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GEOMETRY Term 1 Unit 3 CW3
Bisect/Angle Addition
EX: NO bisects ∠MNP; ∠MNO = 4x and m∠ONP = 36o. Solve for x and m∠MNP.
Suppose R is an interior point of ∠MNO and MNR = 20o. What is the m ∠RNO? _____
1. Draw and Label: BD bisects
, ∠ABD = 6x; ∠CBD = 60o.
A. Solve for x = _____
B. Point E is an interior point of ∠CBD;
∠EBC = 15. What is the m ∠DBE = _______
2. Draw and Label: XY bisects ∠WXZ and P is the interior of ∠WXY.
If m∠PXZ = 30o and m∠WXZ = 100, find m∠YXP.
Complimentary/Angle Addition
EX: ∠ABC is a right angle.
What is the measure of the center angle?
3. m∠FGH = 90o.
What is the measure of the smallest angle?
Parallel lines and triangles
In all of the pictures below, assume that the lines are parallel!
EX: m∠1 = 135o, m∠2 = 60o,
4. Given: m∠1 = 72o, m∠2 = 40o,
Determine m∠3.
Determine m∠3.
Find the measure of
5. ∠4 and ∠5 are right angles; m∠1=75o
the given angles if m∠4 = 40
m∠1 = ___, m∠2 = ___, m∠3 = ___
m∠2 = _____, m∠3 = _____
Solve for x
EX: m//n; t bisects ∠ABC.
6. m//n. q bisects WYZ. Find m∠x.
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