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ECE 526 – Network
Processing Systems Design
Network Processor Architecture and Scalability
Chapter 13,14: D. E. Comer
NP Architectures
• Last class:
─ Key requirement of network processor: flexibility and scalability
─ Optimized instruction set and parallel processing using
• This class:
─ Internal organization of NP:
• Computation, storage and communication
• Operating support
• Content addressable memory (CAM)
─ NP scaling issues
Ning Weng
ECE 526
NP Architectures
• NP architecture characteristics
─ Computation
• Processor hierarchy
• Special-purpose functional units
─ Storage
• Memory hierarchy
• Content addressable memory (CAM)
─ Communication
• Internal buses
• External interfaces
─ Operation support
• Concurrent/parallel execution support
• Programming models
• Dispatch mechanisms
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Processor Functionality
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Processor Pyramid
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Packet Flow through Hierarchy
• Accommodating tasks of
different complexity and
─ Low level: simple and
frequent processing
─ High level: occasional and
complex processing
• Computation scaling
Faster processor
More concurrent threads
More processors
More processor types
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Memory Hierarchy
• Different memory technologies used for performance, cost and area
• Conventional Approach:
─ Register + cache + off-chip DRAM
• Exploiting locality: temporal and spatial
─ Optimized for average case
─ Transparent to programmer
• Network Processors:
─ Register, scratch pad, control store, onboard RAM, CAM/TCAM, SRAM
─ Specialized for network processing application
• Little temporal locality
─ Explicit to application developer
• Different to programming
• More control
─ Memory hierarchy is not “cached” but used explicitly
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Memory Technology
• Characterized by access latency, area
─ SRAM: 2-10 ns, 4-6 transistors
─ DRAM: 50-70 ns, 1 or 3 transistors
• What data should be store where?
Instruction data
Packets data: header, payload and meta-data
Temporal data: data structure allocated on the stack
Application data: persistent data, e.g., routing table, rule file
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Memory Size Example
Consider a network system that processes IP datagram.
Assume the system executes 5,000 instructions per
packet, each instruction occupies 4 bytes, 10% of
instructions need to access 4-byte value memory,
each datagram consists of 1500 bytes, a lookup
examines 10 4-byte values on average in an IP
routing table, and a datagram arrives and leaves in an
Ethernet frame. Compute the total number of memory
locations accessed to process on datagram. Assume
no memory caching.
Instruction Memory:
Packet Memory:
Application Memory:
Temporary Memory:
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Memory Scaling
• Memory access time: raw access speed
─ Technology dependent
─ Important for random access
• Memory bandwidth
─ Important for overall system performance
─ Scale with
• Multiple ports
• Multiple banks
• Wider bus
─ Limits by
• Pins and package cost
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Content Addressable Memory
• Not using address to locate
• CAM using content as input in a
query-style format
• Organized as array of slots
• Combination of mechanisms
─ Random access storage
─ Exact-match pattern search
• Rapid search enabled with
parallel hardware
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Lookup using Conventional CAM
• Given
─ Pattern for which to search
─ Known as key
• CAM returns
─ First slot that match key or
─ All slots that match key
• Algorithm
for each slot do {
if (key == slot) {
declare key matches slot;
} else {
declare key does not match
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Ternary CAM (TCAM)
• Regular CAM
─ Binary value: 0 and 1
─ Requiring key to match all the
content in one slot
─ Not flexible
─ Ternary value: 0, 1 and don’t care
─ Implemented using masking of
• Good for network processor flow
Ning Weng
ECE 526
TCAM Lookup
• Each slot has bit mask
• Hardware uses mask to decide which bits to test
• Algorithm
for each slot do {
if (key & mask ) == (slot & mask)) {
declare key matches slot;
} else {
declare key does not match slot;
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Partial Matching using TCAM
• Key matched slot 1
• Packet belonging to flow ID: 00.02
• Here “additional information” stored in each slot
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Classification using TCAM
Flexibility: “additional information” stored in separate memory
Extracting values from fields in headers
Forming values in contiguous string
Using a key for TCAM lookup
Storing classification in slot
Ning Weng
ECE 526
• Internal interfaces: channels between processing
elements, memories
Internal bus
Hardware FIFO: sequential access
Transfer register: random access
Onboard shared memory: shared random access
• External interfaces
Memory interfaces: accesses to larger off-chip memory
Direct I/O interfaces: e.g., access to link interfaces
Bus interfaces: accesses to other devices, e.g., control CPU
Switching fabric interface
• Access to switching fabric
• Several standards (e.g., CSIX by NP Forum)
Ning Weng
ECE 526
Communication Cost Example
• Consider a second generation network system that
forwards IP datagram. If the system has 16 interfaces
that each connect to an OC-192 line (data rate is 10
Gbps). These 16 interfaces are interconnected with a
shared communication channel. The packet size is in the
range of 40 bytes to 1500 bytes. What aggregate
bandwidth is needed on the communication channel for
the two design scenarios:
─ Every bit of a packet transfers through the shared
communication channels.
─ Only a 4-byte packet memory address transfers through the
shared communication channels.
Ning Weng
ECE 526
NP Operating Support
• Programming model: interrupt, event vs. thread based
• Parallel and concurrent execution support
• Dispatch mechanism: how threads are initiated
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ECE 526
• NP scaling by
Heterogeneous multiprocessors structured hierarchically
Mixed memory technologies explicitly available to programmer
Different communication mechanisms
Operating support important to achieve high system performance
• NP scaling limited by
─ Physical space: chip area (less than 400 mm2)
─ Pin limits and packaging technology
─ Power consumption and heat dissipation
Ning Weng
ECE 526
For Next Class and Reminder
Read Comer: chapter 15 and 16
Homework solution on-line by Friday
Midterm: 10/6
─ topic finalized 10/5 (group leader email me)
─ proposal presentation 10/22
Ning Weng
ECE 526