Download Mr. Sayers Phone: 488-6125 Room 237

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Mr. Sayers
Room 237
Phone: 488-6125
E-mail: [email protected]
Course Description
Over a three-course sequence, Integrated Mathematics covers the same mathematical topics as a
contemporary Algebra I/Geometry/Algebra II sequence. The difference is in the organization of
the content. Instead of being divided into separate courses, algebra and geometry are taught in
each of the three years. In addition, topics from logical reasoning, measurement, probability and
statistics, discrete mathematics, and functions are incorporated throughout each year. The
courses build on the topics and problem solving techniques of the previous year.
Materials (Required)
Scientific Calculator
Organizational Binder/Folder
Additional Materials (Recommended)
Graphing Calculator
Graph Paper
Graphing Calculators
I strongly suggest buying a graphing calculator. The TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84 are the suggested
models since that is what I will be using throughout the year. Also, TI-89 and Ti-92’s are not
allowed on the IB exams. A graphing calculator is not required, but it will be an advantage.
Please come talk to me if you are considering buying another type of calculator. Strongly
Daily homework is assigned and is due the next class period unless otherwise stated. You will be
held accountable for homework in a variety of different ways. Late work will be accepted at
10%, unless arranged in advance.
Expect a quiz every extended learning day (Wednesday or Thursday).
Progress Reports
Progress reports can be accessed on the web. Each student will be required to demonstrate their
ability to access their grades.
Free Periods: 1, 5, and 8
You are welcome to contact me during any of my free hours. I will be in my office or in my
classroom. I usually eat lunch during 5th hour so please tell me if you are planning to come in.
You can also set up an appointment with me before or after school.
Poudre high school is proud to announce that they have hired a full time tutor! His name
is Jeff McCabe. He will be an extremely valuable resource for you so please utilize this