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Reconstruction Era
Before and After the Civil War
Before the war, slaves
had been:
separated from family
provided with food,
shelter, and clothing
After the war, freed
struggled to survive
because they had no
place to go
► had no jobs, money, or
had no guarantee of
food, shelter, or clothing
► The
time after the Civil War was known as the
Reconstruction Era.
► It was a time of rebuilding and coming back
together for the United States.
► President Johnson worked to carry out fair
treatment for the South, while enforcing the 13th
Amendment, which abolished slavery.
Lincoln is Assassinated
► After
being shot by John Wilkes Booth, President
Abraham Lincoln died on April 15, 1865 in
Washington, DC.
► Until that time, no U.S. President had ever been
A New President
► Vice
President Andrew Johnson became the new
► The former senator from Tennessee intended to
carry out Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction.
► One of the first steps toward reconstruction was
ending slavery throughout the country.
► The Thirteenth (13th) Amendment, which
abolished slavery in the United States, took effect
of December 18, 1865.
President Andrew Johnson
► Abolished
Slavery – The 13th Amendment to the
Constitution made slavery illegal in all states in the
United States of America.
► It gave freedom to those who had been enslaved. It
did not give them the same rights as all Americans.
Black Codes
► Under
Johnson’s plan, Southern states were free
to pass laws call black codes.
► Black codes were laws that denied African
American men the right to vote or act as jurors in
a trial.
► Black people also could not own guns, take certain
jobs, or own land.
► African Americans who were out of work might be
fined or arrested.
► The laws had the effect of making an African
American’s life much the same as it had been
under slavery.
Slaves Codes and Black Codes
Slave Codes (before the
Civil War)
Slaves couldn’t gather
together in groups
Slaves couldn’t buy or sell
Slaves couldn’t leave the
master’s property
Slaves couldn’t learn to
read or write
Black Codes (after the
Civil War)
Blacks couldn’t vote
Blacks couldn’t own
property or work in
certain businesses
Blacks couldn’t travel
Blacks could be forced to
work in fields without pay
Freedmen’s Bureau
► The
Freedmen’s Bureau was established by the
government to help the 4 million freedmen, or
former slaves, after the war.
► The Freedmen’s Bureau:
Provided shelter in refugee camps
gave food and supplies to freed slaves
built hospitals and schools
hired black and white teachers from the North and the
South to teach in schools built for freed slaves
 Helped reunite enslaved families that had been
Freedman’s Bureau
► The
Freedman’s Bureau created a new
economy based on employers and
employees, or on free labor.
► African Americans could leave a job if they
did not like it.
► It created contracts, which are written, legal
agreements between two parties.
► Former slaves now got paid to work.
African Americans Elected
► For
the first time in U.S. history, African Americans
became elected officials.
► In Mississippi, two African Americans were elected
United States Senators.
 1870 - Hiram R. Revels, a minister and a teacher, was
elected to the Senate.
 1874 – Blanche K. Bruce, a former slave, was elected to
the Senate.
► Twenty
other African Americans from the South
were also elected to the House of Representatives.
► Many
white Southerners
did not like the changes
brought by
► Some whites resented
the new state
► Some were angered by
Northerners who moved
south to start businesses.
These Northerners were
called carpetbaggers.
Southerners continued to rebel against the
changes of Reconstruction.
► They found ways to keep African Americans
from their rights by running for political office
and writing new state laws such as the Black
► Many joined hate groups such as the Ku Klux
Klan. The goal of the KKK was to restore
white control over the lives of African
Americans. The KKK used violence against
African Americans and anyone else who
helped them. They burned schools and
homes, and attacked blacks for trying to vote.
New Amendments
► Before
being readmitted into the Union,
former Confederate states had to accept
two new amendments.
► 1868 – 14th Amendment
► 1870 – 15th Amendment
14th Amendment made African
Americans citizens and protected
people born in the U.S. from state
laws that tried to take away the
rights of a citizen.
The 15th Amendment protected
the right to vote for ALL men
over the age of 21, regardless of
skin color.
Reconstruction Ends
► By
1870 all of the former Confederate states had
met the requirements of Reconstruction, and they
were readmitted to the Union.
► Many Northerners were tired of having their taxes
used to help rebuild the South. In 1877, the
remaining federal troops were withdrawn from the
► Reconstruction had some successes. A public
school system was established and many
industries were expanded.
Jim Crow Laws
To fight the new rights of African Americans, Southern
lawmakers made state and local laws call Jim Crow laws.
► The name “Jim Crow” came from an African American
character that was a singer and a dancer.
► Jim Crow laws segregated the lives of African Americans
and white people. Blacks had separate businesses, train
cars, and hotels.
► Whites tried to prevent blacks from voting in several ways.
They set up voting booths far from black communities,
They changed the location of booths without informing blacks.
Some states required a poll tax, or a payment, in order to vote.
In some places, blacks were forced to take a reading test before
 A “grandfather clause” was added to some state constitutions that
said that men could vote only if their father or grandfather had
voted before 1867.
African Americans were freed, but they did not have land or
jobs. Many former slaves went back to work on farms and
Many blacks as well as whites became trapped in a system
called sharecropping.
Workers rented the land from landowners. They paid for
their rent with a portion of their crop.
A landowner gave workers a cabin, mules, tools, and seed.
The worker then farmed the land. At harvest time the crops
were harvested and sold. The landowner gave a part of the
profit to the sharecropper. Often the sharecropper had no
money or very little money left over.
► Sharecropping
gave landowners the help they
needed to work the fields.
► It gave former slaves work for pay.
► It was a hard way to make a living because when
crops failed, both landowners and workers went
into debt.
► Even in good times, most workers’ shares were
very small if they got anything at all.
► Usually the costs of sharecropping were so high
that the workers stayed in debt.
After the Reconstruction Era
► Slavery ended with the 13th Amendment.
► The federal government had established its
over individual states.
► The 14th and 15th Amendments provided a
constitutional basis for equal rights, but it would
take a long time for these rights to be recognized.
► The nation continued expanding westward and
building a strong economy.
► The South, continued to rely on an agricultural
economy, and it remained the poorest section of
the country.