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Atomic and Molecular Physics January -May 2010
Problem Sheet V
4th February 2010
due 18th February 2010
26. Consider a photon travelling along z- axis with energy E ionizing a hydrogen
atom at rest. The photoelectric electron is travelling making an angle θ with respect to
the z - axis.Find the energy of the outgoing electron in terms of E, θ, the binding energy
of the hydrogen atom and the masses of the electron and proton.
27. Complete the calculation of getting the total cross section for photoelectric effect
of hydrogen like atom and obtain the cross section in m2 for a photon of energy 2KeV.
as a function af Z.
28.In photoelectric effect suppose the photon is elliptically polarised with |Ex /Ey | =
1/2 ( phton along z − axis) , find the angular distribution of the cross section.
29.Using the Born approximation consider the nonrelativistic scattering of an electron from a charge distributiob ρ(r). Calculate the cross section as a function of momentum transfer for ρ(r) = const. for r ≤ R.
30.Draw the energy levels of the Li+ atom in the approximation
3e2 1
p~1 .p~1 + p~2 .p~2
( + )
4π0 r1 r2
for the electrons in the n1 = 1, n2 = 1, 2, ... State the various quantum numbers.
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