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The Lay of the Land
 The Maya homeland, called Mesoamerica,
spans five countries: Mexico, Guatemala,
Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador.
 There are now indications that the people
we call the Maya had migrated from North
America to the highlands of Guatemala
perhaps as long ago as 2600 BCE, living
an agricultural, village-based life.
 By the time Maya civilization had reached
its peak (200-900CE) - the Maya were
spread across an almost continuous
territory of roughly 311,000 square
kilometers (120,000 square miles),
comprising three general areas:
The Rainforests
 The tropical rain forest of the lowlands,
stretching from northwestern Honduras,
through the Petén region of Guatemala
and into Belize and the Chiapas.
 This became the heart of Classic Maya
civilization and included cities such as
Copán, Yaxchilán, Tikal, and Palenque.
 Apart from the volcanic glacier mountains, most
of Mesoamerica is covered by a dense rain forest.
 A rain forest resembles a greenhouse, providing
warmth, sunlight, and water, and producing an
enormous variety of plants.
 Unlike the rich humus soils of temperate-zone
forests, the soil in rain forests is thin and poor.
 In order to survive, tropical trees and plants have
developed highly efficient root systems that
absorb nutrients from dead plants (which
decompose rapidly because of the high heat and
humidity) before they are washed away.
The Highlands
 The Guatemala highlands and the Pacific
Coast, where Aztec influence in the early
Classic period caused some differences in
cultural development from the Central, or
Lowlands, Maya.
The Peninsula
 The northern Yucatán peninsula, whose
sites include Labná, Chichen Itzá and
Uxmal, is characterized by scrub
vegetation, thin soil, and little surface
 After the lowlands city-states collapsed,
ending the Classic period, there was
increased migration into the Yucatán and
Maya culture continued to thrive there
until the arrival of the militaristic Toltecs.
River Systems
 A series of rivers originates in the mountains and
flows towards the Pacific Ocean on the west
coast, and towards the Gulf of Mexico in the
southern Petén lowlands.
 These rivers served as passageways for canoes
to travel from one city to another.
 Most of the Maya cities of the Classic period were
built near rivers that provided water for human
consumption and access to trade routes.
 In the northern Yucatán lowlands, however, there
are no major rivers.
The Soil
 The best soils are found in the southern
highland valleys where volcanic eruptions
have enriched the earth.
 The spring-like climate and fertile valleys
made this a popular place to settle,
despite the threat of volcanoes.
 Today, this area supports the largest Maya
 While the Mayan-speaking peoples spread across
these regions shared many similarities, their
geographical dispersal resulted in the evolution
of numerous languages which are related but
sufficiently distinctive to prevent different Maya
groups today from understanding one another.
 This divergence adds a further complication to
efforts to translate the hieroglyphic writing of the
city-states. Scholars today are still trying to
reconstruct the family tree of the Mayan languages
and there are different interpretations, but it is
generally felt that four or five language groups
had emerged by the Middle Preclassic period
(900-300 BCE).