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January 16, 2010
Monica Robinson Green, PharmD, BCPS
Myth # 1
“Brand drugs are
more effective
than generic
Generic drugs are required by the Food & Drug
Administration (FDA) to have the same active
ingredient, strength, dosage form and route of
Generic drugs do not require the same inactive
ingredients as the brand product
 A Generic drug performs the same in the body
as its respective brand (reference) product
Generic drugs cost less (but are not inferior)
because the manufacturers do not engage in
costly advertising, marketing, or research and
Brand drug manufacturers make approximately
50% of the generic drugs themselves
Myth # 2
/Over -the-counter
(OTC) medications
are safer than
All Medications, even those sold
without a prescription, have the potential
to cause harm
Taking more than the recommended
dose may cause adverse effects such as
stomach bleeding, as well as liver or kidney
Effects of certain prescription
medications can be increased or decreased
by non-prescription medications
Patients should tell their physician and
pharmacist about ALL medications
Myth # 3
“Herbals are safe
because they are
Herbal supplements can be dangerous
because they are not regulated as drugs by
the FDA
No studies are required to show the
safety and effectiveness of Herbal
Studies have shown that active
ingredients within the same type of
supplement can vary by up to 150%
Some herbal supplements interact
negatively with prescription and nonprescription medications
Myth # 4
“Splitting pills is
always a safe
way to save
Some pills are made with a protective
covering to prevent nausea/upset stomach
but if broken may cause that particular
adverse effect
Splitting pills (that are not scored) can
disrupt essential properties of the
Ask your pharmacist if a pill is safe to
Scored tablet
Myth # 5
“Children can
take adult
medications in
smaller doses”
In some cases children may require
smaller or larger doses of medications than
Antihistamines usually cause drowsiness
in adults but may cause hyperactivity in
Children with fever causing illness
should not take Aspirin due to the risk of
Reye’s syndrome which is potentially lifethreatening
Always ask the doctor or pharmacist if
you have questions about the correct dose
of a medication for children
Myth # 6
“The bathroom
cabinet is a good
place to store
Medications should never be stored in
the bathroom because of the negative
effects of excessive heat and humidity
Children can easily access medications in
a bathroom cabinet leading to accidental
Medications should be stored in a secure,
dark location with little humidity
Myth # 7
“Medications can
be taken safely
with any liquid”
Certain liquids may enhance or diminish
the effect of a medication
Grapefruit juice completely inactivates
some medications for high blood pressure
and high cholesterol
Always check with the pharmacists to
determine what liquids are safe to take
with your medicines
Myth # 8
medications are
safe to use”
Expired medication may not only be
ineffective, but also harmful to one’s health
Chemicals within expired medication are
often altered by various exposures (heat,
Expired medications do not only include
pills, but also creams, ointments and
inhalers (prescription and non-prescription)
Myth # 9
antibiotics can be
used to treat any
Antibiotics (used in bacterial infections)
should not be used for viral infections such
as the common cold or flu
Partial and incomplete treatment of
infections with antibiotics may lead to
difficulty in treating common infections in
the future
Take entire prescribed regimen even if
you feel better before finishing them
Throw away unused antibiotics and do
not keep for future use
Myth #10
“It is safe to use a
family member’s
Do not share your medication;
Medications are prescribed to specific
individuals for their conditions
Some medication doses are based on
weight , age of the patient, and potential
drug interactions with other medications
being taken
Using another person’s medications may
lead to under- or over-dosing, interactions
with other drugs and/or avoidable side
Doctors rarely know what medication your particular
insurance plan may cover at a lower cost
Insurance plans may not cover the same drugs in 2010 that
they covered in 2009
Cash prices vary from one retail pharmacy to another
 $4/$5 generic prescription drugs are available at many retail
A 90-day supply may save you money
Refrain from using multiple pharmacies (Polypharmacy)
How should I take this medication?
What side effects should I expect from this
Will this medication interfere with any of my
current medications?
When will I see/notice the effect/benefit of
this medication?
Food and Drug Administration
American Society of Health-System
National Center for Complimentary and
Alternative Medicine
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