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Introduction to
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© Boardworks Ltd 2012
This lesson will cover:
What is meant by software.
The differences between the types of
software available.
The main types of application software, and the
appropriate uses of application software.
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What is software?
What examples can you think of?
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Software refers to the set
of programming commands
which work with the
computer’s hardware.
These commands run all
the applications which
make computers so useful.
Programmers write code to make software packages.
These can be downloaded from the supplier’s website or
installed from a CD or DVD onto a computer’s hard drive.
The programs are written in special languages which interact
with the computer’s processors and operating systems.
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Types of software
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Operating system
When you switch on a computer, it loads its operating
system. An operating system turns an assortment of
electronic parts into a computer that we can use to do things.
It acts as an interface (go between) between the different
hardware devices and the user.
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Application software
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Different types of application software
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Choosing the right software
Why would each of these types of software be best?
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Utilities software
There is another group of software that does useful jobs,
like checking for viruses. This is called utilities software.
Some utilities, such as file
management software,
are usually delivered with
the operating system.
Others, like firewalls and security software, come as
separate packages.
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Programming software
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