Download C.I. Reactive  Formulatio NA  Solid 

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Substance Name C.I. Reactive Red 231 C.I. Reactive Yellow 174 Synonyms CASRN Mol. Wt. (g/mol
) NA NA NA NA Solid Formulatio
n 885.7
2 NA Solid Formulatio
n 1,3,6‐
trisulfonic acid, 7‐(2‐(2‐
l) amino)‐4‐ ((4‐((2‐(2‐ (ethenylsulfony 106359‐91‐
l) 5 ethoxy) ethyl)amino)‐6‐
fluoro‐1,3,5‐ triazin‐2‐yl) amino)phenyl) diazenyl)‐, sodium salt (1:3) Log Kow1 Phys. Form Chemical Class2 Structure3 NA Dispersionsrot 2754 NA NA NA NA Solid Formulatio
n NA Navy 14 08 723 NA NA NA NA Solid Formulatio
n NA Produkt P‐4G NA 185461‐17‐
0 NA NA Solid Formulatio
n NA 533.5
4 NA Solid Formulatio
n Yellow E‐JD 3442 Benzenesulfoni
c acid, 3‐(2‐(2‐
4‐(2‐(4‐(2‐ hydroxybutoxy) 147703‐65‐
9 )phenyl) diazenyl)‐, sodium salt (1:1) Abbreviations: CASRN = Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number; g/mol = grams per mole; Kow =
octanol-water partition coefficient; NA = not available.
Kow represents the octanol-water partition coefficient (expressed on log scale) obtained from the website:
Chemical classifications based on the Medical Subject Headings classification for chemicals and drugs, as
developed by the National Library of Medicine at:
Chemical structures, based on CASRN, were obtained from ChemID available at:
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