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Paramedic Care:
Principles & Practice
Volume 4
Trauma Emergencies
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Chapter 4
Hemorrhage and Shock
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Introduction to Hemorrhage and Shock
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Introduction to
Hemorrhage and Shock
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Introduction to
Hemorrhage and Shock
– Abnormal internal or external loss of blood
– Tendency of the body to maintain a steady and
normal internal environment
– Inadequate tissue perfusion
– Transition between homeostasis and death
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Hemorrhage is the loss of blood from the
vascular space
– Reduces the total blood volume
– Frequent result of trauma
– The most common cause of shock and death in
trauma patients
May be external (obvious) or internal (hard to detect)
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
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The Circulatory System
– Two-sided
muscular pump
with four valves
and four
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
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Provides most of the driving force to move
blood through the cardiovascular system
– Cardiac output
Stroke volume x heart rate
– The heart rate is regulated by the autonomic
nervous system
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Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped
from the ventricle with each contraction.
Dependent on:
– Preload
– Afterload
– Cardiac contractility
The normal heart, at rest, beats about 70
times per minute and moves about 70 mL of
blood with each beat.
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The Circulatory System
The Vascular System
– A series of hollow tubes that distributes blood to
and from the various body tissues
– Consists of arteries, capillaries, and veins
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Consist of three
distinct tissue layers
– Tunica adventicia
Strong, fibrous,
inelastic tissue
– Tunica media
Muscular layer
Arterioles have
greatest ability to
change diameter
– Tunica intima
Smooth inner surface
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Capillary flow provides
essential nutrients and
oxygen and removes
waste products.
– Only one-cell thick
Hydrostatic pressure
pushes the plasma into
the interstitial space.
– Filtration
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Collect blood and return
it to the heart
Contains the vast
majority of the total
blood volume
– Capacitance system
Able to constrict in early
stages of hemmorhage
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The Circulatory System
Blood flows through the vascular system
because of the pressure differentials
– aorta> arterioles>capillaries>venous
system>vena cavae
Progressive reduction in pressure as blood is
moved through the circulatory system
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© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Blood is the tissue that circulates within the
cardiovascular system
– A mixture of cells, proteins, water, and other
suspended elements
Blood Volume
– Average adult male has a blood volume of 7% of
total body weight
– Average adult female has a blood volume of 6.5%
of body weight
– Normal adult blood volume is 4.5–5 L
Remains fairly constant in the healthy body
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Blood Components
Erythrocytes: 45%
– Hemoglobin
– Hematocrit
blood products:
– Platelets
– Leukocytes
Plasma: 54%
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Blood Components
Erythrocytes (RBC’s)
– The major blood cell—and the most common—is
the red blood cell.
Contains hemoglobin
A molecule to which oxygen attaches
– The red blood cell serves as an efficient
transporter of oxygen from the lungs to body cells.
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© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Blood Components
– Approximately 92% water
The liquid portion of blood
– Circulates salts, minerals, sugars, fats, and
proteins throughout the body
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© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Blood Components
Leukocytes (WBC’s)
– Defend the body against various pathogens
(bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites)
– Produced in bone marrow and lymph glands
Release reserves when pathogens invade the body
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Blood Components
– Part of the body’s defense mechanism
– Formed in red bone marrow
– Work by swelling and adhering together to form
sticky plugs (initiating the clotting phenomenon)
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© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Hemmorhage Classification
Hemorrhage is usually
classified by the type of
vessel injured
– Capillary, venous, or
Internal hemorrhage
cannot be classified by
type with the diagnostic
techniques available to
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Three-Step Process
– Vascular phase
– Platelet phase
Tunica intima damaged
Turbulent blood flow
Frictional damage to platelets
Agglutination and aggregation
– Coagulation
Release of enzymes
Extrinsic – nearby tissue
Intrinsic – damaged platelets
Fibrin release
Normal coagulation in 7–10 minutes
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Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
The nature of the
wound also affects
how rapidly and well
the clotting
– Transverse wound
– Longitudinal wound
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Factors Affecting Clotting
Movement of the wound site
Aggressive fluid therapy
– Increased BP and displaced clots
– Dilution of clotting factors
Low body temperature
– Ineffective clot formation
– ASA, heparin, Ticlid, warfarin (Coumadin)
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
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Hemorrhage Control
External Hemorrhage
– External hemorrhage is relatively easy to
recognize and control.
Bleeding from small vessels can often be controlled by
firmly bandaging a dressing in place.
Fingertip pressure
– With careful application of direct pressure you can
halt virtually all hemorrhage.
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Hemorrhage Control
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Hemorrhage Control
External Hemorrhage (cont.)
– If you consider using a tourniquet, be extremely
The need for a tourniquet is rare.
– In the absence of perfusion, lactic acid, potassium,
and other anaerobic metabolites accumulate
Will be released into the circulation when released
– Use a wide-band if considering use
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Internal Hemorrhage
Can result from:
– Blunt or penetrating trauma
– Acute or chronic medical illnesses
Internal bleeding that can cause
hemodynamic instability usually occurs in one
of four body cavities:
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© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Internal Hemorrhage
Signs and symptoms that suggest significant
internal hemorrhage include:
– Bright red blood from mouth, rectum, or other
– Coffee-ground appearance of vomitus
– Melena (black, tarry stools)
– Orthostatic hypotension
Chronic hemorrhage may result in anemia
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
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Internal Hemorrhage Control
– Immobilization,
– Epistaxis: Nose
Causes: trauma,
Treatment: lean
forward, pinch
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Stages of Hemorrhage
60% of body weight is fluid
Hemorrhage can be categorized into four
progressive stages
– Each individual’s response to blood loss may vary
It is important to identify:
– The length of time elapsed since the incident
– The stage of hemorrhage the victim is in when you
– How quickly the patient is moving from one stage
to another
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Stages of Hemorrhage
Stage 1
– 15% loss of CBV (circulating blood volume)
70 kg pt = 500–750 mL
– Compensation
Normal BP, pulse pressure, respirations
Slight elevation of pulse
Release of catecholamines
Anxiety, slightly pale and clammy skin
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Stages of Hemorrhage
Stage 2
– 15–25% loss of CBV
750–1250 mL
– Early decompensation
Unable to maintain BP
Tachycardia and tachypnea
– Decreased pulse strength
– Narrowing pulse pressure
– Significant catecholamine release
Increase PVR
Cool, clammy skin and thirst
Increased anxiety and agitation
Normal renal output
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Stages of Hemorrhage
Stage 3
– 25–35% loss of CBV
1250–1750 mL
– Late decompensation (early irreversible)
Compensatory mechanisms unable to cope with loss of
blood volume
– Classic Shock
Weak, thready, rapid pulse
Narrowing pulse pressure
Anxiety, restlessness
Decreased LOC and AMS
Pale, cool, and clammy skin
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Stages of Hemorrhage
Stage 4
– >35% CBV loss
>1750 mL
– Irreversible
Pulse: Barely palpable
Respiration: Rapid, shallow, and ineffective
LOC: Lethargic, confused, unresponsive
GU: Ceases
Skin: Cool, clammy, and very pale
Unlikely survival
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Stages of Hemorrhage
Concomitant Factors
– Pre-existing condition
– Rate of blood loss
– Patient Types
>50% greater blood volume than normal
Fetal circulation impaired when mother compensating
Greater fluid and cardiac capacity
CBV is based on IDEAL weight (less CBV)
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
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Stages of Hemorrhage
Concomitant Factors
– Children
CBV 8–9% of body weight
Poor compensatory mechanisms
– Elderly
Decreased CBV
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Hemorrhage Assessment
Assessment of the hemorrhage patient is
directed at identifying the source of the
– Halt any serious and controllable loss.
Examine the nature of the injury.
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Hemorrhage Assessment
Scene Size-up
– Standard
precautions are
– Evaluate the
mechanism of injury
Time elapsed since
Determine the
amount and rate of
blood loss
© Jeff Forster
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Hemorrhage Assessment
Primary Assessment
– General Impression
Obvious Bleeding
– Mental Status
– Interventions
Manage as you go
Bleeding control
BLS before ALS!
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
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Hemorrhage Assessment
Secondary Assessment
– Rapid Trauma Assessment
Full head to toe
Consider air medical if stage 2+ blood loss
– Focused Physical Exam
Guided by c/c
– Vitals, SAMPLE, and OPQRST
– Additional Assessment
Search for signs of internal bleeding
Bleeding from body orifice, melena, hematochezia
Orthostatic hypotension
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Hemorrhage Assessment
Ongoing Assessment
– Reassess vitals and mental status:
Q 5 min: UNSTABLE patients
Q 15 min: STABLE patients
– Reassess interventions:
Medication actions
– Trending: improvement vs. deterioration
Pulse oximetry
End-tidal CO2 levels
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Hemorrhage Management
Assure that the airway is patent and breathing
is adequate.
– Maintain the airway and provide the necessary
ventilatory support.
– Administer high-flow oxygen.
Assure that the patient has a palpable carotid
Care for serious (arterial and heavy venous)
hemorrhage, immediately after you correct
airway and breathing problems.
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Hemorrhage Management
Direct Pressure
– Controls all but the
most persistent
– If bleeding saturates
the dressing, cover
it with another
If ineffective, may be
necessary to
visualize wound to
apply pressure
directly to site
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Hemorrhage Management
Topical Hemostatic
– Directly applied to a
bleeding wound
– Will help to slow or
stop the bleeding
– Products include:
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Hemorrhage Management
– Reduces the systolic blood pressure
– Use elevation only when there is an isolated
bleeding wound on a limb
Pressure Point
– Utilizes an arterial pulse point proximal to the
– Decreases blood pressure distal to wound
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Hemorrhage Management
– Consider using a tourniquet only as a last resort
when hemorrhage is prolonged and persistent.
– Apply a blood pressure cuff just proximal to the
hemorrhage site.
Inflate to apply pressure 20-30mmHg greater than the
systolic blood pressure
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Bleeding Assessment
Click here to view an animation on bleeding assessment.
Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
© 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ
Specific Wound
Head Wounds
Neck Wounds
– Presentation
– Presentation
Severe bleeding
Skull fracture
– Management
Gentle direct
Fluid drainage from
ears and nose
Large vessel can
entrap air
– Management
Consider direct
digital pressure
Occlusive dressing
DO NOT pack
Cover and bandage
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Specific Wound
Gaping Wounds
– Presentation
Multiple sites
Gaping prevents
uniform pressure
– Management
Bulky dressing
Trauma dressing
Sterile, nonadherent surface to
Crush Injury
– Presentation
Difficult to locate
source of bleeding
Normal hemorrhage
control mechanism
– Management
Consider an airsplint and pressure
Consider tourniquet
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Transport Considerations
Consider rapid transport if:
Suspected serious blood loss
Suspected serious internal bleeding
Decompensating shock
If in doubt, rapid transport indicated
Other Considerations
– Sympathetic response
– Anxiety
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Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
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Shock is best defined as inadequate tissue
– Transitional stage between normal life, called
homeostasis, and death
– Can result from a variety of disease states and
– Can affect the entire organism, or it can occur at a
tissue or cellular level
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Cellular Metabolism
Cells carry out all the functions performed by
the body
– Requires oxygen and essential nutrients such as
carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
– Produce waste which must be removed
– Cells derive most of their energy for essential cell
tasks from a molecule called ATP
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Cellular Metabolism
ATP is a product of the cellular breakdown of
– Breakdown occurs in three steps
Does not require oxygen
Produces pyruvic acid and 2 ATP’s
Kreb’s Cycle
Requires oxygen
Converts pyruvic acid into water, carbon dioxide and 2 ATP’s
Electron transport chain
Occurs in mitochondria
Results in the production of 32 ATPS
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Cellular Metabolism
If oxygen and glucose are in good supply, the
cell has ample energy to perform its functions
If oxygen is in short supply, the cells generate
energy only from glycolysis, thereby gaining
only a small amount of energy and
accumulating pyruvic acid
– Converts to lactic acid
– Accumulation results in metabolic acidosis
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Oxygen Transport
Transport involves ventilation, external
respiration, circulation and internal
The environment provides 21 percent oxygen
under the normal atmospheric (at sea level)
– Certain conditions may result in less available
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Oxygen Transport
Air moves from the environment to the alveoli
by ventilation.
– Requires patent airways and functional “bellows”
At the alveoli, oxygen must traverse the
alveolar/capillary membrane.
– Diffusion
– Movement of oxygen from the alveolus to the red
blood cell is external respiration.
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Oxygen Transport
Oxygen must uptake on the hemoglobin
– Efficiently carries 97% of the oxygen
– Remaining 3% dissolves in plasma
The cardiovascular system then moves the
red blood cells from the pulmonary system,
through the heart, through the arterial system
and into the tissues.
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Oxygen Transport
In the capillaries oxygen diffuses across the
capillary wall, into the interstitial fluid and then
to the cell.
– Internal respiration
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Cellular Metabolism
The cardiovascular system is also
responsible to help maintain other elements
of the homeostatic environment
– Removal of CO2 and water
– Heat regulation
– Provides the glucose necessary for the cellular
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Digestion, Filtration, Hormone
Production, Excretion
The digestive system absorbs carbohydrates
and lipids (fats), moving them through the
portal system to the liver for processing.
The pancreas regulates blood glucose.
– Glucagon increases blood glucose
– Insulin decreases blood glucose
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Digestion, Filtration, Hormone
Production, Excretion
Role of the Kidneys
– Regulating the body’s fluid/electrolyte balance
Excreting excess sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium,
bicarbonate, and magnesium
– Excreting the waste products of metabolism
– Excrete or retain water
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The cardiovascular system
– Responsible for assuring that the necessary
materials travel to and from the body’s cells
– Cardiac output
Preload, cardiac contractility, and afterload
Systolic blood pressure is most indicative of the strength
and volume of cardiac output
Lowest pressure in the arteries is the diastolic blood
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Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care: Principles & Practice, Volume 4: Trauma Emergencies, 3rd. Ed.
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– Blood flow in the
capillaries, and
– Sphincter
Most organ tissue
requires blood
flow 5 to 20% of
the time
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Venules and veins serve as collecting
channels and storage vessels (capacitance)
Normally contain 70% of the blood volume
Muscular movement aids in blood return to the
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Respiration also facilitates blood return to the
– Changes in pressure draws blood towards the
Thoracoabdominal pump
In states of hypovolemia, blood return to the
heart is diminished
– Reduces cardiac output, arterial blood pressure,
and the body’s ability to direct blood flow to critical
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System Regulation
The human body is controlled by the
autonomic branch of the nervous system.
– Parasympathetic branch
– Sympathetic branch
These two systems act in balance
Many sympathetic nervous system activities
are aimed at defending the organism.
– These mechanisms may be detrimental in shock
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System Regulation
Parasympathetic Nervous System
– Heart rate
– Strength of contractions
– Blood pressure
– Digestive system
– Kidneys
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System Regulation
Sympathetic Nervous System
Body activity
Heart rate
Strength of contractions
Vascular constriction
Bowel and digestive viscera
Decreased urine production
– Respirations
– Bronchodilation
Increases skeletal muscle perfusion
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System Regulation
A system of
autonomic centers,
and nervous and
maintains control
over the
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System Regulation
Baroreceptors in the aortic arch and in the
carotid sinuses monitor the arterial blood
Chemoreceptors monitor carbon dioxide
levels in the bloodstream
Three specific centers help regulate
cardiovascular function
– Cardioacceleratory center, the cardioinhibitory
center, and the vasomotor center
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System Regulation
Hormonal Regulation
– Epinephrine and norepinephrine are sympathetic
Most rapid hormonal response to hemorrhage
Both have A1 properties
causes vasoconstriction
Epinephrine has beta-1 and beta-2 properties
B1= increased rate, strength, and conductivity
B2= broncodilation
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Hormonal Regulation
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
– Arginine Vasopressin (AVP)
– Released
Posterior pituitary
Drop in BP or increase in serum osmolarity
– Action
Increase in peripheral vascular resistance
Increase water retention by kidneys
Decrease urine output
Splenic vasoconstriction
200 mL of free blood to circulation
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Hormonal Regulation
– Released
Primary chemical from kidneys
Stimulus is lowered BP and decreased perfusion
– Action
Converted from renin into angiotensin I
Modified in lungs to angiotensin II
Potent systemic vasoconstrictor
Causes release of ADH, aldosterone, and epinephrine
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Hormonal Regulation
– Release
Adrenal cortex
Stimulated by angiotensin II
– Action
Maintain kidney ion balance
Retention of sodium and water
Reduce insensible fluid loss
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Hormonal Regulation
– Release
Alpha cells of pancreas
Triggered by epinephrine
– Action
Causes liver and skeletal muscles to convert glycogen
into glucose
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Hormonal Regulation
– Release
– Release
Beta cells of
– Action
Facilitates transport
of glucose across
cell membrane
Hypoperfusion or
– Action
Increases production
and maturation of
RBCs in the bone
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Hormonal Regulation
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
– Stimulates the release of glucocorticoids from the
adrenal cortex
Increases glucose production
Reduces the body’s inflammation response
Prolongs clotting time, wound healing, and infection
fighting processes
Growth hormone
– Promotes the uptake of glucose and amino acids
in the muscle cells
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The Body’s Response
to Blood Loss
As stroke volume decreases, cardiac output
decreases resulting in decreased systolic BP
– Carotid and aortic baroreceptors recognize this
decrease in blood pressure
Stimulate the cardiovascular center of the medulla
Mechanisms compensate for small blood
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The Body’s Response
to Blood Loss
Cellular Ischemia
– Constriction of arterioles means that less and less
blood is directed to the noncritical organs
Results in hypoxia
– Anaerobic metabolism results
Followed by ischemia
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Cellular Ischemia
If blood loss continues, waste products
accumulate and blood becomes acidic.
– Increase in depth and rate of respirations
– Decreased LOC
– Increased circulating catecholamines causes
anxiousness, restlessness, and possibly a
combative patient
– Decreased myocardial oxygen supply
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Cellular Ischemia
If the blood loss stops, the blood draws fluid
from within the interstitial space
– Up to 1 L per hour
Kidneys reduce urine output
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The Body’s Response
to Blood Loss
Capillary Microcirculation
– Sympathetic stimulation and reduced perfusion to
the kidneys, pancreas, and liver cause the release
of hormones
Angiotensin II causes reduced blood flow
– Perfusion is further limited to only those organs
most critical to life
More cells begin to use anaerobic metabolism for energy
= Increased acids
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Capillary Microcirculation
The build-up of lactic acid and carbon dioxide
relaxes the precapillary sphincters
Postcapillary sphincters remain closed
Capillary and cell membranes begin to break
Red blood cells begin to clump together
– Rouleaux
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The Body’s Response
to Blood Loss
Capillary Washout
– Acidosis finally causes relaxation of the
postcapillary sphincters
– Washout causes profound metabolic acidosis and
microscopic emboli
– Body moves quickly and then irreversibly toward
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Stages of Shock
Process of shock can be divided into three
– Compensated
– Decompensated
– Irreversible
Stages are progressively more serious
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Stages of Shock
– The body is
capable of
meeting its critical
metabolic needs
through a series
of progressive
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Compensated Shock
The first recognizable response to serious
blood loss is an increase in pulse rate.
– The first sign usually attributable to shock is a
narrowing pulse pressure.
Vasoconstriction causes the patient’s skin to
become pale, cyanotic, or ashen.
The victim becomes anxious, restless, or
The patient may experience air hunger and
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Stages of Shock
Decompensated Shock
– Mechanisms that initially compensated for blood
loss now fail
– Systolic BP drops significantly
– Increasing tachycardia and vasoconstriction are
Vital organs are no longer perfused
– Patient displays a rapidly dropping level of
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Stages of Shock
Irreversible Shock
– The body’s cells are so badly injured and die in
such quantities that the organs cannot carry out
their normal functions.
– Aggressive resuscitation will be ineffective.
– The longer a patient is in decompensated shock,
the more likely he has moved to irreversible
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Stages of Shock
Click here to view an animation on hypovolemic shock.
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Etiology of Shock
Shock can have many causes
Classifications according to origin:
– Hypovolemic, distributive, obstructive,
cardiogenic, and respiratory
Patients in shock present with similar signs
and symptoms and suffer similar systemic
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Etiology of Shock
– Caused by any significant reduction in the
cardiovascular system volume
– Causes
Hemorrhage (internal or external)
Plasma losses
Protracted vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, and urination
“Third-space” losses
Fluid shifts into various body compartments
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Etiology of Shock
Distributive Shock
– Mechanisms that interfere with the ability of the
vascular system to distribute the cardiac output
– Causes
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Etiology of Shock
– Results from interference with the blood flowing
through the cardiovascular system
– Causes
Tension pneumothorax
Cardiac tamponade
Pulmonary emboli
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Etiology of Shock
Cardiogenic Shock
– Results from a problem with the cardiovascular
– Causes
Disturbances in the cardiac electrical system
Failure of the valves
Cardiac rupture
Reduced cardiac pumping action
– May present with the signs and symptoms of
myocardial infarction or pulmonary edema
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Etiology of Shock
Respiratory Shock
– Occurs when the respiratory system is not able to
bring oxygen into the alveoli and remove carbon
– Causes
Flail chest
Respiratory muscle paralysis
Pulmonary edema
Tension pneumothorax
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Etiology of Shock
Neurogenic Shock
– Results from an interruption in the communication
pathway between the central nervous system and
the rest of the body
– Causes
Spinal injury
Skin remains warm and dry above injury site
Head injury
Temporary or permanent
– Body’s compensatory mechanisms are often
Tachycardia and increased diastolic are not present
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Shock Assessment
You must be able to recognize shock as early
as possible in your patient assessment.
Search out the signs and symptoms of shock
in each phase of the assessment process.
Carefully monitor for the development or
progression of shock.
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Shock Assessment
Scene Size-up
– Analyze the forces that caused the trauma.
Possibility of both external and internal injury.
– Look for mechanisms that might result in internal
chest, abdominal, or pelvic injuries.
– Observe for external hemorrhage.
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Shock Assessment
Initial Assessment
– Determine the patient’s level of consciousness,
responsiveness, and orientation.
– Assess the airway for patency and breathing for
Administer high-concentration oxygen.
– Note the heart rate and pulse strength.
Skin color and temperature.
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Initial Assessment
Pulse oximetry
– If you note erratic or intermittent readings with the
device, suspect increasing cardiovascular
– Decreased ETCO2 levels
Reflect cardiac arrest, shock, pulmonary embolism, or
incomplete airway obstruction
– Increased ETCO2 levels
Reflect hypoventilation, respiratory depression, or
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Focused History and
Physical Exam
Vary with the patient’s priority as determined
by the initial assessment
Patients who have no significant mechanism
of injury
– Perform an assessment focused on the area of
Trauma patients who have signs or
symptoms of serious injury
– Continue spinal motion restriction and perform a
rapid trauma assessment
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Rapid Trauma Assessment
When you have a
trauma patient with
significant signs and
symptoms of injury,
perform a rapid
trauma assessment.
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Rapid Trauma Assessment
Inspect and palpate the patient from head to
Pay special attention to the areas most likely
to produce serious, life-threatening injury.
Rule out the possibility of obstructive shock.
Set the patient’s priority for transport and for
injury care.
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Detailed Patient Assessment
Consider the detailed physical exam only
after all priorities have been addressed and
the patient is either en route to the trauma
center or during prolonged extrication.
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Ongoing Assessment
Perform serial ongoing assessments
– Mental status, airway, breathing, and circulation
– Perform the ongoing assessment every 5 minutes
in the serious trauma patient
Pay particular attention to the pulse rate and
pulse pressure
Check the adequacy and effectiveness of any
interventions you have performed
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Airway and Breathing
Assure good
ventilations with
supplemental high-flow,
Overdrive respiration
may be indicated with:
– Rib fractures
– Flail chest
– Spinal injury with
– Head injury
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Airway and Breathing
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
Protect the airway with an oral airway, nasal
airway or possibly, endotracheal intubation
Provide pleural decompression as necessary
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Hemorrhage Control
Provide ongoing hemorrhage control as
previously described.
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Fluid Replacement
The field treatment of choice for significant
blood loss in trauma is whole blood.
– Generally not practical in the field setting
– Most practical fluid for prehospital administration is
an isotonic crystaloid
Contain either animal or human hemoglobin
Prolonged shelf life
Relatively inexpensive
Efficacy not well established
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Fluid Replacement
Isotonic Fluid Replacement
– The standard for shock treatment in the
prehospital setting
– Current approach to fluid administration
Begin fluid resuscitation when blood pressure falls to
below 75 percent of normal or about 90mmHg systolic.
Observe the patient’s level of consciousness and other
signs and symptoms.
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Isotonic Fluid Replacement
Employ aggressive fluid resuscitation
– Use lactated Ringer’s solution or normal saline via
two lines
– Administer until blood pressure returns to 100
mmHg and the level of consciousness increases
In children, infuse 20 mL/kg of body weight
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Isotonic Fluid Replacement
Consider the internal
lumen size of both the
catheter and the
administration set
– Utilize largest bore
– Catheter length and fluid
Ideal catheter for the
shock patient is relatively
short, 1 1/2" or shorter
Cautiously control fluid
– Maintain V/S, don’t
increase them
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Shock Management
Temperature Control
– Conserve core
– Warm IV fluids
– Action
Increase PVR
Reduce vascular volume
Increase central CBV
Immobilize lower
– Assess
Pulmonary edema
Vital signs
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Shock Management
Pharmacological Intervention
– Pharmacological interventions are generally
– Cardiogenic shock
Fluid challenge
– Distributive shock
Fluid challenge
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Introduction to Hemorrhage and Shock
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