Download Introduction to Organic Chemistry – Syllabus

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Introduction to Organic Chemistry – Syllabus
Day 1: Session 1 (evening session):
1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry:
2. General discussion about what is chemistry?
3. What is organic chemistry?
4. What is an organic compound?
5. Why is 90% of research in chemistry about organic chemistry?
6. What are the different branches of chemistry?
7. Pre-assessment
Day 2: Session 1: (9-11:30am)
1. Similarities game
2. Nomenclature
3. Functional Groups
4. Carbon Classification
5. Classification of Alcohols
6. Classification of Amines
7. Reactions of Alkanes: substitution (nucleophilic and electrophilic)
Day 2: Session 2: (12:30-3pm)
1. Properties of Carbon and other molecules
2. Reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons: addition of H2 to alkene to form
saturated hydrocarbon
3. Types of Formulae:
• Molecular Formula
• Structural Formula
• Line-Angle Formula
4. Kinds of matter: solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and BEC
5. Naming rules: IUPAC
6. Naming Cyclic Alkanes
Day 2: Session 3: (7-9pm)
• Aromatic Compounds
• Practice problems: Naming substituted benzenes
• Textbook Practice Problems
Day 3: Session 1:
1. Isomers
• Chain isomerism
• Positional isomerism
• Functional group isomerism
• Geometric isomerism (cis and trans)
2. Conformations
3. Building molecules using molecular model kits
4. Steric hindrance and energy diagrams
Day 3: Session 2
• Preparation of Esters Lab
• Cis Trans Isomerization Lab
Day 3: Session 3
• Finished the cis trans isomerization reaction, left it to dry overnight, and
did practice problems
Day 4: Session 1
• Preparation of Alkanes
• Chemical Reactions of Alkanes
• Relative stability of alkyl radicals
• Reactivity-Selectivity Principle
• Radical Substitution of Benzylic and Allylic Hydrogens
• Reaction Mechanisms
Day 4: Session 2
• Preparation of Alkenes
• Chemical Reactions of Alkenes
• Textbook practice problems for Alkene Reactions
• Preparation of Alkynes
• Chemical Reactions of Alkynes
Day 4: Session 3
• Properties of Hydrocarbons Lab
• Finishing Cis Trans Isomerization Las - measure percent yield and
analyzed sources of error in the isomerization lab
Day 5: Session 1
• Chemical and Physical Properties of Alkenes (Review)
• Dienes- Introduction
• Nomenclature of Dienes
• Methods of Extraction of Dienes
• Chemical Properties of Dienes
Day 5: Session 2
• Finish Properties of Hydrocarbons Lab
• Lab Report: Preparation of Esters
Lab extension: Bromination of Alkenes
• Post-Lab Discussion
Day 5: Session 3
• Real World Problems- Textbook pg 124-128
• E-Z Nomenclature
Day 6: Session 1 (Friday)
• Halogenoalkanes- Introduction
• Structure of HA
• Nucleophilic Substitution
• Elimination Reaction
• Substitution vs. Elimination
• Uses of HA’s
• CFC’s
• E-Z Nomenclature (continued)
Day 6: Session 2 (Friday)
• Identification of Organic Compounds Lab
• Post lab discussion
Day 7: Session 1 (Sunday evening session)
• Review- Week 1
• Chirality
Day 8: Session 1 (Monday)
• Chirality (continued)
• Enantiomers
• Stereoisomers
• R-S System
• Diastereomers
• Racemic Mixture
Day 8: Session 2
• Basic Column Chromatography Lab
• Post lab discussion
Day 8: Session 3
• Optical activity
• Review
• Worksheet
Day 9:
Session 1 (Tuesday)
Optical activity
Racemic mixture
Resolution of enantiomers
• Structure
• Classification and IUPAC naming
• Alkenols
• Priority
• Physical Properties
• Chemical Properties
Day 9: Session 2
Extraction and Isolation of Caffeine Lab (Extraction Part)
Day 9: Session 3
• Continued working on Extraction of Caffeine lab
• Real World Problems
• Chemical Connections
• Review
Day 10: Session 1 (Wednesday)
• Acidity of Alcohols
• Dehydration (Acid-catalyzed dehydration, Zaitzev’s rule)
• Oxidation of Alcohols
• Dehydration vs. Oxidation
• Preparation of Important Alcohols
Day 10: Session 2
• Extraction and Isolation of Caffeine Lab (Isolation part)
• Post lab discussion
Day 10: Session 3
• Review (Week 2)
• Textbook Problems
Day 11: Session 1(Thursday)
• Nomenclature
• Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and LPAH’s
• Synthesis
• Physical Properties
• Chemical Properties
Day 11: Session 2
• Uses of Benzene
• Extraction and Isolation of Caffeine from Tea Lab (Identification part)
Day 11: Session 3
• Worksheets 1. Benzene
Day 12: Session 1 (Friday)
• Lecture: Benzene
• Sulfonation
• Nitration of Toluene
• Activating O, P-directing substituents
• Activity: Posters (in pairs) for bromination, chlorination, nitration and
sulfonation of benzene
Day 12: Session 2 (Friday)
• Poster Presentations
Lecture: Benzene
• Substitution Anisole
• Amino group
• Summary of Activation
• Halobenzene
• Friedel-Crafts Alkylation
Day 13: Session 1 (Sunday evening session)
• Friedel Crafts Acylation
• Review of Benzene
• Review of both Friedel-Crafts Reactions
• Activity: Drawing out mechanisms for Friedel Crafts Reactions
Day 14: Session 1 (Monday)
• Reactions of Benzene Derivatives
• Oxidation Reactions Alkyl Benzene
• Halogenation of Toluene
• Synthesizing a Substituted Aromatic Compound
• Uses of Benzene
• Uses of Toluene
Day 14: Session 2
• Synthesis of AspirinLab
• Post lab discussion
Day 14: Session 3
• Alcohols Worksheets
• Benzene (Kahoot) Review
Day 15: Session 1 (Tuesday)
• Introduction
• Nomenclature
• Physical Properties
• Chemical Properties
• Amine Salts
• Amides from amines
• Amide reactions
• Synthesis of Nylon
• Physical Properties of Amides
Day 15: Session 2
• Complete Synthesis of Aspirin Lab
Day 15: Session 3
• Review of Aromatic Compounds
Day 16: Session 1 (Wednesday)
• Carbonyl Compounds
• Aldehydes and Ketones
• Nomenclature
• Isomerism
• Physical Properties
• Preparation of Aldehydes and Ketones
• Chemical Properties
• Keto-enol tautomerization
Day 16: Session 2
Oxidation of an Aldehyde to Acid Lab
Post lab discussion
Day 16: Session 3
Carboxylic acids
• Nomenclature
• Isomerism
• Physical Properties
• Preparation of Aldehydes and Ketones
• Chemical Properties
• Nomenclature
• Isomerism
• Physical Properties
• Chemical Properties
• Isomerism
• Physical Properties
• Chemical Properties
Day 17: Session 1 (Thursday)
Polymer Chemistry
Characterizing a Polymer
• Structure
• Classification
• Synthesis
• Types of reactions
• Activity: Polymer building
Day 16: Session 2
Day 17: Session 1 (Friday- Last day)
• Review and Quiz
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