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Chapter Overview
TCP/IP Overview
Configuring TCP/IP Clients
Using TCP/IP Utilities
TCP/IP Overview
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) is an industry-standard
suite of protocols used on local area networks
(LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).
Microsoft Windows 2000 supports TCP/IP.
Architectural Overview of the TCP/IP
Protocol Suite
The TCP/IP protocols
Provide networking connectivity support for
computers (called hosts) on LANs and WANs
Follow a set of standards for how computers
communicate and how networks are
Follow the four-layer Department of Defense
(DOD) model
The Four-Layer TCP/IP Model
Application Layer
Software programs gain access to the
network through the application layer.
This layer maps roughly to the session,
presentation, and application layers of the
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.
The following TCP/IP utilities and services run
at the application layer:
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Application Layer (Cont.)
TCP/IP utilities and services that run at the
application layer (Cont.):
Domain Name System (DNS)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Microsoft TCP/IP provides two interfaces for
applications to use:
Network Basic Input/Output System (NetBIOS)
Transport Layer
Transport protocols
Provide communication sessions between
Define the type of transport service as
either connection-oriented or connectionless
This layer maps roughly to the transport layer
in the OSI model.
The transport layer protocols are
TCP: connection-oriented, reliable
UDP: connectionless, no guarantee of packet
Internet Layer
The Internet layer protocols encapsulate
transport layer data into units called
datagrams, address them, and route them to
their destinations.
This layer maps roughly to the network layer
in the OSI model.
Windows 2000 implements three main
protocols at this layer:
Internet Protocol (IP)
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
Link Layer
This layer sends and receives frames, which
are packets of information transmitted on a
network as a single unit.
The link layer is equivalent to the data-link
and physical layers of the OSI model.
Two protocols often used for WAN
connections are part of the TCP/IP suite:
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
Transmission Control Protocol
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a
reliable, connection-oriented delivery service.
TCP achieves reliability by using a system
called positive acknowledgment with
Many Internet client applications, such as
Web browsers and FTP clients, rely on TCP to
transmit files.
Virtually every application that transmits large
amounts of data over a network uses TCP.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Provides a connectionless datagram service
that does not guarantee delivery or correct
sequencing of delivered packets
Used by applications that
Do not require an acknowledgment of data receipt
Usually transmit small amounts of data at one
Used by
Broadcast transmissions
Services and applications such as DNS, Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and SNMP
Internet Protocol
Internet Protocol (IP) does the actual delivery
of datagrams.
IP adds the following header fields to each
Source IP Address
Destination IP Address
Time to Live (TTL)
IP Addressing
Every host on a TCP/IP network must have a
unique IP address (a 32-bit number that
identifies both the host and the network the
host is located on).
IP addresses are expressed in dotted-decimal
format, such as
Each set of four dotted-decimal numbers
represents eight bits of the binary address.
The addresses range from 00000000 to 11111111,
or, in decimal notation, from 0 to 255.
IP Addressing (Cont.)
An IP address is accompanied by a subnet mask.
The subnet mask, when compared to the IP
address, identifies the part of the IP address that
is the network identifier and the part that is the
host identifier.
The 1s identify network bits and the 0s identify host
In the subnet mask, the first 16 bits
(2 octets) are the equivalent of all ones in binary form.
The first two octets of the IP address are the network identifier.
The last two octets represent the host identifier.
Understanding IP Address Classes
To communicate on the Internet, a computer must
use an IP address that is registered with the Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
In practice, you obtain a valid network address from your
Internet service provider (ISP), not directly from the IANA.
The IANA assigns network identifiers only; the
administrator assigns a unique host identifier to each
There are three primary classes of network
addresses: A, B, and C.
The actual class used is based on the size of the network.
Each address class has a different default subnet mask.
IP Address Classes
IP Address Class Characteristics
You can identify the class of an IP address by
looking at the value of its first octet.
Because a Class A address uses only eight
bits for its network ID, only 126 possible
Class A addresses exist.
General Guidelines for IP Address
There are several general guidelines for how
to assign IP addresses:
The first octet of the network ID cannot be 127.
The network and host ID bits cannot be all 1s.
The network and host ID bits cannot be all 0s.
The host ID for each computer must be unique.
A unique network ID is required for each network
and wide area connection.
A registered network ID is required for connecting
to the Internet.
All TCP/IP hosts require unique host IDs.
Each host requires a subnet mask.
Using Private Addresses
Workstations protected by firewalls and
computers that do not connect to the
Internet can use unregistered, private IP
When building a private network, you should
use one of the special ranges of private IP
addresses, rather than assigning IP addresses
IP Address Ranges for Private
Network Addresses
A through
B through
C through
Understanding IP Routing
Routing is the process of choosing a path
over which to send packets, which is the
primary function of IP.
A router (also called a gateway) is a device
that forwards packets from one physical
network to another.
Routers match packet headers to a LAN
segment and choose the best path for the
packet, which optimizes network
Packet Routing Example
IP Routing
To make routing decisions, the IP layer
consults a routing table, which consists of a
series of entries, called routes.
On a computer running Windows 2000, a
routing table is built automatically based on
its TCP/IP configuration.
To view a routing table on a computer
running Windows 2000, at a command
prompt, type route print, and then press
Static and Dynamic IP Routing
Static routing can only use fixed routing tables.
Static routers require building and updating
routing tables manually.
Use the Route.exe command to add static entries
to the routing table.
Dynamic routing
Automatically updates routing tables
Uses routing protocols, such as Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), to
periodically transmit the contents of their routing
tables to the other routers on the network
Lesson Summary
TCP/IP follows the four-layer DOD model:
application, transport, Internet, and link.
IP is the primary protocol of the Internet layer.
TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that
provides reliable delivery for applications that
generate large amounts of data.
UDP is a connectionless protocol used to transmit
small amounts of data without packet
Every computer on a TCP/IP network must have
a unique IP address, consisting of a network ID
and a host ID.
Installing TCP/IP
The Windows 2000 setup program automatically
installs TCP/IP if it detects a network interface
adapter in the computer.
You need to manually install TCP/IP on a
computer running Windows 2000 only if
The default protocol selection was overridden during
You have deleted it from a connection
In Windows 2000, TCP/IP is implemented as a
single module called Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),
which is installed from the Network And Dial-Up
Connections application in Control Panel.
Installing TCP/IP (Cont.)
To manually install TCP/IP:
1. Log on using an administrator account.
2. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click
Network And Dial-Up Connections.
3. Right-click the Local Area Connection icon,
and then select Properties to display the Local
Area Connection Properties dialog box.
Installing TCP/IP (Cont.)
To manually install TCP/IP (Cont.):
4. Click Install.
5. In the Select Network Component Type dialog
box, select Protocol, and then click Add.
6. In the Select Network Protocol dialog box, select
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) in the Network
Protocol list, and then click OK. (You might need
to supply Windows 2000 installation files.)
7. Click Close.
The Local Area Connection Properties
Dialog Box
Configuring TCP/IP
Create a detailed plan for using IP addressing
on your network.
You might be able to use private IP addresses
for most of your computers, but connecting
to the Internet requires a registered IP
You can configure Windows 2000 TCP/IP
clients to
Assign IP addresses dynamically by using DHCP
Use Automatic Private IP Addressing
Configure TCP/IP manually
Configuring TCP/IP with DHCP
By default, computers running Windows 2000
try to obtain TCP/IP configuration parameters
from a DHCP server on the network.
If a computer running Windows 2000
currently has a static TCP/IP configuration,
you can change it to obtain its IP address
automatically by selecting Obtain An IP
Address Automatically in the Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties dialog box of a
Configuring Your Computer to Obtain
TCP/IP Settings Automatically
Configuring TCP/IP Manually
Some servers, such as DHCP, DNS, Windows
Internet Name Service (WINS), Internet Web,
and FTP servers, should be assigned an IP
address manually.
If you do not have a DHCP server on your
network, you must manually configure
computers to use a static IP address.
To manually configure a computer to use a
static IP address, configure TCP/IP in the
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog
box of a connection.
Assigning Special Permissions for an
Active Directory Object
You can also configure a Microsoft TCP/IP
client with additional IP addresses, subnet
masks, and default gateways.
To configure additional IP addresses, subnet
masks, and default gateways:
1. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties
dialog box for a connection, click Advanced.
2. Configure settings in the Advanced TCP/IP
Settings dialog box.
The Advanced TCP/IP Settings Dialog
Using Automatic Private IP Address
By default, if a computer running Windows
2000 that is configured to use DHCP cannot
obtain an IP address from a DHCP server,
Windows 2000 uses Automatic Private IP
Addressing to assign itself an IP address.
The addresses range from through
The computer uses this IP address until it
successfully contacts a DHCP server, from
which it receives a new IP address.
Testing TCP/IP with Ipconfig and
You should always test and verify your TCP/IP
Use Ipconfig to view the TCP/IP configuration
settings on a host, including IP address, subnet
mask, and default gateway.
At a command prompt, type ipconfig and then press Enter.
Use Ping to test connectivity.
Ping uses Echo Request messages to determine whether a
specified TCP/IP host is available and functioning.
At a command prompt, type ping target (where target is
the IP address or name of the target computer) and then
press Enter.
Lesson Summary
Windows 2000 installs TCP/IP by default if it detects
a network interface adapter in the computer.
You can manually install TCP/IP in the Network And
Dial-up Connections application.
To configure TCP/IP manually, use the Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box of a
By default, computers running Windows 2000 try to
obtain their IP addresses automatically by using
If a DHCP server is not available, Automatic Private
IP Addressing assigns an IP address to the computer.
Using TCP/IP Utilities
TCP/IP includes an assortment of utilities that
gather information about various protocols
and the network.
TCP/IP utilities are usually command-line
Using Ping
Ping is a command-line utility that uses Echo
Request messages to determine if the TCP/IP
stack of another computer on the network is
functioning normally.
From a command prompt, type ping target
(where target is the IP address or the name
[DNS or NetBIOS] of the computer you are
trying to contact).
A successful ping results in several reply messages
from the target computer.
If the ping fails, one or both computers might
have a networking hardware or software problem.
Using Traceroute
Tracert.exe, a variant of Ping, displays the
path that packets take to their destination.
From a command prompt, type tracert
target (where target is the IP address or the
name [DNS or NetBIOS] of the target
Use Tracert.exe to isolate the location of a
network communications problem,
particularly when a router is suspected.
Using Pathping
Pathping is a route tracing tool that
Sends packets to each router on the way to a final
destination over a period of time
Computes results based on the packets returned from
each hop
You can use Pathping.exe to isolate problems
because it shows the degree of packet loss at
any given router or link.
From the command line, type pathping target
(where target is the IP address or the name
[DNS or NetBIOS] of the target computer).
Using Ipconfig.exe
Use Ipconfig.exe to view the TCP/IP
configuration settings on a host, including IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
At the command prompt, type ipconfig or
ipconfig /all and then press Enter.
Use the /all parameter to display more
Running Ipconfig is an easy way to view the
IP address and other parameters that the
DHCP server has assigned to your computer.
Using Route.exe
Use Route.exe to create, delete, or modify static
routes in a routing table on a computer running
Windows 2000.
Route.exe uses the following syntax:
ROUTE [-f] [-p][command[destination]
[MASK netmask] [gateway]
[METRIC metric] [IF interface]]
The Route.exe command variable takes one of
four values:
Using Route.exe (Cont.)
The ROUTE PRINT command displays the
current contents of the routing table.
To delete an entry, use ROUTE DELETE with a
destination variable.
To create a new entry, use ROUTE ADD with
parameters that specify the values for the
To modify an entry, use ROUTE CHANGE with
the appropriate destination variable.
Adding a Static Route by Using
Using Arp.exe
IP uses ARP to discover the hardware address
that each datagram is transmitted to.
Resolved addresses are stored in an ARP cache.
Use Arp.exe to view or change the contents of
the ARP cache.
Arp.exe uses the following syntax:
ARP [-a {ipaddress}] [-n ipaddress]
[-s ipaddress hwaddress {interface}]
[-d ipaddress {interface}]
Using Netstat.exe
Netstat.exe is a Windows 2000 command-line
utility that displays information about
The current network connections of a computer
using TCP/IP
The traffic generated by various TCP/IP protocols
Netstat.exe uses the following syntax:
NETSTAT [interval] [-a]
[-p protocol] [-n] [-e] [-r] [-s]
Using Nbtstat.exe
Nbtstat.exe is a Windows 2000 command-line
utility that displays information about the
NetBIOS over TCP/IP connections used by
Windows 2000 when communicating with
other Windows computers on a TCP/IP LAN.
Nbtstat.exe uses the following syntax:
NBTSTAT [-a name] [-A ipaddress]
[-c] [-n] [-r] [-R] [-s] [-S] [-RR]
The parameters for Nbtstat.exe are casesensitive.
Using Nslookup.exe
Nslookup.exe is a Windows 2000 commandline utility that enables you to generate DNS
request messages and transmit them to a
specific DNS server on the network.
Nslookup.exe uses the following syntax:
DNSname specifies the DNS name you want to
DNSserver specifies the DNS name (or IP address
of the DNS server) you want to query for the
name you want to resolve.
Using Netdiag.exe
The Netdiag command-line utility helps isolate
networking and connectivity problems by
performing a series of tests on a computer.
Netdiag.exe checks all aspects of a computer's
network configuration and connections, including
TCP/IP, Internet Packet Exchange (IPX), and
NetWare configurations.
Run Netdiag whenever a computer is having
network problems.
At a command prompt, type netdiag and then press
Lesson Summary
Use Ping to determine if the TCP/IP stack of
another computer on the network is functioning
Tracert.exe displays the path that packets take to
their destination.
Pathping is a route tracing tool that
Sends packets to each router on the way to a final
destination over a period of time
Computes results based on the packets returned from
each hop
Use Ipconfig.exe to view the TCP/IP
configuration settings on a host, including IP
address, subnet mask, and default gateway.