* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
HSUS GOV. fIFFFIIRS/PR ID:301-258-3C174 SEP C18 ’97 8:58 No .001 tember 8, 1997 kets Management Branch (HFA-305) d and Drug Administration 20 Parklawn IX. Im 1-23 kville, MD 20857 3994 “97 ~EP-8 A9:X3 ‘ood and Drug Administration Request for Comments evelopmcmt of OptIons to Encourage Animal Drug Use Approvals for Minor Species and Minor Uses Submitted to Docket No. 97 N.0217 behalf of our 5 million members and constituents, The nane Society of the United States (HSUS) offers the following Iments on the Food and Drug Administration’s request for Iments regarding the development of options to encourage nal drug use approvals for minor species and minor uses. . passage of the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act 994 (AMDUCA) was an impottant and necessary step for Iring the continued ability of veterinarians to prescribe alabel uses of approved animal drugs, and approved human IS for animals, to treat conditions that are life threatening, to we or prevent pain and suffering, and to treat otherwise eatabie conditions, i.e. therapeutic uses, mtrast, the primary purpose of The Animal Drug Availability of 1996 (ADAA) as stated in the ‘Request for Comments’ is acilitate the approval and marketing of new animal drugs and icated feeds by building “needed flexibilit~ into the animal review processes “to enable more efficient approval and s expeditious marketing of safe and effective animal drugs.’’” challenge continues to be to implement the AMDUCA and fDAA within a regulatory framework that protects animal th and well-being, public health and safety, and the P.01 HSUS GOV. ID:3C11-258-3074 FIFFFIIRSJPR SEP 08’97 9:00 No .001 environment, am drug use while e :the same time provides incentives to minimize extralabei blishing a workabie and effickmt drug approval process. The prlvllege of [ into routine use t ve~ clear with th proposing expan other nontherape and hormone US( approach for the and effective dru “aiabel drug use was never intended to ailow drugs to be put >ypassing the drug approval process. The agency should be mbllc that this is exactly what Is being discussed when n of extraiabei uses to those of enhanced production and c uses. Given the current climate with food safety concerns sues in the international arena, it wouid seem a more prudent ency to direct regulatory energy into setting up an efficient Ipproval process in which the pubiic can have confidence. Extendirw existir reproductive ~on It is disconcertin~ use, given the e~ extraiabel reproc “Extralabei Drug eqai authority to permit extralabel use of medicated feeds or nes and impiants: ~see these two issues raised again in the context of extraiabei wive pubiic discussion both topics have received and that live uses were specifically addressed in the finai rule for e in Anirnais”, First, regarding t, purposes that wc The agency did f therapeutic” was categories of rep the definition oft aquacuiture uses Gomments advo~tlng extraiabel use for ali reproductive reported in the final ruie on Extralabel Drug Use in Animais. It out that the comment that “aii reproductive uses are iced inmrrect. Additionaiiy, many of the future and growing iuctive uses that would be covered by such an extension of aiabel use wouid cleariy not be classified as therapeutic, Maps being the best exampie. The extralabel w enhanced produ( is such use outsl a doubt be requi! where economic drug approvai sy extraiabei drug u ]f reproductive hormones for aquacuiture is for purposes of n such as spawning and gender reversai processes. Not only of the scope of AMDUCA, but drug companies should without to seek FDA approval when dealing with growing industries vards are iikeiy, The solution is to deveiop a more efficient m, not to expand the priviiege of and statutory intent for to facilitate the growth of an industry, The agency also aquiculture indu enhanced animal of extra[abel use effect of such brc number of appro’ the agency: “ Th pressed concern when addressing the initiai request of the I to extend extralabei use to nontherapeutic uses such as oductlon: “The agency, in considering the appropriate scope der the statute, is concerned about the possible detenent extraiabei use on the widely-shared goai of increasing the i drugs that are avaiiabie for animal use.” And as stated by ew legislation [the ADAA] shouid decrease the need for 11- P.02 HSUS GOV. flFFt71RS/PR ID:3CI-258-3074 SEP 08’97 9:00 No .001 extralabel useof nontherapeutic u Jgs as more animal drug products for both therapeutic and ; are approved .“ Two other reasol use of reproducti new technology ( outside the realn companies $houl lucrative and gro given by advocetes for expanded extralabel use, “extralabel drugs conserves animal resources, and allows application of I. embryo transfer and artificial insemination)”, are completely ‘ statutory intent for extralabel use. Futihermore, drug ~erequired to seek FDA approval when dealing with such ig industries as those involved with “new technology”. Again, the privile drugs to be put ir facilitate the grow of extralabel drug use was never Intended to be used to allow routine use by bypassing the drug approval process or to of a particular animal indust~. Antlblotlc resists Many comments comment period expressed by the (CDC) and a not[ Advisory Comml’ for infectious Dis around the prude concerns that: “.. public health as [ does not address and for proiongel ~and drug use ~atterns we received specifically on this issue during the pubiic Extralabel Drug Use In Animals including concerns ghly respected e?xpetisfrom The Centers for Disease Control wthy comment from the chair of FDAs Anti-Infective Drugs ?and of the Antimicrobial Use and Clinical Trials Committee se Society of America. These and other concerns centered use of antimicrobial to reduce resistance and the CDC s use of antimicrobial agents in animais presents a risk to the ined in the proposed rule, and [noted that] the proposed rule e hazard caused by the use of antimicrobial at low doses eriods.” The agency is to some of these cc such as the issuf contribution of SL antibiotic resists! addressing these commended for many excellent steps being teken to address wns. However, other key Issues remain largely unaddressed ‘drug use patterns inciuding routine subtherapeutlc use, the patterns to the extremely serious and grow}ng problem of !, and the role of the FDA and the drug approvai process in id related concerns. In instances whe agents has becol drugs without asl use. ~rugs have lost their potency, or resistance to certain disease widespread, we should not simply continue to provide new ~ the hard and critical questions about current patterns of drug equally relevant whether addressing drug use in minor These concerns species or in the:; : livestock sectors that are already well-established. P.03 HSUS GOU. flFFRIRS/PR ID:301-258-3074 SEP 08’97 9:01 No.001 II there are indeed unique aspects to be dealt with when In conclusion, w il addressing drug use must clearly being wrestled w t If 1! provals for minor species and minor uses, these categories of dealt with within the context of the broader issues currently as the AMDUCA and ADAA begin to be implemented. We cannot lose i ht of the intent behind the passage of each of these acts and the challenge to plement the AMDUCA and the ADAA within a regulato~ framework that p tects animal health and well-being, public health and safety, and the environ nt, and at the same time provides incentives to minimize extralabel drug u while establishing a workable and etiicient drug approval process, P.04