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Perpetuity Hall 11 Leavitt Lane Durham, New Hampshire 03824-­‐3522 INSTITUTIONAL BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE AGENDA February 12, 2015 2:00pm – 4:00pm Rudman Hall, Room G04 • Introductions • Approve minutes from 12/4/2014 • Old Business o None – all follow up items were discussed on 12/16/2014 • New Business o Level 1 Registration Renewals § Protocol 214-­‐15-­‐1, Role of Natural Products in the Pathogenic and Symbiotic Life Stages of Photorhabdus o Level 1 New Registrations § Protocol 216-­‐15-­‐1, GEN 774/874: Lab techniques in Plant Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology o Level 2 Registration Summary § Protocol 215-­‐15-­‐2, Transfer of microcystins (cyanobacteria toxins) in lake ecosystems and potential bioaccumulation in crops § Protocol 217-­‐15-­‐2 (renewal), Growth of Borrelia burgdorferi, whole cell preparation § Protocol 218-­‐15-­‐2 , UNHM BMS 603 Pathogenic Microbiology Lab § Protocol 219-­‐15-­‐2, UNHM BMS 503 General Microbiology Lab o Keene State Protocol: Nutrient sensing and cell cycle regulation in plants • UNH CEMS Training Module, Biological Inventory demonstration • Academic Lab Personal Protective Equipment Discussion • Any other business • Next meeting date 
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