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The History of
East & Southeast
Chapters 27.2 and 30.2
• Culture begins in Wei River Valley
– No written records at this time
– 3,000 BCESome say is even much older
• Shang Dynasty (1600-1100 BCE)
– In N. China Plain
– Falls to inner rebellions, nomad invaders, and
natural disasters
** Dynasties followed Mandate of Heaven & Dynastic Cycle **
• Zhou Dynasty (1100-200 BCE)
– Spread Chinese culture (Golden
– Iron tools
– Confucianism & Daoism
**discuss w/ culture
Man Mo Temple in
Hong Kong
• Qin Dynasty (200s BCE)
– Expanded territory even further united
– Began Great Wall- military protection
• Han Dynasty (200 BCE-200 CE)
– Cont’d Great Wall
– 1st to systematically record history
• Tang Dynasty (600-900 CE)
– Saw “Renaissance” period (govn’t & art
– Cont’d Great Wall
– Buddhism grew
• Song Dynasty (900-1200s)
– Period of peace, trade & educ. advances
– Fell to Mongols
• Ming Dynasty (1400-1600s)
– 1st to have Eur. traders come in
• Porcelain vases
– Zheng He reaches E. Africa
• Qing Dynasty (1600-1900s)
– Last to rule as dynasty
– Minority group- Manchu (not Han)
– Faced many rebellions and wars
• Taiping Rebellion 1850-1864
• Opium Wars 1830s-1850s
• Guangzhou port forced to be opened
to West (1834)
• Spheres of Influence
– claimed in China by
Europe and Japan
• Forced to be open to all
for trade
• Revolution ended rule of
Qing Dynasty (1911)
• Mao Zedong & the
Communist Party
– 1927-1949
• Military Nationalist Party
forms civil war with
Communists win (PROC),
Nationalists flee to Taiwan
**will discuss further
• Late 1900s
– Tibet taken over in 50s Dalai Lama
and Tibetans flee
– Strict communist rule eventually turn
to free market
– Taiwan grows strong as democracy w/
export economy
• 1200 BCE
– Chinese culture spreads (esp. writing)
– Buddhism becomes main religion (400 CE)
– Silla & Koryo Dynasties rule under united
Temple (Silla)
Tombs to Silla
• 1200-1300 CE
– China takes Korean Peninsula
• Confucianism = basis for Korean govn’t &
daily life
• But create own language/writing system
– Often fought over by China & Mongols
– For next ~600 yrs:
• Constantly invaded, faced famines  turns
to China, but Japan halts aid Japanese
colony in 1910 to 1945 turns to Russian
• 1950-1953
– Divided in 1948: Russia helped North, US helped
South get back on feet  Communist conflict N
invaded S (Korean War) US backed South
– Ended in stalemate
• 2000
– Still separate @ cease-fire line
– N in despair, S is prosperous
– Peace talks held, but nothing
Demilitarized Zone
– No recorded history until late 600s BCE
– Set up in individual clans until 400 CE
• Yamato Dynasty unites country (400)
• Ruled with feudal system
– Adopted cultural aspects from China &
– Many today consider Yamato the ethnic
group for most Japanese
• 1100 CE
– Armies weaken dynasty rule
• Emperor still there, not full power
– Replaced with shoguns
• Minamoto 1st shogun
• 1100s-1800s
– Samurais help shoguns
rule, as professional
– All foreign contact is outlawed (isolationism)
• 1854
– US Officer Perry helped end
isolation by opening ports
• Forced to sign unfair treaties
• Later 1800s
– Meiji Restoration: major Δs  back to
imperial rule, but industrialized
• 1890-1940s
– Imperial Japan begins
• Takes Taiwan, Manchuria,
Korea (colony)
– Rape of Nanking, 1937
• This expansion led to
conflict w/ U.S.
• 1945
– Defeated in WWII
– Lost overseas territory
– Works toward democracy
Early Civilizations
SE Asian skills & traditions
– Advanced farming, animal
domestication/ livestock, metalwork
(Thailand 1st = bronze), power & $ thru
maternal side
Early Development
– Maritime trade (seafaring), or just
crops for land based countries
Funan Kingdom
• Indian traders set up posts in Gulf of
– Blend SE Asn & Indn culture (Hinduism/
central govn’t)
• Maritime traders, intense irrigation
Khmer Empire
• Along Mekong R. (almost all Indochina Pen,
& N. Malay Pen)
• System of lakes, canals, irrigation channels
 3-4 crops ea. yr!
• Angkor Wat
– Hindu/Buddhist temple &
tomb for Khmer ruler, built
800 yrs ago
– damaged during
Communist era
Srivijaya Empire
• Island of Sumatra
• Navy controlled valuable straits & taxed
traders (Singapore utilizes same straits)
• China  Vietnam
– Writing system, religion & philosophy, govn’t
(communism later on)
• Islam  SE Asia
– Traders = Conversion in coastal areas
interior areas
– Malacca is impt cultural center for Muslims
• Spheres of Influence SE Asia
– Most countries owned & become rivals
– Buffer state of Siam created
Western Control
• Pros:
– Transportation improvements; expanded
industry (mining, oil); created
commercial plantations  production
• Cons:
– Plantation profit went to West, forced to
wk on plantations for little $, many
immigrants brought in for labor;
increased military conflict
• All Westerners forced out by imperialist
• After war, and Japan’s defeat, France
wanted control back of Vietnam…
– Prelude to Vietnam War
• US would stand up against anything
communist (North Vietnam, North Korea,
China, USSR, Cuba, Cambodia)
Vietnam War
France: kicked out by northern communist (1954)
Ho Chi Minh: led northern Vietnam
Ngo Dinh Diem: led southern Vietnam
Viet Cong: communist rebels in the south
Gulf of Tonkin: attack* here brought US in to war
Agent Orange: chemical used to kill jungle 
Guerilla Tactics: Viet Cong had power in jungle
Richard Nixon: Withdrew troops, partly due to
• “boat people”: Millions fled after, most died