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RAFTS is an acronym for helping students focus on a writing prompt and to help
them identify what the prompt is asking for. Identify the certain parts of the
RAFTS of the prompt before you begin your prewrite.
R = Role
A = Audience
F = Format
T = Topic
S = Strong verbs
ROLE: This is the role of the writer. This would include point of view: first
person, third person, etc.
AUDIENCE: This is who the writer is writing to or for. If not noted in the
prompt, assume that the “audience” is your teacher.
FORMAT: This means what category, or mode, is the prompt asking for. Is
is asking for a letter? Is it asking for a narrative?
TOPIC: What does the prompt want you to focus on? Does the prompt want
you to write about a dog or a cat?
STRONG VERB: These are action words that help you focus on what you
your purpose for writing to the prompt is. Is it asking you to “persuade”
someone? Is it asking you to “argue” or “defend” your point of view?