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Psychology is commonly defined as:
A. The study of behavior
B. The study of the mind
C. The scientific study of behavior and mental
D. The study of early childhood
C. The scientific study of behavior and mental
Which of the following are the goals of
A. Describe, manipulate, control and examine
B. Describe, explain, predict and change behavior
C. Predict, control, examine and change behavior
D. Manipulate, control, explain and change
B. Describe, explain, predict and change behavior
Psychology often questions to what extent we are
controlled by biological and genetic factors or by the
environment and learning. This ongoing debate is
known as the _____.
A. Nature vs. Nurture controversy
B. Mind vs. Body Dualism
C. Interactionist position
D. Biopsychosocial Model
A. Nature-Nurture Controversy
The experimental group, in an experiment, is
the group in which the participants _____.
A.Do not receive the independent variable
B.Receive the dependent variable
C.Do not receive the DV
D.Receive the IV
D. Receive the IV
To indentify a problem, conduct background
research, formulate a hypothesis, test the
hypothesis, analyze results, and report results is
known as:
The research method
The psychological method
The scientific method
The empirical method
C. The scientific method
_____ is the process by which participants in
an experiment are randomly placed into
A. Random assignment
B. Matched sample
C. Data collection
D. Random sampling
A. Random assignment
The ______ variable is the variable that is
A. Independent
B. Intervening
C. Controlled
D. Dependent
D. Dependent
_____ describes a situation in which an
observer expects to see a particular behavior
A)Experimenter bias
B)Observer bias
C)Observational bias
D)Experimental bias
B) Experimenter bias
A hypothesis is ______.
A. An idea
B. A question
C. Brainstorming
D. A prediction
D. A prediction
A procedure to ensure that each individual
has the same probability as any other of
being in a given group is called _____.
A.Random selection
B.Random assignment
C.Representative selection
D.Representative assignment
B. Random assignment
Cells within your body specialized for
conducting information are called ____?
A. Dendrites
B. Neurons
C. Axons
D. Nucleotides
B. Neurons
The three major parts of a neuron are
A. Glia, dendrites, and myelin
B. Myelin, dendrites, and axon
C. Dendrites, axon and cell body
D. Axon, glia, and myelin
C. Dendrites, axon and cell body
The ____ consists of all the nerves that
connect to sensory receptors and control
skeletal muscles
A. Parasympathetic nervous system
B. Spinal cord
C. Somatic nervous system
D. Action potential
C. Somatic nervous system
___ provide structural, nutritional, and other
support for the neuron, as well as some
communication functions
A. Dendrites
B. Axons
C. Nurturing bodies
D. Glial cells
D. Glial cells
Chemical messengers that are secreted into
the synapse are called ____.
A. Ions
B. Neurotransmitters
C. Neurocommunicators
D. Neuromodulators
B. Neurotransmitters
The synapse is the point where ____.
A. The soma attaches to the dendrite
B. Neurotransmitters are manufactured
C. Information transfers from neuron to neuron
D. The action potential begins
C. Information transfers from neuron to neuron
If you are accidentally hit on the head and
you see flashes of light, most likely the blow
activated cells in the ____.
A. Frontal lobes
B. Temporal lobes
C. Occipital lobes
D. Parietal lobes
C. Occipital lobes
The frontal, parietal, occipital, and
temporal lobes make up the ____
A. Brain
B. Cerebral cortex
C. Subcortex
D. Brain stem
B. Cerebral cortex
The major divisions of the central nervous
system are ___.
A. Sympathetic and parasympathetic
B. Somatic and autonomic
C. Gray matter and white matter
D. Brain and spinal cord
D. Brain and spinal cord
The parasympathetic nervous system is
dominant when a person is ___.
A. Stressed
B. Relaxed
C. Frightened
D. Angry
B. Relaxed
The parasympathetic and sympathetic are
the major divisions of the ____ nervous
A. Automatic
B. Somatic
C. Central
D. Autonomic
D. Autonomic
The principle whereby an axon either fires or
does not fire an action potential is called the
A. Sodium-potassium
B. Axon terminal
C. Shotgun
D. All-or-none law
D. All-or-none law
Split-brain research has indicated that, in
most people, the left hemisphere is largely
responsible for _____ abilities
A. Musical
B. Spatial
C. Artistic
D. Language
D. Language
Neurons are the basic units in the _____.
A. Nervous system
B. Synapses
C. Dendrites
D. Body
A. Nervous system
The _____ of light determines its hue, and
the _____ determines its brightness.
A. Wavelength; amplitude
B. Pitch; wavelength
C. Timbre; amplitude
D. Wavelength; frequency
A. wavelength; amplitude
The process of receiving, transducing, and
transmitting information from the outside
world is called _____.
A. Perception
B. Detection
C. Sensation
D. integration
C. Sensation
The receptors in the eye responsible for
daylight and color vision are the _____
A. Rods
B. Cones
C. Cilia
D. Cornea
B. Cones
The receptors in the eye responsible for dim
light vision are the _____.
A. Rods
B. Cones
C. Cilia
D. Cornea
A. Rods
The frequency of a sound wave is sensed as
the _____ of a sound.
A. Pitch
B. Intensity
C. Loudness
D. Height
A. Pitch
Which of the following is the most
fundamental Gestalt principles of
A. Roundness
B. Isolation
C. Symmetry
D. Figure and ground
D. Figure and ground
Light travels through the cornea on to the
A. Pupil, lens, and retina
B. Lens, pupil, and retina
C. Vitreous humor, aqueous humor, and retina
D. Retina on the back of the lens
A. pupil, lens, and retina
_____ is the process that occurs when your
visual system shifts from cones to rods upon
entering a dark room
A. Light adaptation
B. Sensory adaptation
C. Dark adaptation
D. Accommodation
C. Dark adaptation
_____ results from stimulation of receptor
cells in the nose.
A. Audition
B. Pheromones
C. Olfaction
D. Vestibular sense
C. olfaction
_____ are sensory perceptions that occur
without external stimuli.
A. Hallucinations
B. Delusions
C. Illusions
D. Visual constancies
A. hallucinations
When you look at a chair from the back or front, it
looks like a rectangle. However, when you see it from
the side, it has an “h” shape, but you still recognize it
as a chair because of _____.
A. Sensory adaptation
B. Shape constancy
C. Size constancy
D. Sensory habituation
B. Shape constancy
_____ processes are mental activities that
require minimal attention, without affecting
other activities.
A. Controlled
B. Peripheral
C. Conscious
D. Automatic
D. Automatic
A relatively permanent change in
behavior as a result of practice or
experience is the definition of ___.
A. Learning
B. Conditioning
C. Behavior modification
D. Modeling
A. Learning
When your mouth waters at the sight of
a chocolate cake, it is an example of
A. Operant conditioning
B. Social learning
C. Vicarious conditioning
D. Classical conditioning
D. Classical conditioning
Suppose a boy learns to fear bees by
being stung when he touches a bee. In
this situation the unconditioned
STIMULUS is the ____.
A. Bee
B. Sting
C. Fear
D. Crying
B. Sting
Suppose a boy learns to fear bees by
being stung when he touches a bee. In
this situation the unconditioned
RESPONSE is the ____.
A. Bee
B. Sting
C. Fear
D. Crying
C. Fear
Which of the following is the proper
sequence of events in classical
Higher order conditioning occurs when
A. Previously neutral stimulus elicits a conditioned
B. Neutral stimulus is paired with a previously
conditioned stimulus
C. Neutral stimulus is paired with unconditioned
D. Unconditioned response is paired with a conditioned
B. Neutral stimulus is paired with a conditioned
In classical conditioning, extinction
occurs when the ____.
A. Conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with the
unconditioned response
B. Conditioned response is no longer paired with the
unconditioned stimulus
C. Conditioned response is no longer paired with the
unconditioned stimulus
D. Unconditioned stimulus is ambiguous
B. Conditioned response is no longer paired with the
unconditioned stimulus
Anything that causes an increase in a
response is a ___.
A. Conditioned stimulus
B. Reinforcement
C. Punishment
D. Unconditioned stimulus
B. Reinforcement
Anything that causes a decrease in a
response is a/an ____.
A. Conditioned stimulus
B. Reinforcement
C. Punishment
D. Unconditioned stimulus
C. Punishment
Negative reinforcement and
punishment are ____.
A. The same
B. The best ways to learn a new behavior
C. Not the same because negative reinforcement
increases behavior and punishment decreases
D. Not the same, even though they both decrease
C. Not the same because negative reinforcement
increases behavior and punishment decreases
Superstitious behavior occurs because
A. It has been reinforced on a fixed ratio schedule
B. The person or animal thinks the behavior causes a reinforcer
when in reality the behavior and the reinforcement are not
C. It is reinforced on a random ration schedule
D. The behavior and the reinforcement come close in proximity
to one another, causing the superstitious behavior to increase
in magnitude
B. The person or animal thinks the behavior causes a reinforcer
when in reality the behavior and the reinforcement are not
In Pavlov’s classical conditioning
experiments with dogs, salivation was
the ____.
A. Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
B. Conditioned stimulus (CS)
C. Unconditioned reponse (UCR)
D. Both b and c
C. Unconditioned reponse (UCR)
Albert Bandura’s social learning theory
emphasized ____.
A. Classical conditioning
B. Operant conditioning
C. Extinction
D. Modeling
D. Modeling
In Watson and Rayners experiment
(remember little Albert?), what was
the conditioned emotional response
A. Avoidance behavior
B. Superstitious behavior
C. Fear
D. None of the above
C. Fear
In Watson and Rayner’s experiment,
what was the conditioned stimulus?
A. The sight if the experimental room
B. A loud noise
C. A rabbit
D. A rat
D. A rat
Spontaneous recovery occurs when
___ suddenly appears
A. Your lost wallet
B. A previously extinguished response
C. An extinct instinct
D. A forgotten stimulus- response sequence
B. A previously extinguished response
Children may learn to salivate to
McDonalds golden arches as a result of
A. Advertising
B. Classical conditioning
C. Higher-order conditioning
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
____ are unlearned, usually satisfy a
biological need, and increase the
probability of a response
A. Primary instincts
B. Secondary instincts
C. Primary reinforcers
D. Secondary reinforcers
C. Primary reinforcers
Observational learning theory suggests
that we learn many behaviors by ____.
A. Imitating others
B. Observing our inner processes
C. Teaching others
D. Shaping our own and others behaviors
A. Imitating others
In Albert Bandura’s classic bobo doll
study, children acted aggressively
because ____.
A. They were rewarded for their behavior
B. Of observational learning
C. They were positively punished
D. All of these options
B. Of observational learning
Maintenance rehearsal _______
A. Prevents motivated forgetting
B. Prevents chunking
C. Reenters information in sensory memory
D. Reenters information in STM
C. Reenters information in sensory memory
Which of the following is a recognition
test of memory?
A. Remembering a name that goes with a face
B. A multiple choice test
C. An essay test
D. Reciting the names of the state capitals
B. A multiple choice test
You notice that you tend to do better on
exam questions from the first and last of
each chapter. The most likely
explanation is the ____.
A. Anterograde amnesia effect
B. Problem of distribute practice
C. Serial position effect
D. Sleeper effect
C. Serial position effect
Short-term memory receives
information from sensory memory and
from ____.
A. Long term memory
B. Working memory
C. The perceptual processing network
D. Maintenance rehearsal
A. Long term memory
The process that allows us to store more
information in short-term memory by
grouping information into units is called
A. Maintenance
B. Collective organization
C. Chunking
D. Proximal closure
C. Chunking
The ____ effect suggests that people
will recall information presented at the
beginning and the end of a list better
than information from the middle of the
A. Recency
B. Serial position
C. Latency
D. Primacy
B. Serial position
Repetitive, ritualistic behaviors such as
hand washing, counting, or putting
things in order that are associated with
an anxiety state are called ____.
A. Obsessions
B. Compulsions
C. Ruminations
D. Phobias
B. Compulsions
A major difference between major
depressive and bipolar disorder is that
only in bipolar disorders do people have
A. Hallucinations or delusions
B. Depression
C. A biochemical imbalance
D. Manic episodes
D. Manic episodes
This is NOT a possible explanation for
A. Imbalances of serotonin and norepinephrine
B. Genetic predisposition
C. Lithium deficiency
D. Learned helplessness
c. Lithium deficiency
Hallucinations and delusions are
symptoms of ____.
A. Mood disorders
B. Personality disorders
C. Anxiety disorders
D. Schizophrenia
D. Schizophrenia
Family studies have shown that when it
comes to schizophrenia, children are
more similar to their ____.
A. Biological parents than their adopted parents
B. Adopted parents than their biological parents
C. Friends than their families
D. Aunts/uncles than their brothers/sisters
A. Biological parents than their adoptive parents
Antipsychotic drugs can decrease the
symptoms of schizophrenia by
decreasing the activity of ____.
A. Dopamine synapses
B. Serotonin synapses
C. The frontal lobes
D. The autonomic nervous system
A. Dopamine synapses
Amnesia, fugue, and dissociative
identity disorder share this
A. A separation of experience and memory
B. Psychosis
C. A split personality
D. Wandering away from home or work
A. A separation of experience and memory
Multiple personality disorder is now
called ____.
A. Schizophrenia
B. Dissociative identity disorder
C. Amnesiatic personality disorder
D. None of these options; this diagnosis is no
longer considered real
B. Dissociative identity disorder
Impulsive behavior, egocentrism, lack of
conscience, and ____ are all
characteristic of an antisocial
personality disorder.
A. Manipulation of others
B. Lack of social skills
C. Sympathy for victims
D. Lack of intelligence
A. Manipulation of others
Impulsivity and instability in mood,
relationships, and self-image are part of
the ____ personality disorder.
A. Manic depressive
B. Bipolar
C. Borderline
D. None of the above
C. Borderline
People with ____ frequently have a
childhood history of neglect and abuse,
and as adults tend to see themselves
and everyone else in absolutes.
A. Dissociative identity disorder
B. Schizophrenia
C. Generalized anxiety disorder
D. Borderline personality disorder
D. Borderline Personality disorder
In ____ disorder, the individual suffers
brief attacks of intense apprehension.
A. Phobic
B. Posttraumatic stress
C. Panic
E. Dissociative fugue
C. Panic
According to ____ theory, modeling
and imitation may be the causes of
some phobia.
A. Social learning
B. Psychobiological
C. Sociocultural
D. Cognitive-behavioral
A. Social Learning
Distorted thinking that magnifies
ordinary threats or failures is the ____
explanation for anxiety disorders.
A. Social learning
B. Cognitive
C. Humanistic
D. Psychoanalytic
B. Cognitive
Mood disorders are sometimes treated
by ____ drug, which affect the amount
or functioning of norepinephrine and
A. Antidepressants
B. Antipsychotics
C. Mood congruence
D. None of the above
A. Antidepressants
Internal, stable, and global attributions
for failure or unpleasant circumstances
are associated with ____.
A. Anxiety disorders
B. Delusional disorders
C. Depression
D. All of these options
C. Depression
Auditory hallucinations are most
common in ____.
A. Schizophrenia
B. Posttraumatic stress disorder
C. Bipolar disorder
D. Dissociative identity disorder
A. Schizophrenia
Believing you are the queen of England
or Jesus Christ would be a symptom
called ____.
A. Hallucinations
B. Mania
C. Delusions
D. All of these options
C. Delusions
Delusions, hallucinations and
disorganized speech are ____
symptoms of schizophrenia.
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Deficit
D. Undifferentiated
B. Positive
____ therapies act directly on the brain
and nervous system; whereas ____ is a
collection of techniques to improve
psychological functioning and promote
adjustment to life.
A. Drug; psychoanalysis
B. Medical; psychology
C. Biomedical; psychotherapy
D. None of the above
C. Biomedical; psychotherapy
____ create feelings of tranqulity and
relaxation, while also relieving muscle
A. ECT treatments
B. Anxiety drugs
C. Trephining
D. All of the above
B. Anxiety drugs
How do antipsychotic drugs, like
thorazine, work?
A. They sedate the patient
B. They appear to decrease activity at the
dopamine synapses
C. They lower the sympathetic activity of the
D. All of the above
B. They appear to decrease activity at the
dopamine synapses
ECT is now used primarily in the
treatment of ____.
A. Depression
B. Anxiety
C. Phobias
D. Schizophrenia
A. Depression
The original form of psychosurgery
developed by Egaz Moniz disconnected
the ____ lobes from the midbrain
structures where emotional experiences
are relayed.
A. Occipital
B. Parietal
C. Temporal
D. Frontal
D. Frontal
Catharsis is the ____.
A. Reporting of psychic contents without censorship
B. Release of tensions and anxieties
C. Attachment process that occurs between patient and
D. Therapist’s educated explanations for a patient’s
B. Release of tensions and anxieties
Free association and dream
interpretation are psychoanalytic
therapy techniques that are used to
A. Analyze intrapsychic conflicts
B. Keep unconscious conflicts out of awareness
C. Restructure the self-concept
D. Counter condition behavior
A. Analyze intrapsychic conflicts
A client-centered therapist emphasizes
the importance of empathy,
unconditional positive regard,
genuineness and ____.
A. Catharsis
B. Self-efficacy
C. Appropriate role models
D. Active listening
D. Active listening
Sharing another persons inner
experience is known as ____.
A. Unconditional positive regard
B. Genuineness
C. Empathy
D. Sympathy
C. Empathy
____ pairs relaxation with a graduating
hierarchy of anxiety-producing
situations to extinguish the anxiety.
A. Classical conditioning
B. Shaping
C. Systematic desensitization
D. Maslow’s pyramid training
C. Systematic desensitization
Aversion therapy applies the principle of
____ by pairing an unpleasant stimulus
with a maladaptive behavior to extinguish
the behavior
A. Classical conditioning
B. Operant conditioning
C. Positive punishment
D. Negative punishment
A. Classical conditioning
Which of the following may actually
alter brain functioning?
A. Electroconvulsive therapy
B. Drug therapy
C. Psychotherapy
D. All of these options
d. All of these options
When a therapist combines techniques
from various therapies, it is called
A. Psychosynthetic therapy
B. Biomedical therapy
C. Managed care
D. The eclectic approach
D. The eclectic approach
To treat schizophrenia, therapists most
commonly use ____ drugs.
A. Antidepressant
B. Antipsychotic
C. Anti-anxiety
D. None of the above
B. Antipsychotic
Someone with severe, vegetative
depression and suicidal ideation that
has not been successfully managed with
other treatment methods might require
A. Frontal lobotomy
C. Combination drug and modeling therapy
D. None of these options
Transference is the process of ____.
A. Changing therapists
B. Changing therapeutic techniques or strategies
C. Displacing associations from past relationships onto
new relationships
D. Replacing maladaptive patterns with adaptive ones
C. Displacing associations from past relationships onto
new relationships
Cognitive therapy is effective for treating
A. Depression
B. Anxiety
C. Eating and substance-related disorders
D. All of these options
D. All of these options
The client is responsible for discovering his
or her own maladaptive patterns in____
A. Biomedical
B. Psychoanalytic
C. Humanistic
D. All of these options
C. Humanistic
Reflecting back or paraphrasing what the
client is saying is part of ____.
A. Gestalt directness
B. Psychoanalytic transference
C. Cognitive restructuring
D. Active listening
D. Active listening