In which of the following areas were political debates LEAST affected by regional and
sectional differences in the first half of the 19th century?
Tariff rates
Internal improvements
The expansion of white male suffrage
Foreign affairs
14. In the presidential campaign of 1860, which of the following positions was asserted by the
Republican Party platform with respect to slavery?
a. The extension of slavery to other countries should be prohibited.
b. The Missouri Compromise line (36-30) should be extended to the Pacific Ocean, and
slavery should be prohibited in territories above that line.
c. The gradual emancipation of the slaves should begin, and the federal government
should compensate slave owners for the loss of slave property.
d. The extension of slavery to United States territories should be prohibited by the
federal government, but slavery should be protected in the states where it already
15. Which of the following is a correct statement about national politics during the Gilded Age?
The presidents of the era expanded executive powers
The two major parties avoided taking strong positions on the issues.
Republicans held firm control of both Congress and the presidency.
Lack of interest in national politics resulted in low voter turnout.
16. During the Gilded Age, the Democrats and the Republicans
a. had few significant economic differences.
b. agreed on currency policy but not on the tariff.
c. were separated by substantial
d. were divided over silver versus gold currency.
17. What two issues dominated national politics in the late 19th century?
a g e | 66
a. the money supply and the protective tariff
b. wages and working conditions of factory workers
c. overseas expansion and the growth of the military
d. civil service reform and welfare for the poor
18. One weapon that was used to put Boss Tweed, leader of New York City’s infamous Tweed
Ring, in jail was
a. the cartoons of the political satirist Thomas Nast.
b. federal income tax evasion charges.
c. the RICO racketeering act.
d. New York City’s ethics laws.
19. Which of the following people would have been most likely to vote for William McKinley in
a. the owner of a silver mine
b. the president of a bank
c. a member of the Knights of Labor
d. a farmer with a mortgage on his farm
20. Republican economic policies under President Warren G. Harding (1920-1923)
a. sought to continue the same laissez-faire doctrine as had been the practice under
William McKinely.
b. hoped to encourage the government to guide business along the path to profits.
c. worked to get standpatters out of administration bureaus.
d. aimed at supporting increased competition in business.
21. In the presidential campaign of 1932, Hoover
a. announced that he had been irresponsible in his attitude toward the Depression.
b. conducted an upbeat, optimistic campaign.
c. announced his support for public relief.
d. was haunted by the public's memory of the Bonus March.
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22. On 1932 Franklin Roosevelt campaigned on the promise that as president he would attack
the Great Depression by
a. nationalizing all banks and major industries
b. mobilizing America’s youth as in wartime.
c. returning to the traditional policies of laissez-faire capitalism.
d. experimenting with bold new programs for economic and social reform.
23. The nomination of Barry Goldwater for President in 1964 indicated that
a. conservatism was a major force in the Republican party
b. there was strong support for an escalation of American involvement in Vietnam
c. the Republican party was ready to accept the Great Society programs
d. grass-roots organization was not effective in political campaigns
24. Although he lost by a landslide, Barry Goldwater’s 1964 presidential campaign was significant
a. his criticism of the Vietnam War helped escalate anti-war protests across the nation.
b. a Democrat had not lost so convincingly since Herbert Hoover defeated Al Smith in 1928.
c. it launched a new conservative movement that questioned the growth of the federal
government in to Americans’ daily lives.
d. it was the first election in which the major candidates debated one another on national
25. Richard Nixon’s 1968 political comeback to win the presidency can be partly attributed to
dissension within the Democratic Party over Vietnam
Nixon’s cordial relations with the news media
Nixon’s great popularity as Eisenhower’s vice president
Nixon’s promise of immediate withdrawal of American forces from Vietnam
26. What international incident helped Ronald Reagan defeat Jimmy Carter in 1980?
a. First Persian Gulf War
b. Camp David Accords
c. Iran hostage crisis
d. Signing of SALT I
a g e | 68
27. The major issue in the election of 1896 was
a. tariffs
b. private property was the sanctity of the individual
c. patronage
d. currency
28. The election of 1800 has been referred to as constituting “another revolution” because
the House of Representatives decided the election
a Supreme Court decision was required to dislodge the Federalists
voter turnout increased dramatically
the party in power stepped down after losing the election
29. The election of 1824 was decided in the House of Representatives because
of the corrupt bargain
Jackson did not have a majority of the popular vote
Jackson did not have a majority of the electoral vote
The 12th amendment had not yet been ratified
30. The election of 1824 marked a turning point in presidential politics because, for the first
a. the presidency was won by someone who was not a member of the Federalist Party
b. a presidential and vice-presidential candidate ran together on one ticket
c. all candidates campaigned widely throughout the states
d. the system of choosing nominees by congressional caucus failed
31. Which situation was the most immediate result of Abraham Lincoln’s election to the
presidency in 1860?
a. Kansas and Nebraska joined the Union as free states.
b. Several Southern States seceded from the Union.
c. A constitutional amendment was adopted to end slavery.
d. Missouri entered the Union as a slave state.
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32. The Election of Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 resulted in
a. a renewal of the Republican commitment to protect black civil rights in the South.
b. the withdrawal of federal troops from the South.
c. the election of a Democrat to the presidency.
d. passage of the Bland-Allison Silver Purchase Act.
33. After the election of 1932, a friend told President Franklin D. Roosevelt that if he succeeded
he would go down in history as the greatest American President. Roosevelt replied, “Yet if I fail,
I may be the last one.” This response reflected President Roosevelt’s belief that the
Constitution limited him to two terms in the Presidency
military was seriously considering a takeover of the government
Great Depression threatened the people’s faith in democracy
American people were opposed to major changes in the role of government
34. Pollsters regarded President Truman as vulnerable in the presidential election of 1948 for all
the following reasons EXCEPT
a. his party was split into several factions.
b. the Republicans had a strong candidate.
c. his civil rights policy was unpopular in the South.
d. he had lost the support of black voters.
35. Which of the following was the most important factor in JFK's 1960 presidential election
victory over Richard Nixon?
Americans' deep and growing dissatisfaction with the Eisenhower Administration
Kennedy's better showing in nationally televised debates.
Kennedy's long record of administrative experience as governor of Massachusetts
Nixon's failure to serve in the armed forces during the Second World War
36. Nixon’s election in 1968 is usually attributed to all of the following EXCEPT
a. serious divisions in the opposition party.
b. his promise to “end” the Vietnam War.
c. his defense of the “forgotten Americans,” later termed the “silent majority.”
d. his pledge to dismantle Social Security and Medicare
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Party Crashers: The Impact of Independent Political Movements [1840-1968]
Independent Political Movements have used third parties to advance some of the most
important changes in the United States, notably the abolition of slavery, the extension of voting
rights, and the advancement of civil rights.
1. The Free-Soil Party’s platform could best be described as
a. opposing the expansion of slavery into western territories
b. calling for the expansion of the Homestead Act, providing cheaper land sales in the
c. calling for the restriction of immigrants coming into the United States
d. advocating the notion of popular sovereignty in western territories
2. Which of the following political parties based its entire platform on the issue of
3. The hostility of the Know Nothing Party was directed primarily against
a. the growth of cities and industrial manufacturing
b. Irish and German Catholic immigrants
c . Free Masons and members of other fraternal orders
d. abolitionists
4. When northern Whigs, independent Democrats, and other factions jointed together in 1854
to form the Republican Party, they were united primarily by their
a. fear of disunion and civil war
b. opposition to the extension of slavery to new territories in the West
c. opposition to the annexation of Texas
d. desire to expand further into Mexico
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5. Which of the planks from the 1892 Populist Party platform showed a concern with issues
raised by organized labor?
graduated income tax
restrictions on immigration
government ownership of the railroads
unlimited coinage of silver
6. Which of the following would have best most likely to support the presidential campaign of
William Jennings Bryan in 1896?
a. A Kansas farmer
b. A Chicago industrialist
c. A university professor of economics
d. A New York Republican party member
7. William Jennings Bryan’s “Cross of Gold” oration was primarily an expression of his
fundamentalist religious belief
neutral stance toward the belligerents of the First World War
advocacy of free and unlimited coinage of silver
anti-imperialist convictions
8. The 1912 presidential election was notable because
a. it gave voters a choice of political and economic philosophies
b. personalities were the only issue of the campaign
c. it was the first time women had the right to vote
d. the Socialists were a serious third party
9. Woodrow Wilson won the election of 1912 because
a. he was more popular than Roosevelt.
b. of the split in the Republican party.
c. of the support of Taft.
d. he won the support of the Socialists.
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10. The effect of the Progressive Party's entrance into the presidential election of 1912 was to
a. make no difference in the outcome of the election
b. split the Republican vote, allowing the Democrats the win
c. split the Democratic vote, allowing the Republicans to win
d. a landslide win for the Bull Moose Party
11. Southern Democrats formed their own party in the 1948 election
a. after Congress at last enacted a federal anti-lynching law.
b. when the Democratic Party adopted a platform plank in favor of civil rights for
c. to protest the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education ruling.
d. because Truman refused to even consider a southerner as his vice-presidential
running mate.
12. The leader of the Dixiecrats in the election of 1948 was
a. Henry Wallace.
b. Thomas Dewey.
c. Strom Thurmond.
d. George C. Marshall.
13. In the 1968 presidential election, George Wallace enjoyed an unusually high degree of
support for a third-party candidate because he argued that
a. the United States should immediately end its military involvement in Vietnam
b. the movement toward racial equality should be accelerated through "affirmative
action" program
c. programs to alleviate poverty should be fully funded by Congress and that defense
spending should be cut sharply to get the money.
d. busing of school children for racial integration, expanding government regulations
and social programs, and soft treatment of rioters and demonstrators were destroying
a g e | 74
Hail to the Chief: Presidential Domestic Policies and Programs [POL]
This theme focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and
government in the United States, as well as how political beliefs and institutions have changed
over time.
Supply-side economics
Creation of the Federal Reserve System
First president assassinated
A return to Normalcy
Whiskey Rebellion
Emancipation Proclamation
Progressive reforms
Square Deal reforms
Watergate scandal
New Frontier reforms
Desegregation of US Military
Presidential Reconstruction
New Deal reforms
Great Society reforms
Tariff/Nullification Crisis
Alien and Sedition Acts
Louisiana Purchase
Indian Removal Act
Veto of the Bank Charter
First president to resign
Annexation of Texas
Troops sent to Little Rock
a g e | 75
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Hail to the Chief: Presidential Domestic Policies and Programs
A review of the policies and strategies of six key Presidents whose constitutional power to
command the armed forces and lead the executive branch showcased their varying styles,
personalities, and beliefs, shaping our developing nation.
1. Andrew Jackson supported all of the following EXCEPT
a. Indian removal
b. the right of nullification
c. the removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the United States
d. annexation of new territory
2. During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the issue that triggered the debate over states’
rights was
a. tariff policy
b. expansion of slavery
c. Indian removal
d. re. rechartering the Bank of the United States
3. Which of the following statements about the Emancipation Proclamation is NOT accurate?
a. It immediately freed all slaves living in the United States.
b. It freed slaves only in the Confederacy or in areas of active rebellion.
c. It led to the creation of all-black units in the Union Army.
d. It was issued in part because slave labor was helping the Confederate cause.
4. The immediate effect of Andrew Jackson’s attack on the Second Bank of the United States in
1834 was
a. the creation of the “independent treasury”
b. an expansion of credit and speculation
c. the failure of state banks
d. the establishment of modern banking regulations
a g e | 77
5. When the Civil War stated, Abraham Lincoln’s primary objective was
a. to abolish slavery
b. to promote the growth of industry in the North
c. to preserve the Union
d. to expand presidential powers
6. Abraham Lincoln delayed making any commitment about emancipation of the slaves after his
inauguration as President because he
a. basically had no sympathy with those who wanted to end slavery
b. was concerned that foreign governments might be critical of a proclamation freeing
c. did not feel bound by the 1860 Republican Party platform
d. hoped to keep as many slave state states as possible in the Union
7. When Lincoln said “Four score and seven years ago…”, he was reminding his audience of the
a. inauguration of George Washington
b. convening of the Constitutional Convention
c. writing of the Mayflower Compact
d. signing of the Declaration of Independence
8. Which of the following does NOT apply to Lincoln's initial policy toward the Confederacy?
a. a cautious and limited use of force
b. a strategy of inactivity to buy time to resolve the conflict
c. a strategy designed to make the Confederacy look like the aggressor if war occurred
d. the deployment of troops along the "border states" to demonstrate a Union resolve
to fight
9. During his reelection campaign in 1916, President Woodrow Wilson used the slogan, “He
kept us out of war.” In April of 1917, Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. What
helped bring about this change?
a. Bolshevik forces increased their strength in Germany and Italy.
b. Britain was invaded by nations of the Central Powers.
c. Russia signed a treaty of alliance with the Central Powers.
d. Germany resumed unrestricted submarine warfare.
a g e | 78
10. All of the following concerns were addressed during the “Hundred Days” of the New Deal
a. Banking regulation.
b. Unemployment relief.
c. Agricultural adjustment.
d. Court restructuring.
11. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s farm policy was primarily designed to
a. Reduce farm prices to make food cheaper for the consumer.
b. Increase production by opening new lands for farmers.
c. Reduce production in order to boost farm prices.
d. Use price and wage controls to stabilize farm prices.
e. End federal controls over agriculture.
12. Which of the following statements about the Tennessee Valley Authority is correct?
a. It was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
b. It provided land for immigrants who wanted to become farmers.
c. It was a state-sponsored agency established to restore eroded soil.
d. It built dams to make rural electrification possible.
13. During the New Deal, President Franklin D. Roosevelt recommended legislation to achieve
all of the following except
a. Nationalization of the banks.
b. Legal protection for workers who sought collective bargaining.
c. Government payments for farmers who plowed up crops.
d. The development of public power-generating facilities.
e. Government-business cooperation in formulating “codes” of fair competition.
14. The main purpose of the Wagner Labor Relation Act of 1935 was to
a. End the sitdown strike in Flint, Michigan.
b. Settle the struggle between the AFL and CIO.
c. Guarantee workers a minimum wage.
d. Ensure workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively.
15. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt took the oath of office in 1933, the most pressing
a g e | 79
problem he faced was
a. The opposition of Father Coughlin, Huey Long and Dr. Townsend.
b. The Manchurian crisis.
c. Hitler’s invasion of Poland.
d. The banking crisis.
16. One difference between the administrations of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and
President Herbert Hoover is that Roosevelt was
a. unwilling to allow government agencies to establish jobs programs
b. unable to win congressional support for his economic program
c. able to ignore economic issues for most of his first term in office
d. more willing to use government intervention to solve economic problems
17. Much of the domestic legislation of the New Deal period was based on the idea that the
federal government should
a. favor big business over labor and farming
b. assume some responsibility for the welfare of people
c. own and operate the major industries of the country
d. require local communities to be responsible for social welfare programs
18. Under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the federal government paid subsidies to farmers
a. reduced their crop production.
b. increased their output.
c. donated their surplus to the urban unemployed.
d. ceased all production.
19. Which pair of items best represents the dichotomy of President Lyndon Johnson’s attempts
to eliminate poverty while attacking communism abroad?
The Federal Assistance Plan and détente
The Great Society and the policy of escalation
Medicare and increased funding for Appalachia
The Christmas bombing of Hanoi and “Vietnamization”
20. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society ended primarily due to
a lack of popular support within the nation
the escalation of United States military involvement in Vietnam
the emergence of another Red Scare
the race riots that erupted after the assassination of Martin Luther
a g e | 80
King Jr.
a g e | 81
War and Peace: Foreign Relations from 1776 to 1945
A review of key U.S. presidential doctrines that advanced American interest through such policy
goals as isolation, interventionism containment, engagement, de-entanglement, and securing
the regional concerns to address fundamental aspects of U.S. national security
1. American foreign policy toward France during Washington’s administration can best be
described as an attempt to
a. honor the commitment to France the new nation had made in 1778 when they
became allies
b. play France off against Great Britain
c. keep the United States out of a war it was ill-equipped to fight
d. protect United States trade with Great Britain
2. In his Farewell Address of 1796, President Washington urged the nation to avoid
a. all alliances
b. alliances with European nations
c. permanent alliances
d. commercial ties to other nations
3. All of the following were part of United States foreign policy under Washington EXCEPT
a. Jay’s Treaty
b. Proclamation of Neutrality
c. advice against “foreign entanglements”
d. XYZ Affair
4. In issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, one of Lincoln’s goals was to
a. please the Radicals in the North by abolishing slavery in areas of the South already
under the control of Union armies
b. stir up enthusiasm for the war in such border states as Maryland and Kentucky
c. keep Britain and France from intervening on the side of the Confederacy.
d. gain the active aid of Britain and France in restoring the Union
5. An important reason for the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine was to
a. end the United States alliance with France
b. displace England as the chief creditor of the Latin American countries
c. counter British objections that would arise in any future United States effort to annex
the West Indies or Canada
d. protect republican institutions of government in the Western Hemisphere
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6. President Monroe articulated the Monroe Doctrine in his 1823 address to Congress primarily
in order to
a. respond positively to the recent Latin American revolutions
b. rule out United States involvement in South America
c. provide a rationale for United States intervention in the Isthmus of Panama
d. warn European nations against further colonial ventures in the Western Hemisphere
7. A major goal of Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations was to
a. provide all nations with open access to trade
b. create military equality among the world’s major powers
c. promote international security and peace among nations
d. root out communism and socialism globally
8. Woodrow Wilson’s ultimate goal at the Paris Peace Conference was to
a. stop the spread of communism
b. blame no one for starting the war
c. force Germany to pay reparations for the war
d. establish the League of Nations
9. The most significant difference between the Treaty of Versailles and Wilson’s Fourteen
Points was
a. There was no clause ending unrestricted submarine warfare in the Treaty of Versailles
b. The League of Nations was not included in the Treaty of Versailles
c. Germany was severely punished and forced to pay reparations in the Treaty of
d. The Ottoman Empire was allowed to keep its territory in the Treaty of Versailles
10. All of the following were goals of Wilson’s Fourteen Points except:
a. Protection for sovereign nations
b. Ending imperialism
c. Creation of the League of Nations
d. Punishing the Central Powers
11. Wilson viewed the United States’ entry into WWI as an opportunity for the US to:
a. reestablish the balance of power in European diplomacy
b. rebuild its dangerous small military and naval forces
c. establish a permanent military presence in Europe
d. shape a new international order based on the ideals of democracy
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12. President Woodrow Wilson’s statement “The world must be made safe for democracy” was
made to justify his decision to
a. end United States imperialism in Latin America
b. support tariff reform
c. send troops into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa
d. ask Congress to declare war against Germany
13. Which argument did President Woodrow Wilson use to persuade Congress to enter World
War I?
a. making the world safe for democracy
b. retaliating against the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor
c. assisting the neutral nations with their defense
d. removing the Nazi threat from the Western Hemisphere
14. Following World War I, the United States Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles
primarily because the treaty
a. failed to include most of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points
b. did not punish Germany for starting the war
c. contained provisions that might lead the United States into foreign conflicts
d. made no provision for reduction of military weapons
a g e | 84
Grand Expectations: American Foreign Policy since World War II [1945 to 2015]
America in the World - his theme focuses on the interactions between nations that affected
North American history in the colonial period, and on the influence of the United States on
world affairs.
World War II
Marshall Plan
Bay of Pigs
The space race
Cuban Missile Crisis
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I
Recognized China
My Lai Massacre
Camp David Accords
Gulf of Tonkin incident
Iran Hostage Crisis
Viet Cong
Pentagon Papers
Warsaw Pact
Tet Offensive
United Nations
The Eisenhower Doctrine
First Persian Gulf War
Camp David Accords
Iran hostage crisis
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Truman Doctrine
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II
Development of the hydrogen bomb
a g e | 85
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Grand Expectations: American Foreign Policy since World War II [1945 to 2015]
A review of the complexities of America's evolving foreign policy agenda from the aftermath of
World War II through the years of decolonization, Cold War maneuvering, and European
unification in an increasingly multipolar and interconnected world.
1. The neutrality legislation of 1935-1937 was based on the contention that one of the chief
causes of World War I had been
a. economic ties with the belligerents.
b. Wilson’s failure to uphold American rights as a neutral.
c. creation by the press of hostile public opinion toward the Central Powers
d. failure of the executive and legislative branches of the government to agree on
foreign policy
2. The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were similar in that they
a. provided justification for military actions against authoritarian
b. provided economic aid while containing Soviet influence
c. returned the United States to its prewar isolationist policies
d. focused on expanding American business interests in Latin America
3. George F. Kennan most strongly supported which policy?
Massive retaliation
Mutually assured destruction
Bans on nuclear testing
4. What was the Berlin Airlift?
a. The massive evacuations of diplomats following the Soviet takeover of
West Berlin
b. The aerial arrival of Soviet forces to capture the capital of Germany
c. The delivery of goods and necessities after a Soviet blockade of West
d. The evacuation of West German citizens following the construction
of the Berlin Wall
a g e | 87
5. All of the following have been cited as reasons for the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan in
1945 EXCEPT the need to
force the unconditional surrender of Japan.
keep the Soviet Union out of the war against Japan.
save American lives
demonstrate American superiority in weaponry to the Soviet Union.
6. All of the following are true about the Lend-Lease Act of 1941 EXCEPT
a. it allowed the United States to lease weapons to Great Britain and the Soviet Union.
b. it helped United States industries mobilize for war.
c. it allowed any nation vital to the United States’ security to borrow weapons.
d. it permitted United States merchant ships to deliver weapons directly to Spain and
7. Which of the following was true about the internment of Japanese Americans during World
War II?
a. It applied to anyone of Japanese ancestry living anywhere in the United States.
b. Japanese American citizens could leave the internment camps if they signed a loyalty
c. Japanese American men living in the internment camps were not allowed to serve in
the military.
d. It was the result of a Presidential executive order.
8. Which of the following represented the largest post-World War II effort to bolster the
economies of non-Communist nations?
a. The League of Nations
b. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
c. The Marshall Plan
d. The Truman Doctrine
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9. In what way did the Marshall Plan implement the goals of George Kennan?
a. It offered economic aid to eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
b. It funded and organized the airlift of supplies to save Berlin
c. It reorganized all military services under the Department of Defense
d. It used U.S. aid to block the appeal of Communism in Western Europe
10. To implement the policies based on this excerpt, the United states for the first time had to
a. create permanent peacetime alliances with other nations
b. turnover the command of U.S. troops to foreign nations
c. employ spies to gather information on foreign governments
d. get involved in Civil Wars and nation building
11. The formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact were similar in that they
focused on economic security and development
called for collective security against outside threats
were used as an attempt to alleviate Cold War tensions
illustrated international opposition to the United Nations
12. The Eisenhower Doctrine illustrated
a more relaxed approach to the spread of communism
the increased role of petroleum in American foreign policy
a rejection of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan
fears of the spread of communism in Asia
13. Which of the following was the greatest setback to the U.S. policy of containment?
Communism entering Latin America with Castro’s Cuban Revolution
The Berlin Crisis during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev
The rise of Communist China under Mao Zedong
The formation of the Warsaw Pact, a multilateral Communist alliance
a g e | 89
14. President Kennedy tried to keep communism out of Vietnam by
a. providing military assistance to Ho Chi Minh
b. sending nearly 100,000 soldiers into the region
c. providing the southern Vietnamese government with American
military advisers
d. allying with the Viet Cong against the Ngo Dinh Diem
15. Which pair of items best represents the dichotomy of President Lyndon Johnson’s attempts
to eliminate poverty while attacking communism abroad?
The Federal Assistance Plan and détente
The Great Society and the policy of escalation
Medicare and increased funding for Appalachia
The Christmas bombing of Hanoi and “Vietnamization”
16. President Johnson escalated the Vietnam War in response to the
My Lai Massacre
Second Gulf of Tonkin incident
establishment of the Viet Cong
release of the Pentagon Papers
17. The major North Vietnamese and Viet Cong offensive launched on the Vietnamese New
Year in 1968 is referred to as
the My Lai Massacre
Operation Rolling Th under
the Tet Offensive
the Ho Chi Minh Trail
18. During the Vietnam War, television influenced popular opinion of the conflict by
a. allowing President Johnson to directly justify the war through public
televised addresses
c. bringing images of the brutality of the conflict into people’s homes
d. showing national debates on the war, allowing viewers to make their
own decisions
a g e | 90
19. The passage of the Immigration Act of 1965
a. was a compromise with nativists and led to few gains for Latino and Asian migrants.
b. eased restrictions on immigration by ending the previous quota system.
c. continued to favor northern Europeans but allowed small increases for U.S. allies.
d. led to a tightening of immigration standards to stop Communist infiltration.
20 . In the 1950s and 1960s, which region’s nationalist movements presented the greatest
challenge to U.S. Cold War goals?
The Middle East
The South Pacific
21. Which pairing below best fits the pattern of [1] Cold War confrontation and [2] Cold War
a. [1] North Atlantic Treaty Organization, [2] Truman Doctrine
b. [1] Marshall Plan, [2] Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II
c. [1] Development of the hydrogen bomb, [2] The space race
d. [1] Cuban Missile Crisis, [2] Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I
22. One of the largest, most passionate, and violent antiwar protests took place at Kent State
University after
President Nixon announced U.S. military strikes inside of Cambodia.
the American public was stunned by the success of the Tet Offensive.
the media reported civilian injuries from napalm and Agent Orange.
President Johnson announced the Rolling Thunder air campaign.
a g e | 91
23. Which of the following provisions was not part of the 1973 War Powers Act?
a. The president must notify Congress within 48 hours after deploying
military abroad.
b. Only Congress has the power to declare war.
c. The president must provide Congress with justification for his actions
after deploying the military abroad.
d. Troops cannot be deployed for more than 60 days without
congressional approval.
24. Four deaths resulted after a clash between antiwar student groups and National Guardsmen
at which U.S. college?
University of California, Berkeley
Kent State University
Ohio State University
Columbia University
25. In foreign affairs, President Nixon’s policy of détente was illustrated by
a. relaxing Cold war tension by engaging in talks with China and the Soviet Union.
b. his bombing campaign of Cambodia
c. firing Henry Kissinger as secretary of state
d. rejecting the SALT I agreement.
26. The SALT I and SALT II agreements were created primarily to
form a cartel controlling a majority of the world’s petroleum resources.
create diplomatic ties between the United States and China.
negotiate arms control between the major superpowers.
further the U.S. policy of containment of communism.
27. The combination of inflation and economic recession faced in the United states in 1973 was
caused in part by
the opening of diplomatic relations with China and the Soviet Union
OPECs increasing the price of oil
the North Vietnamese capture of Saigon
the signing of the Camp David Accords
a g e | 92
28. Jimmy Carter won the 1976 presidential election by?
flaunting his knowledge of nuclear technology.
capturing the support of the Moral Majority
promoting himself as a Washington outsider
increasing government regulations on industries
29. The 1978 peace agreement between Israel and Egypt was called the
Helsinki Accords
Geneva Accords
Camp David Accords
SALT agreements
30. What international incident helped Ronald Reagan defeat Jimmy Carter in 1980
First Persian Gulf War
Camp David Accords
Iran hostage crisis
Iran-Contra Affair
a g e | 93
a g e | 94
Roll Call: Key Legislative Landmarks [1803 to 1992]
This theme focuses on how different social and political groups have influenced society and
government in the United States, as well as how political beliefs and institutions have changed
over time.
LBJ and the Civil Rights Act
Federal Reserve Act
Louisiana Purchase
Missouri Compromise California admitted as
free state (Compromise of ___)
Tariff of Abominations
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Rutherford B. Hayes becomes President
(Compromise of ___)
Federal Highway Act
Freedman’s’ Bureau
Kansas Nebraska Act
Federal Trade Commission
GI Bill of Rights
Indian Removal Act
The Great Compromise
Fugitive Slave Law
Smoot-Hawley Tariff
Taft-Hartley Act
Homestead Act
Social Security Act
National Labor Relations Act
Lend Lease Act
Pacific Railway Act
a g e | 95
a g e | 96
Roll Call: Key Legislative Landmarks [1803 to 1992]
Congress isn’t always mired in gridlock, squabbling, and scandal. Crises such as the looming
Civil War, the Great Depression, and the civil rights movement have sparked “the people’s
representatives” to pass some of the nation’s boldest legislation. Whether products of
bipartisan cooperation or bitter struggle, these then acts of Congress have built America. -
1. In addition to improving the credit of the United States, Alexander Hamilton’s financial
program, approved by Congress in 1791,
a. created support for the success and growth of the United States
b. strengthened the political power of the common people
c. increase the power of the presidency
d. increased the power of the states
2. All of the following were part of Hamilton’s Financial program EXCEPT
a. the funding of the domestic and foreign debt of the United States
b. the assumption of state debts
c. the establishment of the capital of the United States in Washington D.C.
d. the levying of excise taxes and tariffs
3. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was significant because it
a. prevented slavery north of 36-30 north latitude
b. ended British control of the Ohio Valley
c. prohibited the extension of slavery into the Northwest Territory
d. secured peaceful relations between the colonists and Native Americans
4. Jefferson’s purchase of Louisiana had its origins in his desire to
remove the French from forts along the Mississippi River
acquire a port to provide an outlet for western crops
acquire territory for the expansion of slavery
oppose New England Federalism
a g e | 97
5. The Constitution made no provision for the acquisition of land. Jefferson justified the
purchase of Louisiana through his interpretation of
the commerce clause
presidential power to negotiate treaties
congressional approval
the President’s power to appoint ambassadors
6. The Missouri Compromise did which of the following?
a. Prohibited slavery in all the territory of the Louisiana Purchase.
b. Provided for admission to the Union of all future states in pairs of one free, one slave.
c. Allowed Maine to enter the Union as a free state.
d. Finally settled the question of congressional power over slavery in the territories.
7. The Compromise of 1850 did which of the following?
a. Admitted California to the Union under the principles of popular sovereignty.
b. Prohibited slavery in the District of Columbia.
c. Adjusted the Texas-Mexico boundary.
d. Enacted a stringent fugitive slave law.
8. The Kansas-Nebraska Act nullified part of the
a. Compromise of 1850
b. Great Compromise
c. Wilmot Proviso
d. Missouri Compromise
9. The Homestead Act of 1862 provided
a. that Indians should henceforth own their lands as individuals rather than collectively
as tribes
b. that the land of former Confederates should not be confiscated
c. 160 acres of land within the public domain to any head of household who would
settle on it and improve it over a period of five years
d. large amounts of federal government land to Great Plains cattle ranchers who would
contract to provide beef for the Union army
a g e | 98
10. The most important long-term consequence of the Pendleton Act of 1883 was the
a. acceptance of the principle of federal regulation of big business.
b. increased use of silver in the national currency.
c. creation of a federal commission to investigate political corruption in state and local
d. institution of a merit and tenure system for federal employees
11. The purpose of the Selective Service Act during the first World War was to
a. create more selective requirements for young men wishing to serve in the military
b. call on females to work in industries that were once open only to males
c. raise money for the war effort through the sale of bonds
d. institute a draft to bolster the number of men in the military
12. The Lend-Lease Act of 1941
a. placed restrictions on which materials the United States could ship to Great Britain
b. was approved but never implemented
c. ensured the British easier access to American war supplies
d. encountered almost no opposition from American congressmen
13. The passage of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act (GI Bill of Rights) was partly motivated
a. memories of the mistreatment of the veterans' Bonus Army in the 1930s.
b . fear that the labor markets could not absorb millions of discharged veterans.
c. a desire to expand the social diversity of American colleges and universities.
d. the need of American business for a more highly educated workforce
10. Which of the following was designed to provide long term “job security” for workers?
a. Civilian Conservation Corps
b. Civil Works Administration
c. National Labor Relations Act
d. Works Progress Administration
11. The Taft-Hartley Act delivered a major blow to labor by
a. outlawing strikes by public employees.
b. creating a serious inflationary spiral.
c. banning labor's political action committees.
d. outlawing "closed" (all-union) shops.
a g e | 99
12. Organized labor opposed the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 because it
a. outlawed strikes against defense companies.
b. abolished the closed shop.
c. reversed all the gains made by the Wagner Act of 1935.
d. was supported by President Truman who was labor’s enemy.
13. The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were similar in that they
a. provided justification for military actions against authoritarian
b. provided economic aid while containing Soviet influence
c. returned the United States to its prewar isolationist policies
d. focused on expanding American business interests in Latin America
14. The most significant legislative achievement of the Eisenhower years was the
a. Social Security Act
b. Federal Highway Act 1956
c. Taft-Hartley Act
d. Fair Employment Act
15. Which pair of items best represents the dichotomy of President Lyndon Johnson’s attempts
to eliminate poverty while attacking communism abroad?
a. The Federal Assistance Plan and détente
b. The Great Society and the policy of escalation
c. Medicare and increased funding for Appalachia
d. The Christmas bombing of Hanoi and “Vietnamization”
16. In terms of goals, the Great Society of the 1960s hoped to
a. emulate the success of Eisenhower’s “modern Republicanism”
b. encourage the accumulation of wealth for America’s corporate elite.
c. increase the number of women working outside the home.
d. expand the reforms of the New Deal and Fair Deal.
17. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made segregation illegal in which of the following?
a. Housing.
b. Churches.
c. Private universities.
d. Public accommodations.
a g e | 100
a g e | 101
Art of the Deal: Legislative Conflict and Compromise [1787-1877]
A review of key stages of American history, with complicated political and economic
compromises surrounded the question of race, each one managing it for a time but, despite the
hopes of many, never settling it once and for all—not even by dint of a horrendously
destructive civil war
1. Which of the following was a direct result of the Missouri Compromise?
a. The state of Maine was created.
b. Slavery was allowed only in states south of Missouri’s northern border.
c. The balance of free and slave states ended.
d. California was admitted into the Union as a free state.
2. Under the terms of the Compromise of 1877, Republicans retained control of the White
House and agreed to
a. push for passage of the 15th amendment
b. withdraw federal troops from the South
c. give Democrats control of Congress
d. transfer larger sums of money to the Democratic Party
3. Which important controversy was resolved by the Great Compromise?
a. Western land claims
b. representation in Congress
c. no national currency
d. no national military
4. In order to gain passage of the Assumption Bill, Alexander Hamilton agreed to
a. withdraw his tariff bill
b. specify that speculators would be paid the full value of their bonds
c. hold the bill authorizing the First Bank of the United States until Washington’s second
d. support building the new capital city on Southern land
a g e | 102
5. The Three-Fifths Compromise in the Constitution stated that
a. Congress can pass a law if the President vetoes it if three-fifths of Congress approves it
b. five slaves would be counted as three free people for the purposes of taxation and
c. in order to become a state, a territory must have a population that is three-fifths
white male
d. three-fifths of white male would be counted for purposes of taxation and
6. In his Atlanta Compromise speech, Booker T. Washington called for which of the following?
a. An end to racial segregation
b. Educational equality for African Americans
c. African American voting rights
d. Support for African American self-help
7. The Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention worked out an acceptable scheme
a. regulating commerce
b. levying taxes
c. apportioning congressional representation
d. choosing senators
8. Which of the following Supreme Court cases is correctly identified?
Marbury v. Madison—established the principle of judicial review
McCulloch v. Maryland—upheld the sanctity of private contracts
Worcester v. Georgia—ruled that states cannot tax the federal government
Dartmouth v. Woodward—established tribal lands
9. What did the Hartford Convention, the nullification crisis, and some Marshall Court decisions
all have in common?
a. They all dealt with the contentious issue of the extension of slavery into the Louisiana
Purchase territory or the Mexican cession.
b. They illustrated attempts by the federal government to assert greater control over
the states and the resistance those attempts created.
c. They all resulted from political compromises between the federal government and
the affected states involved.
d. They all demonstrated the nativist backlash against German and Irish immigrants who
were coming in record numbers to America.
a g e | 103
10. Which of the following acts of Congress was declared unconstitutional in the Dred Scott
a. Missouri Compromise of 1820
b. Compromise of 1850
c. Kansas-Nebraska Act
d. Fugitive Slave Law
11. The Compromise of 1877 resulted in
a. a renewal of the Republican commitment to protect black civil rights in the South.
b. the withdrawal of federal troops from the South.
c. the election of a Democrat to the presidency.
d. passage of the Bland-Allison Silver Purchase Act.
12. In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that
a. African Americans could be denied the right to vote.
b. segregation was unconstitutional.
c. “separate but equal” facilities were constitutional.
d. the Fourteenth Amendment did not apply to African Americans.
13. All of the following were results of the Missouri Compromise EXCEPT
a. Missouri entered the Union as a slave state.
b. Maine entered the Union as a free state.
c. sectionalism was reduced.
d. the balance between the North and South was kept even.
14. Which of the following was a reference to slavery in the Constitution?
e. The banning of slavery in the Northwest Territory.
f. A prohibition for 20 years of any law banning the importation of slaves.
g. Slavery was outlawed above the Mason-Dixon Line.
h. Slavery could not be outlawed.
a g e | 104
15. Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 provoked the most
controversy in the 1850s?
a. The admission of California as a free state.
b. The establishment of the principle of popular sovereignty in the Mexican Cession
c. The ban on the slave trade in the District of Columbia.
d. The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law.
16. Under the terms of the Compromise of 1877, Republicans retained control of the White
House and agreed to
a. push for passage of the 15th amendment
b. withdraw federal troops from the South
c. give Democrats control of Congress
d. transfer larger sums of money to the Democratic Party
17. Both the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Compromise of 1850 settled conflicts
between the North and the South over
a. Admission of states to the Union
b. Supreme Court decisions
c. Presidential election results
d. Voting rights
a g e | 105
a g e | 106
Judicial Advocates: Court Debates and Decisions that Shaped the Nation
A review of court debates over judicial power to controversial rulings in the past regarding
slavery, racial segregation, and abortion, as well as more current cases about school prayer, the
Bush/Gore election results, and "enemy combatants.
1. The trend taken by the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall was to
a. strengthen state power at the expense of the federal government
b. give more authority to state courts and state laws
c. deny the national government authority concerning interstate commerce
d. expand the federal government’s powers
e. deprive Native Americans of their ancestral land holdings
2. Which of the following was a major result of the McCulloch v. Maryland decision?
a. It addressed Native American territorial rights.
b. It stated that the national bank was illegal.
c. It prevented states from interfering with business contracts.
d. It enforced the principle that the federal government has authority over state
4. Which of the following Supreme Court decisions directly established the federal
government’s right to regulate interstate commerce?
a. McCulloch v. Maryland
b. Dartmouth College v. Woodward
c. Gibbons v. Ogden
d. Schenck v. United States
5. In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled that
a. African Americans could be denied the right to vote.
b. segregation was unconstitutional.
c. “separate but equal” facilities were constitutional.
d. the Fourteenth Amendment did not apply to African Americans.
a g e | 107
6. What was the result of many of the Supreme Court decisions made under Chief Justice John
Marshall between 1801 and 1835?
a. The system of slavery was weakened.
b. The federal government was strengthened.
c. The rights of workers were supported.
d. Antitrust laws were upheld.
7. Which of the following Supreme Court cases was not ruled upon during John Marshall’s
tenure as Chief Justice?
a. Fletcher vs. Peck
b. Gibbons vs. Ogden
c. Marbury vs. Madison
d. Dred Scott vs. Sanford
8. The constitutionality of the Bank of the United States was upheld by the Supreme Court in
the case of
a. Dred Scott vs. Sanford
b. McCulloch vs. Maryland
c. Marbury vs. Madison
d. Plessy vs. Ferguson
9. Which of the following statements about the Dred Scott decision is correct?
a. It recognized the power of Congress to prohibit slavery in the territories, but refused
on technical grounds to free Scott.
b. It stated that Black people were not citizens of the United States
c. It upheld the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise.
d. It upheld the principle of popular sovereignty.
10. The Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka directly contradicted the
legal principle established by
Plessy v. Ferguson
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Schenck v. United States
Schechter V. United Slates
a g e | 108
11. In the 1877 case, Munn vs. Illinois, the Supreme Court stated
a. railroad regulation by states was constitutional
b. state railroad regulation was unconstitutional
c. railroad rate regulation should be left to federal courts
d. only Congress could regulate railroads
12. The “clear and present danger” ruling in the Supreme Court case Schenck vs. United States
(1919) confirmed the idea that
a. prayer in public schools is unconstitutional
b. racism in the United States is illegal
c. interstate commerce can be regulated by state governments
d. constitutional rights are not absolute
13 Which of the following is true about the internment of those Japanese living in the United
States during World War II?
a. The majority of those confined were native born Americans.
b. Many of those relocated were known dissidents.
c. Only 2,000 Japanese Americans were relocated.
d. Congress passed a law requiring the relocation of all aliens during the war.
14. Which idea is illustrated by the Supreme Court cases Schenck v. United States and
Korematsu v . United States?
a. The free speech rights of Communists have often been violated.
b. During wartime, limitations on civil rights have been upheld by judicial action.
c. The rights of protestors have been preserved even in times of national stress.
d. Economic interests of foreign nations are frequently upheld in United States
15. The decisions of the United States Supreme Court in Miranda v. Arizona, Gideon v.
Wainwright, and Escobedo v. Illinois all advanced the
a. voting rights of minorities
b. guarantees of free speech and press
c. principle of separation of church and state
d. rights of accused persons
a g e | 109
30. The case of John Peter Zenger (1735) and New York Times Co. v. United States (1971) both
involved a government’s attempt to limit
a. freedom of religion
b. freedom of the press
c. the right to bear arms
d. the right to counsel
31. The Jim Crow legal system, which expanded in the South after Plessy v. Ferguson (1896),
was based on the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the
a. due process clause of the 5th Amendment
b. states’ rights provision of the 10th Amendment
c. equal protection clause in the 14th Amendment
d. voting rights provision in the 15th Amendment
32. One similarity between the laws being challenged in the United States Supreme Court cases
of Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) and Korematsu v. United States (1944) is that
a. specific groups of people were being targeted based on race or ethnicity
b. state laws were declared unconstitutional
c. immigrants were relocated to prison camps
d. federal laws segregating public transportation were upheld
33. The “clear and present danger” ruling in the Supreme Court case Schenck vs. United States
(1919) confirmed the idea that
a. prayer in public schools is unconstitutional
b. racism in the United States is illegal
c. constitutional rights are not absolute
d. civil rights are clearly defined in the Constitution
34. The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education overturned
Plessy v. Ferguson
The Civil Rights Act
The Taft-Hartley Act
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer
a g e | 110
a g e | 111
The Write Stuff: Books that Shaped the American National Identity
This theme focuses on the roles that ideas, beliefs, social mores, and creative expression have
played in shaping the United States, as well as how various identities, cultures, and values have
been preserved or changed in different contexts of U.S. history.
a g e | 112
The Write Stuff: Books that Shaped The American National Identity
A review of powerful and persuasive books, pamphlets and papers that literally change the very
society they came from and profoundly impacted society.
1. With the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe
a. supported the southern view that slaves were better off than northern factory
b. reached millions of people who had previously given little thought to slavery.
c. raised fears in the South that slave rebellions were imminent throughout the region.
d. condemned southern slaveholders for their brutal and unchristian behavior.
2. Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”
a. was a call for the abolition of slavery
b. criticized the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
c. insisted that the British allow the colonies to elect their own representatives to
d. blamed George III for the colonists’ problems and urged Americans to declare their
4. Alexis de Tocqueville attributed American social mobility to
a. America’s rights to speak freely and to bear arms
b. the continuation of European traditions in the New World
c. the government’s tolerance of labor unions and progressive organizations
d. the lack of an aristocracy and the availability of frontier land
5. The Hudson River School art movement of the mid -19th century addressed all of the
following themes except
a. notions of realism and the common man
b. the depiction of pastoral settings
c. the ideas of American exploration and settlement
d. the peaceful coexistence of humans and nature
6. Which of the following stressed the importance of individual inspiration, self-reliance,
dissent, and nonconformity?
a. James Fenimore Cooper
b. Ralph Waldo Emerson
c. George Whitefield
d. Joseph Smith
a g e | 113
7. The call for the “immediate and uncompensated emancipation of the slaves” is associated
with the position of
a. the Free Soil Party
b. the evangelical churches in both the North and the South
c. Abraham Lincoln in his debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Freeport, Illinois
d. William Lloyd Garrison in The Liberator
8. Which of the following best characterizes the writers associated with the literary flowering
of the 1920's such as Sinclair Lewis and F. Scott Fitzgerald?
a. Nostalgia for the "good old days"
b. Sympathy for Protestant fundamentalism
c. Commitment to the cause of racial equality
d. Criticism of the middle class conformity and materialism
9. Ida B. Wells became an influential reformer through her work in
a. establishing settlement houses in cities throughout the United States.
b. supporting a national crusade against alcohol use.
c. mounting an international anti- lynching crusade.
d. founding the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
10. Helen Hunt Jackson’s A Century of Dishonor was significant because it aroused public
awareness of the
a. injustice of having taken land from Mexico in the Southwest
b. hardships endured by Chinese laborers while building the transcontinental railroad
c. need for reforms in federal land policy
d. wrongs that the federal government had inflicted on American Indians
11. Betty Friedan is best known for her
a. support of early childhood education
b. effort to organize migrant workers
c. surprise election to the U.S. Senate
d. criticism of traditional gender roles
a g e | 114
12. In Andrew Carnegie’s essay, “The Gospel of Wealth,” he suggests that the wealthy should
a. write books to share with the masses on how to become wealthy
b. give five percent of their annual income to charitable causes
c. dedicate any wealth in excess of their own needs to philanthropic works
d. continue to make as much money as possible without concern for the needs of others
13. In its depiction of America, the Hudson River School of painting conveyed
a. the martial strength of western expansion.
b. a romantic, transcendental view of the nation.
c. a criticism of the alienation in urban America.
d. the lack of democracy in the antebellum South.
14. The basic story of Horatio Alger’s late 19th century novels usually involved
a. rags to riches stories of poor boys who succeeded through luck and hard work
b. frontier settlements
c. tales of heroism in rural America
d. immigrant children who rescued their parents
15. Which of the following did turn-of-the-century American artists in the Ashcan School tend
to make the subject of most of their paintings?:
a. romanticized images of the American frontier.
b. realistic portrayals of rural family life.
c. realistic portrayals of rural family life.
d realistic urban scenes.
16. As an advocate of the “Gospel of Wealth,” Andrew Carnegie believed that
a. the Bible showed the way to great wealth.
b. the rich had a moral responsibility to use their wealth to improve society.
c. making money was God’s reward to the strongest individual.
d. acquiring great wealth was a manifestation of natural rights theory.
a g e | 115
17. The “Turner Thesis”, but forward by historian Frederick Jackson Turner in the 1890’s, held
a. America, if it hoped to compete with European powers, must build up its navy and
acquire overseas colonies
b. It was the “manifest destiny” of the United States to expand from the Atlantic to the
Pacific Ocean
c. The frontier experience had produced a practical, self-reliant people who valued
individualism and freedom
d. Darwin’s ideas about the natural world could be applied to human communities
18. In his Essay, Resistance to Civil Government, Henry David Thoreau claimed that an
individual should?:
a. refuse to obey unjust laws.
b. live in isolation and as simply as possible.
c. not pay poll taxes.
d. obey only legitimately elected government officials.
19. During the Harlem Renaissance, the over-arching goal of the poets and writers was to
a. raise the political awareness of urban blacks to foment a revolution.
b. apologize for the lack of black economic success despite Jim Crow restrictions.
c. garner support for a new civil rights law that would fulfill the promise of equality.
d. demonstrate the richness of their racial heritage and increase respect for their
20. Moby Dick by Herman Melville, representative of the American Renaissance of the 1840s, is
significant in that it
a. was an anti-slavery novel that galvanized Southern opposition to the Fugitive Slave
b. portrayed life in a utopian community
c. changed the attitude of the people of the United States toward Native Americans
d. used a predominantly American occupation to explore man’s struggle with the
natural world and good and evil
a g e | 116
21. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin did which of the following?
a. Emphasized moral principles in foreign policy
b. Fought to protect the environment
c. Supported the Women’s Christian Temperance Movement
d. Exposed problems in American society through literature
22. American writers of the 1920s have often been called the “lost generation” because they
a. found it difficult to get their work published
b. were disillusioned by the course of American life
c. failed to achieve fame in their lifetimes
d. were politically radical in a conservative era
23. The 1962 book that helped launch the national environmental movement was
a. James Baldwin's - The Fire Next Time
b. Alice Walker's - In Search of Our Mother's Gardens
c. Michael Herrington's - The Other America
d. Rachel Carson's - Silent Spring
24. The Port Huron Statement was significant in the 1960s because it
a. reflected young peoples’ disillusionment with American society and their
commitment to political change.
b. was a declaration of resistance to United States policies in Vietnam.
c. called on young people to support President Johnson’s Vietnam policy.
d. made it clear that union workers were planning to defend traditional values against
the counter-culture.
a g e | 117