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Main Ideas
1) The Reconstruction era had three different
types of Reconstruction: Wartime
Reconstruction, Presidential Reconstruction,
and Radical Reconstruction
2) There was also different views by
Presidents Lincoln, who wanted
Reconstruction, and Johnson who wanted
Wartime Reconstruction
Lincoln was eager to repair the Union quickly his goal was to restore
southern representation in Congress. In 1863 Lincoln announced his 10
percent plan and 1864 lincoln vetoed the Wade-Davis Bill which would
have established much stricter standards that would have required 50
percent of the southern states to take an oath of allegiance to the
United States. 1865 was Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address he
announced that he wanted to reunite the country “with malice toward
none; with charity for all”. It was consistent with him wanting to end the
war as soon as possible, but sadly President Lincoln was assassinated
less than a month after his second inauguration.
Presidential Reconstruction
After Lincoln’s assassination, Vice President Andrew Johnson took office.
Johnson did not leave his seat in the Senate when his native Tennessee
declared secession in 1861. Johnson broke apart with the planter class in
the South it was clear that he had no likeness for the Republican Party or
emancipation and equality for African Americans. Johnson continued with
the reconstruction idea that Lincoln had mapped out. Johnson quickly
recognized the new southern state governments as legal after they rejected
secession and ratified the 13 amendment banning slavery. In the South
many members of the old South were now back in power. They tried to copy
the conditions of the old South, which included passing a series of
restrictive laws known as the black codes. Postwar conditions were similar
to prewar conditions that many northerners wondered if they had won the
war, but lost the peace. The Reconstruction Era ended with the election of
President Hayes in 1877.
Congress & Presidential clash over
Tensions rose in 1866 between the president and Congressional
Republicans.President Johnson had vetoed two measures passed by
Congress it was an extension of the Freedman's Bureau and Civil Rights
Act designed to overturn the Black Codes that the Southern States had put
into effect. Congress overrode both of the vetoes. The biggest issue was
the 14 Amendment which made all people born in the United States,
citizens. By doing this it undid the Dred Scott decision that said that African
Americans were not citizens of the United States. The amendment
guaranteed all citizens “ equal protection under the law” and stoped states
from denying any citizen “ life, liberty, or property without due process of
law”. The amendment did not extend voting guarantees. It did allow
congress to reduce the representation of states that withheld the vote from
African American males. In this section of the Constitution it mentions the
word “males” for the first time.
Radical Reconstruction
Johnson tried to move the doubtful white
voters against the 14 Amendment in the
1866 midterm elections. His plan backfired
when the Republicans won in the 1866
Role of the Southern State and
African American involvement
The role of African American’s in politics during Reconstruction was that
many served in state and local politics. 14 black men served in the House of
Representatives between 1869 and 1877, 6 served as lieutenant governors
and more than 600 served in Southern state legislatures. In 1870 Hiram
Revels became the first African American to serve in congress.
Southern state governments now had to face that the African Americans were
no longer enslaved and could hold political office and had power because
they outnumbered the whites. Thus creating the KKK to prevent the blacks
from exercising their political power.
During and after the Reconstruction, African Americans in the South created
their own schools and colleges. The most famous was Booker T.
Washington’s Tuskegee Institute.
Wade-Davis Act It was were congress responded to Lincoln’s Plan(vetoed).
State could only be readmitted if majority of the male population voted and
they took the loyalty oath. They would have to adopted to the new
constitution, abolishing slavery and disenfranchising confederate officers
and government officials.
Black Code: It was to limit the right of black and set of regulations limited
movement by blacks, prohibited interracial marriage, insisted that blacks
obtain special certificates to hold certain job. Passed by the southerners.
Civil Rights Act:(1866) It was passed by radical congress for Blacks to be
citizens. It authorize the federal government to use force to enforce it in the
14th Amendment that gave equal rights.
Jim Crow Laws: Any of the laws legalizing racial segregation of blacks and
whites that were enacted in Southern states beginning in the 1880s and
enforced through the 1950s.
Thaddeus Stevens: A Congressman who was a member of the Republican
Party who believed in and fought for the emancipation of slaves. He served
on the House committee that recommended Johnson’s impeachment.
10 Percent Plan:(1863) It was were that state had taken the oath of
allegiance to the U.S. They pledged to be given the opportunity to swear
allegiance to the government and the state legislature could write a new
constitution but it also had to abolish slavery forever, if all processed Lincoln
would recognize the reconstructed government
Compromise of 1877: An unwritten deal that settled the presidential elections
of 1876 between Rutherford Hayes and Samuel Tilden. Due to this
agreement he received the electoral votes from the three disputed states
and became president in exchange for agreeing to name a southerner to his
cabinet, removing the last federal troops from the South, and giving federal
aid to Southern railroad construction.
Ku Klux Klan: It was created in 1866 and was a white terrorist group that
resisted Reconstruction by tormenting black Americans.
Pros & Cons of Reconstruction
●13,14, and 15th Amendment
●Reunification of the Union
●expansion of the South & North’s
●Education for everyone
●Freedom for blacks
●Built hospitals that served African
American communities
●rewrote constitutions
●undated penal codes
●began physical rebuilding of the wartorn South
●Corrupt people in political offices, for
example Ulysses S. Grants entire
cabinet was completely corrupt and
money hungry
●KKK terrorises down south
●whiskey ring and black friday
●number of lynchings and black hate
crimes down in the south
●industrialization in the South was slow
AP Question
In order to end the impasse over the 1876 presidential
elections, the Republicans agreed to
A) pardon all the Confederate officers
B) let the Democrats choose the new secretaries of war
and state
C) extend money to help the South rebuild
D) end the Reconstruction by withdrawing all Union troops
from the South
E) suspend the 14 and 15 Amendment
D) The disputed election of 1876 led an
agreement between the Democrats and the
Republicans. The Democrats would let the
Republicans have the White House if the
Republicans agreed to withdraw the last
federal troops from the South and end
AP Question
Which of the following was NOT a result of
(A) An increase in membership in the Ku Klux Klan
(B) The passage of three Constitutional Amendments
(C) The election of black senators and representatives
(D) The emergence of two distinct factions within the
Republican Party
(E) Government grants of forty acres and a mule to each
E) All of the above were results of
Reconstruction except (E), which was
suggested but never implemented.
The end
Jazmin Zamora aka Lydia
Veronica Martinez aka Vero
Vanessa Flores aka Vanne
The Flowers Crew
Thank you !!!!