Download ancient chinese inventions

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• The Ancient Chinese compass was made in 221-206 BC
during the Qin dynasty. The Chinese compass was
originally used for the construction of their fortune
telling boards.
• Later, the Chinese used it to point out real directions.
The Chinese compass was put on a square slab with
markings of the cardinal points and the constellations.
The pointing needle was spoon shaped and was pointing
always to the south.
• The Ancient Compass
Fire Crackers
• Fire crackers are called Phow Chook
in Chinese, meaning bamboo
explosions. In Ancient China bamboo
stems were burnt to create small
explosions in order to drive away evil
spirits. Gunpowder was invented in
China during the Tang Dynasty (618905 A.D.), and early records of
firecrackers describe them as
gunpowder or explosive chemicals
wrapped in paper and lighted by a
paper fuse.
The Origin of the Kite
• Kites were invented in China, but the exact date isn’t
clear. It is likely that the inspiration for kites came
from ancient Chinese watching the effect of the wind
on leaves, bamboo hats and sails. It is believed that
the very first kite was made by Mo Di dating back 2300
• Early kites were used for the military. The kites were
large in size and were powerful enough to carry men
up in the air to observe enemy movement, and also to
scatter fliers.
• During the Qing Dynasty it was believed that flying a
kite then letting it go might send bad luck and illness
away, but bringing bad luck to the person who found
the stray kite.
• The interest in kites spread throughout Asia and
remain to this day not only to children but also to
serious adult enthusiast . In China the kite is know as
Chinese Kites
• The invention of paper was reported to the
Chinese Emperor. Early Chinese paper
making appears to have been made by
from a suspension of hemp waste. Hemp
is a material made from a tall plant with
stems that give a tough fiber. The hemp
waste was put in water, washed, soaked,
and beaten to a pulp with a wooden mallet.
Eventually, tree bark, bamboo, and other
plant fibers were used in addition to hemp.
Improvements in papermaking also
included the use of starch. From China,
papermaking moved to Korea.
The Chinese invented the wheel barrow to carry
rice from the rice fields to their homes. They were
also used for carrying heavy loads that a regularsized human could not carry. Farmers used the
wheelbarrow to take a load of produce to the
market place. Builders used the
wheelbarrow to carry heavy building supplies.
The wheel barrow was invented in 118B.C. , and the
Chinese wheelbarrow had a single wheel in the
middle of the wheelbarrow. Many people believed
that the Europeans invented the wheel barrow, but
the Chinese really invented the wheel barrow. The
wheel barrow was invented during
the Han Dynasty . It was originally
wooden so they nick named it
"The Wooden Ox".
Other Exciting Inventions
• Blast furnace
• Gun powder
• Ice cream
• Parachute
• Row crops
• Rubber
• Seismograph
• Umbrella
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