Download Bullying Prevention - School City of Hobart

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Bullying Prevention
There is no safety in silence
What do YOU think
Bullying is
What is Bullying?
O Unwanted, aggressive behavior
O Repeated behavior
O Real (or thought to be real)
power imbalance
Who is involved?
O Target: student being bullied
O Witness: student who saw another
student being bullied
O Student Exhibiting Bullying Behavior:
student who has been doing bullying
Types of Bullying
O Physical
O Verbal
O Social/Relational
O Electronic or Written Communication
Physical Bullying
Involves hurting a person’s body or property
O Hitting
O Kicking
O Pinching
O Spitting
O Tripping
O Pushing
O Taking or Breaking someone’s things
O Making mean or rude hand gestures
Verbal Bullying
Saying mean things
O Teasing
O Name-Calling
O Inappropriate comments
O Threatening to cause harm
Social/Relational Bullying
Involves hurting someone’s reputation or
O Leaving someone out on purpose
O Telling your friends not to be friends with
O Spreading rumors
O Embarrassing someone
Electronic or Written
Takes place through written message or
any electronic technology
O Mean text messages or e-mails
O Rumors sent by e-mail or posted online
O Embarrassing pictures, videos, websites,
or fake profiles
Bullying Video
How do I report it?
O Tell an adult right away!
O Our school website:
Bullying Checklist
So what does Bullying
Look Like?
Let’s see some examples!
MOP & 4 A’s
“Let’s All Follow MOP!”
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