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Fifteen Implementation Principles
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Spring 2006
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Taxonomy of Principles
• P1-P5: System-oriented Principles
– These recognize/leverage the fact that a system is made up
of components
– Basic idea: move the problem to somebody else’s subsystem
• P6-P10: Improve efficiency without destroying
– “Pushing the envelope” of module specifications
– Basic engineering: system should satisfy spec but not do
• P11-P15: Local optimization techniques
– Akin to “peephole optimizations” in compilers
– Apply these after you have looked at the big picture
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Part I: Systems Principles
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P1: Avoid Obvious Waste
• Key Concept: look for ways to avoid doing something,
or to avoid doing it multiple times
• Example: copying in protocol stacks
– In the old days, copying was not a bottleneck
– But transmission & processor speeds increased much faster
than memory speeds
• Today, reading/writing from/to memory is slowest operation on
a packet
• “Zero-copy” protocol stacks never copy packet data once it is
stored in memory by the NIC
– Eventually multiple copies became a bottleneck
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P2: Shift Computation in Time
• Key Concept: Move expensive operations from where
time is scarce to where it is more plentiful
– P2a: Precompute (= shift earlier in time)
• Example: computing a function by table lookup
– P2b: Evaluate Lazily (= shift later in time)
• Example: copy-on-write
– P2c: Share Expenses (= collect things in time)
• Example: garbage collection
• Examples:
– initializing counter arrays: lazy evaluation + batching
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P3: Relax (Sub)System Requirements
• Key Concept: make one subsystem’s job easier by
relaxing the specification (possibly at the expense of
another subsystem’s job getting slightly harder)
– P3a: Trade certainty for time (= use probabilistic solutions)
– P3b: Trade accuracy for time (= use approximate solutions)
• Remember: “Good enough” is good enough
– P3c: Shift computation in space (= let someone else do it)
• Example: DF bit in IPv4
– Purpose: to help End Systems avoid fragmentation
– Why avoid?
• ease load on routers, avoid loss of APDUs
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P4: Leverage Off-System Components
• Key Concept: design bottom-up, use hardware
– P4a: Exploit locality (= exploit caches)
• Note: not always useful (cf. IP forwarding lookups)
– P4b: Trade Memory for Speed
• Note: this can be interpreted two ways
– Use more memory to avoid computation (cf P12)
– Use less memory to make data structures fit in cache
– P4c: Exploit hardware features
• Examples
– Some NIC cards compute TCP checksum on the board (i.e.
the OS/software does not need to compute it)
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P5: Add Hardware to Improve Performance
• Key Concept: Hardware is inherently parallel, can be
very fast, and is cheap in volume; consider adding
hardware to perform operations that must be done
often and are expensive in software
– P5a: Use memory interleaving, pipelining (= parallelism)
– P5b: Use Wide-word parallelism (save memory accesses)
– P5c: Combine SRAM, DRAM
• Examples:
– DES encryption — requires permuting bits, nonlinear
mappings (some say it was designed to require hardware for
fast implementation)
• Add-on boards for encryption/decryption at wire speeds
– Ephemeral State Store
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Ephemeral State Store
(Associative Memory) Implementation
expire chain
expire chain
Hash Table (SRAM)
Handle Table (DRAM)
(tag, value)
Value Table (DRAM)
A store of size 2k bindings requires 128 + (h+1)k + z bits
where h = (hash table size / store size)
and z = timestamp size
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Part II: Modularity With Efficiency
• Note: read Clark & Tennenhouse, “Architectural
Considerations for a New Generation of Protocols”,
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 1990
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P6: Replace inefficient general routines
with efficient specialized ones
• Key Concept: General-purpose routines cannot
leverage problem-specific knowledge that can improve
• Example:
– in_pcblookup() function in BSD Unix: generalpurpose state-block retrieval for both TCP and UDP
• Uses simple linear search
• Not adequate for large servers with 10000’s of open
• Applications have very different reference characteristics, so
organize PCB’s for different apps separately (Calvert & Dixon '95)
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P7: Avoid Unnecessary Generality
• Key Concept: Do not include features or handle cases
that are not needed.
– "When in doubt, leave it out"
• Example:
– mbuf structure was designed to not waste memory for
devices that produced small amounts of input
• Today memory is cheap, and most devices produce 1000+
bytes at once
• Most implementations use large monolithic buffers, big enough
to hold an Ethernet packet (2K bytes or more)
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P8: Don't be tied to reference
• Key Concept:
– Implementations are sometimes given (e.g. by
manufacturers) as a way to make the specification of an
interface precise, or show how to use a device
– These do not necessarily show the right way to think about
the problem—they are chosen for conceptual clarity!
• Examples:
– RSARef implementation of RSA cryptography
– Thread-per-layer implementations vs. upcalls
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P9: Pass hints across interfaces
• Key Concept: if the caller knows something the callee
will have to compute, pass it (or something that
makes it easier to compute) as an argument!
– "hint" = something that makes the recipient's life easier, but
may not be correct
– "tip" = hint that is guaranteed to be correct
– Caveat: callee must either trust caller, or verify (probably
should do both)
• Example
– Passing addresses of device-mapped pages in from user
processes (Text Section 4.1)
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P10: Pass hints in protocol headers
• Key Concept: If sender knows something receiver will
have to compute, pass it in the header
• Example:
– Identifying state blocks
• TCP/IP method (4-tuple) is inefficient and slow
• Better: have each end give the other a handle, to be included
in each packet; handle can be index into array
– Include a nonce or key to validate the information
– Nonce stored in both header and state block
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Part III: Local Speedup Techniques
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P11: Optimize the Expected Case
• Key Concept: If 80% of the cases can be handled
similarly, optimize for those cases
• P11a: Use Caches
– A form of using state to improve performance
• Example:
– TCP input "header prediction"
• If an incoming packet is in order and does what is expected,
can process in small number of instructions (see code)
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P12: Add or Exploit State to Gain Speed
• Key Concept: Remember things to make it easier to
compute them later
• P12a: Compute incrementally
– Here the idea is to "accumulate" as you go, rather than
computing all-at-once at the end
• Example:
– Incremental computation of Chi-Square statistic
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P13: Optimize Degrees of Freedom
• Key Concept: Consider all the aspects of the problem
that might be adapted to the conditions
• Example: IP trie lookups, where "width" of tree varies
in the tree
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P14: Use special techniques for finite
universes (e.g. small integers)
• Key Concept: when the domain of a function is small,
techniques like bucket sorting, bitmaps, etc. become
• Example: Timing wheels
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
P15: Use algorithmic techniques to create
efficient data structures
• Key Concept: once P1-P14 have been applied, think
about how to build an ingenious data structure that
exploits what you know
• Examples
– IP forwarding lookups
• PATRICIA trees (data structure) were first
• Then many other more-efficient approaches
– Packet classification
• Given a set of patterns to match 5-tuples, and a 5-tuple, find
{all|the first} pattern(s) that it matches
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
• These are implementation principles, not design
– But when you go to design new protocols, it is very helpful
to know them! (E.g. SCTP uses receiver-chosen handles to
identify state blocks.)
• There are other (probably better) ways to carve up
these ideas into groups of "Principles"
– The value is in thinking about and applying them
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Cautionary Examples
• Having web servers pre-serve embedded objects when an HTML
object is requested
– Varghese says they tried it, found it hurt performance!
– Two proposed reasons:
• Interaction with TCP slow-start
• Client caching
• Multiple-string matching in Snort (IDS)
– Modified Boyer-Moore matching algorithm to do "set matches"
– Incorporated into Snort – little improvement
– Why?
• String matching was not the bottleneck!
• A large data structure was required, which no longer fit in cache
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Cautionary Examples, cont.
• Process-list searching in PDP-11 Unix
– Many kernel operations involved a linear search through the
list of processes
– Idea: use doubly-linked list of processes to speed search,
insertion, deletion
– Result: would've taken about twice as long for typical table
sizes; needed 1000's of processes before it would pay off!
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Cautionary Questions
Q1: Is improvement really needed?
Q2: Is this really the bottleneck?
Q3: What impact will change have on rest of system?
Q4: Does BoE-analysis indicate significant
Q5: Is it worth adding custom hardware?
Q6: Can protocol change be avoided?
Q7: Do prototypes confirm the initial promise?
Q8: Will performance gains be lost if environment
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
CANEs Packet-Processing Model
predefined “slots”
customizing code
(e.g. active
congestion control)
outgoing channels
incoming channels
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics
Experiment Configuration
Background traffic source
Active IP router
Bottleneck link
(2 Mbps)
MPEG source
(avg rate 725 kbps)
Spring 2006
CS 685 Network Algorithmics