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Post War / Civil Rights
Study Power Point
What was MOST SIGNIFICANT about Union
Gen. Sherman’s capture of Atlanta?
A. CSA Gen. Lee’s supply lines were
immediately cut off.
B. The victory helped lead to
the re-election of President Lincoln in 1864.
C. Sherman’s soldiers now had
an opportunity to rest..
D. The Mississippi River would now be under
Union control.
During which prehistoric period did the bow
and arrow come into use?
Which group of GA colonists were upset
about the Charter of 1732 ban on slavery and
What was the Supreme Court decision
called that declared the separate-butequal policy unconstitutional?
Brown v. Board of
According to Georgia’s Charter of
1732, which group of people
could not become colonists?
Blacks, Lawyers,
Alcohol Dealers
President Lincoln's plans for
Reconstruction would most
likely have included which of
these two options?
A ) It is important that the South be punished
economically and politically for starting the
Civil War.
B) It is important that the North support policies that
help the South recover as quickly as possible.
Ellis Arnell, _____________ and
Melvin Thompson were all involved
in Georgia’s infamous Three
Governors Episode of 1946.
Herman Talmadge
Who favored bringing about social
change through nonviolence?
Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.
After Lincoln’s death, which
political leader believed that
former Confederate states
should be restored to the
President Andrew Johnson
Which GA Gov. felt that the state flag
of 1956 represented the past instead
of looking toward the future, damaged
Georgia’s tourist industry, and was a
symbol of slavery?
Roy Barnes
Radical Republicans most likely
would have supported a plan for
Reconstruction that included
________________ demands on
ex-Confederates in the South?
Alexander McGillivray signed what in
1790, giving away all Creek land east
of the Oconee River?
Treaty of New York
Who was the first African-American
mayor of Atlanta
Maynard Jackson
The three major Georgia cities located on
the Fall Line are
Columbus, Macon, Augusta
TRUE or False
De Soto and his men were able to defeat the
Native Americans in battle, because De Soto’s
men always had the numerical advantage in
Which Supreme Court Chief Justice
ruled that Georgia laws did not apply
to the Cherokee?
John Marshall
What female was one of the first blacks
to be admitted to the University of
Charlayne Hunter
Who signed a treaty that ceded the last
Creek land in Georgia?
Creek chief
William McIntosh
What was the purpose of the Sibley
To study the problem of
school integration.
In order to provide a buffer state to
prevent Spanish and Native American
invasions of South Carolina the King of
England decided to do what?
Create the Colony of Georgia.
After traveling the state, what did the
Sibley Commission recommend?
It decided to allow local school
systems to decide if they wanted
integration or to shut down.
With what is the Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech
The March on Washington, D.C.
Who was a legendary heroine (female
hero) of the Revolutionary War.?
Nancy Hart
What was the focus of the Albany
Movement in Georgia?
To integrate interstate bus station
waiting rooms in Albany.
Who was Austin Dabney?
The former slave / black soldier
who was seriously wounded at
the Battle of Kettle Creek.
Which amendment gave
Black men the right to vote?
What was unique about the term of
Gov. Ellis Arnall?
He was the first governor of Georgia to serve a
term of four years.
Lincoln's presidential election led to a
special legislative session in Georgia to
consider what?
Georgia’s seceding from the Union.
During the Three Governors Episode,
where did Governor Ellis Arnall set
up his office?
Capitol information booth
In what area did Herman
Talmadge make his greatest
contributions as governor?
The Liberty boys were formed in
Savannah as a form of protest to what?
The Stamp Act
The Supreme Court's decision in Brown v.
Board of Education (1954) struck down which
practice that had been in place since
The practice of "separate but equal"
schools for black and white students.
What were 2 main points from
the Proclamation of 1763?
A law signed by King George that
forbade colonists to move west of
the Appalachian Mountains &
moved GA’s southern border to
the St. Mary’s River.
The Fourteenth Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution was passed
in response to what?
The adoption of laws known
as Black Codes by the
southern states.
Which Georgian served as mayor of
Atlanta, and was instrumental in
bringing the Olympics to Atlanta?
Andrew Young
What were 2
of Ivan Allen, Jr.?
Desegregation of City Hall and
bringing major league teams to ATL.
Which amendment abolished
Is it true that Lester Maddox
integrated the Georgia State Patrol?
In what document did Lincoln free the
slaves from their bondage in those
southern states which were in rebellion
against the Union.
In what state did the Albany
The Albany movement was a
political movement that attempted
to desegregate the bus and train
stations in Albany, New York
Movement Occur?
Albany, Georgia
Name the notorious Civil War
location in southern Georgia.
Confederate Prison
Under the administration of William
Hartsfield, racial moderation in Atlanta
included the integration of what?
Along with being the president of
Atlanta’s Morehouse College, this
educator was best known for being
the spiritual/mentor of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.?
Benjamin Mays
Who was the mayor of Atlanta
responsible for bringing
professional athletic teams to the
Ivan Allen, Jr.
How did William Hartsfield
promote civil rights in Atlanta?
Integrated City Hall and hired the
cities first black police officers.
Why (give 3 strong
reasons) have so
many companies
moved to Atlanta, GA?
Mild Climate
Transportation infrastructure (airports, railroads,
Few/weak unions
Low Tax Rate
Which BEST describes the Civil
Rights Act of 1964?
It made segregation and racial
discrimination illegal.
Why did the number of farmers in
Georgia decline after WWII?
Moving towards Industrialization
The GI Bill provided for higher education and
opportunities to move to suburbs
Which Atlanta mayor integrated the city’s fire
department and removed the “colored” and
“white” signs from City Hall?
Ivan Allen, Jr.
What was MOST SIGNIFICANT about Union
Gen. Sherman’s capture of Atlanta?
The victory helped lead to
the re-election of President Lincoln in 1864.
The three major Georgia cities located on
the Fall Line are
Columbus, Macon, Augusta
During which prehistoric period did the bow
and arrow come into use?
TRUE or False
De Soto and his men were able to defeat the
native Indians in battle De Soto’s men De
Soto’s men rode horses
De Soto’s men had firearms and swords of
One year short of its original goal, Georgia
was a charter colony for
A. 10 years.
B. 15 years.
C. 20 years
D. 21 years
Brown v. Board of Education
declared what?
That the separatebut-equal policy
According to Georgia’s Charter of
1732, Blacks, Lawyers, Alcohol Dealers
belonged to what group?
A group of people that
could not become colonists
President Lincoln's plans for
Reconstruction would most
likely have included which of
these two options?
A ) It is important that the South be punished
economically and politically for starting the
Civil War.
B) It is important that the North support policies that
help the South recover as quickly as possible.
Ellis Arnell, _____________ and
Herman Talmadge
were all involved in Georgia’s
infamous Three Governors Episode
of 1946.
Melvin Thompson
How did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
favor bringing about social change?
After Lincoln’s death, President
Andrew Johnson believed what
should happen to the former
Confederate States?
That they should be
restored to the Union.
What reasons
did those that
wanted to
change the 1956
Georgia flag
1) It represented the past instead of looking toward
the future.
2) It damaged Georgia’s tourist industry.
3) It was a symbol of slavery.
Who would have most likely
supported a plan for
Reconstruction that included
harsh demands on exConfederates in the South?
Radical Republicans
The Treaty of New York
was signed in 1790 by
________________, giving away all
Creek land east of the Oconee River?
Who was Maynard Jackson?
The first African-American
mayor of Atlanta
Supreme Court Justice John Marshall
ruled that ___________did not apply
to the Cherokee?
Georgia laws
Who was one of the first blacks MALES
to be admitted to the University of
Hamilton Holmes
Who was William McIntosh?
A Creek Chief that signed a
treaty that ceded the last
Creek land in Georgia.
What was the purpose of the Sibley
To study the problem of
school integration
In order to provide a buffer state to
prevent Spanish and Native American
invasions of South Carolina the King of
England decided to do what?
Create the Colony of Georgia
What did the Sibley Commission
It decided to allow local school
systems to decide if they wanted
integration or to shut down.
With what is the Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech
The March on Washington, D.C.
Who was Nancy Hart?
A legendary heroine(female
hero) of the Revolutionary
What was the focus of the Albany
Movement in Georgia?
To integrate interstate bus station
waiting rooms in Albany
Who was The former slave /
black soldier who was seriously
wounded at the Battle of Kettle
Austin Dabney
Which amendment gave
Black Men the right to vote?
What was unique about the term of
Gov. Ellis Arnall?
He was the first governor of Georgia to serve a
term of four years.
Lincoln's presidential election led to a
special legislative session in Georgia to
consider what?
Georgia’s seceding from the Union
During the Three Governors Episode,
where did Governor Ellis Arnall set
up his office?
Capitol information booth.
In what area did Herman
Talmadge make his greatest
contributions as governor?
The Liberty boys were formed in
Savannah as a form of protest to what?
The Stamp Act
The Supreme Court's decision in Brown v.
Board of Education (1954) struck down which
practice that had been in place since
The practice of "separate but equal"
schools for black and white students
What was the
Proclamation of 1763?
A law signed by King George that
forbade colonists to move west of
the Appalachian Mountains
The Fourteenth Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution was passed
in response to what?
The adoption of laws known
as Black Codes by the
southern states.
Which Georgian served as mayor of
Atlanta, and was instrumental in
bringing the Olympics to Atlanta?
Andrew Jackson Young
What was one accomplishment of
Ivan Allen Jr.?
He took a stand against segregation in
Which amendment abolished
Is it a fact that Lester Maddox
integrated the Georgia State Patrol?
In what document did Lincoln free the
slaves from their bondage in those
southern states which were in rebellion
against the Union.
In what state did the Albany
The Albany movement was a
political movement that attempted
to desegregate the bus and train
stations in Albany, New York
Movement Occur?
Albany, Georgia
What notorious Civil War place
was located in
Andersonville, Georgia?
Confederate Prison
Under the administration of William
Hartsfield, racial moderation in Atlanta
included the integration of what?
City Hall
Along with being the president of
Atlanta’s Morehouse College, this
educator was best known for being
the spiritual/mentor of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.?
Benjamin Mays
Who was the mayor of Atlanta
responsible for bringing
professional athletic teams to the
Ivan Allen Jr.
How did William Hartsfield
promote civil rights in Atlanta?
Integrated cities lunch counters and
hired the cities first black police
Why did companies
move to Atlanta, GA?
Mild Climate
Low Tax Rate
Few/weak unions
Which BEST describes the Civil
Rights Act of 1964?
It made segregation and racial
discrimination illegal.
Why did the number of farmers in
Georgia decline after WWII?
Tractors were being used more
The GI Bill provided other
Which Atlanta mayor integrated the city’s fire
department and removed the “colored” and
“white” signs from City Hall?
Ivan Allen Jr.
Where was a notorious
Confederate prison in Georgia?
In the Emancipation
Proclamation, whom did
President Lincoln Free?
The slaves who were in bondage in
the southern states that were in
rebellion against the Union.
What event led to a special
legislative session in Georgia to
consider seceding from the Union?
Lincoln being elected
president in 1860
Which group of people could become
colonists in Georgia according to its 1732
A. Blacks
B. Lawyers
C. Methodists
D. Liquor dealers
Which was not a major source of
discontent with Georgia’s early colonists?
Restrictions on rum and alcohol
A ban on slavery
A ban on Catholicism
Restrictions on land inheritances
What did Chief Justice John Marshall
and the U.S. Supreme Court decide
in Worcester v. Georgia?
Georgia laws did not apply in the
Cherokee nation and the missionaries
should be freed.
Which Creek chief signed the Treaty
of Indian Springs (along with his
cousin, GA Gov. George Troup) that
gave away the last Creek lands in
Georgia and caused him to be
executed by his people?
William McIntosh
Which Creek chief signed (along with
George Washington) the Treaty of
New York that gave away Creek lands
east if the Oconee River?
Chief Alexander McGillivray
What was the
“Georgia Platform”
It was a statement written by Georgians,
Robert Toombs, Alexander Stephens and
Howell Cobb, showing their support for
the Compromise of 1850.
Who most likely would have
supported a plan for
Reconstruction that included harsh
demands on exConfederates in the South?
Radical Republicans
What were Vice-President, then
President Johnson’s plan for the
defeated South?
He felt the same as Lincoln and thought
that the South should be restored to the
Union as quickly as possible.
Who would most likely have agreed
that it was important that the
North support policies that help the
South recover as quickly as possible
after the war?
President Lincoln or a supporter
of his plans for Reconstruction
What did the Thirteenth
Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution do?
It abolished slavery.
What did the Fifteenth Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution do?
It gave black males
the right to vote.
What amendment to the U.S.
Constitution gave black males full
citizenship rights?
Which is NOT a reason why De Soto
and his men were able to defeat
the native Americans in battle?
A. De Soto’s men always had the numerical
advantage in manpower.
B. De Soto’s men rode horses.
C. De Soto’s men had firearms and swords of steel.
D. De Soto’s men wore steel armor plating.
about Union Gen. Sherman’s
capture of Atlanta?
A. CSA Gen. Lee’s supply lines were immediately
cut off.
B. The victory helped lead to the re-election of
President Lincoln in 1864.
C. Sherman’s soldiers now had an opportunity to
rest. D. The Mississippi River would now be
under Union control.
What group of British settlers resented
the Charter of 1732 restrictions on
Georgia colonists such as the ban on
slavery, alcohol, and inheriting land?
Clamorous Malcontents
Scottish Highlanders
German Salzburgers