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Chapter 1
The Science of Psychology
1. What is Psychology?
A. The Fields of Psychology
 Developmental Psychology
Study of how people change over time
 Physiological
 Study of how biology controls behavior
 Experimental Psychology
 Perform experiments to study
 Study of how people differ from
one another
Clinical and Counseling
 Study and treatment of
psychological disorders
 Study of how people influence
one another
 Study of group behavior
Industrial and Organization (I/O)
 Study of psychological principles
in industry and business
Five Enduring Issues
B. Five Enduring Issues
 Is behavior caused by factors inside the person
or outside?
 Nature – Nurture (Heredity–Environment)
 Is the person we become a product of innate,
inborn tendencies, or a reflection of
experiences and upbringing?
 People remain unchanged vs. change
 Diversity-Universality
 How are we different vs. the same
 Mind–Body
 Relationship between experience and
biological processes
C. Psychology As Science
Scientific method
 Other behavioral sciences
 Sociology, anthropology
 Political science, economics, history
2. The Growth of Psychology
A. The "New Psychology": A Science of the
Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Bradford Titchener:
 Structuralism
 Basic units of experience
 William James
 Functionalism
 Studied how we use perception to function
in its environment.
Sigmund Freud: Psychodynamic psychology
 Individual unconscious factors
 John B. Watson: Behaviorism
 Studied only observable behaviors
 B.F. Skinner: Behaviorism revisited
 Expanded behaviorism
B. Cognitive Revolution
The precursors:
 Gestalt psychology
 We perceive things as whole patterns
 Humanistic psychology
 Realizing full potential
 The rise of cognitive psychology
 Study of mental processes
C. New Directions
Evolutionary psychology?
 Adaptive value of behaviors and mental
 Positive psychology
 Focusing on attitude
 Multiple perspectives
 No single right answer.
 Where are the women?
 Important contributions despite discrimination
3. Human Diversity
A. Gender
Psychological and social meanings attached to being
biologically male or female
 Gender stereotypes
 Limited view of people based on gender
 For example, “Only men can be police
Feminist psychology
 Study of the psychology of women
 Sexual orientation
 Gender to which one is sexually attracted
B. Race and Ethnicity
Racial and ethnic minorities in psychology
 Race is subpopulation defined by identifiable
 Ethnicity common cultural heritage; religion,
language, ancestry
C. Culture
Tangible goods and values, attitudes, behaviors, and
beliefs that are passed on from generation to
4. Research Methods in
A. Naturalistic Observation
 Systematic observation in natural setting
B. Case Studies
 Intensive description and analysis of one or
several people
C. Surveys
 Questionnaires or interviews
D. Correlational Research
Research techniques based on the naturally
occurring relationship between two or more variables.
Can make predictions
 Math and English placement tests
 SAT and school success
 Job testing and success on the job
E. Experimental Research
Subject or participants
 Independent variable
 Cause (what you are studying)
 Dependent variable
 Effect (result of experiment)
Experimental group
 Receive special treatment
 Control group
 Does not receive special treatment but is the
same in every other way
 Experimenter bias
 Expectations by experimenter influence
outcome also teachers
F. Multimethod Research
Combining methods
G. Importance of Sampling
 Sample
 Small representative subset
 Random sample
 Every subject had equal chance of being
 Representative sample
 Characteristics of participants correspond to
larger population
H. Human Diversity and Research
 Avoiding cultural bias
5. Ethics and Psychology
A. Ethics in Research on Humans
Informed of nature of research
 Informed consent documented
 Risks and limits on confidentiality explained
 Alternative academic credit so truly free choice for
Deception cannot be used about aspects of
research that would affect participant's willingness
to participate
 Deception about the goals of research used only
when absolutely necessary
B. Ethics in Research on Nonhuman Animals
According to the APA, psychologist using animals
in research must ensure “appropriate
consideration of [the animal’s] comfort, health, and
humane treatment.”
6. Careers in Psychology
A. Academic and Applied Psychology
Educational or research facilities
B. Clinical Settings
Therapy in hospitals and clinics
C. Licenses
Psychologists - Ph.D
 Psychiatrists - M.D.
 Psychoanalysts
 Can be M.D. or Ph.D
 Additional specialized training
 Social Workers - M.S.W. or D.S.W.
 Marriage Family Therapists - M.A.
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