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TCP continued
TCP flow/congestion control
• Sometimes sender shouldn’t send a pkt whenever
its ready
– Receiver not ready (e.g., buffers full)
– React to congestion
• Many unACK’ed pkts, may mean long end-end delays,
congested networks
• Network itself may provide sender with congestion indication
– Avoid congestion
• Sender transmits smoothly to avoid temporary network
TCP congestion control
• To react to these, TCP has only one knob – the size of
the send window
– Reduce or increase the size of the send window
– In our project, the size is fixed
• The size of the send window is determined by two
– The size of the receiver window the receiver told him in
the TCP segment
– His own perception about the level of congestion in the
TCP Congestion Control
• Idea
– Each source determines network capacity for itself
– Uses implicit feedback, adaptive congestion window
– ACKs pace transmission (self-clocking)
• Challenge
– Determining the available capacity in the first place
– Adjusting to changes in the available capacity to
achieve both efficiency and fairness
TCP Flow Control
flow control
sender won’t overrun
receiver’s buffers by
transmitting too much,
too fast
RcvBuffer = size of TCP Receive Buffer
RcvWindow = amount of spare room in Buffer
receiver buffering
receiver: explicitly informs
sender of (dynamically
changing) amount of free
buffer space
– RcvWindow field in
TCP segment
sender: keeps the amount of
transmitted, unACKed data
less than most recently
received RcvWindow
What is Congestion?
• Informally: “too many sources sending too much data too fast for
network to handle”
• Different from flow control, caused by the network not by the
• How does the sender know whether there is congestion?
– Lost packets (buffer overflow at routers)
– Long delays (queuing in router buffers)
Causes/costs of congestion
• two senders, two
• one router,
infinite buffers
• no retransmission
Host A
Host B
lin : original data
unlimited shared
output link buffers
• large delays when
• maximum
TCP Congestion Control
• Window-based, implicit, end-end control
• Transmission rate limited by congestion window size, Congwin, over
w segments, each with MSS bytes sent in one RTT:
throughput =
w * MSS
Computer Science, FSU
TCP Congestion Control
• “probing” for usable bandwidth:
– ideally: transmit as fast as
possible (Congwin as large as
possible) without loss
– increase Congwin until loss
– loss: decrease Congwin, then
begin probing (increasing)
• two “phases”
– slow start
– congestion avoidance
important variables:
– Congwin
– threshold: defines
threshold between slow start
phase and congestion
avoidance phase
TCP Slowstart
Host A
initialize: Congwin = 1
for (each segment ACKed)
until (loss event OR
CongWin > threshold)
• exponential increase (per RTT) in
window size (not so slow!)
• loss event: timeout (Tahoe TCP)
Slowstart algorithm
Host B
Why Slow Start?
• Objective
– Determine the available capacity in the first place
• Idea
– Begin with congestion window = 1 pkt
– Double congestion window each RTT
• Increment by 1 packet for each ack
• Exponential growth but slower than one blast
• Used when
– First starting connection
– Connection goes dead waiting for a timeout
TCP Congestion Avoidance
Congestion avoidance
/* slowstart is over
/* Congwin > threshold */
Until (loss event) {
every w segments ACKed:
threshold = Congwin/2
Congwin = 1
perform slowstart
TCP Fairness
Fairness goal: if N TCP sessions share same bottleneck link, each should
get 1/N of link capacity
TCP connection 1
connection 2
capacity R
Why is TCP fair?
Two competing sessions:
Additive increase gives slope of 1, as throughput increases
multiplicative decrease decreases throughput proportionally
equal bandwidth share
loss: decrease window by
factor of 2
congestion avoidance:
additive increase
Connection 1 throughput R
TCP is not
perfectly fair.
It biases towards
flows with small
Fast Retransmit
• Time-out period often
relatively long:
– long delay before resending
lost packet
• Detect lost segments via
duplicate ACKs.
– Sender often sends many
segments back-to-back
– If segment is lost, there will
likely be many duplicate ACKs.
• If sender receives 3
ACKs for the same data,
it supposes that
segment after ACKed
data was lost:
– fast retransmit: resend
segment before timer
Fast retransmit algorithm:
event: ACK received, with ACK field value of y
if (y > SendBase) {
SendBase = y
if (there are currently not-yet-acknowledged segments)
start timer
else {
increment count of dup ACKs received for y
if (count of dup ACKs received for y = 3) {
resend segment with sequence number y
a duplicate ACK for
already ACKed segment
fast retransmit
Fast Retransmit and Fast Recovery
– TCP Reno
The fast retransmit and fast recovery algorithms are usually implemented together as
1. When the third duplicate ACK is received, set ssthresh to no more than the value given
in equation 3.
2. Retransmit the lost segment and set cwnd to ssthresh plus 3*SMSS. This artificially
"inflates" the congestion window by the number of segments (three) that have left the
network and which the receiver has buffered.
3. For each additional duplicate ACK received, increment cwnd by SMSS. This artificially
inflates the congestion window in order to reflect the additional segment that has left
the network.
4. Transmit a segment, if allowed by the new value of cwnd and the receiver's advertised
5. When the next ACK arrives that acknowledges new data, set cwnd to ssthresh (the value
set in step 1). This is termed "deflating" the window. This ACK should be the
acknowledgment elicited by the retransmission from step 1, one RTT after the
retransmission (though it may arrive sooner in the presence of significant out- of-order
delivery of data segments at the receiver). Additionally, this ACK should acknowledge all
the intermediate segments sent between the lost segment and the receipt of the third
duplicate ACK, if none of these were lost.
TCP ACK generation [RFC 1122, RFC 2581]
Event at Receiver
TCP Receiver action
Arrival of in-order segment with
expected seq #. All data up to
expected seq # already ACKed
Delayed ACK. Wait up to 500ms
for next segment. If no next segment,
send ACK
Arrival of in-order segment with
expected seq #. One other
segment has ACK pending
Immediately send single cumulative
ACK, ACKing both in-order segments
Arrival of out-of-order segment
higher-than-expect seq. # .
Gap detected
Immediately send duplicate ACK,
indicating seq. # of next expected byte
Arrival of segment that
partially or completely fills gap
Immediate send ACK
TCP Deadlock
• The receiver window is full because the application is
not reading the data fast enough.
• The receiver sends ACK back advertising window size
• The sender will not send anything.
• The receiver finally frees up some space, but the
sender does not know, because the receiver does not
send ACK when no data is received.
• Solution: TCP provide option for the sender to send a
1-byte segment to probe the receiver.
TCP sender
• TCP sender does not have to send the data
you give him immediately. The
implementations typically waits until get some
more data to send. Remember TCP regards
the data as a byte stream.
• This is the reason why the template code took
some measures to make sure that always a
complete packet is delievered.
RTT samples
• Most TCP implementations only get an RTT
sample for the segment that has not been
• Once a timeout happens, the sender doubles
Silly Window Syndrome
• The receiver may advertise small windows.
• The sender then sends small segments --- not
very efficient.
• TCP requires the receiver only advertise
window of one MSS or half of its buffer, which
ever is smaller.
• Explicit Congestion Notification
• RFC 3168
• “An ECN-aware router may set a bit in the IP
header instead of dropping a packet in order
to signal the beginning of congestion. The
receiver of the packet echoes the congestion
indication to the sender, which must react as
though a packet drop were detected. “ –from
• Sometimes you don’t need reliability, but need to
exercise some congestion control!
• For applications with timing constraints, data may be
useless if outdated.
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