Download Unencapsulated or Incompletely Encapsulated Lymphoid Tissue

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
‫سلولها و اعضای لنفاوی‬
‫انواع پاسخ ایمنی‬
‫طبیعی و اکتسابی‬
‫سلولی و هومورال (مولکولهای دفاعی)‬
‫‪ CD‬مارکرها‬
‫حاالت مختلف سلول های دفاعی‬
‫غیر فعال‬
‫کارگزار ‪Effector‬‬
‫بکر ‪Naive‬‬
‫خاطره ای‬
‫مراحل مختلف پاسخ ایمنی اختصاصی‬
‫شناسایی و تشخیص‬
‫فعال شدن‬
‫تکثیر‪Clonal Expantion‬‬
‫مقابله و حذف‬
‫فروکش شدن‬
‫ایجاد خاطره‬
‫بي عنايات خدا هيچيم هيچ‬
‫باده غمگينان خورند و ما ز مي خوشدلتريم‬
‫رو به محبوسان غم ده ساقيا افيون خويش‬
‫اعضای لنفاوی‬
‫• اولیه ‪primary= Central‬‬
‫• تیموس‬
‫• مغزاستخوان‬
‫• ثانویه‪Secondary= Perpheral‬‬
‫• غدد لنفاوی‬
‫• طحال‬
‫• بافت لنفاوی مخاطی‬
‫• ثالثیه ‪Tertiary‬‬
Thymus: cortex and medulla
‫چشم ها را بايد شست‬
‫جور ديگر بايد ديد‬
Lymph Node
Lymph Node
Blood Flow
a: arteriole
b: capillary
c: post - capillary venule d: muscular venule
Section of a lymph node showing the cortex
and the medulla 1 Capsule;2 lymphoid nodule
with germinative center 3 subcapsular sinus;
(4) intermediate sinus; (5) medullary cords; (6) medullary sinus; (7) trabecula.
(Courtesy of PA Abrahamsohn.)
‫دربيابان گر به شوق كعبه خواهي زد قدم‬
‫سرزنشها گركند خارمغيالن غم مخور‬
Spleen 1
• Largest lymphatic organ
• Many macrophages; rbc phagocytosis
• Capsule of dense irregular connective
tissue w/ trabeculae dividing pulp
• White pulp with lymphoid nodules
• Red pulp found between sinusoids has
reticular fibers, reticular epithelial cells
and macrophages
White Pulp
• Central arteries with encircling lymphoid
• T cells form periarterial lymphatic sheaths
(PALS) around small arteries
• Nodules are mostly B cells
• Reticular epithelial cells & macrophages
Red Pulp
• Reticular cells with cords of cells
between sinuses
• Cords have macrophages, monocytes,
lymphocytes, plasma cells, rbc,
• Sinuses have irregular lumen,
incomplete endothelium and basal
Spleen white pulp with
surrounding red pulp
Functions of Spleen
• Lymphocyte production in white pulp
• RBC phagocytosis in red pulp
• T and B cells involved in immune
• Blood storage; small amount in humans
Red Pulp of Spleen
‫با صد هزار جلوه برون آمدي كه من‬
• Diffuse and solitary lymphoid
nodules: a portion of GALT and all of
• Unencapsulated lymphoid tissue
(multiple nodules)
– Peyer’s patches: (a portion of GALT)
• M (Microfold) cells: epithelial cells which
transport antigen
– Appendix (a portion of GALT)
• Partially encapsulated lymphoid tissue
(multiple nodules)
– Tonsils: palatine, lingual and pharyngeal
(tonsils are a portion of GALT).
– GALT is, therefore, any gut-associated
lymphoid tissue whether it takes the form of
diffuse LT, solitary lymphoid nodules, Peyer’s
patches, the appendix or the tonsils.
Unencapsulated or Incompletely
Encapsulated Lymphoid Tissue
• Lymphoid nodules
• Tonsils: palatine, pharyngeal, lingual
• Peyer’s patches
Lymphoid Nodules
• Nodules of densely packed lymphocytes
located in digestive tract, respiratory tract,
urinary tract, and reproductive tract
• Most lymphocytes are B cells
• Incompletely encapsulated lymphoid nodules
• Palatine: covered by stratified squamous
nonkeratinized epithelium; crypts; underlying
connective tissue barrier
• Pharyngeal: covered by ciliated
pseudostratified epithelium, no crypts
• Lingual: smaller, at base of tongue; covered by
stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium;
one crypt in each nodule
Palatine tonsil
Pharyngeal tonsil
Peyer’s Patches
• Lymphoid nodules in the lamina propria of
the ileum (covered in detail in the digestive
tract section)
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