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Cross Border Cooperation
within IPA
Some questions from
the Italian Regions’ side concerning
IPA CBC programme Italy-Adriatic
Lodovico Gherardi
Venice, 16th June 2006
In September 2004, the EC proposed the new instruments
for EU external aid in 2007-13. Among those instruments,
there is IPA the instrument for pre-accession.
It is clear that one component of the new approach for CBC
at EU borders with CC/PCC is:
 Reduce complexity
Solution: Structural Funds rules for CBC at EU internal
borders to apply also at EU external borders with CC/PCC
Adaptations to specific conditions of CBC with third
countries to be kept to a very minimum
Which is the state of the art of the IPA regulations?
Which will be the specific rules related to the financial flows of
the new instrument?(they will follow the ERDF rules or the
PRAG rules?)
Which Commission service will be responsabile for the IPA
instrument? It seems already sure that will be the DG Regional
Policy. How will be the relation with the DG Enlargement and
DG Relex?
As far as geographical eligibility is
concerned, eligibile regions will be:
NUTS III regions (or equivalent) along land and
maritime (regions separated by max 150 km)
borders between Member States and adjacent
Candidate Countries/potential CC
 the IPA Adriatic will be a CBC maritime programme
limited to NUTS III regions of the eastern Adriatic
 this would reduce the possibilities for participation at
the coastal area of Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and
a very small coast line for Bosnia & Herzegovina.
 Montenegro is – after the referendum – independent
from Serbia. Apparently it is now excluded by this
 Bosnia & Herzegovina is almost completely excluded.
Furthermore it is not included in other CBC
 It seems not to be yet established the NUTS III
regions (or equivalent) at least as concern Albania
and Bosnia & Herzegovina
Are there some news on this matter?
Maritime borders: regions along the MS–CC/PCC borders
separated by max 150 km.
 The Adriatic cross border cooperation is an IPA maritime
cooperation programme
 Italy is included in only one programme being all its
coastal area (except for Molise region included in order to
give continuity to the admissible area) separated by max
150 km from the coastal countries of Eastern Adriatic
 Slovenia and Greece: they was originally excluded by the
programme even if they are part of the Adriatic basin due
to the fact they are involved in CBC IPA with
neighbourhood Balkans via land and because they are
separated from Bosnia & Herzegovina (Slovenia) and
Montenegro (Greece) by more than 150 km.
They do not seem to present the criteria for the eligibility
More than 150 Km
 Slovenia has presented a formal request to
participate in the Adriatic CBC IPA programme
being included in the Adriatic basin and it has
also assured ERDF funds as co financing rate…
Which is the Commission position on this matter?
And if the EC position agree with the Slovenian request,
what will happen with the Greece?
 If Slovenia and Greece are included, we will
have a programme composed by 3 MS and 4
countries (IPA) on a unique maritime basin
Which will be the difference between this CBC maritime programme
and a multilateral basin programme (moreover not scheduled
by the regulation on IPA dated September 2004)
Which will be the relations between this programme and the ENPI
(in addition, in ENPI the majority of the Italian regions and
Slovenia are excluded)
Adriatic cross border cooperation
Area out of ENPI
 In different situations EC has mentioned the South
Eastern European Space programme – transnational
cooperation – as the ideal space for cooperation
among not cross border areas of the Adriatic
Danubian space
 The SEES programme is not an IPA programme so it
is not automatic the link between ERDF and IPA
 There are negotiations on this matter due to the fact
the Eastern Adriatic Countries have to decide how
many funds to allocate
Any news on this matter?
There will be finally relationships
with the internal Mediterranean
programme (ERDF) - that it has become a program
of maritime transnational cooperation and covers
all the Mediterranean basin (Slovenia included) and the Adriatic programme IPA CBC?
And which follow up could have this fact
in the definition
of the themes of the Adriatic programme IPA CBC?