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Normal Calculations Practice
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1. Suppose a data set is represented by a normal distribution with a mean of 125 and a standard deviation of 7.
(a) What data value is 2 standard deviations above the mean?
(b) What data value is 3 standard deviations below the mean?
(c) What data value is 1.5 standard deviations below the mean?
(d) What data value is 2.5 standard deviations above the mean?
(e) What data value is 1 5 of a standard deviation above the mean?
2. What are the z-scores for the data values in parts (a)-(e) of the previous question?
z = _____________________
z = _____________________
z = _____________________
z = _____________________
z = _____________________
3. In a normally distributed data set, find the value of the standard deviation if the following additional
information is given.
(a) The mean is 226.2 and the z-score for a data value of 230 is 0.2.
σ = ________________
(b) The mean is 9.8 and a z-score for the data value of 10.3 is 2.
σ = ________________
(c) The mean is 14.6 and the z-score for a data value of 5 is −0.3.
σ = ________________
4. Find the percentages of observations from the standard Normal distribution that are:
(a) less than -1.6
(b) greater than 0.53
(c) between -0.15 and 1.40
(d) within .75 standard deviations of the mean
5. A patient recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease takes a cognitive abilities test and scores a 45. The mean
on this test is 52 and the standard deviation is 5. What is the patient’s percentile rank?
6. Suppose that a certain insect has a mean lifespan of 5.6 days with a standard deviation of 1.2 days. Assume that
the lifespan of this insect is approximately normally distributed.
(a) Calculate the percentage of insects with a life-span between 3.2 and 8 days.
(b) Calculate the percentage of insects with a life-span between 2.6 and 8.6 days.
(c) What percentage of insects will live longer than 3.32 days?
(d) What percentage of insects will live less than 6.56 days?
7. A fifth grader takes a standardized achievement test. The test results are approximately normal with a mean of
125 and a standard deviation of 15. If the child scored at the 93 percentile, what score did he make on the test?
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