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Michael H. Alderman, M.D.
Board Certification:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Electronic mail:
March 26, 1936
New Haven, Ct.
Betsy Feinstein
[email protected]
The Gunnery School, Washington, CT
B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Harvard College,
M.D., Yale Medical School
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health - Medical Care
Research Methodology (Dr. Kerr White)
Glorney Raisbeck Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine
National Board of Medical Examiners
American Board of Internal Medicine
Fellow, American Board of Internal Medicine
Fellow, American College of Physicians
Fellow, American Society for Clinical Nutrition
Faculty Appointments:
Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center
Instructor in Medicine, Department of Medicine
1984Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Social Medicine
1984Professor, Department of Medicine
Chairman, Department of Epidemiology & Social Medicine
1997Professor of Epidemiology & Population Health
Cornell University Medical College
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medicine
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Associate Director, Cardiovascular Center
Associate Professor, Dept. of Medicine
Associate Attending Physician, New York Hospital
Professor, Department of Public Health
1982Professor, Department of Medicine
1985Adjunct Professor of Public Health & Medicine
University of the West Indies
Visiting Lecturer, Dept. of Social & Preventive Medicine
Oxford University
Hospital Appointments:
Visiting Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine
Intern, Internal Medicine, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center Assistant
Resident, Internal Medicine, Bronx Municipal
Hospital Center
Assistant Visiting Physician, Bronx Municipal Hospital Center
Visiting Physician & Associate Director, Dept. of Medicine and
Chief, Renal Serv., Lincoln Hospital
Attending Physician, Epidemiology & Social Medicine
Attending Physician, Department of Medicine, BMHC
Attending Physician, New York Hospital
Other Appointments:
Basic Science Faculty Council, Cornell University Medical College
Admissions Committee, Cornell University Medical College
Committee of Mother & Child Health, Jamaican Government
New York State Committee, US Civil Rights Commission
Medical Advisory Committee on Hypertension, New York
City Department of Health, (Chairman, 1975)
1973, 77
Traveling Fellowship, World Health Organization
1974New York Citizens for Treatment of Blood Pressure
Board of Directors, African Medical & Research Foundation
President, African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)
Council on Community Programs, New York Heart Association
(Chairman, 1975)
1979U.S. Delegation to the USSR, Cardiovascular Collaboration,
Problem Area Seven, Arterial Hypertension, Honor
Program Director, Chronic Disease Care Program, Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation
Consultant to the United Nations Medical Services
Chairman, Board of Directors, African Medical & Research Foundation
National Board of Medical Examiners, Part II Preventive Medicine &
Public Health Test Committee
Board of Trustees, Sharon Hospital, Sharon, CT.
Chairman, National Board of Medical Examiners, Preventive
Medical & Public Health Test Committee
Chair, AIDS Subcommittee, Health & Public Policy Committee
NYS Chapter of the American College of Physicians
Member, Nat'l High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHPBEP)
Coordinating Committee
Member, Fifth National Committee of Detection, Evaluation &
Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC-V) Nat'l Heart
Lung & Blood Institute
Board of Directors, NYC Planned Parenthood Association
Steering Committee of Antihypertension & Lipid-Lowering Treatment
to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT)
Board of Directors, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
Sickness Prevention Achieved through Regional Cooperation (SPARC)
Chairman, Board of Trustees
President, American Society of Hypertension
Publications & Communications Committee, Member
American Society of Hypertension
Member, Association of American Physicians
Scientific Council, International Society of Hypertension
World Heart Federation Guidelines Committee
Steering Committee, OPERA
Member, Caribbean Scientific Council
Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Fellowship
Steering Committee, ACCORD NIH Study
Chairman, CME Committee, American Society of Hypertension
President, International Society of Hypertension
Professional Societies:
American College of Epidemiology, Fellow
American Federation of Clinical Research
American College of Physicians, Fellow
American College of Preventive Medicine
American Heart Association, Council on Epidemiology
American Public Health Association
American Society of Hypertension - President Elect 1994-96, Honor
American Society of Hypertension, President, 1996-98
American Society of Nephrology
American Society of Preventive Cardiology
Council on Foreign Relations
Eastern Hypertension Society
The Herman Biggs Society
International Epidemiological Association
New York Academy of Medicine
Basic Science Faculty Council, Cornell University Medical College
Admissions Committee, Cornell University Medical College
Committee of Mother & Child Health, Jamaican Government
New York State Committee, US Civil Rights Commission
Medical Advisory Committee on Hypertension, New York
City Department of Health, (Chairman, 1975)
New York Citizens for Treatment of Blood Pressure
Board of Directors, African Medical & Research Foundation
President, African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)
Council on Community Programs, New York Heart Association
(Chairman, 1975)
U.S. Delegation to the USSR, Cardiovascular Collaboration,
Problem Area Seven, Arterial Hypertension, Honor
Consultant to the United Nations Medical Services
Chairman, Board of Directors, African Medical & Research Foundation (AMREF)
National Board of Medical Examiners, Part II Preventive Medicine & Public Health Test
Board of Trustees, Sharon Hospital, Sharon, CT.
Chairman, National Board of Medical Examiners, Preventive
Medical & Public Health Test Committee
Chair, AIDS Subcommittee, Health & Public Policy Committee
NYS Chapter of the American College of Physicians
Member, Nat'l High Blood Pressure Education Program (NHPBEP) Coordinating
Member, Fifth National Committee of Detection, Evaluation & Treatment of High Blood
Pressure (JNC-V) Nat'l Heart Lung & Blood Institute
Board of Directors, NYC Planned Parenthood Association
Steering Committee of Antihypertension & Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart
Attack Trial (ALLHAT)
Board of Directors, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
Sickness Prevention Achieved through Regional Cooperation (SPARC) Chairman, Board
of Trustees
President, American Society of Hypertension
Publications & Communications Committee, Member
American Society of Hypertension
Member, Association of American Physicians
World Heart Federation Guidelines Committee
Scientific Council, International Society of Hypertension
Member, Caribbean Scientific Council
President, International Society of Hypertension
Chairman, CME Committee, American Society of Hypertension
Steering Committee, ACCORD NIH Study
New York Heart Association
International Society of Hypertension
Royal Society of Medicine
The Society of Behavioral Medicine
Society of the Sigma Xi-Cornell Chapter
Society of Epidemiology Research
Editorial Boards:
Health and Society, Milbank Memorial
Fund Quarterly
Science Year, Field Enterprises
Educational Corporation
Contributing Editor, International Dictionary of Biology and Medicine, New
York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center
Cardiovascular Medicine, Group Medicine Publications, Inc.
Cardiovascular Reviews and Reports, Le Jacq Publishing, Inc.
American Journal of Hypertension
Disease Management & Health Outcomes
Journal of Hypertension
American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology
American Journal of Hypertension
Blood Pressure
Member, International Board, Hypertension: Screening, Investigation &
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Hypertension
Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Hypertension
Editor, American Journal of Hypertension
Original Articles in Scientific Journals:
Alderman MH, and Freedman LR. The Direct Injection of E. Coli Protoplast into the
Rabbit Kidney. Yale Journal of Biol. Med., 1963; 16:157-64.
Alderman MH, and Davis RP. Hyperuricemia in Starvation. Proc. Soc.Exp. Biol. Med.,
1965, 118:790-92.
Alderman MH. (Summary Report) White House Conference on Health, November 34, 1965, Washington, D.C. Public Health Reports, 1966; 81:111-20.
Alderman MH, Becker EL. A Disposable Renal Biopsy-Needle. Journal of the
American Medical Association, 1968; 203:988-89.
Alderman MH, Frimpter GW, Isaacs M, Scheiner E. Glycylproline Peptiduria in
Familial Hyperostosis of Obscure Nature. Metabolism, 1966; 81:111-20.
Saville FD, Alderman MH. Deficiency Rickets in New York: Dissociation Between
Primary Hydroxyproline and Glycylproline with Treatment. Archives of Internal
Medicine, 1970; 125:341-43.
Shah S, Queenan JT, Alderman MH, Schubert E, Winick M. Large-Molecular-Weight
Hydroxyproline Human Amniotic Fluid: An Indicator of Fetal Growth. Proceedings
Western Hemisphere Nutrition Congress, 1971; p. 342.
Isaacs M, Scheiner E, Dimich AB, Frimpter GW, Greenberg E, Alderman MH. Familial
Hyperostosis of Obscure Nature. Metabolism, 1971; 20:910-26.
Alderman MH, Cadien DS, Haughton PBH, Johnston MH, Johnson KG. A tudent Rural
Health Project in Jamaica. West Indies Medical Journal, 1972; 21:20-4.
Shah SI, Alderman MH, Queenan JT, Brasel JA, Winick M. Nondialyzable PeptideBound Hydroxyproline in Human Amniotic Fluid; an Indicator of Fetal Growth.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1972; 114:250-54.
Alderman MH. (Special Consultant Report) Health Auxiliaries in Maternal-Child
Health, Pan American Organization. Bureau of Population Dynamics, Washington, DC,
1972; pp. 1-39.
Alderman MH, Husted J, Levy B, Minott OD, Searle R. A Young-Child Nutrition
Programme in Rural Jamaica. Lancet, 1973; 1:1166-69.
Stoopler J, Frayer W, Alderman MH. Prevalence and Persistence of Lactose
Malabsorption Among Young Jamaican Children. American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, 1974; 27:728-32.
Alderman MH. Bringing Medicine to the Jamaica Mountains. Physicians World, 1974;
Reichman LB, Cooper BM, Blumenthal S, Block G, O'Hara D, Chaves AD, Alderman
MH, Deming QB, Farber SJ, Thomson GE. Hypertension Testing Among High School
Students: I. Surveillance Procedures and Results. Journal of Chronic Disease, 1974;
Alderman MH, Schoenbaum EE. Detection and Treatment of Hypertension at the
Worksite. New England Journal of Medicine, 1975; 293:65-8.
Alderman MH, Ferguson R. The Impact of a Family Planning Clinic in Rural Jamaica.
West Indies Medical Journal, 1976; 25:11-6.
Alderman MH. Organization for long-term Management of Hypertension: Introduction.
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1976; 52:697-698.
Schoenbaum EE, Alderman MH. Organization for long-term Management of
Hypertension: I. The Recruitment, Training and Responsibilities of a Health Team.
Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1976; 52:699-708.
Bornia M, Alderman MH. Organization for long-term Management and Hypertension:
II. the Role of the Physician. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1976;
Alderman MH, Yano K. How Prevalence of Hypertension Varies as Diagnostic Criteria
Change. American Journal of Medical Sciences, 1976; 271:343-49.
Alderman MH, Schoenbaum EE. Hypertension Control Among Employed Persons in
New York City: 1973-75. The Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, Health and Science,
1976; 52:367-77.
Sealey J, Moon C, Laragh J, Alderman MH. Plasma Pro-Renin: Cryoactivation and
Relationship to Renin Substrate in Normal Subjects. American Journal of Medicine,
1976; 296:753-55.
Alderman MH, Davis TK. Hypertension Control at the Worksite. Journal of
Occupational Medicine, 1976; 18:793-96.
Alderman MH. Do We Really Know Whom to Treat and How? New England Journal
of Medicine, 1977; 296:753-5 5.
Alderman MH, Engelland A. A Research Paradigm for Preventive Cardiology.
Cardiovascular Medicine, 1977; 2:621-22.
Alderman MH, Ochs OS. Treatment of Hypertension at the University Medical Clinic.
Archives of Internal Medicine, 1977; 137:1707-10.
Alderman MH, Wise PH, Ferguson RP. Reduction of Young Child Malnutrition and
Mortality in Rural Jamaica. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and Environmental Child
Health, 1978; 24:7-11
Alderman MH, Stanback ME. Long-term Hypertension Control: It Can Be Done.
Urban Health, 1978; 9:42-45.
Lee TH, Alderman MH. Malignant Hypertension-Declining Mortality Rate in New
York City, 1958 to 1984. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1978; 78:1389-91.
Alderman MH, Davis TK. Hypertension Control in the Occupational Setting. New
York State Journal of Medicine, 1978; 78:1287-91.
Alderman MH, Miller KF. Blood Pressure Control: The Effect of Facilitated Access to
Treatment. Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine, 1978; 55:349-51.
Engelland A, Alderman MH, Powell HB. Blood Pressure Control in Private Practice: A
Case Report. The American Journal of Public Health, 1979; 69:25-29.
Alderman MH. Communities with Unusually Short Life-Spans: The Effects of LifeStyle Modifications. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1979; 55:357-66.
Seligmann AW, Alderman MH, Davis TK. Systolic Hypertension: Occurrence and
Treatment in a Defined Community. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1979;
Alderman MH, Rafter J, Samet R, Thomson G, Wassertheil-Smoller, S. High Blood
Pressure Treatment Facilities: Survey in Greater New York Area. New York State
Journal of Medicine, 1979;79:754-57.
Alderman MH, Reader GG. Public Health in China: 1978. The American Journal of
Medicine, 1979; 67:3-5.
Alderman MH, Davis TK. Blood Pressure Control Programs On and Off the Worksite.
Journal of Occupational Medicine, 1980; 22:167-70.
Alderman MH, Green LW, Flynn BS. Hypertension Control Programs in Occupational
Settings. Public Health Reports, 1980; 95:158-63.
Alderman MH. The Epidemiology of Hypertension: Etiology, Natural History, and the
Impact of Therapy. Cardiovascular Review and Reports, 1980; 1:509-19.
Alderman MH. Mild Hypertension: New Light on an Old Clinical Controversy.
American Journal of Medicine, 1980; 69:653-55.
Ruchlin HS, Alderman MH. Cost of Hypertension Control at the Workplace. Journal of
Occupational Medicine, 1980; 22:795-800.
Alderman MH, Melcher L. A Company-Instituted Program to Improve Blood Pressure
Control in Primary Care. Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, 1981; 17:122-128.
Madhavan S, Alderman MH. The Potential Effect of Blood Pressure Reduction on
Cardiovascular Disease: A Cautionary Note. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1981;
Alderman MH, Stanback ME. Preventive Cardiology: The State of the Art.
Cardiovascular Review and Reports, 1981;2:247-253.
Alderman MH, Charlson ME, Melcher LA. Labelling and Absenteeism: the
Massachusetts Mutual Experience. Journal of Clinical Investigative Medicine, 1981;
Thomson GE, Alderman MH, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Rafter JG, Samet R. High Blood
Pressure Diagnosis and Treatment: Consensus Recommendations vs. Actual Practice.
American Journal of Public Health, 1981; 71:413-416.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S. Management of the Hypertensive Patient: A Continuing
Dilemma. Hypertension, 1981; 3:192-197.
Madhavan S, Davis TK, Alderman MH. Profile of Hypertensive as a Determinant of
Long-term Antihypertensive Medication Needs. Hypertension, Suppl II 1981; 3:242244.
Alderman MH. Improved Compliance with Antihypertensive Therapy: Lessons from
the Worksite. Cardiovascular Review and Reports, 1981; 2:909-917.
Charlson ME, Alderman MH, Melcher L. Absenteeism and Labelling in Hypertensive
Subjects: Prevention of an Adverse Impact in those at High Risk. American Journal of
Medicine, 1982; 73:165-170.
Gerber L, Wolf AMD, Braham RS, Alderman MH. Effects of Sample Selection on the
Coincidence of Hypertension and Diabetes. Journal of the American Medical
Association, 1982; 247:43-46.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Stanback ME, Davis TK. Relation of Blood Pressure
Response to Therapy and the Occurrence of Myocardial Infarction and Stroke. Journal
of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Suppl II, 1982; 4:251-256.
Alderman MH. When to Treat Hypertension. Comprehensive Therapy, 1982; 8:13-18.
Gerber L, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Coincident Hypertension: Deleterious Effects
on Patients with Hyperglycemia. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1983; 83:693696.
Alderman MH, Melcher LA. Occupationally-Sponsored, Community-Provided
Hypertension Control. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 1983; 25:465-470.
Nicholson JP, Alderman MH, Pickering TG, Teichman SL, Sos, TA, Laragh JH.
Cigarette Smoking and Renovascular Hypertension. Lancet, 1983; 2:765-766.
Resnick LM, Laragh JH, Sealey JE, Alderman MH. Divalent Cations in Essential
Hypertension: Relations Between Serum Ionized Calcium, Magnesium and Plasma
Renin Activity. New England Journal of Medicine, 1983; 309:888-891.
Alderman MH, Melcher L, Drayer DE, Reidenberg MM. Increased Excretion of Urinary
N-Acetyl-ß-Glucosaminidase in Essential Hypertension and its Decline with
Antihypertensive Therapy. New England Journal of Medicine, 1983; 309:1213-1217.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Davis TK. Reduction of Cardiovascular Disease Events by
Worksite Hypertension Treatment. Hypertension, Suppl V, 1983; 5:138-143.
Hammond IW, Alderman MH, Devereux RB, Lutas EM, Laragh JH. Contrast in
Cardiac Anatomy and Function Between Black and White Patients with Hypertension.
Journal of the National Medical Association, 1984; 76:247-255.
Ruchlin HS, Melcher LA. Alderman MH. A Comparative Economic Analysis of WorkRelated Hypertension Care Programs. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 1984; 26:4549.
Devereux RB, Lutas EM, Casle PN, Kligfield P, Einsenberg RR, Hammond IW, Miller
DH, Reis G, Alderman MH, Laragh JH. Standardization of M-Mode Echocardiographic
Left Ventricular Anatomic Measurements. Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, 1984; 4:1222-1230.
Schnall P, Alderman MH, Kern R. An Analysis of the HDFP Trial Evidence of Adverse
Effects of Antihypertensive Treatment on White Women with Moderate and Severe
Hypertension. New York State Journal of Medicine, 1984; 84:299-301.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S. Worksite as Locus of Hypertension Care. Journal of
Hypertension, Suppl I, 1985; 3:77-80.
Alderman MH, Davis TK, Gerber LM. Step-down Therapy for Hypertension: Results in
a Community-based Program. Postgraduate Medicine, 1984; 77:89-99.
Lutas EM, Devereux RM, Reis G, Alderman MH, Pickering TG, Borer JS, Laragh, JH.
Increased Cardiac Performance in Mild Essential Hypertension: Left Ventricular
Mechanics. Hypertension, 1985; 7:979-988.
Alderman MH, Davis TK, Carroll L. Initial Antihypertensive Therapy: Comparison of
Prazosin and Hydrochlorothiazide. American Journal of Medicine, 1986; 30:120-125.
Alderman MH. Mild Hypertension: A Rational Approach to Clinical Management.
Einstein Quarterly, 1986; 4:18-20.
Alderman MH, Davis TK, Gerber LM, Robb J. Antihypertensive Drug Therapy
Withdrawal in a General Population. Archives of Internal Medicine, 1986; 146:13091311.
Hammond IW, Devereux B, Alderman MH, Lutas EM, Spitzer MC, Crowley JS,
Laragh, JH. The Prevalence and Correlates of Echocardiographic Left Ventricular
Hypertrophy Among Employed Patients with Uncomplicated Hypertension. Journal of
the American College of Cardiology, 1986; 7:639-650.
Devereux RB, Hawkins I, Kramer-Fox R, Lutas EM, Hammond IW, Spitzer MC,
Hochreiter C, Roberts RB, Belkin RN, Klingfield P, Brown WT, Niles N, Alderman
MH, Borer JS, Laragh JH. Complications of Mitral Valve Prolapse: Disproportionate
Occurrence in Men and Older Patients. The American Journal of Medicine, 1986;
Alderman MH. Hypertension Control at the Workplace Corporate Commentary. 1986;
Alderman MH. The Case for Caution in the Treatment of Mild Hypertension. Journal
of Hypertension, 1986; 4(Suppl 5):S537-S540.
Niarchos AP, Alderman MH, Budner N, Greene A, Ooi WL, Madhavan S. Abdominal
Bruit in a Defined Hypertensive Population: A Preliminary Study. Journal of
Hypertension, 1986; 4 (Suppl 5):S400-S402.
James GD, Sealey JE, Muller F, Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Laragh JH. Renin
Relationship to Sex, Race, and Age in Normotensive Population. Journal of
Hypertension, 1986; 4 (Suppl 5):S387-89.
Devereux RB, Pickering TG, Alderman MH, Chien S, Borer JS, Laragh JH. Left
Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hypertension: Prevalence and Relation to Pathophysiologic
Variables. Hypertension, 1987; 9 (Suppl II):S11-53.
Devereux RB, Casale PN, Hammond IW, Savage DD, Alderman MH, Campo E, Alonso
D, Laragh JH. Echocardiographic Detection of Pressure-Overload Left Ventricular
Hypertrophy: Effect of Criteria and Patient Population. J Clin Hypertension, 1987;
Gerber LM, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Waist-to-Hip Ratio as an Index of Risk for
Hyperglycemia Among Hypertensive Patients. American Journal of Medicine, 1987;
James GD, Sealey JE, Alderman MH, Ljungman S, Mueller FB, Pecker MS, Laragh JH.
A Longitudinal Study of Urinary Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance in Normal
Subjects: Race, Sex and Age Differences. American Journal of Hypertension, 1988;
Alderman MH, Drucker E, Rosenfield A, Healton C. Predicting the Future of the AIDS
Epidemic and its consequences for the Health Care System Of New York City. Bulletin
of the New York Academy of Medicine, 1988; 64:175-183.
Alderman MH, Budner N, Cohen H, Lamport B, Ooi WL. Prevalence of Drug Resistant
Hypertension. Hypertension, 1988; Part 2, 11(3)II-71-II-75.
The 1988 Report of the Joint National Committee on Detection Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Arch Intern Med, 1988; 148(5):1023-1038.
Marantz PR, Alderman MH, Tobin JN. Diagnostic Heterogeneity: In Clinical Trials of
Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1988; 109(1):5561.
Laragh JH, Lamport B, Sealey J, Alderman MH. Diagnosis Ex Juvantibus - Individual
Response Patterns to Drugs Reveal Hypertension Mechanisms and Simplify Treatment
(Editorial) Hypertension, 1988; 12(3).
Selwyn PA, Feingold AR, Hartel D, Schoenbaum EE, Alderman MH, Klein RS,
Friedland GH. Increased Risk of Bacterial Pneumonia in HIV-Infected Intravenous
Drug Users Without AIDS. AIDS, 1988; 2:267-272.
Hammond IW, Devereux RB, Alderman MH, Laragh JH. Relation of Blood Pressure
and Body Build to Left Ventricular Mass in Normotensive and Hypertensive Employed
Adults. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 1988; 12:996-1004.
Alderman MH. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Prazosin versus Propranolol as Initial
Antihypertensive Therapy. The American Journal of Medicine, 1989; 86 (Suppl 1B):4549.
Mann SJ, Pickering TG, Alderman MH, Laragh JH. Assessment of the Effects of Alpha
and Beta-Blockade in Hypertensive Patients Who Smoke Cigarettes. The American
Journal of Medicine, 1989; (Suppl 1B):79-81.
Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH. The "J" Curve Relation Between
Blood Pressure Reduction and Cardiovascular Risk. Cardiovascular Reviews & Reports,
1989; 10(2):24-28.
Kaplan NM, Alderman MH, Flamenbaum W, McCarron DA, Perry HM. Guidelines for
the Treatment of Hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension 1989;2:75-77.
Alderman MH, Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H. Treatment Induced Blood Pressure
Reduction and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction. Journal of the American Medical
Association, 1989; 262(7):920-24.
Ooi WL, Budner NS, Cohen H, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Impact of Race on
Treatment Response and Cardiovascular Disease Among Hypertensives. Hypertension,
1989; 14(3):227-234.
de Simone G, Devereux RB, Chien S, Alderman MH, Atlas SA, Laragh JH. Relation of
blood Viscosity to Demographic and Physiologic Variables and to Cardiovascular Risk
Factors in Apparently Normal Adults. Circulation, 1990; 81:107-117.
Alderman MH, Lamport B. Labelling of Hypertensives: A Review of the Data. Journal
of Clinical Epidemiology, 1990; 43(2):195-200.
Schnall PL, Pieper C, Schwartz JE, Karasek RA, Schlussel Y, Devereux RB, Ganau A,
Alderman MH, Warren K, Pickering TG. The Relationship Between 'Job Strain',
Workplace Diastolic Blood Pressure, and Left Ventricular Mass Index: Results of a
Case Control Study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1990; 263 (14):
Marantz PR, Kaplan MC, Alderman MH. Clinical Diagnosis of Congestive Heart
Failure in Patients with Acute Dyspnea. CHEST, 1990; 97:776-781.
Resnick LM, Gupta RK, Gruenspan H, Alderman MH, Laragh JH. Hypertension and
Peripheral Insulin Resistance: Possible Meditating Role of Intracellular Free
Magnesium. American Journal of Hypertension, 1990; 3:373-379.
Alderman MH. Management of High Blood Pressure to Prevent Cardiovascular
Disease. HMO Practice, 1990; 4:45-51.
Alderman MH, Lamport B. Moderate Sodium Restriction: Do The Benefits Justify the
Hazards? American Journal of Hypertension, 1990;3(6 Pt 1):499-504.
Alderman MH, Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H. Blood Pressure Reactivity Predicts
Myocardial Infarction among Treated Hypertensive Patients. Journal of Clinical
Epidemiology, 1990; 43(9):859-866.
Lewin A, Alderman MH, Mathur P. Antihypertensive Efficacy of Guanfacine and
Prazosin in Patients with Mild to Moderate Essential Hypertension. Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, 1990; 30:1081-1087.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Sealey J, Laragh JH. Association of
the Renin-Sodium Profile with the Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Patients with
Hypertension. New England Journal of Medicine, 1991; 324(16):1098-1104.
de Simone G, Devereux RB, Roman MJ, Ganau A, Chien S, Alderman MH, Atlas SA,
Laragh JH. Gender Differences in Left Ventricular Anatomy, Blood Viscosity and
Volume Regulatory Hormones in Normal Adults. American J of Cardiology, 1991;
de Siomone G, Devereux RB, Roman MJ, Schlussel Y, Alderman MH, Laragh JH.
Echocardiographic Left Ventricular Mass and Electrolyte Intake Predict Subsequent
Arterial Hypertension. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1991; 114:202-209.
Alderman MH. Heterogeneity among Hypertensive Subjects: A Tool for Clinical
Decision-Making. Clinical Chemistry, 1991; 37(10B):1885-1890.
Resnick LM, Gupta RK, Bhargava KK, Gruenspan H, Alderman MH, Laragh JH.
Cellular Ions in Hypertension, Diabetes, and Obesity: A Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopic Study. Hypertension 1991;17(6):951-957.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Sealey JE, Laragh JH. Renin-Sodium
Profile: A Strong Predictor of Risk of Myocardial Infarction. Cardiology Board Review,
1992; 9(1):56-68.
Gerber LM, Shmukler C, Alderman MH. Differences in Urinary Albumin Excretion
Rate Between Normotensive and Hypertensive White and Nonwhite Subjects. Archives
of Internal Medicine, 1992; 152:373-377.
Lee D, Marantz PR, Devereux RB, Kligfield P, Alderman MH. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in black and White Hypertensives: Standard Electrocardiographic Criteria Overestimate Racial Differences in Prevalence. JAMA, 1992; 267(24):3294-3299.
Alderman MH. Which Antihypertensive Drugs First-- and Why? Journal of the
American Medical Association, 1992; 267(20):2786-2787.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Sealey J, Laragh JH. Low-versus High-Renin
Hypertension in the Elderly. The American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 1992;
Aldrich HR, Roman MJ, deSimone G; Alderman MH, Devereux RB. Relation of Age to
Left Ventricular Structure, Function, and Systemic Hemodynamics in Normotensive and
Hypertensive Employed Adults. The American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 1992;
Alderman MH. Prevention of Myocardial Infarction. The American Journal of
Cardiology, 1992; 70(12):21D-26D.
deSimone G, Daniels SR, Devereux RB, Meyer RA, Roman MJ, DeDivitiis O,
Alderman MH. Left Ventricular Mass and Body Size in Normotensive Children and
Adults: Assessment of allometric Relations and of the Impact of Overweight. Journal of
the American College of Cardiology, 1992; 20(5):1251-1260.
The Fifth Report of the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC V). Archives of Internal Medicine, 1993;
Alderman MH. Academic Medicine and the Workplace. America Journal of Public
Health, 1993; 83(3):313-314.
Alderman MH. The Case for Diuretics in Managing Hypertension. Choices in
Cardiology, 1993; 7(4):144-146.
Mitch WE, Alderman MH. Epidemiology and Prevention. (Editorial overview) Current
Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 1993; 2:351-354.
Alderman MH. Blood Pressure Management: Individual Treatment Based on Absolute
Risk and the Potential for Benefit. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1993; 119:329-335.
Devereux RB, Alderman MH. Role of Preclinical Cardiovascular Disease in the
Evolution From Risk Factor Exposure to Development of Morbid Events. Circulation.
1993; 88:1444-1455.
Alderman MH. A Review of the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation,
and Treatment of High Blood Pressure - The Fifth Report, 1993. American Journal of
Hypertension, 1993; 6(10):896-898.
Alderman MH, Cushman WC, Hill MN, Krakoff LR. International Roundtable
Discussion of National Guidelines for the Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of
Hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension, 1993; 6(1) Part 1:975-981.
Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Ethnicity and the Relationship of Sodium Intake to Blood
Pressure. Journal of Hypertension, 1994; 12(1):97-103.
Madhavan S, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Alderman MH. Relation of Pulse Pressure and Blood
Pressure Reduction to the Incidence of Myocardial Infarction. Hypertension, 1994;
Alderman MH. The 1994 Model of Hypertension Management: Editorial Commentary.
Current Opinion of Nephrology & Hypertension, 1994; 3(3):241-244.
Gerber LM, Mann SJ, Muller FB, Alderman MH, Pickering TG, Sealey JE, Laragh JH.
Response to the Captopril Test is Dependent on Baseline Renin Profile. Journal of
Hypertension, 1994; 12:173-178.
Alderman MH. Cardiovascular Risk: A Better Basis for Prescribing Antihypertensives?
Drug Therapy, May, 1994.
Alderman MH. Management Update: A New Paradigm for Blood Pressure
Management. Hospital Practice, 1994; 29(7):47-58.
Alderman MH. Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Hypertension. Lancet, 1994;
Stockwell D, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Gibson G, Alderman MH. The Determinants of
Hypertension Awareness, Treatment, and Control in an Insured Population. American
Journal of Public Health, 1994; 84(11):1768-1774.
Madhavan S, Stockwell D, Cohen H, Alderman MH. Renal Function during Antihypertensive Treatment. Lancet, 1995; 345:749-751.
Alderman MH. Plasma Renin Activity and Coronary Heart Disease: Are they Related?
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension 1995;4(3):201-203.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH. Isolated Diastolic Hypertension: A
Favorable Finding Among Young and Middle-Aged Hypertensive Subjects.
Hypertension, 1995; 26 (3): 377-382.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Sealey JE, Laragh JH. Low Urinary Sodium
Associated with Greater Risk of Myocardial Infarction Among Treated Hypertensive
Men. Hypertension, 1995; 25(6):1144-1152.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH. Measures of Blood Pressure and
Myocardial Infarction in Treated Hypertensive Patients. Journal of Hypertension, 1995;
Alderman MH. Quantifying Cardiovascular Risk in Hypertension. Cardiology Clinics,
Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH. Angina Pectoris by Rose Questionnaire Does
not Predict Cardiovascular Disease in Treated Hypertensive Patients. J Hypertension,
Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH. Differential Mortality in New York City
(1988-1992). Part One: Excess Mortality Among Non-Hispanic Blacks. Bulletin of the
New York Academy of Medicine, 1995;72(2):470-482.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH. Differential Mortality in New York City
(1982-1992). Part Two: Excess Mortality in the South Bronx. Bulletin of the New York
Academy of Medicine, 1995;72(2):483-499.
Davis BR, Cutler JA, Gordon DJ, Furberg CD, Wright JT, Cushman WC, Grimm RH,
LaRosa J, Whelton PK, Perry HM, Alderman MH, Ford CE, Oparil S, Francis C,
Proschan M. et al. Rationale and Design for the Antihypertensive and Lipid Lowering
Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT). A JH, 1996;9(4):342-360.
Alderman MH. Absolute Cardiovascular Risk: The Basis for Deciding to Treat.
American Journal of Nephrology, 1996;16:182-189.
A Report to the New York State Legislature and Governor George E. Pataki. A New
Vision for Assuring High Quality Care in New York State. The NYS Task Force on
Clinical Guidelines and Medical Technology Assessment, April 1996.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Cohen H. Antihypertensive Drug Therapy: The Effect of
JNC Criteria on Prescribing Patterns and Patient Status through the First Year. Amer
Journal of Hypertension, 1996;9(5):413-418.
Alderman MH. More News About Calcium Antagonists. (editorial) American Journal
of Hypertension, 1996;9:710-712.
Alderman MH. Hypertension and How to Treat It: Studies Good and Bad and a
Strategic Suggestion. American Journal of Hypertension, 1996;9:715-717.
Alderman MH. Blood pressure J-curve: is it cause or effect? Current Opinion in
Nephrology and Hypertension, 1996;5:209-213.
de Simone G, Devereux RB, Mureddu GF, Roman MJ, Ganau A, Alderman
MH,Contaldo F, Laragh JH. Influence of Obesity on Left Ventricular Midwall
Mechanics in Arterial Hypertension. Hypertension, 1996;28(2):276-283.
Alderman MH. Is there a Link between the Circulating Renin Angiotensin System
(RAS)and Coronary Disease? A Buoyant View. Br. Heart J, 1996; (Suppl 3) 76:18-22.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. The Association between Birthplace and Mortality
from Cardiovascular Causes among Black and White Residents of New York City. New
England Journal of Medicine, 1996; 335:1545-1551.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Cancer Mortality of Chinese in New York City
1988-1992. International Journal of Epidemiology, 1996;25 (5).
Alderman MH, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Madhavan S, Sealey JE, Laragh JH. Plasma Renin
Activity: A Risk Factor for Myocardial Infarction in Hypertensive Patients. American
Journal of Hypertension, 1997; 10(1):1-8.
Alderman MH, Sealey J, Cohen H, Madhavan S, Laragh JH. Urinary Sodium Excretion
and Myocardial Infarction in Hypertensive Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study. The
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997; 65(suppl):682S-686S.
Alderman MH, Cohen H, Roque R, Madhavan, S. Effect of Long-acting and Shortacting Calcium Antagonists on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Hypertensive Patients.
Lancet, 1997; 439:594-598.
Effects of calcium antagonists on the risks of coronary heart disease, cancer and
bleeding. Ad Hoc Subcommittee of the Liaison Committee of the World Health
Organisation and the International Society of Hypertension. Journal of Hypertension,
1997; 15:105-115.
Alderman MH. The Great Salt War. Amer. Journal of Hypertension, 1997;10:584-585.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Influence of Nativity on Cancer Mortality among
Black New Yorkers. Cancer, 1997;80:129-135.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. The Influence of Birthplace on Mortality among
Hispanic Residents of New York City. Ethnicity & Disease, 1997;7:55-64.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Nativity, Race and Mortality: The Influence of
Region of Birth on Mortality of U.S. Born Residents in New York City. Human Biology,
1997;69(4): 533--544.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Nativity, Race and Mortality: Favorable Impact of
Birth Outside the U.S., on Mortality in New York City. Human Biology, 1997;69
Alderman MH. Salt, Blood Pressure, Health and Public Policy. Einstein Quarterly,
Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S. Dietary Sodium Intake and Mortality: The
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 1). Lancet,
Alderman MH. JNC V Revisited: Standard of Care or Individualized Treatment for
Hypertension. American Heart Journal, 1998;135:S8-S15.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Cardiovascular Mortality of White and Black
Elders in NYC: Impact of Residential Segregation. CVD Prevention, 1998;1(1):32-38.
Roman MJ, Alderman MH, Pickering TG, Pini R, Keating JO, Sealey JE, Devereux RB.
Differential Effects of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition and Diuretic Therapy
on Reductions in Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Left Ventricular Mass, and Vascular
Hypertrophy. American Journal of Hypertension,1998;11(4):387-396.
Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S. Distribution and Determinants of
Cardiovascular Events During Twenty Years of Successful Antihypertensive Treatment.
Journal of Hypertension,1998;16:761-769.
Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S. Epidemiology of Risk in Hypertensives Experience in Treated Patients. Am J Hypertension, 1998;11:874-876.
Alderman MH. Blood Pressure Control to Reduce Cardiovascular Morbidity and
Mortality: Today and Tomorrow. Effective Clinical Practice, 1998;1(1):123-125.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Bosworth W, Alderman MH. Residential Segregation and
Mortality in NYC. Social Science & Medicine, 1998;47(4):469-476.
Gerber LM, Johnston K, Alderman MH. Assessment of a New Dipstick in Screening for
Microalbuminuria in Patients with Hypertension. Am J Hypertension, 1998;11:13211327.
Fang J Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Low Birth Weight and Maternal Nativity—Impact
of Community Income. Pediatrics, 1999;103(1):1-6.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Cardiovascular Mortality of Chinese in New York
City. Journal of Urban Health, 1999;76(1):51-61.
Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Events in
Hypertensive Patients. Hypertension, 1999;33:1130-1134.
Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S, Kivlighn S. Serum Uric Acid and Cardiovascular
Events in Successfully Treated Hypertensive Patients. Hypertension, 1999;l34:144-150.
Alderman MH. Can We Stratify Risk to Guide Therapy. Clin. & Exper. Hypertension,
1999;21(5 &6);563-570.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. The Influence of Maternal Hypertension on Low
Birth Weight: Differences Among Ethnic Populations. Ethnicity and Disease
Black HR, Kuller, LH, O’Rourke MF, Weber MA, Alderman MH, Benetos A, Burnett J,
Cohn JN, Franklin, SS, Mancia G, Safar M, Zanchetti A. The first report of the Systolic
and Pulse Pressure (SYPP) Working Group. Journal of Hypertension, 1999;17(suppl
Alderman MH. Uric acid in hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Canadian Journal
of Cardiology 1999;15(suppl F):1F-3F.
Alderman MH. A New Model of Risk: Implications of Increasing Pulse Pressure and
Systolic Blood Pressure on Cardiovascular Disease. J of Hypertension 17 (Suppl 5)
1999; S25-S28.
Cohen HW, Gibson G, Alderman MH. Excess myocardial infarction in patients treated
with antidepressants is specific to tricyclic use. American Journal of Medicine,
Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Madhavan S. Myocardial infarction in treated hypertensive
patients: The paradox of lower incidence, but higher mortality in young blacks compared
to whites. Circulation 2000;101:1109-1114.
Fang J, Alderman MH. Serum Uric Acid and Cardiovascular Mortality – The NHANES
I Epidemiologic Follow-Up Study (1971-1992). JAMA 2000;283(18)2404-2410.
Pahor M, Psaty BM, Alderman MH, Applegate WB, Williamson JD, Furberg CD.
Therapeutic Benefits of ACE Inhibitors and Other Antihypertensive Drugs in Patients
With Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2000;23(6):1-5.
Devereux RB, Case DB, Alderman MH, Pickering TG, Chien S, Laragh JH. Possible
Role of Increased Blood Viscosity in the Hemodynamics of Systemic Hypertension.
American Journal of Cardiology 2000;85:1265-1268.
Fang J, Alderman MH. Dietary Potassium Intake and Stroke Mortality. Stroke 2000;31:
Blumenfeld JD, Sealey JE, Alderman MH, Cohen, H, Lappin R, Laragh JH. Plasma
Renin in the Emergency Department and its Independent Association With Acute
Myocardial Infarction. American Journal of Hypertension 2000;13:855-863.
Alderman MH. Salt, Blood Pressure, and Human Health. Hypertension 2000;36:631634.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Maternal Mortality in New York City: Excess
Mortality of black women. Journal of Urban Health 2000;77:735-744.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. Pulse Pressure: A Predictor of Cardiovascular
Mortality among Young Normotensive Subjects. Blood Pressure 2000;9:260-266.
Alderman MH. Does it matter how you lower blood pressure? Current Controlled
Trials, Ltd., 2000;1:69-71.
Pahor M, Psaty BM, Alderman MH, Applegate WB, Williamson JD, Cavazzini C,
Furberg CD. Health outcomes associated with calcium antagonists compared with other
first-line antihypertensive therapies: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Lancet 2000; 356:1949-54.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH. Serum potassium and cardiovascular
mortality. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2000;15:885-890.
Grimm Jr., RH, Margolis KL, Papademetriou V, Cushman WC, Ford CE, Bettencourt J,
Alderman MH, et al. Baseline Characteristics of Participants in the Antihypertensive
and Lipid Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT). Hypertension
2001; 37:19-27.
Cohen HW, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. History of Treatment for Depression: Risk
Factor for Myocardial Infarction in Hypertensive Patients. Psychosomatic Med.
Shenson D, Cassarino L, DiMartino D, Marantz P, Bolen J, Good B, Alderman MH.
Iimproving Access to Mammograms Through Community-Based Influenza Clinics A
Quasi-Experimental Study. Amer Journal of Preventive Medicine 2001; 20(2):97-102.
Cohen HW, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. High and low serum potassium associated
with cardiovascular events in diuretic-treated patients. Journal of Hypertension
Alderman MH. Serum Uric Acid As a Cardiovascular Risk Factor for Heart Disease.
Current Hypertension Reports 2001;3(3):184-189.
Cohen HW, Alderman MH. The Association between Depression and Cardiovascular
Disease in Patients with Hypertension. Primary Psychiatry 2001;8(7):39-54.
Flack JM, Saunders E, Gradman A, Kraus WE, Lester M, Pratt JH, Alderman MH,Green
S, Vargas R, Espenshade M, Ceesay P, Alexander Jr., J, Goldberg A. Antihypertensive
Efficacy and Safety of Losartan Alone and in Combination with Hydrocholorothiazide in
Adult African Americans with Mild to Moderate Hypertension. Clinical Therapeutics
Fang J, Alderman MH. Trend of Stroke Hospitalization, United States, 1988-1997.
Stroke 2001;32:2221-2226.
Furberg CD, Psaty BM, Pahor M, Alderman MH. Clinical Implications of Recent
Findings from the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart
Attack Trial (ALLHAT) and Other Studies of Hypertension. Annals of Internal
Medicine 2001;135(12):1074-1078.
Alderman MH. Uric Acid and Cardiovascular Risk. Current Opinion in Pharmacology
Kostis JB, Cobbe S, Johnston C, Ford I, Murphy M, Weber MA, Black HR, Plouin PF,
Levy D, Mancia G, Larochelle P, Kolloch RE, Alderman MH, et al. Design
Omapatrilat in Persons with Enhanced Risk of Atherosclerotic Events (OPERA) Trial.
American Journal of Hypertension 2002;15:193-198.
Alderman MH. Salt, blood pressure, and health: a cautionary tale. International Journal
of Epidemiology 2002;31:311-315.
Kaplan RC, Monrad ES, Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Fang J. Evidence and Controveries
in Antihypertensive Treatment: Importance for the Home Care Physician. Journal of the
American Academy of Home Care Consultant, June 2002; 25-29.
Cohen HW. Alderman MH. Low-Sodium Diet After DASH: Has the Situation
Changed? Current Hypertension Reports 2002; 4(5):329-332.
Fang J. Alderman MH. Dissociation of Hospitalization and Mortality Trends for
Myocardial Infarction, US 1988-1997. American Journal of Medicine 2002;113:208214.
Alderman MH, Furberg CD, Kostis JB, Laragh JH, Psaty BM, Ruilope LM, Volpe M,
Wright, Jr.,J. Hypertension Guidelines: Criteria that might make them more clinically
useful. American Journal of Hypertension, 2002;15(10):917-923.
ALLHAT Collaborative Research Group. Major Outcomes in High-Risk Hypertensive
Patients Randomized to Angiotensin- Converting Enzyme Inhibitor or Calcium Channel
Blocker vs Diuretic – The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent
Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT). JAMA 2002;288(23):2981-2997.
ALLHAT Collaborative Research Group. Major Outcomes in Moderately
Hypercholesterolemic, Hypertensive Patients Randomized to Pravastatin vs Usual Care –
The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial
(ALLHAT-LLT). JAMA 2002;288(23):2998-3007.
Alderman MH, Cohen HW. Impact of Dietary NaCI on Cardiovascular Disease
Morbidity and Mortality. Current Hypertension Reports 2002;4(6):453-457.
Cushman WC, Ford CE, Cutler JA, Margolis KL, Davis BR, Grimm RH, Black
HR,Hamilton BP, Holland J, Nwachuku C, Papademetriou V, Probstfield J, Wright, Jr.,
JT, Alderman MH, Weiss RJ, Piller L, Bettencourt J, Walsh SM. Success and
Predictors of Blood Pressure Control in Diverse North American Settings: The
Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial
(ALLHAT). The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2002;IV(VI):1-12.
Aurigemma GP, Devereux RB, de Simone G, Roman MJ, O’Grady MJ, Koren M,
Alderman M, Laragh J. Myocardial function and geometry in hypertensive subjects with
low levels of afterload. Am Heart J 2002;143(3):546-551.
Psaty BM, Lumley T, Furberg CD, Schellenbaum G, Pahor M, Alderman MH, Weiss,
NS. Health Outcomes Associated with Various Antihypertensive Therapies Used as
First-Line agents: A network meta-analysis. JAMA 2003;289:2534-2544.
ALLHAT Collaborative Research Group. Diuretic versus Alpha-Blocker as First-Step
Antihypertensive Therapy: Final Results from the Antihypertenisve and Lipid-Lowering
Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT). Hypertension 2003;42:239-246.
Fang J, Alderman MH. Is Geography Destiny for New Yorkers Acute Myocardial
Infarction? American Journal of Medicine 2003;115:448-453.
Fang J, Wylie-Rosett J, Cohen HW, Kaplan RC, Alderman MH. Exercise, Body Mass
Index, Caloric Intake, and Cardiovascular Mortality. Am J Prev Med 2003;25(4):283289.
Barnhart JM, Fang J, Alderman MH. Differential Use of Coronary Revascularization and
Hospital Mortality Following Acute Myocardial Infarction. Arch Intern Med
2003;163(4): 461-466.
Alderman MH: Dietary sodium and cardiovascular health in hypertensive patients: the
case against universal sodium restriction. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004 Jan; 15 suppl 1:S47S50.
Alderman MH, Aiyer KJV: Uric acid—role in cardiovascular disease and effects of
losartan. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2004;20(3):369-379.
Alderman MH, 1 Cohen HW, 2 Jean E. Sealey,3 John H. Laragh4 Plasma Renin
Activity levels in Hypertensive Persons: Their wide range and lack of suppression in
diabetic and in most elderly patients. American J Hypertension 2004;17:1-7.
Hoieggen A, Alderman MH, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Devereux B, de Faire U, Fyhrquist
F, Ibsen H, Kristianson K, Lederballe-Pedersen O, Lindholm LH, Nieminen MS, Omvik
P, Oparil S, Wedel H, Chen C, Dahlof B. The Impact of Serum Uric Acid on
Cardiovascular Outcomes in the LIFE Study. Kidney International 2004;65:1041-1049.
Julius S, Alderman MH, Beevers G, Dahlof B, Devereux RB, Kjeldsen SE, Nesbitt S,
Randall OS, Wright, Jr., JT. Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in Hypertensive Black
Patients with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: The LIFE Study. JACC 2004;43(6):104755.
Fang J, Alderman MH. Does Supplemental Private Insurance Affect in-Hospital Care of
Medicare Recipients Hospitalized for Myocardial Infarction? American Journal of
Public Health 2004;94(5):778-782.
Moser M, Alderman MH, Wright Jr., JT. (Roundtable Discussion) Clinical Problems in
the Management of Hypertension 1) Prehypertension: Should We Treat? 2) The Very
Elderly: How Should We Treat? The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2004;VI(V):262266.
Alderman MH. ESH/ESC Hypertension Guidelines: A View from Across the Sea. High
Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention 2004;11(1):9-10.
Cohen HW, Hailpern SM, Alderman MH. Glucose-Cholesterol Interaction Magnifies
Coronary Heart Disease Risk for Hypertensive Patients. Hypertension 2004;43:983-987.
Fang J, Foo SH, Jeng JS, Yip PK, Alderman MH. Clinical characteristics of stroke
among Chinese in New York City. Ethnicity & Disease 2004;14:378-383.
Fang J, Freeman R, Jeganathan R, Alderman MH. Variation of hip fracture
hospitalization rate among different race/ethnicity groups in New York City. Ethnicity
& Disease 2004;14:280-284.
Smith, Jr., SC, Jackson R, Pearson TA, Fuster V, Yusuf S, Faergeman O, Wood DA,
Alderman MH, Horgan J, Home P, Hunn M, Grundy SM. Principles for National and
Regional Guidelines on Cardiovascular Prevention – A Scientific Statement from the
World Heart and Stroke Forum. Circulation 2004;109:3112-3121.
Alderman MH: Hypertension, silver bullets and faded dreams. Journal of Hypertension
Alderman MH, Aiyer KJV: Harnsäure, ein kardiovaskulärer Riskofaktor? Link between
uric acid and cardiovascular disease. Therapeutische Umschau 2004;61(9):547-552.
Fang J, Alderman MH: Revascularization Among Patients with Acute Myocardial
Infarction Complicated by Cardiogenic Shock and Impact of American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines. Am J Cardiol 2004;94:1281-1285.
Alderman MH: JNC 7: Brief Summary and Critique. Clinical & Experimental
Hypertension 2004;26(7 & 8):753-761.
Volpe M, Alderman MH, Furberg CD, Jackson R, Kostis JB, Laragh JH, Psaty BM,
Ruilope LM. Beyond Hypertension: Toward Guidelines for Cardiovascular Risk
Reduction. American Journal of Hypertension 2004;17(11):1068-1074.
Flynn JT, Alderman MH. Characteristics of children with primary hypertension seen at
a referral center. Pediatric Nephrology 2005;20:961-966.
Alderman MH: The Limitations of Transferring Evidence from Clinical Trials to the
Care of Individual Patients. High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention
Fang J, Wylie-Rosett J, Alderman MH. Exercise and Cardiovascular Outcomes by
Hypertensive Status: NHANES I Epidemiological Follow-up Study, 1971-1992.
American Journal of Hypertension 2005;18:751-758.
Hailpern SM, Cohen HW, Alderman MH. Renal dysfunction and ischemic heart disease
mortality in a Hypertensive Population. Journal of Hypertension 2005;23(10):18091816.
Cohen HW, Hailpern SM, Fang J, Alderman MH. Sodium Intake and Mortality in the
NHANES II Follow-up Study. The American Journal of Medicine 2006;119:275.e7275.e14.
Fang J, Alderman MH. Impact of increasing burden of diabetes on acute myocardial
infarction in New York City 1990-2000. Diabetes 2006;55:768-773.
Alderman MH. Does blood pressure control require a Cuban-style revolution? Journal
of Hypertension 2006;24(5):811-812.
Fang J, Alderman MH. Gender Differences of Revascularization in Patients with Acute
Myocardial Infarction. Am Journal Cardiol 2006;97:1722-1726.
Alderman MH: Evidence Relating Dietary Sodium to Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of
the American College of Nutrition 2006;25(3 suppl):256S-261S.
Leenen FHH, Nwachuku CE, Black HR, Cushman WC, Davis BR, Simpson LM,
Alderman MH, et al. Clinical Events in High-Risk Hypertensive Patients Randomly
Assigned to Calcium Channel Blocker vs. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE)
Inhibitor in the Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack
Trial. Hypertension 2006;48(3):374-384.
Fang J, Negassa A, Gern RW, Alderman MH. Access to Revascularization among
Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction in New York City --- Impact of hospital
resources. J Urban Health Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 2006;
Dirks JH, Robinson SW, Alderman M, Couser WG, Grundy SM, Smith SC, Remuzzi G,
Unwin N. Meeting report on the Bellagio Conference ‘prevention of vascular diseases in
the emerging world: An approach to global health equity’. Kidney International
Fang J, Foo SH, Fung C, Wylie-Rosett J, Alderman MH. Stroke risk among Chinese
immigrants in New York City. J Immigrant Health 2006;8:387-393.
Hailpern SM, Cohen HW, Alderman MH. Renal Dysfunction Predicts Attenuation of
Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality Risk from Elevated Glucose among Treated
Hypertensives. American Journal of Hypertension 2006;19(10):998-1004.
Fang J, Mensah GA, Alderman MH, Croft JB. Trends in acute myocardial infarction
complicated by cardiogenic shock, 1979-2003, United States. American Heart Journal
Alderman MH. Presidential Address: 21st Scientific Meeting of the International
Society of Hypertension. Dietary sodium and cardiovascular disease: the ‘J’-shaped
relation. Journal of Hypertension 2007;25(5):903-907.
Alderman MH. Hypertension Control: Improved, but not enough! AJH 2007;20(4):347.
Cohen HW, Alderman MH. Sodium, blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Curr
Opin Cardiol 2007;22:306-310.
Mendis S, Lindholm LH, Mancia G, Whitworth J, Alderman M, Lim S, Heagerty T.
World Health Organization (WHO) and International Society of Hypertension (ISH) risk
prediction charts; assessment of cardiovascular risk for prevention and control of
cardiovascular disease in low and middle income countries. Journal of Hypertension
Alderman MH. Podagra, Uric Acid, and Cardiovascular Disease. Circulation
Cushman WC, Grimm, Jr.RH, Cutler JA, Evans GW, Capes S, Corson MA, Sadler LS,
Alderman MH, Peterson K, Bertoni A, Basile JN. Rationale and Design for the Blood
Pressure Intervention of the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes
(ACCORD) Trial. American Journal of Cardiology 2007;99(suppl 12A):44i-55i.
Fang J, Alderman MH, Keenan NL, Croft JB. Declining US Stroke Hospitalization
since 1997: National Hospital Discharge Survey, 1988-2004. Neuroepidemiology
Alderman MH. Salt and blood pressure in children? Journal of Human Hypertension
Fang J, Alderman MH, Keenan NL, Ayala C, Croft JB. Hypertension Control at
Physician’s Offices in the United States. AJH 2008;21(2):136-142.
Marantz PR, Bird E, Alderman MH. A call for higher standards of evidence for dietary
guidelines. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2008;34(3):234-240.
Allen NB, Lichtman JH, Cohen HW, Fang J, Brass LM, Alderman MH. Vascular
Disease among Hospitalized Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Neuroepidemiology
Cohen HW, Alderman MH. Sodium intake and mortality follow-up in the Third National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). J of General Internal Med
Alderman MH. New Onset Diabetes During Antihypertensive Therapy. Am J Hypertens
Alderman MH. Is New-Onset Diabetes Mellitus Important? Yes, but….High Blood
Pressure Cardiovascular Prevention 2008;15(1):5-8.
Alderman MH. Uric Acid and Cardiovascular Disease. Hot Topics in Cardiology
Srinivas VS, Hailpern SM, Koss E, Monrad ES, Alderman MH. Effect of Physician
Volume on the Relationship Between Hospital Volume and Mortality During Primary
Angioplasty. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009;53:574-579.
MacMahon S, Alderman MH, Lindholm LH, Liu L, Sanchez RA, Seedat YK. BlaoodPressure-Related Disease Is a Global Health Priority. Am J Hypertens 2008;21(8):843844.
Wright, Jr., JT, Probstfield JL, Cushman WC, Pressel S, Cutler JA, Davis BR, Einhorn,
PT, Rahman M, Whelton PK, Ford CE, Haywood LJ, Margolis KL, Oparil S, Black,
HR,Alderman MH. Allhat Findings Revisited in the Context of Subsequent Analyses ,
Other Trials and Meta-Analyses. Arch of Inter Med 2009;169(9):832-842.
Rajpathak,SN, Kumbhani D, Crandall J, Barzilai,N, Alderman M, Ridker PM. Statin
Therapy and Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes: A Meta-Analysis. Diabetes Care
Fang J, Alderman MH, Keenan NL, Ayala C. Acute Myocardial Infarction
Hospitalization in the United States, 1979-2005. American Journal of Medicine
Alderman MH, Reducing Dietary Sodium. The Case for Caution. JAMA 2010;
Alderman, MH, Cohen, HW, Sealey, JE, Laragh, JH. Pressor Responses to
Antihypertensive Drug Types. American Journal of Hypertension
Alderman, MH, Laragh, JH, Sealey JE. More about plasma renin and cardiovascular
mortality. European Heart Journal 2011; (doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehr187)
Books, Chapters and Monographs:
Alderman MH: "Detection and Treatment of High Blood Pressure at the Workplace," High
Blood Pressure Control in the Work Setting, Proceedings of the National Conference, 1976,
Washington, D.C.
Alderman MH; (ed) Hypertension: The Nurse's Role in Ambulatory Care. Springer
Publishing Co, New York, 177.
Alderman MH: "Medical Management of High Blood Pressure, " Weekly Psychiatry Update
Series. Vol. 2, Lesion II, 1978.
Alderman MH: "Preventive Cardiology," Cardiovascular Disease. Unit 4: Lessons 13 and 14,
Alderman MH: "Occupational Health Cost Containment: A Case Study: Hypertension
Control," in Textbook for Employee Benefit Plan Trustees, Administrators and Advisors.
Vol. 20, Proceedings of the 1978 Annual Educational Conference of the International
Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, 1978.
Alderman MH: et al: "Chlorthalidone 25 mg vs. 50 mg in Mild Hypertension,"
Chlorthalidone 25 mg. RD Mann, and RA Guarino, eds. Proceeding of the Special
Investigators' Symposium held at White Plains, New York 1978.
Alderman MH: "Medical Management of High Blood Pressure," Continuing Education for
the Family Physician. 1980, 12(3):125.
Alderman MH, Stanback ME: Manual on Hypertension Control at the Worksite. Prepared
under contact to New York State Department of Health Research, Inc. 1980.
Alderman MH: Review of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Children, GS. Berenson, ed.
Prepared for Annals of Internal Medicine, 1980.
Alderman MH: "The Variation in Risk Among Hypertensive Patients: Is Broad Scale
Therapy to Help only a Few Justifiable? What Pressure Levels Should be Treated"? Prepared
for Frontiers in Hypertension Research, JH, Laragh, FR, Buhler, & DW, Seldin, eds.
Springer-Verlag. New York. 1980.
Alderman MH: "The Management of Mild Hypertension: A Review of Relevant
Studies," prepared for Viewpoints on the Treatment of Hypertension: Panel Discussion of
John G. Rafter. Reprinted from Transactions of the Association of Life Insurance
Medical Directors of America, 1980; 64:122.
Ruchlin HS, Alderman MH: Cost of Worksite Hypertension Treatment. National Health
Institutes of Health, Publ. No. 81-2115, 1980.
Alderman MH: "Hypertension Therapy and CHD Risk Modification" prepared for
Hypertension Digest. 1980 or 1981.
Alderman MH, Hanley MH; ed.: "Clinical Medicine for the Occupational Physician. Marcel
Dekker, NY, October, 1982.
Alderman MH: "Hypertension in the Occupational Setting." Clinical Medicine for the
Occupational Physician, pp. 429-444, 1982.
Alderman MH, Green LW, Flynn BS: "Hypertension Control Programs in Occupational
Settings" prepared for Managing Health Promotion in the Workplace: Guidelines for
Implementation and Evaluation by Rebecca S. Parkinson and Associates. Mayfield
Publishing Co., Palo Alto, CA, 1982.
Alderman MH, Stanback ME: "High Blood Pressure: Detection and Control at the
Workplace," Monograph presented by Citizens for the Treatment of High Blood Pressure and
Merck, Sharp and Dohme, 1982.
Alderman MH: "Should Mild Cases of Hypertension be Treated with Drugs?" prepared for
Volume 3 of Advances in Management of Cardiovascular Disease by William T. Foley.
Yearbook Medical Publishers, Chicago, 3:13-22, 1982.
019. Alderman MH: "The Indications for Treatment with Antihypertensive Drugs." CardiologyVolume 1, Hypertension by P. Sleight and E. Freis. Butterworth Scientific, London, 1982.
Alderman MH, Davis TK: "Worksite Treatment of Hypertension. Behavioral Health: A
Handbook of Health Enhancement and Disease Prevention. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 862-870,
Ruchlin HS, Alderman MH: Cost of Worksite Hypertension Treatment. US Department of
Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institute of Health. NIH
Publication No. 81-2115, November, 1985.
Alderman MH, Stanback ME: "Hypertension Detection and Management through the
Worksite in the United States" prepared for Handbook of Hypertension, Vol 6: Epidemiology
of Hypertension by CJ Bulpitt. Elsevier Biomedical Publishers/Excerpta Medica, London,
pp. 373-386, 1985.
Alderman MH, Stanback MH: "Hypertension" prepared for Practical Geriatric Medicine by
AN, Exton-Smith, ME, Weksler, Churchill Livingston, London, pp. 206-213, 1985.
Alderman MH, Schnall PL: "When to Treat a Patient with Hypertension" prepared for Drug
Therapy in Hypertension, Drayer, JIM; Lowenthal, DT; and Weber, MA, (eds.) Marcel
Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 1-26, 1986.
Shaprio P, Alderman MH, Clarkson TB, Furberg CD, Jesse MJ, Julius S, Miller RE, Pitt B:
Task Force for Behavioral Consequences of Hypertension and Antihypertensive Therapy,
Conference on Behavioral Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, Sea Island, Georgia,
February 3-7, 1985. Circulation. 76(Suppl 1):101-103, 1987.
Cardiovascular Health and Risk Management: The Role of Nutrition and Medication in
Clinical Practice, Edited by S. Wassertheil-Smoller, MH Alderman and J. Wylie-Rosett, PSG
Publishing, Inc., 1988.
Alderman MH: Risk Factor Control: Promise and Problems, in Cardiovascular Health and
Risk Management: The Role of Nutrition and Medication in Clinical Practice. PSG
Publishing Co. pp. 3-15, 1988.
Alderman MH, Lamport B: Treatment of Hypertension at the Worksite: An Opportunity to
Link Service and Research. Health Psychology, 1988, 7(Suppl), 283-295.
Alderman MH: Issues of Access, in: 1988 Methodological Issues in Worksite Research Proceedings of a Workshop, US Dept. of Health and Human Services, April, 1989.
Alderman MH, Marantz PR: Clinical Trials as a Guide to Intervention. Hypertension:
Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management, Vol 2. Laragh, JH; Brenner, BM; (eds.)
Raven Press, pp. 1941-1953, 1989.
Alderman MH, Lamport B: Withdrawal of Drug Therapy in the Treatment of Hypertension.
Perspectives in Hypertension Volume 3: New Therapeutic Strategies in Hypertension.
Kaplan, N., Brenner, BM and Laragh, JH (eds) 1989.
Alderman MH, Lamport B: Withdrawal of Drug Therapy: A component of the Proper
Management of the Hypertensive Patient. Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and
Management, Vol 2. Laragh, JH; Brenner, BM; (eds.) Raven Press, pp. 2301-2308, 1989.
Alderman MH, Lamport B: Guanfacine. Cardiovascular Drug Therapy. Messerli, FH (ed),
published by W.B. Saunders Co., pp. 678-690, 1990.
Alderman MH, Marantz PR: Cardiovascular Risk: The Impact of High Blood Pressure and Its
Correction. Handbook of Hypertension, Vol 13: The Management of Hypertension, Buhler
FR, Laragh JH (eds), pp. 1-17; 1990.
035. Alderman MH, Lamport B: The Management of Hypertension: A Clinical Dilemma With
Health Policy Implications. Costs and Benefits in Health Care and Prevention. Lasser U,
Roccella EJ, Rosenfeld JB, Wenzel H, eds., publisher Springer-Verlag, pp. 79-91, 1990.
Alderman, MH; Marantz, PR; Clinical Trials as a Guide to Intervention. In: Hypertension:
Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management, 2 edition, Laragh, JH; Brenner, BM. (eds.)
Raven Press, pp. 2487-2500, 1995.
Alderman, MH: The Rational. Individualized Therapy of Hypertension, Kaplan NM, and
Ram, C.V.S. (eds.) Marcel Dekker, Inc. (1995).
Alderman MH; Lamport, B: Guanfacine. Cardiovascular Drug Therapy, 2nd Edition.
Messerli, FH (ed), published by W.B. Saunders Co., pp. 642-651, 1996.
Madhavan S, Stockwell D, Cohen H, Alderman MH: Renal Function during
Antihypertensive Treatment. In: Year Book of Cardiology, Kaplan, N (ed.) Mosby-Year
Book, Inc.
Alderman MH: Recognition and Management of Patients with Hypertension. In: Primary
Cardiology, Goldman, L; Braunwald, E. (eds) W.B. Saunders Co., pp. 296-309; 1998.
Alderman MH: Workplace Management of Hypertension. In: Hypertension Primer, 2nd
Edition, The Essentials of High Blood Pressure, Izzo JL, Black HR (eds.), pp. 441-42, 1998.
Alderman MH: Worksite treatment of hypertension in the USA. In: Handbook of
Hypertension, Volume 20 Epidemiology of Hypertension, C.J. Bulpitt (editor), 2000;625-32.
Alderman MH: Workplace Management of Hypertension. In: Hypertension Primer 3rd
Edition, The Essentials of High Blood Pressure, Izzo Jr., JL, Black HR (eds.) 2003:308-310.
Alderman MH: Tratamiento de La Hipertension Programma. Worksite. Manual
Ibermutuamur: Salud laboral y riesgo cardiovascular. (Editors): Dr. Luis Miguel Ruilope and
Dr. Javier Roman
Hailpern SM, Alderman MH: Prevention of cardiovascular disease in occupational settings.
In: Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Hypertensive Patients – A Primary Care Handbook. Dr.
Luis Ruilope (Editorin-Chief) 2007;14-22.
Alderman MH: Renin angiotensin System and the Heart. Circulation (accepted 8/31/04).
047. Alderman MH: Total Risk. In: Hypertension: A Companion to Brenner & Rector’s, The
Kidney, Oparil, S; Weber M (eds.), W.B. Saunders Co., (in press)
Alderman MH: Plasma renin, dietary sodium and cardiovascular events. Hughes Associates,
Abstracts, Letters to the Editor, & Invited Contributions:
Alderman MH, Davis RP: The Nephropathy of Starvation, Clinical Research, 12.467, 1964.
Alderman MH, Buchter, M: An Effect of Vitamin D on Collagen Metabolism, Clinical Research,
18:43, 1970.
Alderman MH: A Young Child Nutrition Program in Rural Jamaica. Clinical Research 20:472, 1972.
Alderman MH: A Young Child Nutrition Programme in Rural Jamaica: The First Year. West Indian
Med. Journal, 21:1976, 1972.
Alderman MH: (Letter) Maintenance of Very Good Health. New England Journal of Medicine,
288:54, 1973.
Alderman MH, Yano K: (Letter) Cost-Benefit of Intensive Care. Annals of Internal Medicine,
78:310, 1973.
Alderman MH, Yano K: A Model Program for the Control of Hypertension. Bulletin of the New
York Academy of Medicine 1974;503):393`.
Alderman MH, Yano K, Ochs O, Mushinski M, Bracshaw J, Goldfarb D, Honig C: Dissociation of
Process of Outcome in the Treatment of Hypertension. Clinical Research, 22:374a, 1974.
Alderman MH: (Letter) Screening for Hypertension. Lancet, 1:327, 1975.
Alderman MH, Schoenbaum EE: Successful Control of Hypertension Among Labor Union
Members: An Occupationally Based Model for Care of Chronic Disease. Submitted for XVIII
International Congress of Occupational Health, February 19, 1975.
Stoopler M, Frayer, W, Alderman MH: (Letter) Lactose Malabsorption. American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, 28:308, 1975.
Alderman MH, Schoenbaum EE: (Letter) Treatment of Primary Hypertension. Lancet, 2:31, 1975.
Alderman MH, Schoenbaum EE: (Letter) Detection and Treatment of Hypertension at the Worksite.
New England Journal of Medicine. 293:13, 1975.
Alderman MH, Seligmann A, Rodman J: Inappropriate Antihypertensive Therapy in the Elderly.
Lancet, 1:259, 1977.
Alderman MH: Sounding Board, High Blood Pressure: Do We Really Know Whom to Treat and
How? New Engl J Medicine, 296:1481, 1977.
Alderman MH: Workplace programs in New York City. Medical World News, 1977.
Alderman MH, Seligmann AW, Davis TK: (Letter) Hypertension Control: And Alternate View
from Gimbels. American Heart Journal, 96:421, 1978.
Alderman MH, Miller KF: Dissimilarity Between Hypertensives: VA Study vs General Population.
Preventive Medicine, 7:34, 1978.
Alderman MH, Davis TK: Comparison of Union-Sponsored Blood Pressure Treatment on and off
the Worksite. Preventive Medicine, 7:34, 1978.
Alderman MH, Engelland A, Melcher L: The Results of an Occupationally Supported Community
Provided High Blood Pressure Program. Preventive Medicine, 8:123, 1979.
Alderman MH, Stormont B: Worksite vs Community Based Antihypertensive Care: A Controlled
Trial. Preventive Medicine, 8:123, 1979.
Alderman MH, Stanback ME, Halperin L: Antihypertensive Medication: Requirements of Blacks vs
Whites. Preventive Medicine, 8:236, 1979.
Alderman MH, Melcher L: Increased Absenteeism after Diagnosis of Hypertension. New England
Journal of Medicine, 300(6):318, 1979.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S: Potential Benefit of Antihypertensive Therapy: A Theoretical Model
and Cautionary Note. Circulation, Part II, 60:11-67, 1979.
Alderman MH, Charlson ME, Melcher L: Absenteeism after Labelling Hypertensives: Occurrence
and Prevention. Clinical Research, 28:225A, 1980.
Alderman MH, Scheidt SS, Laragh JH (eds): Critique of Recent Significant Articles from the
Cardiovascular Literature, Cardiology Review and Report. 1(2):75, 1980.
Gerber L, Wolf A, Braham R, Charlson M, Alderman MH: Coincidence of Hypertension and
Diabetes in Hospital and Community: A Demonstration of Berkson's Bias. Clinical Research,
28:226A, 1980.
Alderman MH: (Editorial) (Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program). Cardiology Review
and Report, 1(2):75, 1980.
Alderman MH: (Letter) management of Mild Blood Pressure Elevation. The Hastings Center
Report, 11(6):45, 1981.
Alderman MH, Stanback ME: (Letter) Diuretics & Blood Lipids. Annals of Internal Medicine,
94:822, 1981.
Lutas, EM, Reis G, Devereux RB, Alderman MH, Crowley J, Sachs I, Laragh JH: Left Ventricular
Function in Hypertensive & Normotensive Subjects from a Natural Population. Clinical Research,
30:337A, 1982.
Alderman MH, Melcher L, Drayer DE, Reidenberg MM: Evidence that Minimal Renal Damage is
Common in Essential Hypertension and Improves with Hypotensive Therapy. Clinical Research,
30:486A, 1982.
Alderman MH: The Lowdown on High Blood Pressure. 50 Plus, 1982; pp. 34-39.
Devereux RB, Casale PN, Kligfield P, Lutas EM, Esienberg RR, Miller DH, Reis G Alderman MH,
Laragh JH: Normalization of Left Ventricular Anatomic Measurements. Clinical Research, 31:178A,
Alderman MH, Davis T, Coburn C: Impact of Changed Clinical Structure on Outcome of
Antihypertensive Care. Clinical Research, 31:293A, 1983.
Alderman MH, Stanback ME, Quinomes M: Sodium Excretion in Response to Antihypertensive
Therapy, Clinical Research, 31:326A, 1983.
Hammond IW, Alderman MH, Devereux RB, Lutas EM, Laragh JH: Contrast in Cardiac Anatomy
and Function Between Black and White Hypertensives. Clinical Research, 31:330A, 1983.
Lutas EM, Devereux RB, Reis G, Alderman MH, Pickering TG, Borer JS, Laragh JH: Increased
Cardiac Performance in Subsets of Patients with Mild Essential Hypertension. Clinical Research,
31:332A, 1983.
Alderman MH: Treating High Blood Pressure at Workplace Said to Achieve Maximum Results.
Cardiology Times, 2(10) 1983.
Alderman MH: (Editorial) Academic Medicine and the Workplace. AJPH 1983;83(3):313-314.
Gerber LM, Alderman MH: Upper Body Obesity as a Risk Factor for Diuretic Induced
Hypoglycemia Among Hypertensive Patients. Am J of Phys Anthro, 63:162, 1984.
Nicholson JP, Alderman MH, Parnassa D, Laragh JH: Cigarette Smoking: A Risk Factor for Carotid
Stenosis. Clinical Research, 32:227A, 1984.
Alderman MH, Gerber LM, Davis TK, Gaines W: Systematic Drug Withdrawal to Avoid
Unnecessary Antihypertensive Therapy. Clinical Research, 32:327A. 1984.
Hammond IW, Alderman MH, Devereux RB, Lutas EM, Laragh JH: Prevalence and Precursors of
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Among Hypertensives in a General Population. Clinical Research,
32:333A. 1984.
Madhavan S, Alderman MH, Sealey JE, Laragh JH: Pretreatment Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) as a
guide to Antihypertensive Drug Acceptability and Blood Pressure (BP) Response. Clinical
Research, 32:335A, 1984.
Hammond IW, Soffer R, Alderman MH: Year-to-Year Variability of Echocardiographic
Measurements in Normal Subjects. J Am Col Cardiol, 3(2):516, 1984.
Mann SJ, Madhavan S, Alderman MH: The Effect of Smoking on Antihypertensive Response to
Propranolol & Hydrochlorothiazide. Int'l Soc of Hypertension, Interlaken, Switzerland, #582, June
17, 1984.
Pickering TE, Harshfield GR, Alderman MH, Blank S, Laragh JH: How Commonly is Hypertension
Confined to the Clinic Setting? Interlaken, Switzerland, #697, 1984.
Alderman MH: Hypertension Control at the Workplace. Corporate Commentary, 2(3) fall, 1986.
Marantz, PR; Alderman, MH: How Diagnostic Criteria Influence Trials in Congestive Heart Failure.
Circulation, 74:II-268, 1986 (Abstract).
Schoenbaum EE, Alderman MH: Antibody to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Woman
Seeking Abortion in NYC. Annals of Intern Medicine, 107(4):599, 1987.
Giovanni DS, Devereux RB, Alderman MH, Chien S, Laragh JH: Relation of Blood Viscosity to
Demographic Variables and Obesity in Normal Adults. Circulation 1988;78, #4, (Supply II):452.
Alderman MH, Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H: (Letter) Treatment-Induced Blood Pressure
Reduction and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction. JAMA 1989.
Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Sealey J, Laragh JH: High Renin/Sodium
Phenotype Predicts Myocardial Infarction (MI):Renin Hypothesis Confirmed. Circulation 1989;80,
#4(Suppl II): 101.
Alderman MH: (Letter) Meta-analysis of hypertension treatment trials. Lancet 1990; 335:10921093.
Alderman MH: (Commentary) How Far Should Blood Pressure Be Lowered: What is the Role of
the J-Curve? (By Lennard Hannson, MD) Amer J of Hypertension 1990; 3:730-732.
Alderman MH: Is there a J-Shaped Curve? Cardiology Today 1990; 18:1-2.
Lee DK, Marantz PR, Devereux RB, Alderman MH: Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Adverse
Cardiovascular Outcome in Black & White Hypertensives. American Journal of Hypertension 1991;
de Simone G, Devereux RB, Meyer RA, Daniels SR, Alderman MH, Laragh JH: Detection of Left
Ventricular Hypertrophy in Obesity and Hypertension. AJH 1991;4:51A.
Roman MJ, Spitzer M, Pini R, Alderman MH, Devereux RB: Determinants of Carotid Artery Size
and Stiffness and Their Relation to the Heart in Normotensive Subjects. American Journal of
Hypertension 1991;4:61A.
Shmukler C, Lee HB, Shamoon H, Blaufox MD, Hyman RB, Alderman MH: Fasting Plasma
Glucose and Insulin in Rats with Renovascular Hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension
Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Sealey JE, Laragh JH: Renin-Sodium Profile: A
Strong Predictor of Risk for Myocardial Infarction. Cardiology Board Review 1992;9:58-68.
de Dimone G, Devereux RB, Roman MJ, Alderman, MH; Laragh JH: Different Patterns of
Association of Left Ventricular Mass in Norma-Weight and Over-Weight Hypertensive Patients.
American Journal of Hypertension 1992;5:1A-2A.
Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S: Low Urinary Sodium and Increased Myocardial Infarction
(MI) and Total Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Among Treated Hypertensives, American Journal of
Hypertension 1992;5:21A-22A.
Madhavan S, Alderman MH: Sex and Race Differences in Cardiovascular Outcomes Among Treated
Hypertensive Subjects. American Journal of Hypertension 1992;5:97A.
Gerber LM, Mann SJ, Alderman MH, Pickering TG, Sealey JE, Mueller FB: High Specificity of the
Captopril Test in All But High Renin Patients. American Journal of Hypertension 1992;5:131A.
Alderman MH: Academic Medicine and the Workplace. Amer J of Public Health 1993;83(3):313314.
Halimi JM, James G, Cohen H, Alderman MH, Laragh JH, Sealey JE: Hypertensive (HT) Have
Lower Plasma Prorenin (PRO) Than Normotensive (NT). American Journal of Hypertension
James GD, Sealey JE, Alderman MH, Laragh JH: Year-to-Year Stability of Urine Sodium,
Potassium, Aldosterone & PRA in Normotensive Men & Women. American Journal of Hypertension
Madhavan S, Cohen H, Stockwell D, Alderman MH: Dissociation of Blood Pressure Control and the
Course of Renal Function in Black and White Hypertensive Male Patients. Journal of the American
Society of Nephrology 1993; 4:535.
Alderman MH, Sealey JE, Laragh JH: (Letter) Plasma Renin Activity and Ischemic Heart Disease.
New England Journal of Medicine 1994;330(7):506.
Alderman MH, Laragh JH: (Letter) Low Urinary Sodium and Myocardial Infarction. Hypertension
1996; 27:156-157.
Alderman MH: Sodium, Potassium, and Blood Pressure. Journal of Hypertension, 1996;
Alderman MH, Anderson S, Benett WM: et al. Scientists' Statement Regarding Data on the SodiumHypertension Relationship and Sodium Health Claims on Food Labeling. Nutrition Reviews, 1997;
Alderman MH: Modest salt restriction in older people - 2nd reply. Lancet 1997;350:1702.
Alderman M, Madhavan S, Cohen H: Calcium antagonists and cardiovascular events in patients
with hypertension and diabetes. Lancet 1998;351:216-217.
Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S: Sodium Intake and Mortality. Lancet 1998;351:1508-1510.
Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Madhavan S: (letter) Sodium Reduction and Weight Loss for Elderly
Patients with Hypertension. JAMA 1998;280:885-886.
Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Madhavan S: (letter) Dietary Sodium Intake and Mortality: NHANES.
Lancet 1998;352:988.
Alderman MH, Kivlighn S, Beauchard L, Cohen HW, Madhavan S: (Abstract) Increased serum uric
acid associated with increased cardiovascular disease in treated hypertensive patients. Journal of
Hypertension 1998;16(Suppl 2):S5.
Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Kivlighn S, Madhavan S: (Abstract) Does treatment-mediated increase
in uric acid reduce the cardioprotective effect of diuretics in hypertensive patients? Am J
Hypertension 1998;11:16A-17A.
Alderman MH: Treatment of Less Severe Stages of Hypertension. Seminar in Hypertension Series,
1998; 1(3):13-15, BC Decker Inc.
Alderman MH: Risk factors and risk profiling as a basis for individualizing treatment. A
Postgraduate Medicine Special Report, McGraw-Hill, Co., Inc., October, 1998.
Kincaid-Smith P, Alderman MH: Universal recommendations for sodium intake should be avoided.
(Editorial). The Medical Journal of Australia 1999;170(4):174-175.
Alderman MH: (Commentary) Inadequate Management of Blood Pressure in a Hypertensive
Population. Evidenced-based Cardiovascular Medicine1999;3(1):12.
Alderman MH: (Interview) 1999 World Health Organization-International Society of Hypertension
guidelines for the management of hypertension. International Trends in Hypertension 1999;9:4-6.
Alderman MH: (Letter) Salt reduction and cardiovascular risk. Journal of Human Hypertension
Alderman MH: (Editorial) Barriers to Blood Pressure Control. American Journal of Hypertension
Alderman MH: Uric Acid as a Risk Factor in Hypertension: Therapeutic Implications.
Cardiovascular Therapy Today 1999; 3(2):1-4.
Alderman MH: (Commentary) Measures and Meaning of blood pressure. Lancet 2000;355:(9199)
Alderman MH: (Letter) Population Advice on Salt Restriction. The Social Issues. American Journal
of Hypertension 2000;13(3):313.
Alderman MH: (Letter) Serum Uric Acid and Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Annals of Internal
Medicine 2000;132(7):591.
Kostis JB, Weber MA, Alderman MH, Black HR, Johnston CI, Larochelle P, Levy D, Neutel J, Wolf
RA. (Abstract) OPERA: Design and Rationale for Novel Placebo Control Trial Testing the Benefits
of Blood Pressure Reduction in Patients with Stage I Isolated Systolic Hypertension. American
Journal of Hypertension 2000;13(4):70A-71A.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH: (Abstract) Stroke Hospitalization in the Southern
United States, 1979-1997. American Journal of Hypertension 2000;13(4):233A-233A.
Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH: (Abstract) Stroke Hospitalization and Mortality
Trend (1979-1997), United States. American Journal of Hypertension 2000;13(4):234A.
Foo SH, Fang J, Jeng JS, Yip PK, Alderman MH: (Abstract) Clinical Characteristics of Stroke
among Chinese Patients. American Journal of Hypertension 2000;13(4):234A.
Alderman MH: (Commentary) Pulse pressure was a significant predictor of the risk of stroke and
total mortality in elderly patients with isolated systolic hypertension. Evidence-based Cardiovascular
Medicine 2000;3(12):12.
Psaty BM; Furberg CD; Alderman MH: (Commentary) National Guidelines, Clinical Trials, and
Quality of Evidence. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:2577-2580.
Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Madhavan S: (Letter) Sodium Intake as a Risk Factor for
Cardiovascular Disease. JAMA 2000;283(15):1957.
Alderman MH: (Letter) in response DASH/Sodium Feeding Study. Dietary Sodium and Blood
Pressure. New Engl J Med 2001; 344(22):1716.
Cohen HW; Kaplan RC; Fang J; Alderman MH: Glucose Interaction Affects Association of
Cholesterol with Ischemic Heart Disease events in Treated Hypertensive Patients. American Journal
of Hypertension 2001;14,#4:185A.
Fang J; Alderman MH: US Hospitalization Trend for Congestive Heart Failure with Hypertension
1979-1997. American Journal of Hypertension 2001; 14,#4:205A.
Alderman MH: (Commentary) Weight loss and DASH/Sodium: Blood pressure effects. Evidencebased Cardiovascular Medicine (in press).
Alderman MH; Cohen HW: (Letter) Sodium excretion and cardiovascular mortality. Lancet
2001;358 (9282): 665-666.
Alderman MH: Do new data suggest the need to modify existing antihypertensive treatment
guidelines? Open Channel 2001; pp. 5-8.
Krakoff LR; Alderman MH: (Letter Reply) Doxazosin for the Management of Hypertension:
Implications of the Findings of the ALLHAT Trial. AJH 2001;14(11):1170-1172.
Alderman MH: (Commentary Response) Salt, blood pressure and health: a cautionary tale. Int’l
Journal of Epidemiology 2002;31(2):331-332.
Fang J; Sun HF; Ho-Asjoe H; Alderman MH: (Abstract) Hypertension and its treatment in Chinese
residents of New York City and Comparison with the general US population. AJH 2002; 15 (4 Part
Fang J; Alderman, MH: (Abstract) Exercise and blood pressure level-Does it mater how you
exercise? AJH 2002; 15 (4 Part 2):219A.
Alderman MH: (Editorial) Blood pressure measures, relative and absolute risk, and international
differences. Journal of Hypertension 2002;20(9):1689-1691.
Alderman MH: (Editorial) Hypertension Control and Kidney Disease – Some Questions Answered,
Many Remain. JAMA 2002;288(19):2466-2467.
Alderman MH: (Editorial) Salt: Data and Speculation. Clinical Autonomic Research
Alderman MH: Salt, hypertension, and human health. Proceedings of the international conference on
Salt and Health, January 11-12, 2003, Paris. Agence Francaise de Securite Sanitaire Des Aliments.
Alderman MH, Volpe M, Furberg CD, Jackson R, Kostis JB, Laragh JH, Psaty BM, Ruilope L:
(Letter) response to Hypertension Guidelines…AJH 2002;15:917-912.
Hoieggen A, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S, Devereux RB, Alderman M, et al (Abstract) Relation of Serum
Uric Acid to Cardiovascular Endpoints in Hypertension: The Life Study. AJH 2003;16,#5:9A.
Alderman MH, Cohen W, Fang J: (Abstract) Dietary Sodium Intake and Cardiovascular Mortality
among Hypertensive Subjects. AJH 2003;16,#5:205A.
Fang J, Foo SH, Fung C, Alderman MH: (Abstract) Hypertension and the Risk of Stroke among
Chinese Immigrants to New York City. AJH 2003;16.#5:209A.
Hoieggen A, Alderman M, Kjeldsen SE, Julius S. Devereux RB, Chen C, Dahlof B: (Abstract) The
Impact of Serum Uric Acid on Cardiovascular Outcomes in the Life Study. Journal of Hypertension
2003;21(Suppl 4):S113.
Alderman MH: (Editorial) ALLHAT and Beyond. American Journal of Hypertension
Alderman MH: (Editorial) Return to INVEST. JAMA 2003;290(21):2859-2860.
Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Fang J: (Abstract) Diet Sodium, Body Mass Index, Exercise and
Cardiovascular Events. Journal of Hypertension 2004;XXII (suppl. I):5S
Fang J, Alderman MH. (Abstract) Exercise and Cardiovascular Mortality Among Hypertension
Subjects. AJH 2004;17(5, Part 2):5A-6A.
Alderman MH: (Book Review) Renin Angiotensin System and the Heart. Circulation
Hailpern SM, Sealey JE, Laragh JH, Alderman MH: (Abstract) Plasma Renin Activity Predicts
Myocardial Infarction/Revascularization Among Hypertensive Patients. American Journal of
Hypertension 2005;18(5, Part 2):1A.
Alderman MH (Editorial) Quality of life in hypertensive patients: does it matter and should be
measure it? Journal of Hypertension 2005;23(9):1635-1636.
Fang J, Cohen HW, Hailpern SM, Alderman MH: (Abstract) In-treatment Blood Pressure and
Cardiovascular Outcomes. American Journal of Hypertension 2005;18(5, Part 2):29A.
Alderman MH: (Abstract) Sodium Intake and Cardiovascular Mortality: The NHANES II Follow
Up. High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention 2005;12(2):92.
Alderman MH: (Editorial) A Report to Authors, Reviewers, and Readers. AJH 2006;19(10):987.
Cohen HW, Hailpern, SM, Fang, Alderman MH: (Reply Letter) Sodium intake and mortality.
Lancet 2007;369:740.
Alderman MH: (Reply Letter) A second front against the flu pandemic. Lancet 2007;369:740.
Alderman MH: (Commentary) Worksite Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention. Current
Hypertension Reports 2007;9(5):342.343.
Marantz PR, Bird ED, Alderman MH. (Editorial) Dietary Guidelines - The Authors Respond. Am J
Prev Med 2008;34(3):266.
Alderman MH: (Highlights) Diabetes in the News – and in AJH. Am J Hyperten 2008;(21(4):367.
Alderman MH. (Editorial) Randomized Clinical Trials: Prescriptions to Be Applied Without
Caution! American Journal of Hypertension 2008;21(5):483-484.
MacMahon S, Alderman MH, Lindholm LH, Liu L, Sanchez RA, Seedat YK. (Commentary)
Blood-pressure-related disease is a global health priority. Lancet 2008;371(9623):14890-1482.
MacMahon S, Alderman MH, Lindholm LH, Liu L, Sanchez RA, Seedat YK. (Editorial) BloodPressure-Related Disease Is a Global Health Priority. AJH 2008;21(8):843-844.
Alderman MH. (Highlight) The J-shaped relationship between attained blood pressure and atrial
fibrillation. AJH 2008;21(10):1071-1072.
Alderman MH. (Editorial) Resistant Hypertension: A Clinical Syndrome in Search of a Definition.
AJH 2008;21(9):965-966.
Alderman MH. (Monograph) Hyperuricemia and vascular damage. I peruricemia e danno vascolare.
Hot Topics in Cardiology 2008;14:7-13.
Alderman MH. (Editorial) AJH Goes to China. AJH 2008;21(12):1273.
Alderman MH. (Editorial) Hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Physicians do do! AJH
(accepted for publication in June 2009). 3/18/09
Alderman MH. (Editorial) Hypertension in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Physicians Can Do! AJH
Wright, Jr., JT, Probstfield,JL, Cushman WC, Pressel S, Cutler JA, Davis BR, Einhorn PT, Rahman
M, Whelton PK, Ford CE, Haywood LJ, Margolis KL, Oparil S, Black HR, Alderman MH.
(Comments & Opinions) ALLHAT findings revisited in the Context of subsequent analyses, other
trials, and meta-analyses. Archives of Internal Medicine 2009;169(19):1810-1811.
Alderman MH. (Commentary) Reducing Dietary Sodium – The Case for Caution. JAMA
Alderman MH. (Letter Reply to Public Policy & Dietary Sodium Restrction). JAMA
Alderman MH, (Letter to Editor)
The Lancet
General Periodicals:
Alderman MH: Why We Need Medicare. The New Republic, Dec. 26, 1964.
Alderman MH: The Structure of American Medicine. The New Republic, Sept. 4, 1965, p. 26.
Alderman MH: Health Scandal, USA. The New Republic, March 5, 1966.
Alderman MH: A Shot in the Arm. The New Republic, May 14, 1966, p. 38.
Alderman MH: Medical Experiments on Humans. The New Republic, Dec. 3, 1966, p. 10
Alderman MH; and Lee, TH: Malnutrition Needs More than a Green Revolution. OP-Ed, The New
York Times Mar. 11, 1978.
Alderman MH; Lee TH: Notes from the People's Republic. Cornell University Medical College
Alumni Quarterly, Dec. 1978, p. 13.
Alderman MH, Stanback ME: Pressure Points. The Executive, Cornell University, Graduate School
of Business and Public Administration, Mar. 1979, p. 16.
Alderman MH: Patient & Public Education & High Blood Pressure. Dialogues in Hypertension, 3(3),
May, 1981.
Alderman MH: The Lowdown on High Blood Pressure. 50 Plus, Sept. 1982, p. 35.
Alderman MH: Management of Mild Hypertension: Case Presentation & Discussion. Cardiologic
Consultation, 1(1):508, 1984.
Alderman MH, Shenson D: A Ton of Cure. OpP Ed NY Times, 4/24/94.
Alderman M. The Flu’s Second Front. Op Ed New York Times, 11/30/05.
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