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Chapter 3
Consumer Learning Starts Here: Perception
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Learning Outcomes
Define learning and perception and how the two
are connected
List and define phases of the consumer perception
Apply the concept of the JND
Contrast the concepts of implicit and explicit
Know ways to help get a consumer’s attention
Understand key differences between intentional
and unintentional learning
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Defining Learning and Perception
• Learning - A change in behavior resulting
from the interaction between a person and a
– Value involves learning, and consumer learning
begins with perception
– Learning can be intentional or unintentional
• Perception - A consumer’s awareness and
interpretation of reality
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Elements of Consumer Perception
• Exposure
– The process of bringing some stimulus within the
proximity of a consumer so that it can be sensed by
one of the five human senses
• Attention
– The purposeful allocation of information-processing
capacity toward developing an understanding of some
• Comprehension
– When consumers attempt to derive meaning from
information they receive
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Consumer Perception Process
• Sensing
• Organizing - Possible reactions
– Assimilation
– Accommodation
• Contrast
– Reacting
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Selective Perception
• Selective exposure - Involves screening out
most stimuli and exposing oneself to only a
small portion of stimuli
• Selective attention - Involves paying attention
to only certain stimuli
• Selective distortion - A process by which
consumers interpret information in ways that
are biased by their previously held beliefs
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Subliminal Processing
• The way in which the human brain senses lowstrength stimuli
– Stimuli that occur below the level of conscious
• Subliminal persuasion - Behavior change
induced or brought about based on
subliminally processing a message
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Applying the JND Concept
• Just noticeable difference (JND) - Represents
how much stronger one stimulus has to be
relative to another so that someone can
notice that the two are not the same
• Weber’s Law - The ability to detect differences
between two levels of a stimulus is affected by
the original intensity of the stimulus
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Applying the JND Concept
• JND - Marketing implications
– Pricing
– Quantity
– Quality
– Add-on purchases
• Just meaningful difference - Represents the
smallest amount of change in a stimulus that
would influence consumer consumption and
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Implicit and Explicit Memory
• Explicit memory - Memory for information
one is exposed to, attends to, and applies
effort to remember
• Implicit memory - Represents stored
information concerning stimuli one is exposed
to but does not pay attention to
– Creates preattentive effects
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Mere Exposure Effect
• Represents another way that consumers can
learn unintentionally
• Relevant points:
– Preattentive
– Easy to elicit
– Greatest effect on novel objects
– Weak effect
– Best when consumer has lower involvement
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• The purposeful allocation of cognitive capacity
toward understanding some stimulus
• Involuntary attention - Attention beyond the
conscious control of the consumer and occurs
as the result of a surprising or novel stimuli
– Orientation reflex - A natural reflex that occurs as
a response to a threat
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Factors That Get Attention
Intensity of stimuli
Surprising stimuli
Size of stimuli
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Intentional and Unintentional Learning
• Intentional learning - Consumers set out to
specifically learn information devoted to a
certain subject
• Unintentional learning - Consumers simply
sense and react (or respond) to the
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Learning Theories
• Behaviorist approach to learning - Because the
brain is a “black box,” the focus of inquiry
should be on the behavior itself
• Information processing perspective - The focus
is on the cognitive processes associated with
comprehension, including that leading to
consumer learning
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Unintentional Learning
• Classical conditioning - A change in behavior
that occurs simply through associating some
stimulus with another stimulus that naturally
causes a reaction
• Instrumental conditioning - Behavior is
conditioned through reinforcement
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Shaping Behavior
• Shaping is a process through which the
desired behavior is altered over time, in small
• Not all reinforcement is positive
– Negative reinforcement refers to the removal of
bad stimuli as a way of encouraging behavior
• Punishers represent stimuli that decrease the
likelihood that a behavior will occur again
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