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International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 91 (2016)
DOI: 10.7763/IPCBEE. 2016. V91. 12
Very High Resolution Impact Assessment of Global Climate Scenarios
Over European Cities
Roberto San José1 , Juan L. Pérez 1, Libia Pérez 1, Rosa M. González 2, Julia Pecci 3, Antonio
Garzón 3, and Marino Palacios 3
Environmental Software and Modelling Group, Computer Science School, Technical University of Madrid
(UPM), Madrid, Spain.
Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, Complutense University of Madrid
(UCM), Ciudad Universitaria, 28040, Madrid, Spain.
Indra S.A., C/ Mar Egeo, 4, Pol. Industrial 1, 28830 San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, Spain.
Abstract. The coarse resolution of global climate models make not possible use their information to city
level, but the impact of urban climate is a key issue. The goal of this work is to quantify the future (2030,
2050 and 2100 impact on urban climate, air pollution and health of two of the IPCC global climate scenarios
over the cities: Madrid, Antwerp, Milan, Helsinki and London (zone Kensington-Chelsea) with very high
spatial resolution (200 meters) respect to the present (2011). The two RPC scenarios are 4.5 (stabilization
emissions) and 8.5 (increases emissions). For the urban simulations we have used the present landscape of
the cities and 2011 emissions inventories because we want to isolate the effects of the global climate over the
city. For this task, we have used a modelling system than allow the evaluation of the impact of climate
change on urban climate, air quality and health with feasible computational cost. It includes the usually
mesoscale/regional meteorological/air pollution model WRF-Chem (NOAA, USA) to produce information
about concentrations and meteorological data covering Europe with 25 km of spatial resolution. At urban
scale we use the diagnostic meteorological model CALMET and the air pollution CMAQ with simple
chemical reactions. Several climate and health indicator have been calculated to meet the future impacts.
Comparison of simulations to the current situation (using NNRP 2011 reanalysis datasets) shows acceptable
agreement with measurements that give us great confidence in the results. he scenario is characterized by
temperature increase from 2050, peaking impact in 2100, especially in Madrid and Milan, with large
Keywords: downscaling, climate, scenarios, air pollution, urban, health, impact.
1. Introduction
The climate and air pollution play an important role in the health of the citizens. One goal is try to
understand the interaction of climate change with urban areas to provide valuable information to consider
adaptation and mitigation strategies [1]. A key issue in the implementation of computational tools that allow
us to calculate de impact of the climate change on air pollution and citizens health over urban areas [2]
because more than half the world´s population lives in urban areas[3] and in 2020 this number will be close
to 80%. It is necessary to take into account the global climate change in order to fully assess the impacts on
urban air quality, local weather and the effect on health population.
In the cities, climate change affects the levels of air pollution due to the production, dispersion and
deposition of pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter depends partly on local values of temperature,
wind, solar radiation and precipitation [4]. Then, knowing the present and future impacts of climate change
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 34913367465; fax: +34670712402
E-mail address: [email protected]
on air quality and on mortality and morbidity of citizens should be a priority for researchers. Note that to be
studying urban areas need very high resolution information to capture the high spatial variability of air
pollution in a city [5]. Downscaling processes and procedures offers information on climate change at an
appropriate spatial and temporal scale. The starting point of the reduced dynamic range is typically a set of
meteorological fields coarse resolution large scale (either from a GCM, GCM, or data of global reanalysis)
used to provide initial and lateral and surface boundary conditions to a regional climate model (RCM).
Usually, simulation RCM does not feed back into the GCM, but adds regional details in response to the finer
scale forcing (eg, topography, land use / land cover), and interacting with air circulation scale [6]. In this
study, we have implemented a technique of downscaling by RCM and local diagnostic model to analyse the
implications of climate change in the local climate and air quality in urban areas.
Our goal is to quantitatively estimate the local impact on health due to global climate on the cities to
allow the authorities to implement appropriate policies and to minimize the effects of climate on people
strategies. Rapid advances in computer science and physics of the atmosphere, especially in the use of
downscaling techniques offer new opportunities to investigate health problems related to urban climate [7].
This work is part of the EU FP-7 DECUMANUS project. The objective of this project is the
development and consolidation of a set of services to support sustainable choices that enable city managers
to deploy geospatial products in the development and implementation of strategies for energy efficiency and
climate change, in meeting the many challenges of sustainable urban planning and development. The
DECUMANUS services provide information to end users (city managers).
2. Methodology
The 8.5 pathway arises from little effort to reduce emissions and represents a failure to curb warming by
2100. The RCP 8.5 [8], [9] is developed by the MESSAGE modelling team and the IIASA Integrated
Assessment Framework at the International Institute for Applies Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria. The
RCP 8.5 is characterized by increasing greenhouse gas emissions over time and represents scenarios in the
literature leading to high greenhouse gas concentration levels. The underlying scenario drivers and resulting
development path are based on the A2r scenario detailed in Riahi et al. (2007) [10]. This can be considered
as a non-mitigation business as usual scenario with high emissions, similar to SRES A1FI. RCP 4.5 is similar
to the lowest-emission scenarios (B1) assessed in the IPCC AR4. The RCP 4.5 [11], [12] is developed by the
MiniCAM modelling team at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Joint Global Change Research
Institute (JGCRI). It is a stabilization scenario where total radiative forcing is stabilized around 2050 by
employment of a range of technologies and strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The scenario
drivers and technology options are detailed in Clarke et al. (2007) [13]. Additional detail on the simulation of
land use and terrestrial carbon emissions is given by Wise et al (2009) [14]. This can be considered as a weak
climate change mitigation scenario. Outputs from the Community Earth System Model (CESM) version 1.0
were used for global climate data. CESM 1.0. The six hourly global climate outputs (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5)
have been published in the Earth System Grid. Also, one simulation (NNRP) with a real-present scenario
(reanalysis data) has been run for the year 2011. This simulation will be used as evaluation simulation of the
modelling system.
To simulate present and future climate projections over Europe, we use a regional
meteorological-chemistry transport model WRF-Chem [15]. WRF-Chem model represent our dynamical
downscaling technique. The European air quality simulations covered all Europe with 25 km spatial
resolution and 33 vertical levels up to 50 hPa. For the final step in the downscaling process, we have selected
a very well-known meteorological diagnostic model, CALMET [16] from California Air Resources Board
(CARB), V5.8.4 July, 31, 2013. CALMET model is applied to process the downscaling from 25 km spatial
resolution to 0.2 km spatial resolution domain centered over the DECUMANUS cities. CALMET model can
reduce the computational cost of the two dynamical downscaling levels. CALMET, -as a diagnostic model-,
does not produce “dynamics” as WRF-Chem model so all advection and diffusion processes are neglected.
The Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) modelling system has been also implemented [17]. The
Air Quality (AQ) downscaling process over the cities is performed by running the CMAQ model over the
specific cities with 1 km spatial resolution, using the WRF-Chem Europe scale model outputs as boundary
conditions, -a procedure also known as off-line nesting-. We have used an adapted version of CMAQ for this
task using “linear chemistry” which reduces on about 50% the total computational time. We will name
CMAQL to the CMAQ model version with linear chemistry. The air quality downscaling procedure requires
gridded emissions in the form of annual averages for six pollutants: NOx, NH3, PM, SO2, VOC and CO.
The spatial resolution should be 1 km x1km. The EMIMO [18] model is an Emission Model which is
capable to estimate-in a combined bottom-up and top-down approach-, the emissions of primary pollutants at
1 km spatial resolution and 1 hour temporal resolution. The final refinement from 1 km to 200m is developed
with an interpolation tool called Cressman objective analysis [19]. The methodology to estimate percentages
of climate/pollution-related deaths and hospital admissions due to global climate are based on epidemiologic
analysis of weather/air pollution and health data to characterize and quantify mortality/morbidity
associations. The exposure-response relationships estimated from the epidemiological studies were applied
to projections of climate. The short-term relationship between the daily number of deaths/hospital
admissions and day-to-day fluctuations in exposure variables (temperature, heat waves, ozone and particles)
for many cities are published indifferent scientific papers. The relationship between the exposure variable
and its effect on health is defined with a log-linear regression (Poisson) and is called exposure-response
function(ER). If we derive this function we obtain the Equation 1 [20], which calculates the change in
mortality or morbidity by a change in the exposure variable.
Where y0is the baseline incidence rate of the studied health effect, β is a
parameterwhichdefinethemortalityeffectestimationfromepidemiologicalstudies, ΔC is the change of the
exposure variable (future minus present). Our system calculates percentage (%) of change of the health effect,
so it is independent from the population and the incidence rate. The epidemiological studies do not report the
β parameter of the C-R function, they publish the relative risk (RR) associated with a given change in the
exposure variable, butβ and RR are related following the Equation 2 [21].
3. Results
Results of the modelling system have been evaluated using data from the local meteorological an air
quality network of the cities with a variety of metrics are used to evaluate model performance. For validation
we have compared the hourly model outputs for present conditions (2011) following reanalysis scenario
(NNRP) to hourly observations. A statistical evaluation, Table 1, of the pairing of the gas species outputs
(SO2, NO2, CO, O3 and PM10) and meteorological parameters, Table 2, (temperature, wind and
precipitation)in time (hourly) between WRF/Chem-CALMET-CMAQL outputs and monitoring stations
datasets is shown in the next tables. There are three metrics, Normalized Mean Bias NMB), Root Mean
Standard Error (RMSE) and the correlation coefficient (R2).
The results of the comparison between the modeled data and the observed data show that the simulated
concentrations are within the ranges of measured data. The simulated concentrations regarding the observed
O3 concentrations are somewhat lower in Antwerp and Milan indicating that simulations of climate and air
quality for the current conditions, underestimate the concentrations of O3. Generally we have found a slight
overestimation of the modeled values compared to those observed. The underestimation of ozone can be
attributed to overestimated surface wind speeds and/or underestimations of emissions. Wind speed is
over-predicted for all cities. The high bias of the wind speed is mainly due to a poor representation of surface
drag caused by the unresolved topography in the 25 km. resolution of the cells of the European domain of
WRF-chem. The average simulated levels are within the inter-annual variability of the measured since most
of the R2 values exceed the value of 0.5. The statistical evaluation shows strong evidence that high
resolution downscaling procedure could achieve reasonably good performance, particularly for BIAS and R2
Table 1: Statistical evaluations of WRF/Chem-CALMET-CMAQL outputs in comparison to observations from air
quality urban networks.
Air quality Monitoring Station(Avg
Table 2: Statistical evaluations of WRF/Chem-CALMET-CMAQL outputs in comparison to observations from
meteorological stations.
Monitoring Station
(Avg stations)
Wind Speed
Wind Speed
Wind Speed
Wind Speed
3.1. European impacts
Fig. 1 shows the projections for changes in annual mean surface temperature over Europe, 25 km of
spatial resolution, for 2100 versus 2011. This figure shows a tends of warming over full domain based on
RCP 8.5, (+5ºK). A strong cooling effect (-6ºK) is observed for year 2100 based on RCP 4.5, especially in
the North of Europe.
Fig. 1. Spatial distribution of the differences in annual mean air temperature (Kº) for respect to 2011 following RCP 4.5
(left) and RCP 8.5 (right) scenarios with WRF-Chem over Europe with 25 km. resolution.
3.2. Urban impacts
Spatial differences (high resolution 200m.) of different health outcomes changes between (the large
future) 2100 and 2011 (present) for RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 in the five European cities calculated from the
WRF/Chem-CALMET-CMAQL modelling system are showed. Madrid is in the Fig. 2, Antwerp Fig. 3,
Milan Fig. 4, Helsinki Fig. 5 and London is in the Fig. 6. In Madrid the results show a reduction of the
mortality by heat stress following the RCP 4.5 scenario up to 3.4% in the 2100 year. But following the RCP
8.5 (high emission scenario) the mortality by cardiovascular causes will increase, up to 12 % in the 2100.
The south of Madrid is the area where the most important effect of the global climate are localized. In
Antwerp the hospital admissions by respiratory causes due to future PM10 concentrations will reduce,
especially in the city center, but we have found small changes, less than 1 %. In Milan the mortality due to
respiratory causes due to O3 concentration will decrease, up to 2 % following the RCP 4.5 scenario and
small increases (0.5 %) are expected following the 8.5 scenario. In Helsinki during 2100 the decreases are
predominant up to 2.5 % in the North of the city. Following the RCP 8.5 increases up to 5 % are plausible. In
London increases of the mortality by cardiovascular causes are expected in the range of 0.2 – 0.4 %
following the scenario 4.5 and in the range of 1.7 % - 1.8 % under conditions of the RCP 8.5.
Fig. 2. Madrid spatial distribution of the annual mean change (%) in daily cardiovascular mortality due to the maximum
daily apparent temperature (ATMAX)., for 2100 following RCP 4.5 (left) and RCP 8.5 (right) scenario with 200 meters
of spatial resolution.
Fig. 3. Antwerp spatial distribution of the annual mean change (%) in daily respiratory admissions due to the PM10
daily average., for 2100 following RCP 4.5 (left) and RCP 8.5 (right) scenario with 200 meters of spatial resolution.
Fig. 4. Milan spatial distribution of the annual mean change (%) in mortality for respiratory causes due to O3 8 hours
average)., for 2100 following RCP 4.5 (left) and RCP 8.5 (right) scenario with 200 meters of spatial resolution.
Fig. 5. Helsinki spatial distribution of the annual mean change (%) in daily mortality for all causes of people more than
65 years old due to heat waves days , for 2100 following RCP 4.5 (left) and RCP 8.5 (right) scenario with 200 meters of
spatial resolution.
Fig. 6. London spatial distribution of the annual mean change (%) in daily cardiovascular mortality due to the maximum
daily apparent temperature (ATMAX)., for 2100 following RCP 4.5 (left) and RCP 8.5 (right) scenario with 200 meters
of spatial resolution.
4. Conclusions
This study corresponds with an impact assessment of climate change on urban health problems related
with the climate and air pollution. The information can be used for local decision makers and stakeholders in
order to developing strategies to reduce these impacts. The modelling system uses a hybrid downscaling tool,
dynamical-diagnostic, that produces information that can be used for designing mitigation strategies with
feasible computational costs (CPU time). The system includes the regional WRF/Chem model and the
CALMET plus CMAQ model for the urban scale. Comparison of simulations to the current situation (2011,
with reanalysis data as initial and boundary conditions) shows acceptable agreement with measurements in
urban background of climate realizations. In this analysis, we have isolated the effect of climate change by
holding local emissions and constant relative risk over time, all simulations use data from current
assumptions 2011.
The most representative examples of the health impacts of future IPCC RPC climate scenarios 4.5 and
8.5 respect to 2011 are showed. At European level (25 km) we can see that by the year 2100 expected
changes in temperature. At the urban level health problems related to temperature and ozone will be reduced
if the global climate continues the RCP 4.5 scenario, but health problems will increase by issuing what is the
action expected on stage 8.5. Significant heating occurs in five cities with the RCP 8.5 and RCP 4.5 is seen
cooling. Rain is another factor that can improve air quality under RCP 4.5 while RCP 8.5 tends to reduce
precipitation and increasing temperature. The greatest impacts of the health effects of pollutants are
respiratory mortality O3 (Antwerp, Milan and London), hospital admissions due to O3 (Helsinki) and
cardiovascular mortality PM10 (Madrid). On 4.5 scenarios reductions occur in all variables related to
temperature values but the increases are based on the 8.5 This scenario is characterized by temperature
increase peaking impact in 2100, especially in Madrid and Milan, with large increases. Due to 4.5 scenario is
characterized by decreasing temperature, this situation leads to improvements in mortality climate, especially
during the 2100's in Milan. 8.5 is the opposite scenario and the results show increases in human health
problems by temperature. The worst impacts are expected on Milan and Madrid, 2100. The impact on the
Milan is double that of Madrid and Madrid impacts are 3 times the customs for Helsinki, Antwerp and
5. Acknowledgements
The UPM authors acknowledge the computer resources and technical assistance provided by the Centro
de Supercomputación y Visualización de Madrid (CeSViMa). The UPM authors thankfully acknowledge the
computer resources, technical expertise and assistance provided by the Red Española de Supercomputación.).
We acknowledge the DECUMANUS EU project from EU Space Call FP7-SPACE-2013-1 at
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