* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 1(1) Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology Master’s Thesis Infrared studies of trenches etched in silicon Lars Karlsson LITH-IFM-EX--07/1857--SE Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology Linköpings universitet SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 2(2) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — i(3) Master’s Thesis LITH-IFM-EX--07/1857--SE Infrared studies of trenches etched in silicon Lars Karlsson Supervisor: Hans Arwin ifm, Linköpings universitet Examiner: Kenneth Jährendahl ifm, Linköpings universitet Linköping, 23 November, 2007 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — ii(4) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — iii(5) Avdelning, Institution Division, Department Datum Date Laboratory of Applied Optics Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology Linköpings universitet SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden Språk Language Rapporttyp Report category ISBN Svenska/Swedish Licentiatavhandling ISRN Engelska/English Examensarbete C-uppsats D-uppsats 2007-11-23 — LITH-IFM-EX--07/1857--SE Serietitel och serienummer ISSN Title of series, numbering Övrig rapport — URL för elektronisk version Titel Title Optiska studier av etsade kiselstrukturer med spektroskopisk ellipsometri i det infraröda våglängdsområdet Infrared studies of trenches etched in silicon Författare Lars Karlsson Author Sammanfattning Abstract Previous studies of protein adsorption on silicon have been restricted by the choice of a simple structure or large surface for protein to adsorb on. The aim of this project was to develop an optical model for more complex nanostructures in form of trenches etched in silicon and then examine if a protein would adsorb to the surface. The method used was infrared ellipsometry. The experimental values from measurements on the sample were used to develop an optical model that represent the nanostructure. A three-layered biaxial model proved to be accurate. One sample was then exposed to the protein albumin and then measured upon again. The results before and after protein adsorption were compared and a small optical signature was found were it could be expected for this specific protein. This shows that it is possible to detect adsorption in a complex nanostructure and to develop an accurate optical model for said structure. ... Nyckelord Keywords Silicon trenches, Infrared ellipsometry, protein adsorption main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — iv(6) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — v(7) Abstract Previous studies of protein adsorption on silicon have been restricted by the choice of a simple structure or large surface for protein to adsorb on. The aim of this project was to develop an optical model for more complex nanostructures in form of trenches etched in silicon and then examine if a protein would adsorb to the surface. The method used was infrared ellipsometry. The experimental values from measurements on the sample were used to develop an optical model that represent the nanostructure. A three-layered biaxial model proved to be accurate. One sample was then exposed to the protein albumin and then measured upon again. The results before and after protein adsorption were compared and a small optical signature was found were it could be expected for this specific protein. This shows that it is possible to detect adsorption in a complex nanostructure and to develop an accurate optical model for said structure. ... v main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — vi(8) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — vii(9) Acknowledgements This master’s thesis would not be possible without the help and support of Hans Arwin whose enthusiasm for science has made a great impact on me as a person. Of course I have to thank my friends for sticking with me trough thick and thin over the years, especially Pontus, Daniel, Markus, Roger, Jonatan and Pelle. I can not think of a better gang to ride into the sunset with now that this adventure is over. vii main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — viii(10) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — ix(11) Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 Theory 2.1 Maxwell’s equations, plane waves and polarization 2.1.1 Polarization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Ellipsometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Reflection ellipsometry . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Generalized ellipsometry . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Infrared ellipsometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Optical modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Reflectance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Reflection at an anisotropic surface . . . . . 2.4 Effective medium approximation . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 The Bruggeman effective medium . . . . . . 2.5 Euler angles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Capillary action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7 Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.1 Albumin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7.2 Protein adsorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 9 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 3 Experimental and instrumentation 3.1 Ellipsometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Silicon samples . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Euler angles . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Protein adsorption . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Results and discussion 4.1 Experimental results . . . . . 4.2 Optical model devolepment . 4.2.1 Silicon trenches . . . . 4.3 Sample with protein . . . . . 4.4 Conclusions and suggestion of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 21 21 22 22 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . further work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 25 27 27 33 33 ix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . main: 2007-12-5 15:34 x — x(12) Contents Bibliography 35 A Experimental results 37 B Experimental and model results 43 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 1(13) Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Recentley there has been a merging of bio- and nanotechnology. Many new applications in biosensors, bioelectronics and biomaterials are found. Protein absorption onto silicon surfaces has previously been studied when trying to observe what is adsorbed and how much is absorbed. Infrared ellipsomerty is a non destructive analysis technique that can be used for identification and for obtaining structural information. There is a large number of reference spectra availably for organic molecules such as proteins. Previously there have been studies with bioadsorption on flat surfaces and monolayers [1] or in porous silicon [2]. In porous silicon it is possible to have a large surface but exact structure of the internal surface is unknown and therefore there have not been reliable optical models for the nanostructure in those studies. For monolayers the surface structure is known but there is a very small surface for the proteins to absorb to. In this study we will use trenches etched in silicon which gives us a known structure to build a model for and it has more surface than a flat silicon structure. Simulations show an enhanced sensitivity for studies of bioadsorption in nanostructures in the form of trenches etched in silicon [3]. Such samples have been prepared [4] but so far no acceptable optical model is available. 1.2 Objective This project has the main objective to measure with IR-ellipsometry on silicon trenches and to develop and represent nanostructure to describe their reflection properties. A second objective is to expose these trenches to protein molecules which adsorb on the "walls" in the structure. Finally it will be investigated if the dielectric function of the adsorbed protein can be determined. 1 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 2 — 2(14) Introduction main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 3(15) Chapter 2 Theory 2.1 Maxwell’s equations, plane waves and polarization Electromagnetism was summarized by Maxwell in 1873 in his four equations [5]. Maxwell´s equations describe electromagnetic fields and their behavior when they interact with matter. The equations in the most common form are ∇·D = ρ (2.1) ∇·B = 0 (2.2) ∂D +J (2.3) ∇×H = ∂t ∂B (2.4) ∇×E = − ∂t These fields are the electric displacement field D, the electric field E, the magnetic flux density B and the magnetic field H. J is the current density and ρ in this case is the charge density. For ellipsometry the most interesting field is the E-field. One solution to Maxwell’s equations in the case of harmonic fields is the plane wave. The electric field, the magnetic field and the propagation vector q are orthogonal to each other and form a right-handed system. The amplitudes of the fields will also be proportional to each other according to E0 = cµH0 where c is the speed of light, is the electric permittivity and µ is the permeability. The amplitudes E0 and H0 are defined by E = E0 ei(q·r−ωt) (2.6) H = H0 ei(q·r−ωt) (2.7) where r is the coordinate vector. 3 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 4(16) 4 2.1.1 Theory Polarization When studying reflection at surfaces it is necessary to describe the orientation of the fields in a propagating electromagnetic wave, i.e. the polarization. This is done by decomposing the fields into two components, usually with the plane of incidence as a reference. The plane of incidence is defined by the propagation vectors of the incident, reflected and refracted waves when studying reflection and transmission at surfaces. When no oblique reflection or incidence occurs, a plane of incidence is chosen in such a way that it simplifies the description of the polarization. The two components are the p-component, seen in fig. 2.1, for which the electric field lies in the plane of incidence, and the s-component, also seen in fig. 2.1, where the electric field is perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Hip N0 N1 Eip Erp θ0 θ0 Hrp His N0 N1 θ1 Htp Etp Ers Eis θ0 θ0 Hrs θ1 Hts Ets Figure 2.1: p- and s-parts of the reflected, transmitted and incident fields in reflection from a single surface with complex refractive index N0 of the ambient medium and N1 of the substrate. The angle of incidence θ0 equals the angle of reflection, and θ1 is the angle of refraction. 2.2 Ellipsometry Ellipsometry has been around for quite some time and has a lot of standard applications today. Paul Drude provided a theoretical basis for ellipsometry in the late 1800 [6]. He also performed experiments and measurement that determined optical properties of metals [7]. Since the mid 1970s there have been great progress in the field of ellipsometry thanks to the availability of faster computers. Ellipsometry is defined as the measurement of the state of the change in polarization of a polarized light wave [8]. For the measurements carried out in this project IR-ellipsometry was used. The interaction between the sample and the light is in reflectionmode which is defined as reflection ellipsometry. When the change of the polarization after it is reflected from a sample is analyzed, one can get information about layers that are thinner than the wavelength of the light. The change in polarization of the light beam depends on the surface and the thin film properties. With the help of ellipsometry one can determine optical properties of materials in terms of spectral dependence of refractive indices and determine main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 5(17) 2.2 Ellipsometry 5 microstructural parameters such as crystal orientation, layer thickness and porosity. The technique has many standard applications in the semiconductor industry today but lately it has become interesting for researchers in such fields as biology and medicine. In these new areas ellipsometry faces the challenge to measure on unstable surfaces and to develop microscopic and imaging ellipsometry [9]. 2.2.1 Reflection ellipsometry Reflection ellipsometry is a technique based on measuring polarization changes occurring upon reflection at oblique incidence of a polarized monochromatic plane wave. Figure 2.2 shows the principle of ellipsometry. E s-plane p-plane p-plane θ E s-plane Plane of incidence Sample Figure 2.2: The principle of ellipsometry: In oblique reflection the plane of incidence defines the angle of incidence and the complex amplitudes of the p- and spolarized complexed-valued electric field components before and after reflection, respectively. The basic quantity measured with an ellipsometer is the ratio ρ= χr χi (2.8) where χr and χi are the complex-number representations of the states of polarization of the reflected and incident beams. In a cartesian coordinate system with the p- and s-direction parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence the quantity χ is found to be Ep χ= (2.9) Es where Ep and Es are the complex-valued representations of the electric fields in the p- and s-directions. For light reflected from optically isotropic samples no coupling will occur between the orthogonal p- and s-polarizations. The complex- main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 6(18) 6 Theory valued amplitude reflection coefficients Rp and Rs for light polarized in the p- and s-direction then become Rp = Epr Epi (2.10) Rs = Esr Esi (2.11) χi = Epi Esi (2.12) χr = Epr Esr (2.13) Epr Esi Rp = = tan Ψei(δp −δs ) Esr Epi Rs (2.14) Equation (2.8) becomes ρ= and the difference in phase is ∆ = δp − δs (2.15) Ψ and ∆ are introduced as parameters in a polar description of ρ and are called ellipsometric angles and Rp tan Ψ = (2.16) Rs This gives us the definitions to the two parameters Ψ and ∆ [8]. 2.2.2 Generalized ellipsometry We can see that Eq.(2.14) is valid for optically isotropic samples and for anisotropic samples having diagonal Jones matrices. In the general case of anisotropic samples Ψ and ∆ depend on the polarization state of the incident beam. This can be described with a non-diagonal Jones matrix. Rpp Rsp Rr = (2.17) Rps Rss The first index refers to incident polarization mode and the second to the emerging polarization mode. An ellipsometric characterization then requires measurement of at least three values on ρ at three different χi and three pairs of Ψ and ∆ are defined. This is referred to as generalized ellipsometry. The complex-valued generalized ellipsometer parameters are then defined according to ρpp = Rpp = tan Ψpp ei∆pp Rss (2.18) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 7(19) 2.3 Optical modeling 7 ρps = Rps = tan Ψps ei∆ps Rpp (2.19) ρsp = Rsp = tan Ψsp ei∆sp Rss (2.20) This gives us data in six different parameters Ψpp , Ψsp , Ψps , ∆pp , ∆sp and ∆ps . Depending on the sample properties and orientation, the off-diagonal normalized elements ρps and ρsp may be symmetric, antisymmetric, Hermitian, anti-Hermitian, completely different or zero [10]. 2.2.3 Infrared ellipsometry Ellipsometry in the visual light region is very common for analysis of thin films. It can be used to determine the thickness of the film with great accuracy. Spectroscopic infrared ellipsometry can be used for characterization of vibrations in molecules. At first glance one might think that larger wavelengths of the infrared light might reduce the sensitivity of the measurement but it is actually reliable down to nanometer thick layers. Specific chemical information about the the sample can be determined in a spectrum that represents molecular vibrations. This makes IR-ellipsometry a very useful tool for characterization of organic materials such as proteins, polymers etc. When looking at proteins it is interesting to note that the IR-spectra is divided into four different regions [11]. 1. The region with vibrations between hydrogen and other elements such as oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. This happens within the wavenumber range 4000 to 2500 cm−1 . 2. The region with vibrations from triple bindings, 2500 to 2000 cm−1 , where C ≡ C and C ≡ N occur. 3. The region with double bindings, 2000-1500 cm−1 , were usually C=C, C=O and C=N occur. 4. The region under 1500 cm−1 , also known as the fingerprint region where similar molecules have different absorption patterns. 2.3 Optical modeling Ellipsometry provides us with information about Ψ and ∆ for the sample. These parameters depend also on wavelength and angle of incidence. To be able to analyze the information we need an optical model. What kind of model depends on the sample. With optical modeling we will develop a model for the sample and then determine the unknown model parameters by non-linear regression analysis. main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 8(20) 8 Theory The linear optical response of materials can be described with the refractive index N (λ) = n(λ) + ik(λ) (2.21) where n(λ) and k(λ) are the wavelength dependent real and imaginary part of N (λ). As an alternative one can also use the dielectric function (λ) = 0 (λ) + i00 (λ) = N (λ)2 (2.22) Often the objective of analyzis of ellipsometric data is to determine N (λ) of one or several constituents of the sample. In many cases a wavelength-by-wavelength approach is used. This means that the N -value is extracted from the experimental data for each wavelength and independent of all other spectral points. For this the thickness and N -spectra of all the remaining sample constituents have to be known. However, in this project dispersion models are used for the materials optical properties Data Modify Model Fit Results Figure 2.3: Illustration of the different steps in ellipsometric data analysis Once an optical model is defined the data collected from the ellipsometry measurement can be fitted to the model. This is done by generating ellipsometry values for the same condition as the measured data. In this work some parameters are known since the sample is manufactured after specifications. The Levenburg-Marquard algorithm is used to minimize the difference between the generated values that the model gives us and the experimental values. This algorithm is based on Mean Squared Error(MSE) and is carried out by altering the unknown parameters in the optical model until a minimum in MSE is reached. MSE is defined as main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 9(21) 2.3 Optical modeling 9 " # X Ψmod − Ψexp 2 ∆mod − ∆exp 2 1 M SE = + 2N − M σΨ,i σ∆,i (2.23) where N is the number of measured Ψ and ∆ couples, M is the number of parameters that have been fitted and σΨ and σ∆ are the standard deviation of Ψ and ∆, respectively. The general procedure is shown in Fig. (2.3). In practice the user and/or program varies the fitting parameters until MSE has a minimum. The fitting parameters values are then the result of the analysis. 2.3.1 Reflectance In optical measurements the parameter usually obtained is the irradiance, which will be denoted I. Now we can calculate the reflectance 2 Er Ir 2 <= (2.24) = = |R| Ii Ei where Ir and Ii are incident and reflected irradiances and R the reflection coefficient. Two-phase systems The two-phase system, see Fig. 2.4, is the most simple case, i.e. a substrate with refractive index N 1 in an ambient with index N 0 , and the Fresnel equations are used in their original form . The Fresnel reflection coefficients will be denoted r rp = Erp N1 cos θ0 − N0 cos θ1 tan (θ0 − θ1 ) = = Eip N1 cos θ0 + N0 cos θ1 tan (θ1 + θ0 ) (2.25) N0 cos θ0 − N1 cos θ1 sin (θ1 − θ0 ) Ers (2.26) = = Eis N0 cos θ0 + N1 cos θ1 sin (θ1 + θ0 ) These equations relate the p- and s-components of the reflected fields, Erp och Ers to components of the incident fields, Eip och Eis From this we can with the help of Snell’s law derive an expression for the complex refractive index s 2 1−ρ N1 = N0 sin θ0 1 + tan2 θ0 (2.27) 1+ρ rs = and since = N2 (2.28) it follows that for the medium nr 1 1 = 0 sin θ0 2 1+ 1−ρ 1+ρ 2 ! tan θ0 2 (2.29) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 10(22) 10 Theory θ0 d1 θ0 θ0 θ1 N0 N1 d1 N0 N1 θ1 θ2 N0 N1 θ1 dn-2 N2 Nn-2 θn-2 θn-1 Nn-1 Figure 2.4: Reflection and transmission in the 2-phase-, 3-phase- and nphasemodel. Three-phase systems First we restrict ourselves to discuss the case when the principal axes coincide with an xyz coordinate system defined with the xz-plane equal to the plane of incidence, with the x-axis along the surface and the z-axis pointing into the substrate. In the three-phase-model a thin layer with the thickness d and refractive N1 = n1 + ik1 between two semi-infinite media are considered. The top layer is called the ambient and has the real-valued refractive index N0 = n0 . The bottom layer is the substrate and the refractive index for that layer is N2 = n2 + ik2 . As usual we will assume a plane wave incident in the xz-plane at an angle of incidence θ0 . When exploring the three-phase system we have to account for two reflecting interfaces due to the interaction between the electromagnetic field of the incidence wave and the thin film covered substrate. What we are trying to do here is to find relations between the incident wave and the reflected and transmitted waves. When trying to find these transmission and reflection coefficients it is important to remember that the boundary conditions apply differently for the s- and p-polarizations so we need to treat these separately. Reflection coefficients will be denoted Rp and Rs and the transmissions coefficients will be denoted Tp and Ts . The general form of the plane-wave solutions to the wave equation in the xzplane becomes E(r) = E(z)ei(qx x−ωt) (2.30) where q is the propagation vector q = (qx , 0, qz ) If we assume an s-polarization we only have an y-component of E which gives us E(r) = (0, E0y , 0) ei(qx x−ωt) (2.31) In the ambient, the layer and in the substrate we will get different equations for how E varies in the ambient E0y (z) = Aeiq0z z + Be−iq0z z z<0 (2.32) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 11(23) 2.3 Optical modeling In the layer 11 E1y (z) = Ceiq1z z + De−iq1z z In the substrate E2y (z) = F eiq2z (z−d) 0<z<d z<d (2.33) (2.34) where qz and −qz are the z-components of the wave vectors of the incident and reflected waves and A, B, C, D and F are their complex amplitudes. Using this we can define a reflection coefficient as the ratio B/A between the reflected and incident fields. A transmission coefficient can be defined as F/A between the transmitted and incident fields. The boundary conditions on the tangential components of the E and H-field require that Ex , Ey , Hx and Hy must be continuous at the interfaces z = 0 and z = d. For the s-polarization there is no Hy -component so the only thing that remains is to find the Hx -component. Using equation (2.4) and B = µµ0 H implies that Hx = i ∂E (ωµ0 ) ∂z and then using what we learned in Eqs. (2.32 - 2.34) we find that q0z iq0z z − Be−iq0z z ), z < 0 − ωµ0 (Ae q1z iq1z z − De−iq1z z ), 0 < z < d − ωµ0 (Ce Hx (z) = − q2z F eiq2z (z−d) , z<d ωµ0 (2.35) (2.36) (2.37) Considering that the boundary conditions saying that Ey and Hx must be continuous at the interfaces z = 0 and z = d gives us A+B =C +D (2.38) q0z (A − B) = q1z (C − D) (2.39) =F Ceiq1z d + De−iq1z d = q2z F iq1z d Ce q1z + De −iq1z d (2.40) (2.41) Now we eliminate C and D and if we solve the equations for the ratios B/A and F/A we obtain B (q0z − q1z ) (q1z + q2z ) + (q0z + q1z ) (q1z − q2z ) ei2q1z d = A (q0z + q1z ) (q1z + q2z ) + (q0z − q1z ) (q1z − q2z ) ei2q1z d F 4q0Z q1Z eiq1Z d = A (q0z + q1z ) (q1z + q2z ) + (q0z − q1z ) (qz − q2z ) ei2q1z d (2.42) (2.43) For real wave vectors we have that qiz = 2π Ni cos θi λ (2.44) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 12(24) 12 Theory (i =0,1,2) and gives us the Fresnel coefficients for the s-polarizations as r01 = q0z − q1z q0z + q1z (2.45) r12 = q1z − q2z q1z + q2z (2.46) t01 = 2q1z q0z + q1z (2.47) t01 = 2q1z q1z + q2z (2.48) and now the reflection and transmission coefficients can be rewritten as R≡ r01 + r12 ei2β B = A 1 + r01 r12 ei2β (2.49) T ≡ B t01 t12 ei2β = A 1 + r01 r12 ei2β (2.50) where rlm is the Fresnel’s coefficient rp between the phases l and m and β is the film phase thickness, which is given by 2πd N1 cos θ1 (2.51) λ Here N1 is the complex index of refraction of the middle medium, d is the thickness of the layer and θ1 is the angle of refraction. If the same derivation is performed for the p-polarization this leads to the same expressions except that the coefficients r01 , r12 , t01 and t12 will be associated with the p-versions of the Fresnel equations. This is the final piece of the puzzle and we can now write β= Rp = Erp r01p + r12p ei2β = Eip 1 + r01p r12p ei2β (2.52) Rs = Ers r01s + r12s ei2β = Eis 1 + r01s r12s ei2β (2.53) n-phase systems When adding more layers to the model the complexity of the analytical expression for the reflectivity will increase. For solving these systems matrix-based methods is used with the help of computers. The optical system involves m layers indexed 1, 2, 3..m of different materials between the semi-infinente ambient indexed 0 and the semi-infinite substrate indexed m + 1. We assume that all phases are homogeneous and isotropic. All boundaries are parallel and abrupt. At any point in the system we can mathematically resolve the electric field of the light into two subfields, one corresponding to a wave traveling in the +z-direction, E+ and one main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 13(25) 2.3 Optical modeling 13 travelling in the -z-direction, E− . The total fields in any given z-plane is given by E(z) = E + (z) + E − (z). Consider the relation between the total fields in two different planes z1 and z2 . Light propagation is described by linear equations and thus we geneally have E + (z1 ) = S11 E + (z2 ) + S12 E − (z2 ) (2.54) E − (z1 ) = S21 E + (z2 ) + S22 E − (z2 ) (2.55) E(z1 ) = S(z1 , z2 )E(z2 ) (2.56) or in matrix form where E(z1 ) = E + (z1 ) E − (z1 ) E(z2 ) = E + (z2 ) E − (z2 ) are called generalized field vectors. The matrix S(z1 , z2 ) is defined by S11 S12 S(z1 , z2 ) = S21 S22 (2.57) (2.58) The properties of the part of the system that lies between the planes z1 and z2 enter the matrix in the form of coefficients Sij In the case of two optical systems the relation between the fields of the first and second optical system is related by E1 = S1 E2 (2.59) E2 = S2 E3 (2.60) where S1 and S2 are the matrices containing the properties of the two optical systems. If we eliminate the intermediate field vector E2 we can write E1 = S1 S2 E3 = SE3 (2.61) We call S = S1 S2 the scattering matrix of various optical systems. To derive the reflection and transmission coefficients from the S-matrix we write equation (2.56) as + + E0 Em+1 S11 S12 = (2.62) − S21 S22 E0− Em+1 where E0 is the field vector in the ambient immediately adjacent to the interface, Em+1 is the corresponding field vector in the substrate and S the total scattering matrix for the whole system containing m layers on a substrate. E+ 0 is the incident − + wave, E− is the reflected wave, E the transmitted wave and E 0 m+1 1+m = 0 because there is no backscattered wave in the substrate. From this follows + + E0 S11 S12 Em+1 = (2.63) S21 S22 0 E0− The overall complex transmission coefficient is given by T = + Em+1 1 + = S E0 11 (2.64) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 14(26) 14 Theory and the overall complex reflection coefficient by R= S21 E0− = S11 E0+ (2.65) Scattering matrices are generally defined independently for the p- and s-polarizations, Sp and Ss , respectively. The reflection and transmission coefficients for the p- and s-directions become S21p 1 Tp = S11p Rp = S11p (2.66) Rs = 2.3.2 S21s S11s Ts = (2.67) 1 S11s Reflection at an anisotropic surface Biaxially anisotropic substrate We restrict ourselfs to discuss the case when the principal axes coincide with an xyz coordinate system defined with the xz-plane equal to the plane of incidence with the x-axis along the surface and the z-axis pointing into the substrate. There are three different indices of refraction in an biaxial medium and they will be denoted N1x , N1y and N1z . The reflection matrix is diagonal in this symmetry and the diagonal elements are rpp = 2 N1x N1z cos φ0 − N0 N1z − N02 sin2 φ0 21 2 − N 2 sin2 φ N1x N1z cos φ0 + N0 N1z 0 0 12 rss = 2.4 2 N0 cos φ0 − N1y − N02 sin2 φ0 12 2 − N 2 sin2 φ N0 cos φ0 + N1y 0 0 12 (2.68) (2.69) Effective medium approximation A heterogeneous material can be modeled with a so called effective medium approximation generally known as EMA. The goal is to find an effective dielectric function EM A expressed in terms of microstructure and complex-valued dielectric functions of the components of a composite material. This EM A can account for the essential features of the heterogeneous structure. The various optical quantities like reflection and transmission can be determined in a similar manner as for homogeneous materials. Initially we assume that heterogeneous materials are macroscopically uniform and we also assume that components of the heterogeneous material are isotropic so they can be characterized by a scalar dielectric function. Consider a simple hypothetical two-component composite of materials A and B, see fig. 2.5. The macroscopic average dielectric function k in the case the boundaries are parallel to the applied field is given by k = fA A + fB B (2.70) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 15(27) 2.4 Effective medium approximation 15 where fA and fB are the materials volume fractions. When the field and the sample boundaries are perpendicular, the macroscopic average is given by ⊥ = fA A 1 + (2.71) fB B Due to the limitations on the validity of the effective medium approximations there are many different theories which are applicable to different microstructures. E A f A εA B fB εB E A fA εA B fB εB Figure 2.5: Microstructures for a two-component composite. To the left all the boundaries are perpendicular to E and to the right the boundaries are parallel to the applied field E 2.4.1 The Bruggeman effective medium One theory that is often used in optical analysis is the Bruggeman effective medium [12]. This theory describes an aggregate microstructure where materials A and B are randomly mixed. The approximation assumes that the microstructural dimensions are much smaller than the wavelength λ. In this theory we approximate that the unit cell is a sphere whose dielectric function is A with the probability fA and B with the probability fB = 1 − fA . Bruggeman gives us this equation for the composite dielectric function A − B − + (1 − fA ) =0 (2.72) A + 2 B + 2 One of the great advantages of the Bruggeman model is that it is symmetric and can be used for all values of fA . So far all particles discussed have been assumed to be spherical. However, the shape of the particle will affect the local field. To coupe with this problem there are some correction terms called depolarization factors, table 2.1. When a dielectric object is placed in an electric field E0 the surface bound charge creates a depolarization field E1 which reduces the total field in the object. The electric field can be described as fA E1 = E0 − qP 0 (2.73) main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 16(28) 16 Theory where q is the depolarization factor and P is the polarization inside the object. The factor q is dependent on the geometric shape of the object and 0 is the electric constant. Depolarization Factors Shape Axis Sphere any Thin slab normal Thin slab in plane Long circular cylinder longitudinal Long circular cylinder transverse q 1/3 1 0 0 1/2 Table 2.1: Depolarization factors 2.5 Euler angles In this project measurements are done at many different sample angles (rotational azimuths) and it will be necessary to figure out what movement respond to which Euler angle. Any rotation can be described using three angles fig. 2.6. The angles that give the three rotation matrices are called Euler angles. The intersection of the xy and the x´y´ coordinate planes is called the line of nodes. Φ is the angle between the x-axis and the line of nodes. θ is the angle between the z-axis and the z´-axis. Ψ is the angle between the line of nodes and the x´-axis. z y’ z’ θ x’ ψ x Φ y Line of nodes Figure 2.6: Euler angles In a matrices representation one can write the rotation as main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 17(29) 2.6 Capillary action cos φ M = − sin φ 0 17 sin φ 0 (1 cos φ 0 0 0 1 0 0 cos θ − sin θ 0 cos ψ sin θ − sin ψ cos θ 0 0 0 1 (2.74) The problem is that it has never been agreed upon the order in which the rotations are applied and even the axes about which they are applied. This means that I must somehow define which rotation affects the results in my measurements. 2.6 sin ψ cos ψ 0 Capillary action Capillary action is the force that drives liquids through capillaries. It is caused by the relationship between adhesion which is the liquids attractive force against the capillary wall and the cohesive force between the liquids molecules. This is the same phenomenon that helps trees to suck up water from the ground. In the case of the silicon trenches the capillary force will keep the water out of the trenches since the height of the liquid column is given by h= 2γ cos θ ρgr (2.75) where γ is the surface tension (J/m2 ), θ is the contact angle, ρ is the liquid density, g is the acceleration due to gravity and r is the with of the trench. 2.7 Proteins The word protein comes from the greek word "prota" which means "of primary importance" and was first described and named by the Swedish chemist Jakob Berzelius in 1838. Proteins are large organic compounds made of amino acids that are arranged in a linear chain and joined together by peptide bonds between the carboxyl and amino acid residues. Proteins are linear polymers built from 20 different L-α-amino acids. All amino acids share common structural features including an α-carbon to which an amino group, a carboxyl group and a variable side chain are bonded. The amino acids in a polypeptide chain are linked by peptide bonds formed in a dehydration reaction. Once linked in the protein chain, an individual amino acid is called a residue and the linked series of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms are known as the main chain or protein backbone. The peptide bond has two resonance forms that contribute some double bond character and inhibit rotation around its axis, so that the α carbons are roughly coplanar. The isoelectric point is the pH at which a protein carries no net electrical charge. It is important to know the isoelectric point to determine what kind of buffer should be used for protein adsorption. This is to minimize the electrostatic forces that counteract the adsorption [13]. main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 18(30) 18 2.7.1 Theory Albumin Albumin is the most abundant protein in the human blood plasma. It is produced in the liver. Albumin comprises about half of the blood serum protein. The protein has many functions such as maintaining osmotic pressure, transporting thyroid hormones that control how fast the body burns energy, transporting fat soluble proteins, transporting many drugs, competitively bind calcium ions and buffering pH. Figure 2.7 shows the structure of human albumin. Albumin is synthesized in the liver as preproalbumin which has an N-terminal peptide that is removed before the protein is released from the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The product, proalbumin, is in turn cleaved in the Golgi vesicles to produce the secreted albumin. The reference range for albumin concentrations in blood is 30 to 50 g/L. Low blood albumin levels (hypoalbuminemia) can be caused by the liver disease cirrhosis of the liver (most commonly), decreased production (as in starvation), excess excretion by the kidneys (as in nephrotic syndrome), excess loss in bowel (protein losing enteropathy) malnutrition, malabsorption, neoplasia and pregnancy. Molecular dimensions of human albumin is 3 × 3 × 8 nm. This means that it should not have a problem fittning in the treanches. It has a serum half-life of approximately 20 days and a molecular mass of 67 kDa. The isoelectric point is located at pH 5.8. Figure 2.7: Sturcture of human albumin main: 2007-12-5 15:34 2.7 Proteins 2.7.2 — 19(31) 19 Protein adsorption Adsorption is a process that occurs when a gas or liquid solute accumulates on the surface of a solid or, more rarely, a liquid (adsorbent), forming a molecular or atomic film (the adsorbate). It is different from absorption, in which a substance diffuses into a liquid or solid to form a solution. The term sorption encompasses both processes, while desorption is the reverse process. Adsorption is operative in most natural physical, biological, and chemical systems, and is widely used in industrial applications such as activated charcoal, synthetic resins and water purification. Adsorption, ion exchange and chromatography are sorption processes in which certain adsorptive are selectively transferred from the fluid phase to the surface of insoluble, rigid particles suspended in a vessel or packed in a column. Protein adsorption is controlled by the characteristics of the surface, the protein and by the buffer. Properties such as electrical charge, molecular orientation and pH of the buffer all influence the adsorption process [14]. Two main factors that control protein adsorption are • Hydrophobic interaction in the proteins • Electrostatic forces main: 2007-12-5 15:34 20 — 20(32) Theory main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 21(33) Chapter 3 Experimental and instrumentation 3.1 Ellipsometer The ellipsometer used for the measurements is an IR-VASE from J.A. Woollam Co. Inc., USA. IR-VASE is a spectroscopic ellipsometer that covers a spectral range from 300 to 5000 cm−1 The IR-ellipsometer is based on the concept of a rotating compensator [9]. The input unit of the IR-VASE contains mirrors that focus the polarized radiation on the sample that is being measured. Polarization is achieved by passing the radiation through a wire grid polarizer. This polarizer is mounted to a goniometer which allows the polarization of the radiation to be adjusted relative to the plane of incidence. The input unit also contains an alignment laser, a tool that helps to set the sample surface perpendicular to the plane of incidence. For the analysis of the experimental data the WVASE program from J.A. Woollam Co. Inc., USA was used. 3.2 Silicon samples The samples used for the measurements were made at KTH by Xavier Badel. The samples were made using the lithography and electrochemical etching method [15]. This is a technique that makes it easy to make 3-D etchings in silicon. The idea is to have trenches etched in the sample. The walls are about 300 nm wide, 9 µm high and spaced with a distance center-to-center of 1500 nm. The sample is shown in Fig. 3.1. The etched area of the sample is circular with a diameter of about 1.6 cm. As it turns out the periphere of the sample can not be used for measurements. 21 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 22 — 22(34) Experimental and instrumentation Figure 3.1: The trenches in the silicon sample 3.2.1 Euler angles In the measurements the Euler angles were defined in according to fig. 3.2. This is how the angles are represented in the WVASE-program that was used to process the experimental data and also used to build the model. The Φ-direction is the in the a wall of the sample. θ is 90◦ and is the direction along the normal of the wall. Ψ is the sample rotation. There is a build in idiosyncrasy in the WVASE system. The legends on WVASE experimental data graphsis the sample rotation angle is shown as θ = xx◦ , but is more closely related to Ψ in the Euler angles. Therefor θ will be the sample rotation from here on. 3.3 Protein adsorption Before applying the protein the trenches must be filled with water. Because of the capillary forces we first need to put the sample in alcohol, which have different characteristics than water and therefore has no problem making its way down into the trenches. The sample was put in 30 ml of methanol that was diluted with 15 ml of water every 24:th hour until the alcohol percentage was down under 0.1%. 10 mg of human serum albumin was dissolved in 10 ml PBS ( PhosphateBuffered Saline). The PBS has a pH of 7.4 which is close to the pH in the human body. The silicon sample was put in 26 ml of PBS since that is the amount it took to cover it completly. Then 3 ml of the protein solution was added. The sample was left in the solution för 60 minutes whereafter it was dried with nitrogen gas. main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 23(35) 3.4 Measurements 23 Wall in the sample z x y θ Φ ψ Substrate Figure 3.2: Definition of euler angles during measurements in the WVASEprogram. 3.4 Measurements Three different silicon samples were measured with the IR-VASE. The angles of incidence were 25◦ , 45◦ and 65◦ in the range of 300 - 5000 cm−1 and the resolution was 8 cm−1 . The sample was rotated 360◦ and the measurements for all three angles of incidence was carried out every 45◦ . One silicon sample was prepared with proteins and measured in the same way. main: 2007-12-5 15:34 24 — 24(36) Experimental and instrumentation main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 25(37) Chapter 4 Results and discussion 4.1 Experimental results As we can see in Fig. 4.1 and 4.2 there are three different Ψ- and ∆-curves for each angle af incidence and θ = 0◦ . In Fig. 4.3 and Fig. 4.4 we can see the results for the three different incidence angles. In the appendix Fig. A.1 to Fig. A.28 show the curves for different θ. AnE is the Rpp /Rss -ratio, Aps is the Rps /Rpp -ratio and Asp is the Rsp /Rss -ratio. Information is located between 6 µm and 18 µm. Above and below these limits the noise was to large for any usable information to be seen. Experimental Data 100 Exp AnE 25° θ=0° Exp Aps 25° θ=0° Exp Asp 25° θ=0° Ψ in degrees 80 60 40 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure 4.1: Experimental values of Ψ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 0◦ . 25 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 26(38) 26 Results and discussion Experimental Data 300 Exp AnE 25° θ=0° Exp Aps 25° θ=0° Exp Asp 25° θ=0° ∆ in degrees 200 100 0 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure 4.2: Experimental values of ∆ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 0◦ . Experimental Data 100 Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° Ψ in degrees 80 60 40 θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure 4.3: Experimental values of Ψ for all three incident angles and θ = 0◦ . main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 27(39) 4.2 Optical model devolepment 27 Experimental Data 300 ∆ in degrees 200 Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 100 0 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° 18 Figure 4.4: Experimental values of ∆ for all three incident angles and θ = 0◦ . 4.2 4.2.1 Optical model devolepment Silicon trenches For the optical model of the silicon trenches one could easily make a variety of different models that may vary in complexity. While using the Bruggeman model we assumed that trench walls are like thin slabs which gives us the depolarization factors 1 and 0 for the optical properties normal to and in plane eith the walls respectively, see table 2.1. The general idea is to build the model from silicon substrate that has the thickness 1 mm and then try to simulate the voids in the sample with the help of EMA-materials. The model is shown in Fig. 4.5 with the silicon substrate as layer 0. Since the sample is etched in a way that could be described like walls the model must have different characteristics in different directions and therefore a biaxial model was to be used. Early on it was realized that just one biaxial was not enough so the model was expanded into a three layer biaxial model. This is because the walls do not have the same distance between them at the bottom compared to in the center and the top of the sample. These three biaxial layers are illustrated in the model in Fig. 4.5 and are numbered 13, 14 and 15. Each of the three biaxial-layers is connected to two different EMA-materials that have the same percentage of void. These two EMA-materials are coupled to each other so that the void always is the same for both of them when they are fitted to the experimental data. Since there are three biaxial-layers the model gives us three pairs of EMA-materials. Each of the six EMA-materials is connected to main: 2007-12-5 15:34 28 — 28(40) Results and discussion different p-doped silicon materials. The p-doped silicon is connected to silicon with free carriers-materials. For these materials different resistances have to be fitted on account of the direction. The layers marked 1 to 6 and -1 to -8 are help layers. Some of the offsets in these layers are to high to have a physicall explanation. To get a better model it is needed to develop specific layers adapted for silicon trenches. In Figs. 4.6 to 4.7 the experimental values and the model are shown at an angle of incidence of 25◦ when θ is 0. In Figs. B.1 to B.2 the results are shown for 45◦ and 65◦ when θ is 0◦ . In figs. 4.10 and 4.11 we can observe that the model is still accurate when θ is changed to 45◦ .In appendix B Figs. 4.10 and B.24 the model and the experimental values for all three angles of incidence are shown when θ vary from 45◦ to 135◦ in intervals of 45◦ . We only need to follow the rotation of the sample to 135◦ because of the symmetry of the structure the data will just be a repetition of the first 180◦ . The thickness of the three biaxial layers seen in Fig 4.5 is what we can expect from the specifications of the sample. Since we know the specifications for the sample we know that the height should be 9 µm. Knowing that the walls are 300 nm thick and the distance center to center of the walls is 1500 nm this gives us a void that is 80 %. From the model Fig. 4.5 we see that adding the thickness of the three biaxial layers gives us the total height of 8.67 ± 0.08 µm. When calculating the void percentage average we get that in the model it is 77.9 %. When the model that was constructed for the experimental data from the measurements on the silicon sample was fitted the Mean square error was 3.15 which is considered a good result. main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 29(41) 4.2 Optical model devolepment 15 biaxial 14 biaxial 13 biaxial 12 ema6 (si_p_doped6)/59.6% void 11 ema5 (si_p_doped5)/59.6% void 10 ema4 (si_p_doped4)/83% void 9 ema3 (si_p_doped3)/83% void 8 ema2 (si_p_doped2)/77.5% void 7 ema (si_p_doped1)/77.5% void 6 si_p_doped6 5 si_p_doped5 4 si_p_doped4 3 si_p_doped3 2 si_p_doped2 1 si_p_doped1 0 si_p_doped -1 si_p -2 silicon with free carriers -3 silicon with free carriers1 -4 silicon with free carriers2 -5 silicon with free carriers5 -6 silicon with free carriers6 -7 silicon with free carriers7 -8 silicon with free carriers8 29 0.484542 µm 7.356988 µm 0.826717 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 1 mm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm 0.000000 µm Figure 4.5: Three layer biaxial model for silicon trenches main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 30(42) 30 Results and discussion Generated and Experimental 100 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° θ=0° Exp Aps 25° θ=0° Exp Asp 25° θ=0° Ψ in degrees 80 60 40 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure 4.6: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ is 0◦ . Generated and Experimental 400 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° θ=0° Exp Aps 25° θ=0° Exp Asp 25° θ=0° ∆ in degrees 300 200 100 0 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure 4.7: Experimental and model values for ∆ for the incident angle 25◦ and θis 0◦ . main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 31(43) 4.2 Optical model devolepment Generated and Experimental 100 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 80 Ψ in degrees 31 60 40 θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure 4.8: Experimental and model values for Ψ for all the incident angles at θ = 0◦ . Generated and Experimental 400 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° ∆ in degrees 200 0 θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° θ=0° -200 -400 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure 4.9: Experimental and model values for ∆ for all the incident angles at θ = 0◦ . main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 32(44) 32 Results and discussion Generated and Experimental 80 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° θ=45° Exp Aps 25° θ=45° Exp Asp 25° θ=45° Ψ in degrees 60 40 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure 4.10: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 45◦ . Generated and Experimental 300 ∆ in degrees 200 100 0 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° θ=45° Exp Aps 25° θ=45° Exp Asp 25° θ=45° -100 -200 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure 4.11: Experimental and model values ∆ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 45◦ . main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 33(45) 4.3 Sample with protein 4.3 33 Sample with protein After exposing the sample to proteins the same measurements ware carried out again. According to previous studies [1] we know that the proteins should show optical signatures visible at the frequency 1537 ± 3 cm−1 . In Fig. 4.12 we show that there is a small peak at 1540 cm−1 when θ = 0◦ . Experimental Data 55 Exp AnE 45° θ=0° Exp AnE 45° θ=0° Ψ in degrees 50 45 40 35 30 25 1400 1500 1600 Wave Number (cm -1) 1700 1800 Figure 4.12: Ψ for clean silicon sample (dashed curve) and for same sample after expsure to protein (solid curve). A small peak is visible at 1540 cm−1 . 4.4 Conclusions and suggestion of further work The main object for this project was to develop an optical model for the silicon trenches with the help of experimental data from infrared ellipsometry and try to detect proteins in the silicon structure. For the optical model a three layered biaxial model was developed. This gave us a model which was accurate but not perfect. The MSE was calculated to 3.54 and could not be improved by adding more layers. The thicknesses of the three biaxial layers are what we expected from the specifications of the sample and therefore give us an indication that the model is correct. Perhaps a completely different type of model could be developed. It has been suggested that a model based on photonic crystals could be used instead of the biaxial model used in this project [3]. FEM-simulations could be used to develop a theoretical model for the structures . In the case with the protein we found a peak where is expected to be which is a main: 2007-12-5 15:34 34 — 34(46) Results and discussion good indication that it is possible to study absorption in more complex structures. The peak was not very strong and it can probably be made more visible if exposing the samples to the protein for a longer time period. An optical model for the proteins could be developed with the help of Gauss oscillators. main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 35(47) Bibliography [1] H. Arwin, A. Askendahl, P. Tengvall, D. Thompson, and J. A. Woollam, “Infrared ellipsometry studies of the thermal stability of protein monolayers and multilayers.” submitted, 2007. [2] H. Arwin, L. M. Karlsson, A. Kozarcanin, D. Thompson, T. Tiwald, and J. Woollam, “Carbonic anhydrase adsorption in porous silicon studied with infrared ellipsometry,” phys stat soli, no. 8, 2005. [3] D. W. Thompson, 2007. Private communication. [4] X. 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Linnros, “Towards the formation of 3d nanostructures by electochemical etching of silicon,” Electrochemical etched pore arrays in silicon for X-ray imaging detectors, 2005. main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 37(49) Appendix A Experimental results 37 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 38(50) 38 Experimental results Experimental Data 100 Exp AnE 45° θ=0° Exp Aps 45° θ=0° Exp Asp 45° θ=0° 60 40 20 0 6 8 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 Figure A.1: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 0◦ . 14 16 10 Exp AnE 65° θ=0° Exp Aps 65° θ=0° Exp Asp 65° θ=0° 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 0 6 8 16 Figure A.5: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 45◦ . 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 16 Experimental Data 200 ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 8 16 Figure A.4: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 0◦ . Exp AnE 25° θ=45° Exp Aps 25° θ=45° Exp Asp 25° θ=45° 20 14 Experimental Data 300 40 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 100 -100 Experimental Data 60 8 Figure A.2: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 0◦ . ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 10 12 Wavelength (µm) Figure A.3: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 0◦ . 80 6 200 20 8 0 300 40 0 6 100 -100 Exp AnE 65° θ=0° Exp Aps 65° θ=0° Exp Asp 65° θ=0° 60 0 6 16 Experimental Data 80 Exp AnE 45° θ=0° Exp Aps 45° θ=0° Exp Asp 45° θ=0° 200 ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 80 Experimental Data 300 18 Exp AnE 25° θ=45° Exp Aps 25° θ=45° Exp Asp 25° θ=45° 100 0 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.6: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 45◦ . 18 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 39(51) 39 Experimental Data 70 Exp AnE 45° θ=45° Exp Aps 45° θ=45° Exp Asp 45° θ=45° 60 200 ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 50 Experimental Data 300 40 30 20 Exp AnE 45° θ=45° Exp Aps 45° θ=45° Exp Asp 45° θ=45° 100 0 10 0 6 8 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 16 Figure A.7: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 45◦ . -100 Ψ in degrees 20 8 10 Wavelength (µm) 12 14 Figure A.9: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 45◦ . 0 6 8 10 Wavelength (µm) 200 ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 40 20 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.11: Experimental values of Ψ for all three incident angles and θ = 45◦ . 12 14 Experimental Data 300 60 0 6 -100 Figure A.10: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 45◦ . Experimental Data 80 16 Exp AnE 65° θ=45° Exp Aps 65° θ=45° Exp Asp 65° θ=45° 100 10 0 6 14 Experimental Data 200 ∆ in degrees Exp AnE 65° θ=45° Exp Aps 65° θ=45° Exp Asp 65° θ=45° 30 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 300 50 40 8 Figure A.8: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 45◦ . Experimental Data 60 6 100 0 -100 6 18 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° 16 18 Figure A.12: Experimental values of ∆ for all three incident angles and θ = 45◦ . main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 40(52) 40 Experimental results Experimental Data 80 Exp AnE 25° θ=90° Exp Aps 25° θ=90° Exp Asp 25° θ=90° 40 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.13: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 90◦ . 18 30 20 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.15: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 90◦ . 18 20 10 0 6 8 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 Figure A.17: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 90◦ . 18 Exp AnE 45° θ=90° Exp Aps 45° θ=90° Exp Asp 45° θ=90° 0 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Experimental Data Exp AnE 65° θ=90° Exp Aps 65° θ=90° Exp Asp 65° θ=90° 200 ∆ in degrees 30 16 Experimental Data 300 Ψ in degrees 40 12 14 Wavelength (µm) Figure A.16: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 90◦ . Exp AnE 65° θ=90° Exp Aps 65° θ=90° Exp Asp 65° θ=90° 50 10 100 -100 Experimental Data 60 8 200 ∆ in degrees 40 10 6 6 300 Ψ in degrees 50 0 Figure A.14: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 90◦ . Exp AnE 45° θ=90° Exp Aps 45° θ=90° Exp Asp 45° θ=90° 60 100 -100 Experimental Data 70 Exp AnE 25° θ=90° Exp Aps 25° θ=90° Exp Asp 25° θ=90° 200 ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 60 Experimental Data 300 16 100 0 -100 6 8 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 Figure A.18: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 90◦ . 16 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 41(53) 41 Ψ in degrees 60 40 Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 20 0 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.19: Experimental values of Ψ for all three incident angles and θ = 90◦ . 30 20 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.21: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 135◦ . 18 20 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.23: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 135◦ . 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Experimental Data 100 Exp AnE 25° θ=135° Exp Aps 25° θ=135° Exp Asp 25° θ=135° 0 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Experimental Data 200 ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees Exp AnE 45° θ=135° Exp Aps 45° θ=135° Exp Asp 45° θ=135° 40 0 6 8 300 80 60 6 θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° Figure A.22: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 135◦ . Experimental Data 100 -100 Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 200 10 0 6 0 300 ∆ in degrees 40 100 Figure A.20: Experimental values of ∆ for all three incident angles and θ = 90◦ . Exp AnE 25° θ=135° Exp Aps 25° θ=135° Exp Asp 25° θ=135° 50 Ψ in degrees 18 Experimental Data 60 Experimental Data θ=90° 300 θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° 200 θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° ∆ in degrees Experimental Data 80 18 100 Exp AnE 45° θ=135° Exp Aps 45° θ=135° Exp Asp 45° θ=135° 0 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.24: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 135◦ . 18 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 42(54) 42 Experimental results Experimental Data 100 200 Exp AnE 65° θ=135° Exp Aps 65° θ=135° Exp Asp 65° θ=135° ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 80 60 40 20 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.25: Experimental values Ψ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 135◦ . Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 80 60 40 θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.27: Experimental values of Ψ for all three incident angles and θ = 135◦ . Exp AnE 65° θ=135° Exp Aps 65° θ=135° Exp Asp 65° θ=135° 0 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Experimental Data 300 200 20 0 6 100 Figure A.26: Experimental values ∆ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 135◦ . Experimental Data 100 Ψ in degrees 18 ∆ in degrees 0 6 Experimental Data 300 18 100 Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 0 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure A.28: Experimental values of ∆ for all three incident angles and θ = 135◦ . θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° 18 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 43(55) Appendix B Experimental and model results 43 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 44 — 44(56) Experimental and model results Generated and Experimental Ψ in degrees 80 Model Fit Exp AnE 45° θ=0° Exp Aps 45° θ=0° Exp Asp 45° θ=0° 60 40 200 8 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 Figure B.1: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 0◦ . 16 -400 8 40 20 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 16 Generated and Experimental 200 ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 6 300 Model Fit Exp AnE 65° θ=0° Exp Aps 65° θ=0° Exp Asp 65° θ=0° 60 Model Fit Exp AnE 45° θ=0° Exp Aps 45° θ=0° Exp Asp 45° θ=0° Figure B.2: Experimental and model values for ∆ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 0◦ . Generated and Experimental 80 0 6 0 -200 20 0 6 Generated and Experimental 400 ∆ in degrees 100 Model Fit Exp AnE 65° θ=0° Exp Aps 65° θ=0° Exp Asp 65° θ=0° 100 0 -100 8 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 Figure B.3: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 0◦ . 16 -200 6 8 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 Figure B.4: Experimental and model values for ∆ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 0◦ . 16 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 45(57) 45 Generated and Experimental 60 50 30 20 0 6 8 10 Wavelength (µm) 12 14 Figure B.5: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 45◦ . Generated and Experimental 80 0 -200 Model Fit Exp AnE 65° θ=45° Exp Aps 65° θ=45° Exp Asp 65° θ=45° 40 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 20 6 8 10 Wavelength (µm) 12 14 Figure B.6: Experimental and model values for ∆ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 45◦ . Generated and Experimental θ=45° 300 θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° 200 θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° 100 θ=45° θ=45° ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 60 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 0 θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° θ=45° -100 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure B.7: Experimental and model values of Ψ for all three incident angles and θ = 45◦ . Generated and Experimental 80 18 -200 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) Model Fit Exp AnE 25° θ=90° Exp Aps 25° θ=90° Exp Asp 25° θ=90° ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 200 20 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure B.9: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 90◦ . 18 Generated and Experimental Model Fit Exp AnE 25° θ=90°300 Exp Aps 25° θ=90° Exp Asp 25° θ=90° 40 16 Figure B.8: Experimental and model values of ∆ for all three incident angles and θ = 45◦ . 60 0 6 100 -100 10 0 6 200 ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 40 Generated and Experimental 300 Model Fit Exp AnE 65° θ=45° Exp Aps 65° θ=45° Exp Asp 65° θ=45° 18 100 0 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure B.10: Experimental and model values ∆ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 90◦ . 18 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 46 46(58) Experimental and model results Generated and Experimental 80 Model Fit Exp AnE 45° θ=90° Exp Aps 45° θ=90° Exp Asp 45° θ=90° 200 ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 60 40 20 100 0 Model Fit Exp AnE 45° θ=90° Exp Aps 45° θ=90° Exp Asp 45° θ=90° -100 0 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 18 Figure B.11: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 90◦ . -200 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) ∆ in degrees Ψ in degrees 20 100 0 Model Fit Exp AnE 65° θ=90° Exp Aps 65° θ=90° Exp Asp 65° θ=90° -100 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 14 16 Figure B.13: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 90◦ . Generated and Experimental 80 Ψ in degrees 60 40 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 20 -200 6 8 10 12 Wavelength (µm) 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure B.15: Experimental and model values of Ψ for all three incident angles and θ = 90◦ . 16 Generated and Experimental θ=90° 300 θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° 200 θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° 100 θ=90° 0 -100 8 14 Figure B.14: Experimental and model values for ∆ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 90◦ . ∆ in degrees 8 18 200 40 0 6 16 Generated and Experimental 300 Model Fit Exp AnE 65° θ=90° Exp Aps 65° θ=90° Exp Asp 65° θ=90° 60 6 Figure B.12: Experimental and model values for ∆ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 90◦ . Generated and Experimental 80 0 6 Generated and Experimental 300 18 -200 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) Model Fit Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° 16 Figure B.16: Experimental and model values of ∆ for all three incident angles and θ = 90◦ . θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° θ=90° 18 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 — 47(59) 47 Generated and Experimental Model Fit Exp AnE 25° θ=135° Exp Aps 25° θ=135° Exp Asp 25° θ=135° Ψ in degrees 60 40 20 200 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure B.17: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 135◦ . 18 0 -200 Model Fit Exp AnE 25° θ=135° Exp Aps 25° θ=135° Exp Asp 25° θ=135° 20 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure B.19: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 135◦ . 18 60 40 0 6 Model Fit Exp AnE 45° θ=135° Exp Aps 45° θ=135° Exp Asp 45° θ=135° 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure B.21: Experimental and model values for Ψ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 135◦ . 18 Generated and Experimental 200 100 Model Fit Exp AnE 65° θ=135° Exp Aps 65° θ=135° Exp Asp 65° θ=135° 0 8 16 300 20 0 6 18 Generated and Experimental 400 Model Fit Exp AnE 65° θ=135° Exp Aps 65° θ=135° Exp Asp 65° θ=135° 16 Figure B.20: Experimental and model values for ∆ for the incident angle 45◦ and θ = 135◦ . ∆ in degrees 80 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 100 -100 Generated and Experimental 100 10 200 ∆ in degrees Model Fit Exp AnE 45° θ=135° Exp Aps 45° θ=135° Exp Asp 45° θ=135° 40 0 6 8 300 80 60 6 Figure B.18: Experimental and model values ∆ for the incident angle 25◦ and θ = 135◦ . Generated and Experimental 100 Ψ in degrees 100 -100 0 6 Ψ in degrees Generated and Experimental 300 ∆ in degrees 80 18 -100 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure B.22: Experimental and model values for ∆ for the incident angle 65◦ and θ = 135◦ . 18 main: 2007-12-5 15:34 48 — 48(60) Experimental and model results Generated and Experimental Model Fit Exp AnE 25° Exp AnE 45° Exp AnE 65° Exp Aps 25° Exp Aps 45° Exp Aps 65° Exp Asp 25° Exp Asp 45° Exp Asp 65° Ψ in degrees 80 60 40 20 0 6 Generated and Experimental 400 θ=135° θ=135° 300 θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° 200 θ=135° θ=135° θ=135° 100 θ=135° ∆ in degrees 100 0 -100 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) 16 Figure B.23: Experimental and model values of Ψ for all three incident angles and θ = 135◦ . -200 18 6 8 10 12 14 Wavelength (µm) Model Fit Exp AnE 25° θ=135° Exp AnE 45° θ=135° Exp AnE 65° θ=135° Exp Aps 25° θ=135° Exp Aps 45° θ=135° Exp Aps 65° θ=135° Exp Asp 25° θ=135° 16 Exp Asp 45° 18 θ=135° Exp Asp 65° θ=135° Figure B.24: Experimental and model values of ∆ for all three incident angles and θ = 135◦ .