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AP World History
Syllabus for 2009-2010
Richard Runk
[email protected]
South Mecklenburg High School 343103
Day One
Course introduction
Complete information sheets
Writing essays: DBQs, Change over Time, Comparative
Distribute and discuss text [refer to pg. 15 of syllabus for internet activites]
Where will we start? Before History
Where will we end? As close to the present day as we can get.
Issue Textbook: Bentley,
Jerry H. and Herbert F. Ziegler. Traditions and
Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past.
Boston: McGraw Hill.
Homework Read (1) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 1 Paleolithic, Neandertal, Homo sapiens, Australopithecus, Neolithic,
Homo erectus, Agricultural revolution, slash and burn, Homo sapiens sapiens,
[When identifying terms, remember to note the following: Who or
What, When, Where, and Why the person or term is significant.]
Study Question: What were the most significant positive and negative effects of the
agricultural transition on human society?
Primary Source Reading: Richard E. Leakey on the Nature of Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Day Two
Quiz on reading of Ch. 1
Discuss “Before History”
Homework: Read chapter (2) ,complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 2 Hittites, Hammurabi, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Cuneiform,
Ziggurats, Sumerians,Monotheism, Polytheism, Mesopotamia, Ur
Study Question: Compare and contrast the history of the early Jewish community and
the Phoenician culture. How did the Mesopotamians influence each?
Primary Source Reading: Hammurabi’s Laws on Family Relationships
Israelites’ Relations with Neighboring Peoples
Day Three
Quiz on reading of Ch. 2
Discuss “Early Societies in Southwest Asia and the IndoEuropean Migrations”
Homework: Read (3),
complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 3 Osiris, AmonRe,
Akhenaton, Bantu, Hatshepsut, hieroglyphics, Old Kingdom, Middle
Kingdom, New Kingdom, Hyksos, Nile
Study Question: How did Egyptian religious beliefs reflect they society, lifestyle, and
geographic location?
Primary Source Reading: Harkhuf’s Expeditions to Nubia; The Great Hymn to Aten
Day Four
Quiz on reading of Ch. 3
Discuss “Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations”
Homework: Read (4) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 4 Brahmins, Harappa, Kshatriyas, Dravidian, IndoEuropean,
Aryans, Caste, Jati,Mohenjo-Daro,
Indus River, Ganges River
Study Question: Trace the origins of the caste system, making sure to include a
discussion of varnu and jati.
Primary Source Reading: The Rig Veda on the Origin of the Castes
The Chandogya Upanishad on the Nature of Reality
Day Five
Quiz on reading of Ch. 4
Discuss “Early Societies in South Asia”
Homework: Read (5) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 5 Mandate of heaven, Yangshao society, Xia dynasty, Shang
dynasty, Zhou dynasty, Qin dynasty, Oracle bones, Confucius, Huang He River, Yangzi
Study Questions: What does the term Mandate of Heaven mean? How did it influence
political developments in early east Asia?
What is the relationship between patriarchy and ancestor worship in early China?
Source Primary Reading: Peasant’s Protest; Family Solidarity in Ancient China
Day Six
Quiz on reading of Ch. 5
Discuss “Early Society in East Asia”
Homework: Read (6) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 6 Olmec calendar, Mayan calendar, Cha in cult, Aboriginal, Pyramid
ύ of the Sun, Lapita, Olmecs, Maya, Teotihuacan, Mesoamerica, Australia
Study Questions: What role did human sacrifice play in early American societies?
What traditions begun by the Olmecs were later adopted by other Mesoamerican
Primary Source Reading: The Popul Vuh on the Creation of the Human Beings,
The Voyages of Ru
Day Seven
Quiz on reading of Ch. 6
Discuss “Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania”
Homework: Prepare for Unit One test (70 multiple choice, no essay)
Day Eight
Unit One test, following the test, work on maps for map quiz on Day Ten
Homework: continue working on maps
Day Nine
Discuss Unit One test and find global connections
Begin working on DBQs
Homework: complete DBQ
Read (7) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 7 Marathon, Satrapy, Zarathustra, Darius, Zoroastrianism, Cyrus,
Xerxes, Alexander of Macedon, Persia, Macedonia, Anatolia
Study Question: In what ways did Darius and his successors, promote communication
and commerce throughout the empire?
Primary Source Reading: Zarathustra on Good and Evil
Day Ten
Map quiz and quiz on reading of Ch. 7
Begin discussion of Unit Two“
The Formation of Classical Societies,
500 B.C.E. to 500 C.E. with Ch. 7 “The Empires of Persia”
Homework: Read (8) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 8 Confucianism, Dao/Daoism, Legalism, Wuwei, Classic of Filial
Piety, Mencius, Laozi, Qin Shihuangdi, Han Wudi, Chang’an, Han empire
Study Question: What were the most significant technological developments during
this period of Chinese history?
Primary Source Reading: Confucius on Good Government, Laozi on Living in
Harmony with Dao
Day Eleven
Quiz on Ch. 8
Discuss “The Unification of China”
Watch video on China
Homework: Read (9) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 9 Jati, Jainism, Buddhism/Buddha, Bhagavad Gita , Chandragupta
Maurya, Ashoka, Chandra Gupta, Chandra Gupta II, Siddharta Gautama, Hindu
Study Questions: What was the popular appeal of Buddhism? How does it compare
and contrast to Hinduism?
Primary Source Reading: Ashoka as a Teacher of Humility and Equality according to
the Ashokavadana
Caste Duties according to the Bhagavad Gita
Day Twelve
Continue discussion of China
Discuss “State, Society, and the Quest for Salvation in India”
Day Thirteen
Quiz on Ch. 9
Continue discussion of India
Homework: Read (10) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 10 Knossos, Aristotle, Socrates, Alexander, Polis, Plato, Epicureans,
Persian Wars, Peloponnesian War, Antigonid empire, Ptolemaic empire, Seleucid
Study Questions: Compare and contrast Sparta and Athens.
Trace the development of Greek philosophical thought from Socrates through the
Hellenistic philosophers.
Primary Source Reading: Socrates’ View of Death
Day Fourteen
Begin discussion of “Mediterranean Society: The Greek Phase”
Homework: continue with reading and IDs
Study for quiz on Ch. 10
Day Fifteen
Quiz on Ch. 10
Continue discussion of Ancient Greece
Homework: Read (11) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 11 Plebeians, Patricians, Pax romana, Latifundia, Stoicism, Judaism,
Christianity, Etruscans, Carthaginians, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Tiberius
Study Question: What was the appeal of the early Christian teachings? What sorts of
people were most attracted to it?
Primary Source Reading: Jesus’ Moral and Ethical Teachings
Day Sixteen
Begin discussion of “Mediterranean Society: The Roman Phase”
Homework: continue with reading and IDs
Study for quiz on Ch. 11
Day Seventeen
Quiz on Ch. 11
Continue discussion of the Roman Empire
Homework: Read (12) complete outline of chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 12 Theodosius, Council of Nicaea, Chang’an, Diocletian, Edict of
Milan, Manichaeism/Mani, Constantine, Silk Roads, Bubonic plague, Attila the Hun
Study Question: How did China’s culture change after the decline of the Han dynasty?
Primary Source Reading: St.Cyprian on Epidemic Disease in the Roman Empire
Day Eighteen
Quiz on Ch. 12
Discuss “CrossCultural Exchanges on the Silk Roads”
Discuss essay writing: Introduce the Comparative Essay:
Discuss the major similarities and differences between the collapses of TWO of the
following empires: Rome Han Gupta
Homework: study for test on Unit Two: The Formation of Classical
Societies, 500 B.C.E. to 500 C.E.
Test: 40 Multiple Choice and Comparative Essay
Day Nineteen
Test on Unit Two: Ch. 7-12
and Comparative essay
Day Twenty
Discuss Unit Two test and find global connections
Discuss results of Comparative essay
Homework: Read (13) outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 13 Justinian, Leo III, Caesaropapism, Hagia Sophia, Arianism,
Iconoclasm, Eastern Orthodox Church, Crusades, Saljuqs, Ottomans
Study Question: What was the relationship between the Byzantines and the Slavic
people, including the Russians?
Primary Source Reading: The Wealth and Commerce of the Byzantine Empire
Anna Comnena on the Suppression of Bogomil Heretics
Day Twentyone
Quiz on Ch. 13
Begin discussion of Unit Three – “The Postclassical Era, 500 to 1000
C.E.” with Ch. 13 “The Commonwealth of Byzantium”
Homework: Read (14) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 14 Muhammad, Abu Bakr, Omar Khayyam, Dar alIslam,
Mecca, Quran, Five Pillars of Islam, Umayyed, Abbasid, Shia, Sufis, Hajj
Study Question: What were the fundamental tenets of Islam?
Primary Source Reading: The Quran on Allah and His Expectations of Humankind
Benjamin of Tuleda on the Caliph’s Court at Baghdad
Day Twentytwo
Quiz on Ch. 14
Discuss “The Expansive Realm of Islam”
Homework: Read (15) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 15 Xuanzang, Sui Yangdi, Grand Canal, Equalfield
system, Bureaucracy of merit, Middle Kingdom, foot binding, NeoConfucianism,
Nara Japan, Tale of Genji, Shogun, Kamakura, Samurai
Study Question: Trace the development of Buddhism in China and how it interacted
with Daoism and Confucianism.
Primary Source Reading: The Arab Merchant Suleiman on Business Practices in Tang
Day Twentythree
Quiz on Ch. 15
Discuss “The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia”
Day Twentyfour
Quiz on Stories from a Ming Collection
Discuss Stories from a Ming Collection following quiz
Homework: Read (16) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 16 Sultanate of Delhi, Chola kingdom, monsoons, Kingdom of Axum,
caste system, Funan, Srivijaya, Angkor, Melaka
Study Question: How did the seasonal monsoons affect the trade of the Indian Ocean?
Primary Source Reading: Cosmas Indicopleutses on Trade in Southern India
Day Twentyfive
Quiz on Ch. 16
Discuss “India and the Indian Ocean Basin”
Homework: Read (17) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 17, Clovis, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, Gregory of Tours, Otto I,
Pope Gregory I, Holy Roman Empire, Manor, Serf, papacy, Monasticism
Study Question: What was the role of Roman Christianity in early medieval Europe?
How did it shape the society?
Primary Source Reading: Life on an Early Medieval Manor
Day Twentysix
Quiz on Ch. 17
Discuss “The Foundations of Christian Society in Western
Europe” [have students work in groups on posters of feudal manors if
Introduce Changeovertime
(Change and Continuities) Essay:
Choose one of the following regions and discuss the changes and
continuities in technology and how they affected complex institutions
(e.g. cultural, military, political) during the period 8000 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.:
China, Mediterranean, Africa, India.
Homework: study for test on Unit Three
40 Multiple Choice and ChangeoverTime Essay
Day Twentyseven
Test on Unit Three with Change and Continuities Essay
Day Twentyeight
Discuss Unit Three test and global connections
Discuss Changeovertime essay
Homework: Read (18)
– outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 18 Chinggis Khan, Khubilai Khan, Tamerlane, Osman, Sultan
Mehmed II, Shamans, Khan, Saljuq Turks, Golden Horde, Ottoman Turks
Study Question: Through what means did the Mongols integrate Eurasian cultures?
Primary Source Reading: Marco Polo on Mongol Military Tactics
Day Twentynine
Quiz on Ch. 18
Begin discussion of Unit Four “An Age of CrossCultural Interaction, 1000 to 1500 C.E.”
beginning with Ch. 18 “Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration”
Homework: Read (19)
– outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 19 Sundiata, Mansa Musa, Ibn Battuta, Kinbased
society, Camels, Kingdom of Ghana, Mali empire, Great Zimbabwe, Diviners, Axum
Study Question: Discuss the history of slavery in Africa. How did the developments in
the slave trade from 1000 to 1500 set the stage for the Atlantic slave trade to come?
Primary Source Reading: Sundiata and the Reconstruction of Niani
Ibn Battuta on Muslim Society at Mogadishu
Day Thirty
Quiz on Ch. 19
Discuss “States and Societies of SubSaharan
Africa” Homework: Read (20) pgs. 51743 – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 20 Pope Gregory VII, Henry IV, St. Thomas Aquinas, Investiture
controversy, Guilds, Scholasticism, Relics, Waldensians, Reconquista, Crusades
Study Question: Where and how did Europe expand during the high middle ages?
Primary Source Reading: Francesco Balducci Pegolatti on Trade between Europe and
China; Thomas of Celano on St. Francis of Assisi
Day Thirtyone
Quiz on Ch. 20
Discuss “Western Europe during the High Middle Ages”
Homework: Read (21) pgs.– outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 21 Tenochtitlan, Itzcóatl, Teotihuacan, Mexica, Pueblo, Navajo,
Iroquois, Quipu, Ali’I nui, Australian aborigines
Study Question: What are some of the distinctive features of Inca society and religión?
Primary Source Reading: Mexica Expectations of Boys and Girls
Day Thirtytwo
Quiz on Ch. 21
Discuss “Worlds Apart: The Americas and Oceania”
Homework: Read (22) – outline chapter
Identify terms: Ch 22 Sharia, Bubonic plague, Renaissance, Ibn Battuta, Marco Polo,
Khubilai Khan, Hongwu, Ming dynasty, Desiderius Erasmus, Francesco Petrarca, Vasco
da Gama
Study Question: What were the social and economic outcomes of the plague?
Primary Source Reading: Ibn Batuta on Customs in the Mali Empire
John of Montecorvino on His Mission in China
Day Thirtythree
Discuss “Reaching Out: CrossCultural Interactions”
Homework: study for quiz on Ch. 22
Day Thirtyfour
Quiz on Ch. 22
Discuss the Renaissance
Show video of Renaissance Art
Homework: study for test on Unit Four
40 Multiple choice and DBQ essay
Day Thirtyfive
Test on Unit Four with DBQ essay
Day Thirtysix
Discuss Unit Four test and global connections
Discuss DBQ essay
Assign groups for review activities
Groups should prepare review by centuries and regions of the world
Day Thirtyseven
Work in groups
Day Thirtyeight
Work in groups
Day Thirtynine
Work in groups
Day Forty
Group presentations as review for semester exam
Day Fortyone
Group presentations as review for semester exam
Day Fortytwo
Group presentations as review for semester exam
Day Fortythree
review for semester exam
Day Fortyfour
Semester exams
Homework: Read (23) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 23 Reconquista, Lateen sails, Astrolabe, Magnetic compass, Vasco
da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, Bartolomeu Dias, James
Cook,Francis Drake
Study Question: Examine the nature of the Columbian exchange. Compare it to other
trading systems covered earlier in the class.
Primary Source Reading: Christopher Columbus’s First Impressions of American
Peoples; Afonso d’Alboquerqu Seizes Hormuz
Day Fortyfive
Quiz on Ch. 23
Begin discussion of Unit Five “The Origins of Global Interdependence,
1500-1800 with Ch. 23 “Transoceanic Encounters and Global
Homework: Read (24)– outline chapter
Identify terms: Ch. 24 The Council of Trent, Society of Jesus/St. Ignatius Loyola, Thirty
Years’ War, Peace of Westphalia, Scientific Revolution/ Nicolaus Copernicus; Johannes
Kepler; Galileo Galilei; Isaac Newton, Enlightenment/ John Locke; Baron de
Montesquieu; Voltaire, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Charles V, Louis XIV
Study Questions: Who were the leading thinkers of the Enlightenment?
What role did Martin Luther play in the Protestant Reformation?
Primary Source Reading: Adam Smith on the Capitalist Market
Day Fortysix
Discuss Ch. 24 “The Transformation of Europe”
Discuss the Protestant Reformation
Homework: study for quiz on Ch. 24, Continue studying terms for Ch. 24
Day Fortyseven
Quiz on Ch. 24
Discuss Scientific Rev. and the Enlightenment
Homework: Read (25) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 25 Conquistador, Treaty of Tordesillas, Mulattoes, Peninsulares,
Hernán Cortés, Motecuzoma II, Francisco Pizarro, Jamestown, indentured servants,
Study Question: Examine the social structure of colonial life in North America. How
was it different from the social structure of life in South America?
Primary Source Reading: First Impressions of Spanish Forces
Captain James Cook on the Hawaiians
Day Fortyeight
Quiz on Ch. 25
Discuss “New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania”
Homework: Read (26)– outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 26 Songhay, Bantu, Kongo, Ndongo, Fulani, Asante, Dahomey,
Sunni Ali, Afonso I, Oloudah Equiano, Dona Beatriz, Cape Town
Study Question: How was Africa influenced by European contact during this period?
What were the social implications of this interaction?
Primary Source Reading: King Afonso I Protests Slave Trading in the Kingdom of
Kongo; Olaudah Equiano on the Middle Passage
Day Fortynine
Quiz on Ch. 26
Discuss “Africa and the Atlantic World”
Homework: Read (27)– outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 27 Ming dynasty, Qing dynasty, “Eightlegged
essays”, Footbinding, Daimyo, “Native learning”, “Floating world”, Kabuki, Hongwu,
Yongle, Qianlong
Study Question: Examine the role of women during the Ming and Qing dynasties. How
was footbinding representative of the changing social and gender worlds of China?
Primary Source Reading: Qianlong on Chinese Trade with England
Day Fifty
Quiz on Ch. 27
Discuss “Tradition and Change in East Asia”
Discuss Japanese culture (e.g. theatre, art, Haiku poetry)
Homework: Read (28) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 28 Mughals, Twelver Shiism, Safavids, Ottomans, Sikhs, Osman Bey,
Mehmed II, Suleyman the Magnificent, Shah Ismail, Safi alDin,
Akbar, Aya Sofya
Study Question: What factors led to the decline and eventual collapse of the Islamic
Primary Source Reading: Ghislain de Busbecq’s Concerns about the Ottoman Empire
Day Fiftyone
Quiz on Ch. 28
Discuss “The Islamic Empires”
Homework: Read (29) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 29 Cossacks, “third Rome”, Boyars, Pugachev’s rebellion, Charter of
the Nobility, Ivan IV the Terrible, Peter I the Great, Mikhail Romanov, Catherine II the
Great, Emilian Pugachev
Study Question: Examine the westernization of Russia under Peter the Great. How did
this movement transform Russia?
Primary Source Reading: Peter the Great and the Founding of St. Petersburg
Day Fiftytwo
Quiz on Ch. 29
Discuss “The Russian Empire in Europe and Asia”
Homework: study for test on Unit Five
40 Multiple choice and Comparative essay
Day Fiftythree
Unit Five test with Comparative essay
Day Fiftyfour
Discuss Unit Five test and global connections
Discuss Comparative essay
Homework: Read (30) – outline chapter
Identify terms: Ch 30 popular sovereignty, The Social Contract, French Revolution,
“liberty, equality, and fraternity”, Zionism, Congress of Vienna, John Locke, Napoleon
Bonaparte, The Concordat of 1802, Louverture, Simón Bolivar, John Stuart Mill
Study Question: Why was Napoleon successful and why did he eventually fail? Was
he a child of the Englightenment?
Primary Source Reading: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
The Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen
Day Fiftyfive
Begin discussion of Unit Six “An Age of Revolution, Industry, and
Empire, 1750-1914” with Ch. 30 “Revolutions and National States in the Atlantic World”
Discuss “Popular Sovereignty and Political Upheaval” (French Rev.)
Homework: study for quiz on Ch. 30
Day Fiftysix
Quiz on Ch. 30
Discuss “Impact of Rev. and Nation Building” (Latin American Rev.,
Unification of Germany and Italy, and Zionism)
Homework: Read (31) – outline chapter
Identify terms: Ch 31 Calico Acts, puttingout system, Luddites, Utopian socialism,
Manifesto of the Communist Party /Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, James Watt,
George Stephenson, Henry Bessemer, Eli Whitney, Robert Owen
Study Question: In what ways were families transformed by the process of
Primary Source Reading: Thomas Malthus on Population
Marx and Engels on Bourgeoisie and Proletarians
Day Fiftyseven
Discuss “The Making of Industrial Society” (Industrial Rev. in Britain)
Homework: study for quiz on Ch. 31
Day Fiftyeight
Quiz on Ch. 31
Discuss “Global Effects of Industrialization”
Homework: Read (32)– outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 32 Manifest destiny, Louisiana Purchase, Trail of Tears, Little Big
Horn, Wounded Knee, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Caudillos, Fatt Hing Chin
Study Question: How did the status of women vary between Canada, the U. S., and
Latin America?
Primary Source Reading: Ponciano Arriaga Calls for Land Reform
The Meaning for Freedom for an ExSlave
Day Fiftynine
Quiz on Ch. 32
Discuss “The Americas in the Age of Independence”
Homework: Read (33) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 33 Taiping Rebellion, capitulations, Young Ottomans, Young Turks,
Crimean War, zemstvos, RussoJapanese
War, Revolution of 1905, Duma, Opium War, Treaty of
Nanjing, Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, Tokugawa, bakufu, Meiji
Study Question: Examine the Meiji Restoration. What were its guiding principles?
Primary Source Reading: Proclamation of the Young Turks
Letter of Lin Zexu to Queen Victoria
Day Sixty
Quiz on Ch. 33
Discuss “Societies at Crossroads”
Homework: Read (34)– outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 34 Imperialism, White Man’s Burden, Sepoy uprising, Boers, Berlin
Conference, Social Darwinism, Maji Maji rebellion, Spanish-American
War, Sino-Japanese War, Cecil Rhodes, Herbert Spencer, Rhodesia, Suez Canal,
French Indochina, Congo
Study Question: What were the legacies of nineteenth century
Imperialism? What was anticolonialism? In what ways is the world shaped today by the
actions of nineteenth century imperialists?
Primary Source Reading: Rudyard Kipling on the White Man’s Burden,
Lord Lugard Justifies Imperialism and Indirect Rule in Africa
Day Sixtyone
Quiz on Ch. 34
Discuss “The Building of Global Empires”
Homework: study for test on Unit Six :
Change and Continuities Essay with 40 Multiple Choice
Day Sixtytwo
Unit Six test with Change and Continuities Essay
Homework: Read (35) – outline chapter
Identify terms: Ch 35 Self determination, Pan-Slavism,
Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Schlieffen plan, Black Hand, February Revolution,
October Revolution, Bolsheviks, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk,
Treaty of Versailles, Fourteen Points, League of Nations, Nicholas II, Wilfred Owen,
Woodrow Wilson, Austria-Hungary
Study Question: Examine the concept of total war. How was World War I different
from earlier wars? How important was the home front?
Primary Source Reading: Dulce et decorum est; State and Revolution
Day Sixtythree
Begin discussion of Unit Seven “Contemporary Global Realignments,
1914 to the Present” with Ch. 35 “The Great War: The World in
Upheaval” (Causes of the war and the actual war)
Homework: study for quiz on Ch. 35
Day Sixtyfour
Quiz on Ch. 35
Continue discussion with Russian Rev. and Treaty of Versailles
Homework: Read (36)– outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 36 Psychoanalysis, Black Thursday, Great Depression, New Deal,
New Economic Policy, Bauhaus, Five Year
Plans, fascism, Weimar Republic, National Socialist German
Workers’ Party, Nuremberg Laws, Chinese Communist Party, The Long March, John
Maynard Keynes, Sigmund Freud, Walter Gropius, V. I. Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Benito
Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Paul von Hindenburg, Mohandas Gandhi, Jiang Jieshi, Mao
Zeodong, Sun Yat-sen
Study Question: Examine the political movement known as fascism. What were its
main tenets? Compare fascism to democracy and communism.
Primary Source Reading: Mein Kampf; Report on an Investigation of the Peasant
Movement in Hunan
Day Sixtyfive
Quiz on Ch. 36
Discuss “An Age of Anxiety” (particularly: Great Depression, Fascism,
and the Chinese Rev.)
Homework: Read (37)– outline chapter
Identify terms: Ch 37 Mukden incident, Rape of Nanjing, Asia for Asians, Tripartitie
Pact, Appeasement, Yalta Conference, United Nations, Marshall Plan, Truman
Doctrine, Vichy Government, Neville Chamberlain
Study Question: Examine the Final Solution. How long had antiSemitism
been a problem? Discuss Hitler’s role in the Final Solution.
Primary Source Reading: A Hiroshima Maiden’s Tale,
We Will Never Speak about It in Public
Day Sixtysix
Discuss “New Conflagrations: World War II” (Origins of WWII and the
Homework: study for quiz on Ch. 37
Day Sixtyseven
Quiz on Ch. 37
cont. discussion of WWII (the Holocaust, origins of Cold War)
Homework: Read (38)– outline chapter
Identify terms: Ch 38 Perestroika, Glasnost, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),
Warsaw Treaty Organization, The Cold War, Solidarity, Ho Chi Minh, Kim Il Sung,
Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin
Study Question: Discuss the origins of the cold war. What were the fundamental
differences between the Soviet Union and the United States?
Primary Source Reading: Nikita Khrushchev on the Capitalist Iron Curtain
Day Sixtyeight
Review day
Day Sixtynine
Discuss “The Bipolar World” (Cold War, the Establishment of the
People’s Republic of China, and the Vietnam War)
Homework: study for quiz on Ch. 38
Day Seventy
Quiz on Ch. 38
cont. discussion with Collapse of the Soviet Union and end of Cold
Homework: Read (39) – outline chapter
Identify terms: Ch 39 Taliban, Apartheid, Tiananmen Square, Mao Zedong, Juan Perón,
Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela, Anwar Sadat, Yasser Arafat,Yitzhak Rabin
Study Question: Examine the important economic factors that influenced the second
half of the twentieth century. Discuss the importance of economic alliances such as
Primary Source Reading: Kwame Nkrumah on African Unity,
Ayatollah Khomeini’s “Message to the Pilgrims”
Day Seventyone
Discuss “The Retreat from Empire” (Asian independence)
Homework: study for quiz on Ch. 39
Day Seventytwo
Quiz on Ch. 39
cont. discussion with African independence and creation of Israel
Homework: Read (40) – outline chapter and study for quiz
Identify terms: Ch 40
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Onechild family rule, Al Qaeda,
Global warming, Greenpeace, United Nations, Osama bin Laden, World Trade
Organization, Americanization, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
Study Question: Examine concepts such as Americanization and McDonaldization.
How influential is the U. S. in the world today? Why are some countries frightened by
this influence?
Primary Source Reading: Silent Spring
Day Seventythree
Quiz on Ch. 40
Discuss “A World Without Borders”
Homework: study for test on Unit Seven
40 multiple choice and DBQ essay
Day Seventyfour
Test on Unit Seven with DBQ essay
AP Exam week is the next week. We will have review sessions outside of class time.
Following the AP Exam:
Teachers may want to assign historical novels to the students to read, write a short
review, and present their impressions of the novels to the class. Some suggestions of
novels are:
Gabriela, Clove, and Cinnamon by Jorge Amado
“On a bright spring day in 1925, Gabriela arrives from the poverty stricken backwoods of
Brazil to a seaside port of Ilhéus, where she attracts the attention of Nacib, a café owner
who is in desperate need of a new cook.” introduction
to book
A Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks
“Describes the 17thcentury
plague that is carried from London to a small Derbyshire
village by an itinerant tailor.” Amazon.
A Tomb for Boris Davidovich by Danilo Kiš
“A portrait of a country and a people in turmoil, of how communism both creates and
devours its sons.” Publishers
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
“The novel follows the story of Amir, the privileged son of a wealthy businessman in
Kabul, and Hassan, the son of Amir’s father’s servant.” –
List of Internet Assignments: Teachers should use the Traditions and Encounters
student website to access these assignments. Assignments are typically analyses of
primary and secondary source writings.