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Special Stains and prices per slide-2009
Alcian Blue for mucosubstances, mucin, proteoglycans ($5.75)
BrDU immunohistochemistry ($30)
Cresyl Violet for Nissl Substance ($5.75)
Gomori Trichrome for collagen (blue or green, $5.75)
Gomori Methenamine (GMS) for fungi and pneumocystis (silver, $11.55)
Gomori Reticulum for reticulum fibers (sliver, ($11.55)
Gram for positive and negative bacteria ($5.75)
Kinyouns Acid-Fast for acid fast bacteria ($5.75)
Luxol Fast Blue for myelin and nerve cells ($5.75)
May Grunwald Giemsa for Nuclear Elements ($5.75)
Methyl Green Pyronin (MGP) for DNA and RNA ($11.55)
Mayers Mucicarmine for mucin and Cryptococcus ($5.75)
Modified Chromotrope for Microsporidia ($5.75)
Oil Red O for fat (frozen only, $11.55)
Orcein-picroindigocarmine for connective tissue, vessels ($5.75)
Periodic Acid Schiff Reaction (PAS) for periodate reactive carbohydrates, glycogen
Perls Iron for hemosiderin and some iron salts (NFR, $5.75)
Prussian Blue for ferric-iron containing pigments ($5.75)
Phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin (PTAH) for central nervous tissue ($5.75)
Sudan Black for fat (frozen only, $11.55)
Verhoffs Elastic for elastin fibers ($5.75)
Warthin-Starry for Spirochetes and Donovan bodies (silver, $11.55)
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