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Team Members
Eric Fune (Director of Programming)
 David Hashisaka (Senior Circuitry
Technician and Chief Fabrication
 Jarret Dun (Executive Design Analyst)
 Christopher Doeringer (Mechanical
Engineering Consultant)
Project Overview
An electronic, autonomous robotic specifically
designed to map out the quickest way to the center
of a 16x16 cell maze
Will be divided up into 5 modules: sensors, power,
programming, motor(s), chassis
The Teptations' Approach
Design our MicroMouse one module at a time
Ensure each module is functional independent of
other modules
Consolidate the modules together so as to create
one functional unit
Potential Problems
Scheduling conflicts between The Teptations
Collective lack of robotics experience among The
Teptations members
The Teptations will have to simultaneously learn
and apply MicroMouse design and fabrication
Learning Expectations
To learn more about circuits and programming and
how to apply their operations to real life situations
To educate ourselves on how to operate a soldering
iron proficiently and efficiently
Gain more experience and knowledge in dealing
with circuits and programming
Apply the “Five Steps” of design
Complete a MicroMouse that can go down a
straightaway and turn around
To fabricate a MicroMouse in a safe, controlled,
professional work environment without inflicting
damage to a person