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08 - 2013 Emerging Medical Technologies Report
This report includes details on 36 emerging medical technology companies that have been identified by the
authors in-house research team in August 2013.
All companies include technology, market(s), key executive, and contact information.
Coverage includes innovations in a broad spectrum of medical technology areas including:
- Aesthetics/Dermatology Companies
- Biomaterials Companies
- Biotechnology/Cell Therapy Companies
- Cardiovascular Companies
- Dental Companies
- Diagnostics Companies
- Drug Delivery Companies
- Endocrine Companies
- Gastroenterology Companies
- Gynecology/Women's Health Companies
- Imaging Companies
- Neurology Companies
- Oncology Companies
- Ophthalmology Companies
- Orthopedics Companies
- Pain Management Companies
- Patient Management/Monitoring Companies
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Respiratory Companies
- Spine Companies
- Surgery Companies
- Urology Companies
- Vascular Companies
- Wound Management Companies
- 1-Easy-to-use, wrist-worn activity monitor that records all movement, not just steps and 2-A social and
rewarding group activity program to track daily movement against a group goal
- 1-Electro-optic technologies and analytic methods that rapidly detect and quantify bacteria in fluids in realtime and 2-A family of instruments that provide screening for urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- 1-Minimally invasive spinal fixation device for spinal fusion as an alternative to pedicle screw fixation; 2Polyether ether ketone interbody cages for use in spinal fusion procedures; and 3-Stand-alone cervical and
lumbar systems
- 1-Proprietary delayed-release formulation of the most prescribed diabetes medicine in the world,
Metformin and 2-Over-the-counter (OTC) products for weight loss and pre-diabetes
- Camera-enabled needle technology to fundamentally improve orthopedic diagnostics and therapeutics by
enabling instant and accurate office-based procedures
- Cryogen-based Global Endometrial Ablation (GEA) technology to quickly and safely achieve tissue ablating
temperatures in a single-use, self-contained, hand-held device
- Devices for overactive bladder (OAB)
- Devices for the treatment of female infertility caused by fallopian tube dysfunction
- Dry powder formulations for various therapeutic molecules, including: antibiotics, corticosteroids, nucleic
acids, and insoluble and soluble molecules
- Ganaxolone, a neurosteroid to treat children and adults suffering from refractory epilepsy, post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), and fragile-X syndrome
- Immunotherapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer, viral infections, and inflammatory and
autoimmune diseases
- Implantable meniscus replacement and regeneration device
- Implantable technology for direct delivery of therapeutic compounds to the site of brain injury
- Implants for unmet needs in the treatment of mitral valve disease, with applications in percutaneous
catheter-based intervention and minimally invasive or open-heart cardiac surgery
- Intrauterine device (IUD) inserter that vastly simplifies the insertion procedure, while significantly reducing
the complications inherent with current insertion techniques for female contraceptives
- Microprocessor-based, disposable intravenous (IV) injection port for automated recordkeeping in the
perioperative period and the subsequent retrieval and analysis of that data to improve patient safety
- Minimally invasive catheter-based system that allows physicians to create an arterio-venous fistula to
deliver hemodialysis to patients suffering from kidney failure
- New business model for the clinical development and registration of pharmaceutical products, to
accelerate the availability of new and innovative drugs into the world's major markets
- New drug for treating adrenal cancer
- Non-invasive oximeter for the quantitative measurement of cerebral tissue oxygen levels to enable
clinicians to identify and quickly react to dangerously low brain oxygen levels, as well as monitor the
oxygenation of other tissues, such as muscle and abdominal tissues in newborns
- Non-invasive solutions to dramatically improve in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes
- Non-pharmacologic and non-systemic treatment for psychiatric and neurologic illnesses
- Oral histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor that inhibits cancer-relevant HDAC enzymes, which contribute to
epigenetic alterations driving cancer growth and drug tolerance
- Oral testosterone (T) replacement product
- Pipeline of antibody agents directed to costimulatory targets for the treatment of cancer
- Proprietary recombinant polypeptide that, when genetically fused to a therapeutic payload of interest,
extends the half-life of proteins and peptides in a tunable manner
- Selective and programmable nanomedicines to maximize active pharmaceutical ingredient concentrations
in diseased tissues
- Small molecule therapeutics to treat multi-drug resistant bacterial infections
- Small, cell-permeable RNAi pro-drugs that can enter many different cell types and deliver on the promise of
RNAi therapeutics for a wide range of diseases
- Synthetic cartilage implant designed to replace or repair worn or damaged cartilage
- Technologies that reformulate adult pharmaceuticals for the pediatric market
- Technology designed to provide real-time, high-resolution intraoperative visualization of cancer cells,
enabling better detection and more complete and precise surgical resection of cancer
- Therapies for patients with chronic diseases in nephrology and oncology
- Therapies to reverse protein energy wasting in end-stage renal disease
- Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture products that mimic the human cellular environment, for drug
discovery research and testing, with the potential to replace or reduce the use of animals in pharmaceutical
- Unique, optimized, high-throughput pharmacology platform that is able to systematically identify new
indications for small molecule therapeutics
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