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Privay-Preserving Sharing and Correlation of
Seurity Alerts
Patrik Linoln
Phillip Porrasy
SRI International
We present a pratial sheme for Internetsale ollaborative analysis of information seurity threats whih provides strong privay
guarantees to ontributors of alerts. Widearea analysis enters are proving a valuable early warning servie against worms,
viruses, and other maliious ativities. At
the same time, proteting individual and organizational privay is no longer optional in
today's business limate. We propose a set
of data sanitization tehniques that enable
ommunity alert aggregation and orrelation,
while maintaining privay for alert ontributors. Our approah is pratial, salable, does
not rely on trusted third parties or seure
multiparty omputation shemes, and does
not require sophistiated key management.
1 Introdution
Over the past few years, omputer viruses
and worms have evolved from nuisanes to
some of the most serious threats to Internetonneted omputing assets. Global infetions suh as Code Red and Code Red
II [21, 40℄, Nimbda [30℄, Slammer [20℄,
MBlaster [18℄, and MyDoom [17℄ are among
an ever-growing number of self-repliating
Partially supported
by ONR grants N00014-01-10837 and N00014-03-1-0961 and Maryland Prourement OÆe ontrat MDA904-02-C-0458.
y Partially supported by ARDA under Air Fore
Researh Laboratory ontrat F30602-03-C-0234.
z Partially supported by ONR grants N00014-011-0837 and N00014-03-1-0961.
Vitaly Shmatikovz
maliious ode attaks plaguing the Internet with inreasing frequeny. These attaks
have aused major disruptions, aeting hundreds of thousands of omputers worldwide.
Reognition and diagnosis of these threats
play an important role in defending omputer
assets. Until reently, however, network defense has been viewed as the responsibility of
individual sites. Firewalls, intrusion detetion, and antivirus tools, are, for the most
part, deployed in the mode of independent
site protetion. Although these tools suessfully defend against low or moderate levels of
attak, no known tehnology an ompletely
prevent large-sale onerted attaks.
There is an emerging interest in the development of Internet-sale threat analysis enters. Coneptually, these enters are data
repositories to whih pools of volunteer networks ontribute seurity alerts, suh as rewall logs, reports from antivirus software, and
intrusion detetion alerts (we will use the
terms analysis enter and alert repository interhangeably). Through olletion of ontinually updated alerts aross a wide and diverse
ontributor pool, one hopes to gain a perspetive on Internet-wide trends, dominant intrusion patterns, and inetions in alert ontent
that may be indiative of new wide-spreading
threats. The sampling size and diversity of
ontributors are thus of great importane, as
they impat the speed and delity with whih
threat diagnoses an be formulated.
We are interested in proteting sensitive
data ontained in seurity alerts against maliious users of alert repositories and orrupt
repositories. The risk of leaking sensitive in-
formation may negatively impat the size and
diversity of the ontributor pool, add legal
liabilities to enter managers, and limit aessibility of raw alert ontent. We onsider
a three-way tradeo between privay, utility,
and performane: privay of alert ontributors; utility of the analyses that an be performed on the sanitized data; and the performane ost that must be borne by alert
ontributors and analysts. Our objetive is a
solution that is reasonably eÆient, privaypreserving, and pratially useful.
We investigate several types of attaks,
inluding ditionary attaks whih defeat
simple-minded data protetion shemes based
on hashing IP addresses. In partiular, we
fous on attakers who may use the analysis
enter as a means to probe the seurity posture of a spei ontributor and infer sensitive data suh as internal network topology
by analyzing (artiially stimulated) alerts.
We present a set of tehniques for sanitization
of alert data. They ensure serey of sensitive information ontained in the alerts, while
enabling a large lass of legitimate analyses
to be performed on the sanitized alert pool.
We then explain how trust requirements between the alert ontributors and analysis enters an be further redued by deploying an
overlay protool for randomized alert routing,
and give a quantitative estimate of anonymity
provided by this tehnique. We onlude by
disussing performane issues.
2 Related Work
Established Internet analysis enters, suh
as DShield [34℄ and Symante's DeepSight [32℄ gather alerts from a diverse population of sensors. For example, in April
2003, DShield reported a ontributor pool
of around 41,000 registered partiipants and
around 2000 regular submitters, who submit
a total of 5 to 10 million alerts daily [7℄. These
enters proved eetive in reognizing shortterm inetions in alert ontent and volume
that may indiate wide-sale maliious phenomena [39℄, as well as the ability to trak important seurity trends that may allow sites
to better tune their seurity postures [31℄.
Other researh has shown how to use distributed seurity information to infer Internet DoS ativity [22℄, and how to improve
the speed and auray of large-sale multienterprise alert analysis enters [38℄.
Alert sharing ommunities have not yet
enjoyed wide-sale adoption, in part due to
privay onerns of potential alert ontributors and managers of ommunity alert repositories. Raw alerts may expose site-private
topologial information, proprietary ontent,
lient relationships, and the site's defensive
apabilities and vulnerabilities. With this
in mind, established systems suppress sensitive alert ontent before it is distributed to
analysis enters (e.g., eld suppression is a
ongurable option in DShield's alert extration software). Even with these measures, organizations suh as DeepSight and DShield
must be granted a substantial degree of trust
by the alert produers, sine suppression and
anonymization must be balaned against the
need to maintain the utility of the alert.
2.1 Paket trae anonymization
Several approahes have been proposed for
anonymization of Internet paket traes [25,
36, 24℄. For example, Pang and Paxson proposed a high-level language and tool [24℄ as
part of the Bro pakage, enabling anonymization of paket header and ontent. They are
interested in wide-sale network traes suh
as FTP sessions, while our appliation is alert
management. Further, we examine strategies
that mitigate ditionary attaks from adversaries who an stimulate and then observe
alert prodution within the target's site.
2.2 Database obfusation
The database ommunity has examined
the problem of mining aggregate data while
proteting privay at the level of individual
reords. One approah is to randomly perturb the values in individual reords [1, 2℄
and ompensate for the randomization at the
aggregate level. This approah is potentially
vulnerable to privay breahes. If a data item
is repeatedly submitted and perturbed (differently eah time), muh information about
the original value an be inferred. In our ontext, an attaker ould intentionally probe
the same IP address using the same attak
strings. If the (randomly perturbed) reports
of the attak are disambiguated from other
alerts based on the attak's unique statistial
aspets, the attaker an use them to learn
important details of the original alert.
2.3 SMC shemes
Consider two or more parties who want
to perform a joint omputation, but neither
party is willing to reveal its input. This problem is known as Seure Multiparty Computation (SMC). It deals with omputing a probabilisti funtion in a distributed system where
eah partiipant independently holds one of
the inputs, while ensuring orretness of the
omputation and revealing no information to
a partiipant other than his input and output.
There exist general-purpose onstrutions
that onvert any polynomial omputation to
a seure multiparty omputation [37℄. Reent work has onsiderably improved the efieny of suh omputations when an approximate answer is suÆient [13℄. Appliations inlude privay-preserving data lassiation, lustering, generalization, summarization, haraterization, and assoiation rule
mining. Clifton et al. [8℄ present methods
for seure addition, set union, size of set intersetion, and salar produt. Lindell and
Pinkas [19℄ propose a protool for seure deision tree indution, onsisting of many invoations of smaller private omputations suh
as oblivious funtion evaluation. Unfortunately, the ost of even the most eÆient
SMC shemes is too high for the purpose of
large-sale seurity alert distribution.
statistis to detailed ativity reports produed by omplex appliations suh as intrusion or anomaly detetion systems. So far,
we have used the term seurity alert loosely
to refer to site-loal ativity produed by a
network seurity omponent (sensor ) as it reports on observed ativity or upon an ation
it has taken in response to observed ativity.
A seurity alert an represent a very diverse
range of information, depending on the type
of the seurity devie that produed it. In
this setion, we onsider the typial ontent of
seurity alerts from the three primary types
of alert ontributors used in the ontext of
Internet-sale threat analysis enters.
Firewalls reside at the gateways of networks,
and ontribute reports that indiate \deny"
and \allow" ations for traÆ aross the gateway boundary. Most typially, rewalls ontribute alerts agging inoming pakets that
were denied. Volume, port, and soure distribution patterns of suh pakets provide signifiant insight into the probe and exploit targets of maliious systems, new attak tools,
and self-propagating maliious appliations.
Intrusion detetion systems inlude
network- and host-based systems, and may
employ misuse or anomaly detetion. Unlike
rewalls, intrusion detetion reports may represent a wide variety of event types, and an
report on anomalous phenomena that span
arbitrarily long durations of time or events.
Antivirus software reports email- and le-
borne virus detetion on individual hosts.
Reports inlude virus type, infetion target,
and the response ation, whih is typially to
lean or quarantine the infetion.
Table 1 summarizes the elds that onstitute a typial rewall (FW), intrusion detetion (ID), or antivirus (AV) seurity alert in
its raw form, prior to data sanitization.
3 Format of Seurity Alerts
4 Threat Model
Network data olleted to support threat
analysis, fault diagnosis, and intrusion report orrelation may range from simple MIB
To support ollaborative threat analysis,
the alert repository will be published, at least
partially, and thus made available to the at-
Soure IP
Soure Port
Dest IP
Dest Port
Sensor ID
Event ID
Captured Data
Infeted File
Typially refers to the soure IP address of the mahine that initiated
the session or transferred the transation that aused the alert to re.
In IDS alerts, this eld may represent the vitim, not the attaker,
sine some systems alert upon an attak reply rather than request.
Soure TCP or UDP port of the mahine that initiated the session or
transferred the transation that aused the alert to re.
Typially refers to the destination IP address of the mahine that initiated the session or transferred the transation that aused the alert
to re. In AV systems, Dest IP an identify the mahine in whih the
infetion is disovered.
Destination TCP or UDP port of the mahine that initiated the session
or transferred the transation that aused the alert to re.
Protool type (e.g., UDP, TCP, ICMP).
May inorporate inident start time, end time, inident report time.
May inorporate the brand and model of the sensor and a unique identier for the individual instantiation of the sensor.
Often used to represent some notion of repeated ativity, either at the
alert or event (e.g., paket) level.
Uniquely denes the alert type for the given sensor.
Reports the status or disposition of the reported ativity. For rewalls,
it may report whether the log entry was assoiated with an allow or
deny rule. For AV, it may indiate infetion disposition (e.g., Symante's AV indiates whether the infeted le is leaned or quarantined).
Outome elds for IDS tools are highly vendor-spei.
Some IDS sensors have the ability to report part or all of the data
ontent in whih the alert was applied.
Antivirus logs inlude the identity of the le that was infeted.
Table 1: Summary of seurity alert ontent.
taker. In the worst ase, the adversary may
be able to ompromise the alert repository
and gain diret aess to raw alerts reported
to that repository. It is thus very important
to ensure that alerts are reported in a sanitized form that preserves privay of sensitive
information about the produer's network. In
this setion, we outline the goals of a typial
attaker and the means he or she may employ
to subvert our alert sharing sheme.
4.1 Sensitive elds
IP addresses. Any eld that ontains an
IP address suh as Soure IP or Dest IP is
sensitive, sine it reveals potentially valuable information about the internal topology
of the network under attak. Knowing the
relationship between IP addresses and various types of alerts may allow the attaker
to trak propagation of the attak through
a network whih is not normally visible to
him (e.g., loated behind a rewall). Even
though the Soure IP eld is usually assoiated with the soure of the attak, it may (a)
ontain the address of an infeted system on
the internal network, or (b) identify organizations that have a legitimate relationship with
the targeted network. For example, the attaker may be able to disover that attaking
a partiular system in organization A leads
to alerts arriving from a sensor within organization B with A's address in the Soure IP
eld, and thus learn that there is a relationship between the two organizations.
Popular intrusion detetion systems suh
as Snort [28℄ inlude rules that are highly
prone to produing false positives, while other
rules simply log seurity-relevant events that
are not speially assoiated with an attak.
An attaker who is aware of suh behavior
an losely analyze the soure IP addresses of
these alerts to gain a sense of the sites with
whih the produer regularly ommuniates.
Captured and infeted data. Data ontained in Captured Data and Infeted File
elds are extremely sensitive. File names,
email addresses, doument fragments, piees
of IP addresses, appliation-spei data and
so on may leak private information stored on
infeted systems and reveal network topology
or site-spei vulnerabilities.
4.2 Sensitive assoiations
The attaker may use ertain assoiations
between the elds of a seurity alert to learn
the seurity posture of the produer site.
Congurations. Sensitive information inludes the site's set of network servies,
protools, operating systems, and networkaessible ontent residing within its boundaries. While some of this information may be
revealed through diret interations with external systems, the breadth of probing an be
monitored and ontrolled by the target site.
Assoiations between seurity alert elds that
ould potentially lead to undesirable dislosures inlude [Soure IP, Soure Port, Protool℄ and [Dest IP, Dest Port, Protool℄.
Site vulnerabilities. Revealing the dispo-
sition of unsuessful attaks may be undesirable. Assoiations between alert produers
and the Sensor ID, Event ID and Outome
elds may potentially lead to suh dislosures.
Defense overage. Sites may not want
to reveal their detetion overage, inluding information about versions and ongurations of seurity produts that are operating within their boundaries. Attaks and
probes mounted against a site with the intention of observing, potentially through indiret
inferene, whih sensors are running and their
alert prodution patterns, would seriously impat the site's seurity posture. Assoiations
between alert produers and the Sensor ID
and Event ID elds are thus sensitive.
In urrent pratie, these sensitivities are
handled in a variety of ways. Sensitive elds
are often suppressed at the alert produer's
site before the alert is forwarded to a remote
alert repository. For example, the DShield
alert extrator provides various onguration
options to suppress elds and an IP blaklist that allows a site to suppress sensitive
addresses. The seond approah is to apply ryptographi hashing to elds, allowing equality heks while maintaining a degree of ontent privay (this approah may
be vulnerable to ditionary attaks, as explained below). The third approah is simply to trust the alert repository with ensuring
that neither ontent nor indiret assoiations
be openly revealed.
4.3 Potential attaks
We desribe several threats faed by any
alert sharing sheme, in the order of inreasing severity. The attaker may launh attaks
of several types simultaneously.
Casual browsing. Alerts published by a
repository may be opied, stored and shared
by any Internet user, and are thus forever
out of ontrol. The mildest attak is asual
browsing, where a urious user looks for familiar IP prexes and sensor IDs in the published alerts. This attak is easy to defend
against, e.g., by hashing all sensitive data.
Probe-response. A determined attaker
may attempt to use the alert repository as a
veriation orale. For example, he may target a partiular system and then observe the
alerts published by the repository to determine whether the attak has been deteted,
and, if so, how it was reported. By omparing
IP addresses ontained in the reported alert
with that of the targeted system, the attaker
may learn network topology, sensor loations,
and other valuable information.
Ditionary attaks. The attaker an preompute possible values of alerts that may
be generated by the targeted network, and
then searh through the data published by
the repository to nd whether any of the atual alerts math his guesses. This attak is
espeially powerful sine standard hashing of
IP addresses does not protet against it. For
example, the attaker an simply ompute
hashes for all 256 IP addresses on the targeted subnet and hek the published alerts
to see if any of the hash values math. Using semantially seure enryption on sensitive elds is suÆient to foil ditionary attaks, but suh enryption also makes ollaborative analysis infeasible beause two enryptions of the same plaintext produe different iphertexts with overwhelming probability. A polynomially-bounded analyst annot feasibly perform equality omparisons unless he knows the key or engages in further
interation with the alert produer.
Alert ooding. If the repository publishes
only the highest-volume alerts (or those satisfying any other group ondition), the attaker may target a partiular system and
then \ush out" the stimulated alert by ooding the repository with fake alerts that math
the expeted value of the alert produed by
the targeted system. This involves either
spoong soure addresses of legitimate sensors, setting up a bogus sensor, or taking over
an existing sensor. Flooding will ause the
repository to publish the real alert along with
the fakes. The attaker an disard the fakes
and analyze the real alert.
Repository orruption. Finally, the attaker may deliberately set up his own repository or take ontrol of an existing repository,
perhaps in a manner invisible to the repository administrator. This attak is partiularly serious. It eliminates the need for alert
ooding and aggravates the onsequenes of
probe-response, sine it gives the attaker immediate aess to raw reported alerts, as well
as the ability to determine exatly (e.g., by
inspeting inoming IP pakets) where the
alert has arrived from. We desribe several partial solutions in setion 6. Solutions
based on sophistiated ryptographi tehniques suh as oblivious transfer [26℄ urrently appear impratial. They provide
better theoretial privay at the ost of an
unaeptable derease in utility and performane, but the balane may shift in favor of
ryptography-based solutions with the development of more pratial tehniques.
5 Alert Sharing Infrastruture
To enable open ollaborative analysis of
seurity alerts and real-time attak detetion, we propose to establish alert repositories
whih will reeive alerts from many sensors,
some of them publi and loated at visible
network nodes and other hidden on orporate networks deep behind rewalls. Ahieving this requires a robust arhiteture for information dissemination, ideally with no single point of failure (to provide higher reliabil-
ity in the fae of random faults and outages),
no single point of trust (to provide stronger
privay guarantees against insider misuse in
any one organization), and few if any leverage
points for attakers.
The ore of the proposed system is a set of
repositories where alerts are stored and aessed during analysis. Eah repository is
very simple: it aepts alerts from anywhere,
strips out soure information, and publishes
them immediately or after some delay. There
is no ryptographi proessing and no key
management (unless the repository performs
re-keying | see setion 6.2). As desribed
in setion 6.3, multiple repositories make it
more diÆult for the attaker to infer the
soure of sanitized alerts. The repositories
may share alerts, but they are not required to
be synhronized, thus not every alert will be
visible to every analysis engine. For performane reasons, analysis engines normally interat with a single repository or mirror site.
Figure 1 shows the major data ows among
a small set of sensors, produers, repositories, and analysis engines. The sensor trapezoids onsist of rewalls, intrusion detetion systems, antivirus software, and possibly other seurity alert generators. The produer boxes represent loal olletion points
for an enterprise or part of an enterprise.
These boxes perform the sanitization steps
suh as hashing IP addresses, and are ontrolled by the reporting organization. The
repository ylinders represent publi or semipubli databases ontaining reported data. A
repository may be ontrolled by a produer or
by an analysis organization. The analysis diamonds represent analysis servies whih proess the published alerts for historial trends,
event frequeny hanges, and other aggregation or orrelation funtions.
An enterprise (suh as a major researh lab
famed for omputer seurity researh) may
be sensitive to publi dislosure of possible
attaks, and wish to keep private even the
volume of alerts it generates. As desribed
in setion 6.3, the repositories an optionally form a randomized alert routing network.
Although we have not implemented this feature, randomized routing an provide strong
anonymity guarantees for alert soures. A
Figure 1: Data ows in alert proessing.
niques add impratial levels of overhead to
alert analysis. With over a thousand reporting sensors, naive SMC approahes would
require tremendous network bandwidth and
unsupportable CPU or ryptographi oproessor performane for even moderate levels of analysis query traÆ. It is possible
that speial-purpose SMC shemes developed
speially for this problem would prove more
pratial. In this paper, we propose simple
solutions whih enable a broad set of analyses on sanitized alerts that would normally
require raw alert data.
6 Alert Sanitization
Figure 2: Alert volume per sensor (semi log
sale). Data ourtesy DShield.
repository may also be ongured so that only
events whose volume exeeds a ertain threshold are published. This will have relatively
little impat on historial and inetion analysis (see setion 7), but may disable identiation of stealth attaks assoiated with low
alert volumes.
As shown in gure 2, sensors vary greatly in
the volume of alerts they produe in a given
day, but the total alert volume is substantial. This graph depits the number of alerts
produed on a single day by 1,416 sensors reporting to DShield. At the high end, over
7 million alerts were produed by one rewall, apparently experiening a ertain DoSlike attak. Several other sensors were near
or above a million alerts. The median sensor
produed only 177 alerts.
The total alert volume of 19,147,322 alerts
reported on that day, aross a total of
1,416 dierent sensors from many organizations spread over a wide geographi area,
onstrains pratial implementation hoies.
In partiular, seure multiparty omputation (SMC) approahes (see setion 2.3), and
many privay-preserving data mining teh-
We propose several tehniques that are
used in ombination to protet the alert sharing infrastruture from threats desribed in
setion 4. Some of the mehanisms are \heavier" than others and impose higher ommuniation and omputational requirements
on alert ontributors. On the other hand,
they provide better protetion against serious threats suh as omplete orruption of the
alert repository. The exat set of tehniques
may be seleted by eah organization or ontributor pool individually, depending on the
level of trust they are willing to plae in a
partiular repository or set of repositories.
6.1 Design requirements
We do not onsider solutions that require
alert soures to trust the repository with proteting privay of the reported data. In the
ontext of ompletely open publi repositories, as opposed to trusted servies suh as
DeepSight [32℄ and DShield [34℄, suh solutions are both impratial (a ommerial enterprise is unlikely to trust an open repository
to be areful with business serets) and dangerous for the repository operator, as she may
be exposed to legal liability if the repository is
attaked and private alert data ompromised.
We also rule out solutions that require
sharing of seret keys between sensors. An
obvious solution might involve enrypting
sensitive data with a ommon key to enable alert omparison by infrastruture partiipants, while hiding the data from a asual
observer. This approah may solve the orrupt repository problem, but it is vulnerable
if the attaker signs up as a partiipant, gains
aess to the ommon key, and breaks privay
of alerts generated by all other partiipants.
Finally, solutions that require multiple produers to ollaborate and/or interat to protet a single alert are impratial in our ontext. Given the volume of alerts, espeially
when the network is under attak, the ommuniation overhead is likely to prove prohibitive. This eliminates mehanisms based
on threshold ryptography [11, 14℄ suh as
proative seurity [15, 6℄, and seure multiparty omputation (see setion 2.3) even
though they are seure if a subset of partiipants has been orrupted by the adversary.
6.2 Basi privay protetion
Srubbing sensitive elds.
Before an
alert is sent to the repository, the produer must remove all sensitive information
not needed for ollaborative analyses desribed in setion 7, inluding all ontent in
Captured Data, Infeted File and Outome
elds. A more advaned version of our system
may enable privay-preserving analysis based
on ommonalities in the Captured Data eld,
e.g., presene of \bad words" assoiated with
a partiular virus. Possible tehniques inlude enryption with keyword-spei trapdoors in the manner of [29, 5℄.
The Sensor Id eld may be either remapped to a unique persistent pseudonym
(e.g., a randomly generated string) that leaks
no information about the organization that
owns it, or replaed with just the make and
model information. The Timestamp eld is
rounded up to the nearest minute. Although
this disables ne-grained propagation analyses, it adds additional unertainty against attakers staging probe-response attaks.
Hiding IP addresses. Suppose the attaker
ontrols the repository. He may launh an attak and then attempt to use the alert gen-
erated by the vitim's sensor to analyze the
attak's propagation through the vitim's internal network. Therefore, the produer must
hide both Soure IP and Dest IP addresses
before releasing the alert to the repository.
Enrypting IP addresses under a key
known only to the produer is unaeptable,
as it hides too muh information. With a
semantially seure enryption sheme, enrypting the same IP address twie will produe dierent iphertexts, disabling ollaborative analysis. Hashing the address using a
standard, universally omputable hash funtion suh as SHA-1 or MD5 enables ditionary attaks. If the attaker ontrols the
repository, he an target a system on a partiular subnet and pre-ompute hash values of
all possible IP addresses at whih sensors may
be loated or to whih he expets the attak
to propagate. This is feasible sine the address spae in question is relatively small |
either 256, or 65536 addresses (potentially
even smaller if the attaker an make an eduated guess). The attaker veries his guesses
by heking whether the reeived alert ontains any of the pre-omputed values.
Our solution strikes a balane between privay and utility. The produer hashes all
IP addresses that belong to his own network using a keyed hash funtion suh as
HMAC [3, 4℄ with his seret key. All IP addresses that belong to external networks are
hashed using a standard hash funtion suh
as SHA-1 [23℄. This guarantees privay for
IP addresses on the produer's own network
sine the attaker annot verify his guesses
without knowing the produer's key. In partiular, probe-response fails to yield any useful information. Of ourse, if these addresses
appear in alerts generated by other organizations, then no privay an be guaranteed.
We pay a prie in dereased funtionality
sine alerts about events on the network of organization A that have been generated by A's
sensors annot be ompared with the alerts
about the same events generated by organization B's sensors. Reall, however, that we are
interested in deteting large-sale events. If A
is under heavy attak, hanes are that it will
be deteted not only by A's and B's sensors,
but also by sensors of C, D, and so on. Be-
ause A's network is external to B, C, and D,
their alerts will have A's IP addresses hashed
using the same standard hash funtion. This
will produe the same value for every ourrene of the same IP address, enabling mathing and ounting of hash values orresponding to frequently ourring addresses. Intuitively, any subset of partiipants an math
and ompare their observations of events happening in someone else's network. The ost of
inreased privay is dereased utility beause
hashing destroys topologial information, as
disussed in setion 7.2. Naturally, an organization an always analyze alerts referring
to its own network, sine they are all hashed
under the organization's own key.
An additional benet of using keyed hashes
for alerts about the organization's own events
and plain hashes for other organizations'
events is that the attaker annot feasibly determine whih of the two funtions was used.
Even if the attaker ontrols the repository
and diretly reeives A's alerts, he annot
tell whether an alert refers to an event in
A's or someone else's network. The attaker
may still attempt to verify his guesses by preomputing hashes of expeted IP addresses
and heking alerts submitted by other organizations, but with hundreds of thousands of
alerts per hour and thousands of possible addresses this task is exeedingly hard. Staging
a targeted probe-response attak is also more
diÆult: the probe may never be deteted by
another organization's sensors, whih means
that the response is never omputed using
plain hash, and the attaker annot stage a
ditionary attak at all. Finally, note that
keyed hashes do not require PKI or ompliated key management sine keys are never
exhanged between sites.
Re-keying by the repository. To provide additional protetion against a asual
observer or an outside attaker when an
alert is published, the repository may replae
all (hashed) IP addresses with their keyed
hashes, using the repository's own private
key. This is done on top of hashing by the
alert produer, and preserves the ability to
ompare and math IP addresses for equality,
sine all seond-level hashes use the same key.
This additional keyed hashing by the repository defeats all probe-response and ditionary
attaks exept when the attaker ontrols the
repository itself and all of its keys, in whih
ase we fall bak on protetion provided by
the produer's keyed hashing.
Randomized hot list thresholds. For ollaborative detetion of high-volume events,
it is suÆient for the repository to publish
only the hot list of reported alerts that have
something in ommon (e.g., soure IP address, port/protool ombination, event id)
and whose number exeeds a ertain threshold. As desribed in setion 4, this may be
vulnerable to a ooding attak, in whih the
attaker launhes a probe, and then attempts
to fore the diretory to publish the targeted
system's response, if any, by ooding it with
\mathing" fake alerts based on his guesses
of what the real alert looks like.
Our solution is to introdue a slight random variation in the threshold value. For example, if the threshold is 20, the repository
hooses a random value T between 18 and 22,
and, if T is exeeded, publishes only T alerts.
If the attaker submits 20 fake alerts and a
hot list of 20 alerts is published, the attaker
doesn't know if the repository reeived 20 or
21 alerts, inluding a mathing alert from the
vitim. There is a small risk that some alerts
will be lost if their number is too small to trigger publiation, but suh alerts are not useful
for deteting high-volume events.
Delayed alert publiation. If the alert
data is used only for researh on historial
trends (see setion 7.1), delayed alert publiation provides a feasible defense against proberesponse attaks. The repository simply publishes the data several weeks or months later,
without Timestamp elds. The attaker
would not be able to use this data to orrelate
his probes with the vitim's responses.
Examples of basi sanitization for dierent
alert types an be found in tables 2 through 4.
6.3 Multiple repositories
We now desribe a \heavy-duty" solution
for the orrupt repository problem. Instead of
using a single alert repository, envision multi-
Field ID
Soure IP
Soure Port
Dest IP
Dest Port
Event ID
Capture Data
Infeted File
Raw firewall alert
Sanitized firewall alert
Table 2: Example rewall seurity alert sanitization.
Field ID
Soure IP
Soure Port
Dest IP
Dest Port
Event ID
Capture Data
Infeted File
Raw IDS alert
Sanitized IDS alert
Table 3: Example IDS seurity alert sanitization.
Field ID
Soure IP
Soure Port
Dest IP
Dest Port
Event ID
Capture Data
Infeted File
Raw AV Alert
Left alone
Sanitized AV alert
Table 4: Example antivirus seurity alert sanitization.
ple repositories, operated by dierent owners
and distributed throughout the Internet (e.g.,
open-soure ode for setting up a repository
may be made available to anyone who wishes
to operate one). We do not require the repositories to synhronize their alert datasets, so
the additional omplexity is low. Information
about available repositories is ompiled into
a periodially published list. An organization that wants to take advantage of the alert
sharing infrastruture hooses one or more
repositories in any way it sees t | randomly,
on the basis of previously established trust, or
using a reputation mehanism suh as [9, 12℄.
In this setting, it is insuÆient for the attaker to gain ontrol of just one repository
to launh a probe-response attak beause
the vitim may report his alert to a dierent
repository. The osts for the attaker inrease
linearly with the number of repositories. The
osts for alert produers do not inrease at all,
sine the amount of proessing per alert does
not depend on the number of repositories.
While spreading alerts over several repositories dereases opportunities for ollaborative analysis, real-time detetion of highvolume events is still feasible. If multiple systems are under simultaneous attak, hanes
are their alerts will be reported to dierent repositories in suÆient numbers to pass
the \hot list" threshold and trigger publiation. By monitoring a suÆiently large subset of the repositories for simultaneous spikes
of similar alerts, it will be possible to detet
an attak in progress and adopt an appropriate defensive posture. Repositories may also
engage in periodi or on-demand exhanges
of signiant perturbations in inoming alert
patterns. This ould further help build an aggregate detetion apability, espeially as the
number of would-be repositories grows large.
average path length of m.
Randomized alert routing. For better pri-
Suppose the network ontains n routers,
of whih are ontrolled by the attaker.
The probability that a random path ontains a router ontrolled by the attaker is
(n np+p+p)
n2 np(n ) [27℄. For large n, this value is
lose to n , whih means that almost 1 n
alerts will not be observed by the attaker
and thus remain ompletely anonymous.
vay, we propose to deploy an overlay protool for randomized peer-to-peer routing of
alerts in the spirit of Crowds [27℄ or Onion
routing [33℄. Eah alert produer and repository sets up a simple alert router outside its
rewall. The routers form a network. When
a bath of alerts is ready for release, the produer hooses one of the other routers at random and sends the bath to it. After reeiving
the alerts, a router ips a biased oin and,
with probability p (a parameter of the system), forwards the alert to the next randomly
seleted router, or, with probability 1 p, deposits it into a randomly seleted repository.
The alert produer may also speify the desired repository as part of the alert bath.
Suh a network is very simple to set up
sine, in ontrast to full-blown anonymous
ommuniation systems suh as Onion routing, there is no need to establish return paths
or permanent hannels. The routers don't
need to maintain per-alert state or use any
ryptography. All they need to do is randomly forward all reeived alerts and periodially update the table with the addresses
of other routers in the network.
When an alert enters the network, all origin data is lost after the rst hop. Even
if the attaker ontrols some of the routers
and repositories, he annot be sure whether
an alert has been generated by its apparent
soure or routed on behalf of another produer. This provides probabilisti anonymity
for alert soures whih is quantied below.
The disadvantage is the ommuniation overhead and inreased lateny for alerts before
they arrive to the repository (note that there
is no ryptographi overhead).
Anonymity estimates. To quantify the
anonymity that alert ontributors will enjoy
if the repositories and produers form a randomized alert routing network, we ompute
the inrease in attaker workload as a funtion of the average routing path length. If p
is the probability of forwarding at eah hop,
then the average path length m = 2 + 1 p p .
Reversing the equation, the forwarding prob2
ability p must be equal to m
m 1 to ahieve the
For eah of the n alerts that are observed by the attaker, the probability that
its apparent soure (the site from whih
an attaker-ontrolled router has reeived it)
is the atual soure an be alulated as
n p(n 1)
[27℄. We interpret the inverse of
this probability as the attaker workload. For
example, if there is only a 25% hane that
the observed alert was produed by its apparent soure, the attaker needs to perform
4 times the testing to determine whether the
apparent soure is the true origin. As expeted, higher values of forwarding probability p provide better anonymity at the ost
of inreased lateny (modeled as inrease in
the average number of hops an alert has to
travel before arriving to the repository). This
relationship is plotted (assuming n = 100
routers) in gure 3.
Supported Analyses
Alert sanitization tehniques desribed in
setion 6 protet sensitive information ontained in raw alerts, but still allow a wide
variety of large-sale, ross-organization analyses to be performed on the sanitized data.
7.1 Historial trend analyses
This lass of analyses seeks to understand
the statistial harateristis and trends in
alert prodution that have been observed over
various durations of time. For example, [31℄
oers a ompendium of the trends observed
in rewall and intrusion detetion alert prodution from a sample set of over 400 organizations in 30 ountries.
Figure 3: Estimated anonymity provided by randomized alert routing.
Soure- and target-based. Given a large
alert orpus, alert soures and targets may
be ategorized from various perspetives,
suh as event prodution patterns. Beause
of privay-preserving data sanitization, geographial information and domain types annot be inferred from the published alerts.
One possible solution is to rely on selflassiation and allow ontributors to assoiate onise high-level proles with eah
alert, inluding suh attributes as ountry,
business type, and so on (e.g., \an aademi
institution in California"). This will enable
some forms of trend/ategorial analysis, but
will also potentially make alert ontributors
more vulnerable to ditionary attaks.
We do enable identiation of (anonymous)
soures produing the greatest volume of
alerts and alerts with the greatest aggregate
severity. The ativity of egregious soures is
likely to be reported by multiple organizations, thus the orresponding address will be
hashed using a universally omputable hash
funtion suh as SHA-1. These soures an be
blaklisted by distributing lters with the orresponding hash value. When installed, they
would lter out all traÆ for whih the hash
of the soure IP address mathes the provided value. There is a ost to this ltering,
sine it requires the rewall to hash the IP
addresses of all inoming traÆ to determine
whih ones need to be ltered out, although
this may be aeptable when the network is
under a heavy attak (this hashing is benign
as opposed to ditionary attaks desribed in
setion 4.3). Repositories should beware of
maliious blaklisting aused by the attaker
submitting a large number of fake alerts impliating an innoent system.
Port/protool- and event produtionbased. These analyses may oer help in
understanding whih kinds of reonnaissane
are performed as a preursor to a larger sale
exploit, or help haraterize the extent to
whih an attak has spread.
7.2 Event-driven analyses
Real-time alert data published by alert
repositories oers ompelling value as a
soure of early warning signs that a new outbreak of maliious ativity is emerging aross
the ontributor pool. The fous of this analysis is to identify signiant hanges or sudden
inetions in alert prodution that may be indiative of a urrently ourring attak.
Intensity analysis identies extremely
aggressive soures ausing a large number of alerts from multiple ontributors.
Although the soures remain anonymous, hash values of their IP addresses
an be published and/or distributed to
ontributors to help them adjust their ltering poliies, as desribed above.
Sudden and widespread inetions in
the volume and ratios of event IDs and
Dest Ports in the inoming alert streams
may indiate the emergene of a new intrusion threat that is aeting a growing
subset of the ontributor pool.
Aggregation of the volume and severity
of alerts observed in the inoming alert
streams may provide a basis from whih
to apture an overall assessment or \Defon level" of the threats that the ontributor pool is urrently faing.
A more hallenging task is to identify
propagation patterns in the ourrene of
event IDs and volumes, whih is neessary to
analyze spreading behavior of Internet-sale
intrusion ativity. Both hashing and keyed
hashing destroy all topologial information in
IP addresses, making it infeasible to determine whether two sanitized alerts belong to
the same region of address spae. A possible
solution may be oered by prex-preserving
anonymization [36℄, but we leave these tehniques for future investigation.
8 Performane
As illustrated in gure 2, large volumes of
alert data are being generated, and alert prodution among members of the ontributor
pool an vary greatly. Seurity servies an
produe inundations of seurity alerts when
they are the target of a denial of servie attak, and when there is a widespread outbreak of virulent worm or virus. During suh
periods of signiant stress, alert prodution
and proessing an pose signiant burden on
sensors, repositories, and analysts, and thus
limit utility of the alerts. This is a signifiant motivator for work on alert redution
methods [35, 10℄, and plaes onstraints on
the aeptable osts of alert sanitization.
As we show below, the ost of providing
privay to alert produers in our sheme is
very low: there is a small impat on the performane of alert produers, and virtually no
impat on the performane of supported analyses (of ourse, some analyses are disabled
due to data sanitization). We argue that our
sheme provides a sensible three-way tradeo
between utility of alert analysis, performane
of the alert sharing infrastruture, and privay of alert produers.
Performane of alert produers. To un-
derstand the CPU impat of alert sanitization, we benhmarked IP hashing on large
alert orpuses under the sheme proposed in
setion 6.2, using SHA-1 on external IP addresses (primarily Soure IP), and HMAC on
internal IP addresses (primarily Dest IP).
The experiment was onduted on a
FreeBSD 1.4Ghz Intel Pentium III workstation using Mark Shellor's free software implementation of SHA and HMAC. 1 We employed two large alert repositories. One
repository, produed from our laboratory rewall, onsisted of 4,224,122 reords olleted
over a three hour period during an intense exposure to the Kuang 2 virus [16℄. The seond
repository onsisted of 19,146,346 reords olleted over a 24 hour period by DShield.
Table 5 presents the results of the IP address hiding sheme on the DShield and laboratory alert orpuses, reported in CPU seonds per million reords. The baseline represents the amount of seonds, in CPU time,
required to read the alerts from seondary
storage per 1 million reords. The hashed and
ahed-8 times indiate the amount of CPU
seonds required to apply SHA and HMAC
hashing to the Soure IP and Dest IP elds
per 1 million reords. The delta olumn represents the dierene between the baseline
alert reporting performane and the sanitized
alert reporting performane.
Cahed-8 represents a moderately optimized implementation with a very small
ahe holding the last 8 enountered IP addresses. Beause our sanitization sheme
is deterministi, we an use the previously
1 Soure ode is available at http://searh.pan.
Table 5: CPU Impat of IP Hashing (seonds per 1 million alerts).
hashed IP addresses from the ahe. Cahing
makes sense in two ases:
The site is hit by a san aross its full IP
address spae by a few infeted or maliious external hosts. In this ase, a few
Soure IP addresses will our with regularity, resulting in a high ahe hit ratio.
The site is hit by distributed-denial-ofservie-type traÆ against a subset of its
valid servers. In this ase, a few Dest IP
addresses will our with regularity, resulting in a high ahe hit ratio.
For the IP addresses not in the trusted domain (to whih SHA is applied), ahing
ahieved savings of about 65%.
The results reveal that the performane impat is modest, less than the ost of I/O in
our implementation. For a sensor produing 1
million alerts per hour, the additional hashing
expense is roughly 30 seonds of CPU time
per hour. This overhead should be onsidered
in the ontext of the muh larger task of alert
ahing and periodi bathed transmission to
a remote alert repository. Key management
is relatively heap in our ase: there is no
need for PKI and keys are never distributed
outside the produer's site.
The expeted ost of randomized routing to
anonymize alert soures depends on the parameters of the routing network suh as the
forwarding probability and is roughly linear
in the number of hops. There is no ryptographi proessing and alert routers are stateless (see setion 6.3).
Performane of analysis. To ahieve the
balane between privay and utility, our sanitization methods have been designed to have
minimal or no eet on the performane of
primary analyses. In partiular, sanitized
IP addresses are mapped into the same size
reord as the original IP addresses, and rossalert omparisons an be arried out at the
repository without any network interation.
Comparing hashes for equality takes the same
time as omparing IP addresses, so there is
zero impat on performane.
When a troublesome soure IP address is
identied, this information may need to be
propagated bak to the produer (this is
infeasible in the randomized-routing setting
due to the high overhead of maintaining a return path for eah alert). The produer may
opt to reveal the atual IP address of the offender. In the ase of a widespread attak,
many sensors may omplain about a single IP
address, and any of the vitims may hoose to
reveal the soure of the threat, to enable defensive lters to be tuned appropriately. Measuring the osts of suh seletive revelation is
beyond the sope of this paper.
9 Conlusions
We have desribed a broad set of privay
onerns that limit the ability of sites to share
seurity alert information, and enumerated a
number of data sanitization tehniques that
strike a balane between the privay of alert
produers and the funtional needs of multisite orrelation servies, without imposing
heavy performane osts. Our tehniques are
pratial even for large alert loads, and, most
importantly, do not require that alert ontributors trust alert repositories to protet their
sensitive data. This enables reation of open
ommunity-aess repositories that will oer
a better perspetive on Internet-wide trends,
real-time detetion of emerging threats and a
soure of data for maliious ode researh.
As a rst prototype to demonstrate basi
alert sanitization with live sensors, we are developing a Snort alert delivery plugin that im-
plements SHA/HMAC and eld sanitization
disussed in setion 6.2. We also plan to analyze defenses against probe-response attaks
in whih the attaker artiially stimulates
an alert with a rare Event Id and then uses
this Event Id as a marker to reognize the response in the general alert traÆ.
Aknowledgements. We thank Keith Skinner for his support in the initial performane
analysis, and Johannes Ullrih from the
SANS Internet Storm Center for providing
aess to data set samples from
We are grateful to the anonymous reviewers
for useful omments.
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