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Policy Number: 110.4
Policy: Communicable Diseases
Effective Date: 08/01/2011
Revision Date: 10/01/2013
Approved by: Scott Forshee, Chief of Police
This policy establishes guidelines to prevent officers from contracting communicable diseases and to communicate
specific procedures and responsibilities to minimize exposure to blood borne and airborne pathogens by Department
employees and to ensure compliance with all applicable legal requirements. These pathogens include, but are not
limited to, human immunodeficiency (HIV) virus, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C, meningitis, diphtheria, plague,
hemorrhagic fevers and rabies. The Department will ensure that employees are able to perform their duties in a safe
and effective manner and to make certain employees provide every person the same quality of service, regardless of
a person's state of health. Employees with life-threatening illnesses will be treated the same as all other employees,
as long as they are able to meet acceptable performance standards and do not pose a health threat to other employees
or the public. All medical information including reports of exposure incidents, the names of persons who suffered
the exposure and the person having an infectious disease, must be kept strictly confidential.