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Lecture 8 – Ruby and Rails
Origins and Uses of Ruby
Designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz); released in 1996
Use spread rapidly in Japan, Use is now growing in part because of Rails
(will be covered later in lecture)
A pure object-oriented purely interpreted scripting language
Related to Perl and JavaScript, but not closely
Scalar Types and Their Operations
There are three categories of data types: scalars, arrays, and hashes
Two categories of scalars, numerics and strings
All numeric types are descendants of the Numeric class
Integers: Fixnum (usually 32 bits) and Bignum
Scalar Literals
An integer literal that fits in a machine word is a Fixnum (32 bit digit)
Other integer literals are Bignum objects (depending on size of number these two
can be interchanged). Presentation of numbers in Ruby is easier as underscores
(which are ignored) can be used, i.e. 123_456_789_321
Any numeric literal with an embedded decimal point or a following exponent is a
Float object, the decimal point must be embedded (preceded and followed by at
least one number) so in Ruby .435 is not a legal literal
All string literals are String objects – defined by single-quote and double-quotes
The Null string (one with no characters) can be denoted with either ‘ ‘ or “ “
Single-quoted literals cannot include apostrophes: these need to be preceded with \
‘I\’ll meet you at O\’Malleys’
Double-quoted literals
•can include escape sequences, e.g. “Runs \t Hits \t Errors” will be
presented spaced with tabs
•and can interpolate embedded variables - their values are substituted for their
Names of local variables begin with lowercase letters and are case sensitive
Variables embedded in double-quoted literal strings are interpolated if they
appear in braces and are preceded by a hash sign (#)
“Tuesday’s high temperature was #{tue_high}”
If value of tue_high is 83, string has the following value
“Tuesday’s high temperature was 83”
“The cost of our apple order is $#{price * quantity}”
If the value of price is 1.65 and quantity is 6, the value of this string is
“The cost of our apple order is $9.90”
In Ruby (which is a pure object-orientated language) variables do not have
types, they are all references to objects, every data value is an object – differs
from C++ and Java where variables need to be defined, in Ruby there is no way
to define a variable!
Numeric Operators
Arithmetic operators are like those of other languages,(binary operators), + for addition, - for
subtraction, * for multiplication, / for division, ** for exponentiation and % for modulus
except Ruby has no increment (++) or decrement (--) found in other languages
Any operation on Bignum objects that produces a result that fits in a Fixnum coerces it to a
Fixnum, Any operation on Fixnum objects that produces a result that is too large coerces
it to a Bignum
Ruby included a Math module which methods for basic trigonometric and transcendental
functions – referenced by prefixing their names with Math.
e.g., Math.sin(x)
Interactive Ruby
irb is an interactive interpreter for Ruby, allowing one to type any Ruby expression and get
an immediate response from the interpreter
% irb – irb will respond with its own prompt which is,
irb(main):001:0> 17 * 3
Shorten the prompt with irb(main):002:0>conf.prompt_i = ">>"
Try it out at
String Methods
Ruby string class has more than 75 methods, many can be used as operators.
String method for concatenation is plus (+), which creates a new string from its operands.
>>”Happy” + “ “ + “Holidays!”
=> “Happy Holidays!”
The << method appends another string to the right end of a string,
>>mystr = “G’day “
“G’day “
>> mystr << “mate”
=> “G’day mate”
Assign mystr to another variable
>> mystr = "Wow!"
=> "Wow!"
>> yourstr = mystr
=> "Wow!"
>> mystr = "What?"
=> "What?"
>> yourstr
=> "Wow!"
If you want to change the value of the location that is referenced by a variable, use replace
>> mystr.replace("Oh boy!")
=> "Oh boy!"
Commonly used String Methods
Converts the first letter to uppercase and
the rest of the letters to lowercase
Removes the last character
Removes a newline from the right end, if
there is one
Converts all of the lowercase letters in the
object to uppercase
Converts all of the uppercase letters in the
object to lowercase
Removes the spaces on both ends
Removes the spaces on the left end
Removes the spaces on the right end
Reverses the character of the string
Converts all uppercase letters to lowercase
and all lowercase letters to uppercase
String Methods (cont)
All of the aforementioned produce new strings, while bang or mutator methods can be
used to modify the string in place– add an !
>> str = “Frank”
>> str.upcase!
>> str
=> “FRANK”
The == operator tests for equality of the objects
>> “snowstorm” == “snowstorm”
>>”snowie” == “snowy”
=> false
In a similar vein to test whether two variables reference the same object, use the equal?
And another alternative, the eql? method tests whether the receiver object and the
parameter have the same type and the same value
For ordering, use the “spaceship” operator 
It returns -1 if the second operand is greater than the first, 0 if they are equal and 1 if the
first operand is greater than the second
In this case greater than means belongs later alphabetically
>> “apple”  “prune”
>> “grape”  “grape”
>> “grape”  “apple”
=> 1
The * operator takes a string and a numeric expression—it replicates the string
>> “More! “ * 3
=> “More! More! More! “
Simple Output
Output directed to the screen with the puts operator (or method), implicitly attaches a
>> name = “Fudgy”
>> puts “My name is #{name}”
My name is Fudgy
• Use print if you don’t want the newline
• sprintf is also available for conversions to string
total = 352.70
str = sprintf(“%7.2f”, total)
- means a total field width of seven spaces, with two digits to the right of the decimal
point, which is perfect for money
Simple Keyboard Input
The gets method gets a line of input from the keyboard and returns it, including the
newline (if newline not needed it can be discarded with chomp
>>name = gets.chomp
If the input is a number, it must be converted with either to_i (integer) or to_f
(floating-point value)
age = gets.to_i
=> 27
age = gets.to_f
=> 27.5
Running a Ruby script
> ruby filename
Add -c flag is compile only; -w flag is for warnings
> ruby –cw quadeval.rb where quadeval is filename and .rb is ruby extension
If program is found to be okay, the response to this command is
Syntax OK
Selection and Loop Statements
Selection Statements
if control_expression
if a > 10
b = a * 2
An if construct can include elsif (not spelled “elseif”)
if snowrate < 1
puts “light snow”
elsif snowrate < 2
puts “moderate snow”
puts “heavy snow”
- unless is inverse of if
unless sum > 1000
puts “we are not finished yet”
Selection Statements
case expression
when value then
when value then
The values could be expressions, ranges (e.g., (1..10)),
class names, or regular expressions
Semantics of the case statement:
1. There is an implicit break at the end of every selectable segment
2. The value of the expression is compared with the when values, top to bottom,
until a match is found
3. A different operator, ===, is used for the comparisons. If the value is a class
name, it is a match if its class is the same as that of the expression or
one of its superclasses; if the value is a regular expression, === is a
simple pattern match
case in_val
when -1 then
neg_count += 1
when 0 then
zero_count += 1
when 1 then
pos_count += 1
puts "Error – in_val is out of range"
• Unconditional Loop
The body optionally begins with begin and always ends with end
• The break statement
-Control goes to the first statement after the body
• The next statement
-Control goes to the first statement in the body
• Ruby does not have a C-style for statement, iterators are used
Differences between Ruby arrays and those of other common languages:
1. Length is dynamic
2. An array can store different kinds of data
Array Creation - Ruby arrays can be created in two different ways. First, an array
can be created by sending the new message to the predefined Array class.
Second, simply assign a list literal to a variable, where list of literals is delimited by
1. Send new to the Array class
>>list1 =
[nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
>> list2 =, "Ho")
=> ["Ho", "Ho", "Ho", "Ho", "Ho"]
2. Assign a list literal to a variable
>> list2 = [2, 4, 3.14159, "Fred", [] ]
=> [2, 4, 3.14159, "Fred", [] ]
The length of an array is returned by length
>> len = list.length
=> 5
The for-in Statement
The for-in Statement is used to process the elements of an array
>> sum = 0
=> 0
>> list = [2, 4, 6, 8]
=> [2, 4, 6, 8]
>> for value in list
>> sum += value
>> end
=> [2,4,6,8]
>> sum
=> 20
Methods for Arrays and Lists
- Adding and deleting the end elements - unshift, shift, push, pop
- The concat method - takes one or more parameters, which are pushed
onto the end of the array
- The reverse method - does what its name implies
- The include? predicate method - Searches the array for the given
- The sort method
- For arrays of a single element type
- Works for any type elements for which it has a comparison operation
- Returns a new array; does not affect the array object to which it is sent
(See example on next slide)
A list of names is read from the keyboard, each name is converted to all uppercase letters and
placed in an array. The array is then sorted and displayed.
# process_names.rb – a simple ruby program to illustrate the use of arrays
# Input: a list of lines of text, where each line is a person’s name
# Output: the input names, after all letters are converted to uppercase, in
alphabetical order
index = 0
names =
#Loop to read the names and process them
while (name = gets)
#Convert the name’s letters to uppercase and put it in the names array
names[index] = name.chomp.upcase
index += 1
#Sort the array in place and display it
puts “The sorted array”
for name in names
puts name
- a.k.a. Associative Arrays
Two fundamental differences between arrays and hashes:
1. Arrays use numeric subscripts; hashes use string values
2. Elements of arrays are ordered and are stored in contiguous memory; elements of
hashes are not
Hash Creation
1. Send new to the Hash class
my_hash =
2. Assign a hash literal to a variable
ages = ("Mike" => 14, "Mary" => 12)
- Element references – through subscripting
- Element are added by assignment
ages["Fred"] = 9
- Element removal
- Hash deletion
ages = () or
- Testing for the presence of a particular element
- Extracting the keys or values
=> [“Aiden”, “Darcie”, “John”, “Jake”]
>> kids_ages.values
=> [8, 6, 4, 3]
All Ruby subprograms are methods, but they can be defined outside classes
def method_name[(formal_parameters)]
When a method is called from outside the class in which it is defined, it must be
called through an object of that class
When a method is called without an object reference, the default object is self
When a method is defined outside any class, it is called without an object
Method names must begin with lowercase letters
The parentheses around the formal parameters are optional
Neither the types of the formal parameters nor that of the return type is given
If the caller uses the returned value of the method, the call is in the place of an
operand in an expression
If the caller does not use the returned value, the method is called with
a standalone statement
The return statement is often used to specify the return value
If a return is not executed as the last statement of the method, the
value returned is that of the last expression evaluated in the method
Local Variables
Local variables are either formal parameters or variables created in
the method
A local variable hides a global variable with the same name
The names of local variables must begin with either a lowercase letter
or an underscore
The lifetime of a local variable is from the time it is created until
execution of the method is completed
A class defines the template for a category of objects, of which any number can be
created. The methods and variables of a class are defined in the syntactic
container that has the following form:
class Class_name
Class names must begin with uppercase letters
class Stack2_class
The names of instance variables must begin with at signs (@)
@stack_ref =
Classes in Ruby are dynamic in the sense that members can be added at any time,
done by simply including additional class definitions that specify new members.
Methods can be removed with remove_method in subsequent definitions
Allowing dynamic changes to classes clearly adds flexibility to the language, but
harms readability. To determine the current definition of a class, one must find all of
its definitions in the program and consider all of them.
Access Control
If needed, external access to instance variables is provided with getters and setters
class My_class
# Constructor
def initialize
@one = 1
@two = 2
# A getter for @one
def one
# A setter for @one
def one=(my_one)
@one = my_one
Note the “=“ in the setter name
When an instance variable is referenced inside the class, the @ is included in the name;
when referenced outside the class, it is excluded
Shortcuts for getters and setters
attr_reader :one, :two
attr_writer :one
Subclasses are defined in Ruby using the less than (<) symbol
class My_Subclass < Base_class
Ruby modules provide a naming encapsulation that is often used to
define libraries of methods. Access to a module is specified with an
include statement, such as
include Math
The methods in a module are mixed into those of the class that
includes it – this is called a mixin. Mixins provide a way to include
the functionality of a module in any class that needs it. They also
provide the benefits of multiple inheritance (as the class still has a
normal superclass from which it inherits members) without the
naming collisions.
Code Blocks and Iterators
A block is a segment of code, delimited by either braces or do and end
reserved words
By itself, a block does nothing but blocks can be sent to methods by attaching
them to calls, this construct is used to build iterators
• Built-in Iterators
times – blocks are sent to number objects to build simple counting loops
4{puts "hey!"}
Blocks can have parameters; they appear at the beginning of the block in
vertical bars (|)
each – blocks are sent to array objects; the block is applied to each element
of the array
>> list = [2, 4, 6, 8]
=> [2, 4, 6, 8]
>>list.each {|value| puts value}
upto – blocks are sent to number objects, including a parameter for
the last value
>>5.upto(8) {|value| puts value}
step – blocks are sent to number objects, including two parameters
for the last value and a step size
>>0.step(6, 2) {|value| puts value}
collect – sent to an array, like each, but the block constructs and
returns a new array
list.collect {|value| value -= 5}
- The mutator version of this is often useful – collect!
User-defined blocks
User-defined blocks
Blocks are called in methods with yield, which can include
parameters to the block
>> def get_name
>> puts "Your name:"
>> name = gets
>> yield(name)
=> nil
>> get_name {|name| puts "Hello, " + name}
Your name:
Hello, Sandra
Pattern Matching
In Ruby the pattern-matching operand is specified with the matching operators, =~ for
a positive match and !~ for a negative match. Patterns are placed between slashes
(/), for example
>> street = “Hammel"
>> street =~ /mm/
=> 2
Remembering matches
>> str = “4 July 1776”
“4 July 1776”
>> str =~ /(\d+) (\w+) (\d+)/
>> puts “#{$2) “#{$1) “#{$3)”
July 4 1776
Ruby has four methods of the String class for string substitutions
str.sub(pattern, replacement)
>> str = “The old car is great, but old”
“The old car is great, but old”
>> str.sub (/old/, “new”)
=> “The new car is great, but old”
The gsub is similar to sub but finds all substring matches and replaces all of them with its second
parameter, for example
>> str = “The old car is great, but old”
“The old car is great, but old”
>> str.gsub (/old/, “new”)
“The new car is great, but new”
>> str
“The old car is great, but old”
There are also mutator versions sub!
gsub !
The i modifier tells the pattern matcher to ignore the case of the letters, for example
>> str = “Is it Rose, rose, or ROSE?”
“Is it Rose, rose, or ROSE?”
>> str.gsub(/rose/i, “rose”)
=> “Is it rose, rose, or rose?”
COM531 Multimedia
Overview of Rails
Rails is a development framework for Web-based applications
Rails is written in Ruby and uses Ruby for its applications - Ruby
on Rails (RoR)
Based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for
applications, which cleanly separates applications into three parts:
- Model – the data and any restraints on it
- View – prepares and presents results to the user
- Controller – controls the application
One characterizing part of Rails is its approach to connecting
object-oriented software with a relational database, using an
object-relational mapping (ORM) approach which maps tables to
classes, rows to objects, and columns to fields of the objects
The classes, objects, methods and attributes that represent a
database in Ruby are automatically built in Rails
Rails components
A request and response in a Rails application
Overview of Rails (2)
For web applications view documents are XHTML documents that may include Ruby code
(where most of the controller code is provided by Rails)
A Rails application is a program that provides a response when a client browser connects
to a Rails-driven Web site, part of “Agile Development” focus on quick development of
working software rather than elaborate documentation and visual aesthetics. Rails does not
use a GUI, but is a command-line-orientated system.
Rails can be used in conjunction with Ajax. Rails uses a JavaScript library named
Prototype to support Ajax, also produces some visual effects
Two fundamental principles that guided the development of Rails:
1. DRY – Do not Repeat Yourself (every element of information appears just once in the
system – minimizes memory required, changes to system are highly localized making them
easier and less error prone)
2. Convention over configuration – structure of an application is established and
maintained by convention, rather than being specified in a config document
One simple way to get started with Rails is to download a complete development system
Instant Rails developed by Curt Hibbs and includes Ruby, Rails, MySQL, Apache and
everything else that is necessary. Instant Rails is self-contained – not run through a
Windows command window
Launching Rails
To use Rails:
1. Click the red I (icon of the InstantRails application) in the directory where
Rails is installed
2. Click the black I in the upper left part of the resulting window
3. Select Rails Application to open another menu
4. Select Open Ruby Console Window - Opens a command-line window in
the rails_apps subdirectory of the directory in which InstantRails was
If Windows and the IIS server is running, it must be stopped; ditto for MySQL
After creating a directory in rails_apps for all related Rails applications, use
the rails command in that directory to create a specific application (in our
example, greet)
>rails new greet
This creates the framework for the new application (launches more than 45
files in 30 directories)
The app subdirectory has four subdirectories,
models, views, controllers, and helpers
Document Requests – for static documents
The generate script can be used to create part of the controller for the application
>rails generate controller say
The created controller will have the name say, response produced by the execution of this
command follows:
There are now two files with empty classes in the controller directory, application.rb, and
say_controller.rb. These contain ApplicationController and SayController
class SayController < ApplicationController
Next, add an empty method to the SayController class – action method
def hello
The URL of the Rails application is
(3000 is server port)
Static Document Requests (cont)
Next, build the view file, or template, which must reside in the say subdirectory of the
views directory of the application and be named
erb instead of doc.type
This is an XHTML document as follows:
<title> greet </title>
<h1> Hello from Rails! </h1>
To test the application, a Web server must be started
>rails s
This starts the default server, named Mongrel
Now, pointing the browser to the application produces the displayed view template content
(You may need to edit routes.rb in config to make this accessible)
Static Document Requests (cont)
Response activities:
1. Instantiate SayController class
2. Call the hello action method
3. Search the views/say directory for hello.html.erb
4. Process hello.html.erb with Erb
5. Return the resulting hello.html.erb to the requesting browser
Dynamic Document Requests
Dynamic documents can be built with Rails by embedding Ruby code in the
template document
An example: display a greeting and the current date and time and the number
of seconds since midnight
Ruby code is embedded in a document by placing it between <% and %>
To insert the result of evaluating the code into the document, use <%=
The Time class has a method, now, that returns the current day of the week,
month, day of the month, time, time zone, and year, as a string
It is now <%= t = %> <br/>
Number of seconds since midnight:
<%= t.hour * 3600 + t.min * 60 + t.sec %>
Dynamic Document Requests
It would be better to put Rails code for time computation in the
controller as that would separate code from the markup
class SayController < ApplicationController
def hello
@t =
@tsec = @t.hour * 3600 + @t.min * 60 + @t.sec
Now the Ruby code in the template is:
It is now <%= @t %> <br />
Number of seconds since midnight: <%= @tsec %>
Rails Applications with Databases
• We will use MySQL (Rails compliant)
• Use a simple database with just one table
• The application will be named cars
• The application will present a welcome document to the user, including the number of cars in
the database and a form to get the beginning and ending years and a body style for the desired
Creating the application
Create new application named cars in examples subdirectory:
>rails new cars –d mysql
The d flag followed by mysql tells Rails that this application will use a MySQL DB
It is customary to use three databases in a Rails database application: one for development, one
for testing, and one for production
- To create the three (empty) databases, change directory to cars, then type:
>rake db:create:all
The Rails response to the command is as follows:
(in C:/myrails/rails_apps/examples/cars)
Creates the database.yml file in the config subdirectory of the application directory (cars)
database.yml file
# MySQL. Versions 4.1 and 5.0 are recommended.
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: cars_development
username: root
host: localhost
Document shows that descriptions
Of all three databases were created
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: cars_test
username: root
host: localhost
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: cars_production
username: root
host: localhost
Rails Applications with Databases (cont)
Next the following command is used to build the model, the required database migration
script, the database table,and maintenance controller and testing support files for the
>rails generate scaffold Corvette
body_style:string miles:float year:integer
The migration class built by this in cars/db/migrate is:
class CreateCorvettes < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :corvettes do |t|
t.string :body_style
t.float :miles
t.integer :year
def self.down
drop_table :corvettes
- Note at this stage we do not have a database—only the description (a migration class)
of a database
Rails Applications with Databases (cont)
To create the database, use the following command:
>rake db:migrate
This command, which executes the self.up method of CreateCorvettes class,
produces the following response:
(in C:/myrails/rails_apps/examples/cars)
== 1 CreateCorvettes: migrating==============
-> 0.2030s
== 2 CreateCorvettes: migrated (0.3440s) ====
The schema (in Ruby code) for the newly created database appears in the db subdirectory
of the application
ActiveRecord: :Schema.define(:version => 1) do
create_table “corvettes”, :force => true do |t|
t.datetime “created_at”
t.datetime “updated_at”
The controller for the application is named corvettes, so we can see the application at
Rails Applications with Databases (cont)
- If we click New corvette, we get:
Note: Rails built the basic table maintenance
operations - create, read, update, and delete (CRUD)
Rails Applications with Databases (cont)
- If we fill out the form, as in:
- Now we click Create, which produces:
Rails Applications with Databases (cont)
- Now if we click Back, we get:
- If we click Edit, we get:
Rails Applications with Databases (cont)
- If we click Destroy, we get:
- The model file, which is in cars/models, has the empty class:
class Corvette < ActiveRecord::Base
- We can easily add some validation to this class to produce an error message if
any fields are left blank
validate_presence_of :body_style, :miles, :year
Rails Applications with Databases (cont)
The model class is now:
class Corvette < ActiveRecord::Base
validate_presence_of :body_style, :miles,
validates_numericality_of :year,
:greater_than => 1952,
:less_than_or_equal_to =>
The controller built by Rails, named CorvetteController, provides the action
index – creates a list of rows of the table
show – creates the data for one row
new – creates a new row object
edit – handles editing a row
create – handles row creation
update – handles updating a row
delete – handles row deletion
There are four documents in the views directory,
index.html.erb, new.html.erb, show.html.erb,
and edit.html.erb
(see overpage)
Index.html.erb document
<h1>Listing corvettes</h1>
<th>Body style</th>
<% for corvette in @corvettes %>
<td><%=h corvette.body_style %></td>
<td><%=h corvette.miles %></td>
<td><%=h corvette.year %></td>
<td><%= link_to 'Show', corvette %></td>
<td><%= link_to 'Edit',
edit_corvette_path(corvette) %></td>
<td><%= link_to 'Destroy', corvette,
:confirm => 'Are you sure?',
:method => :delete %></td>
<% end %>
<br />
<%= link_to 'New corvette', new_corvette_path %>
Notice that index.html.erb is only the content of the
body element
The rest of the document comes from a layout document,
which is stored in the layout subdirectory of views –
built by scaffold
XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type"
content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
<%= controller.action_name %></title>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'scaffold' %>
<p style="color: green"><%= flash[:notice] %>
<%= yield %>
The call to yield tells Rails
the template belongs in the
The call to
specifies the stylesheet to be used
with the layout document. In this
case the stylesheet was furnished
by scaffold
- The new.html.erb document is:
<h1>New corvette</h1>
<%= error_messages_for :corvette %>
<% form_for(@corvette) do |f| %>
<b>Body style</b><br />
<%= f.text_field :body_style %>
<b>Miles</b><br />
<%= f.text_field :miles %>
<b>Year</b><br />
<%= f.text_field :year %>
<b>State</b><br />
<%= f.text_field :state %>
<%= f.submit "Create" %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to 'Back', corvettes_path %>
The calls to text_field create XHTML text
The call to submit creates an XHTML
submit button
The call to link_to creates an XHTML link
The show.html.erb document is:
<b>Body style:</b>
<%=h @corvette.body_style %>
<%=h @corvette.miles %>
<%=h @corvette.year %>
<%=h @corvette.state %>
<%= link_to 'Edit',
edit_corvette_path(@corvette) %>
<%= link_to 'Back', corvettes_path %>
The embedded Ruby code, for example fetches the input
from the corresponding text box
The h in the opening tag specifies that
all < and > characters are to be converted
to character entities to prevent problems
The edit.html.erb document is:
<h1>Editing corvette</h1>
<%= error_messages_for :corvette %>
<% form_for(@corvette) do |f| %>
<b>Body style</b><br />
<%= f.text_field :body_style %>
<b>Miles</b><br />
<%= f.text_field :miles %>
<b>Year</b><br />
<%= f.text_field :year %>
<b>State</b><br />
<%= f.text_field :state %>
<%= f.submit "Update" %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to 'Show', @corvette %> |
<%= link_to 'Back', corvettes_path %>
Now we must build the actual application
- Build a second controller, which we will call main to implement the required actions of
the application
>rails generate controller main
- Next we add an empty action method named welcome to the new controller. This
action method will provide the initial display to the user for the application.
welcome method must also provide the number of cars in the db
# main_controller.rb - for the cars application
class MainController < ApplicationController
# welcome method
# fetches the value for the initial view
def welcome
@num_cars = Corvette.count
- The count method of the table classes returns the number of rows in the table
To implement searches of the table, use find
The find method searches a table for a specific row
mycar = Corvette.find(8)
If given more than one key, find returns an array of the requested row objects, for example
list_five = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
first_five = Corvette.find(list_five)
The RecordNotFound exception is thrown if find is asked to do something it cannot do
The find method can take more complex parameters
sixty_five_conv = find(:all,
:conditions => "year = 1965
and body_style = 'convertible'")
To use find with non-literal conditions, a different parameter form is needed
some_year_conv = find(:all, :conditions =>
["year = ? and body_style = 'convertible'",
If the first parameter is :first, it gets only the first row that meets the specified condition
Next, design the welcome template, which has two tasks:
1. Display text boxes to get the model, years and body style of interest from
the user
2. Display the number of cars furnished by the welcome action method in
the controller
<!– welcome.html.erb – initial view for the
cars application -->
<!– The initial information -->
<h1> Aidan’s Used Car Lot </h1>
<h2> Welcome to our home document </h2>
We currently have <%= @num_cars %> used
Corvettes listed <br /> To request information
on available cars, please fill out <br /> the
following form and submit it
<!– The form to collect input from the user
about their interests -->
<form action = "result" method = "post">
From year: <input type = "text" size = "4"
name = "year1" />
To year: <input type = "text" size = "4"
name = "year2" />
Body style: <input type = "text" size = "12"
name = "body" /> <br />
<input type = "submit" value = "Submit" />
<input type = "reset" value = "Reset" />
Next, design the result action method, which is named result in the welcome
template form
Task: get form data and use find to compute the required output data for the result
The form data is made available by Rails through a hash-like object params
- params can be indexed by either keys or symbols
If phone is the name of a control, we can use:
@phone = params[:phone]
- The result method of the main controller is:
# result method - fetches values for the result
def result
@year1 = params[:year1].to_i
@year2 = params[:year2].to_i
@body = params[:body]
@selected_cars = Corvette.find(:all,
:conditions => ["year >= ? and year <= ?
and body_style = ?",
@year1, @year2, @body])
Last step: build the result template document
Put the information about cars from @selected_cars in a table
<!-- Display what the user asked for -->
<p> Cars from <%= h(@year1) %> to
<%= h(@year2) %>
with the <%= h(@body) %> body style </p>
<!-- Display the results in a table -->
<table border = "border">
<th> Body Style </th>
<th> Miles </th>
<th> Year </th>
<!-- Put the cars of @selected_cars in table -->
<% @selected_cars.each do |car|
<td> <%= car.body_style %> </td>
<td> <%= car.miles %> </td>
<td> <%= car.year %> </td>
<% end %> <!-- end of do loop -->
- A filled out request:
- The result document:
Modifying a database
Rails was designed for Agile Development, so it makes it easy to change to new
versions of databases, and also to revert back to earlier versions
The name of the initial version of the migration for the corvettes table was
(it is in db/migrate)
To change a database table, a new migration file is created and rake is used to
update the table
To illustrate a change, we add a state column to the corvettes table
To create the new migration file:
>rails generate migration
AddStateToCorvette state:string
- Produces the response:
exists db/migrate
create db/migrate/
Modifying a database (cont)
The resulting migration class, named
class AddStateToCorvette <
def self.up
add_column :corvettes, :state, :string
def self.down
remove_column :corvettes, :state
Now use rake to apply the migration to the table:
>rake db:migrate
- Rails response:
(in c:\myrails\rails_apps\examples\cars)
== 1 AddStateToCorvette: migrating ============
-- add_column(:corvettes, :state, :string)
-> 0.3750s
== 2 AddStateToCorvette: migrated (0.5160s) ===
Modifying a database (cont)
Now the display of corvettes is:
- To go back to the last migration form:
>rake db:rollback
- To go back to any migration:
>rake db:migrate VERSION=1
NOTE: The scaffold-provided methods for listing database tables, creating
new rows, editing rows, and deleting rows. However, for creating real
database MySQL is a better option
(ask me if you want the code for creating MySQL file)
Rails provided the layout for the corvettes controller
We could build one for the main controller by including the DOCTYPE, some headings,
and a footer for a copyright
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<head> <title> Main </title>
<h1> Aidan's Used Car Lot </h1>
<h2> Welcome to our home document </h2>
<%= yield %>
<p> Copyright 2009, AUCL, Inc. </p>
We could also add a stylesheet for the templates of main which could be used for both the actual
template file and the layout
/* mainstyles.css - a style sheet for
the main controller */
h1 {font-style: italic; color: blue;}
h2 {color: blue;}
.labels {font-style: italic; color: red;}
Stored in the cars/public/stylesheets directory
To reference the stylesheet in the layout, add the following to the head of the layout
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "mainstyles" %>
- The form of the main template must be changed to use the styles
<form action = "result" method = "post" >
<span class = "labels"> From year: </span>
<input type = "text" size = "4"
name = "year1" />
<span class = "labels"> To year: </span>
<input type = "text" size = "4"
name = "year2" />
<span class = "labels"> Body style: </span>
<input type = "text" size = "12"
name = "body" /> <br />
<input type = "submit"
value = "Submit request" /> <br />
<input type = "reset"
value = "Reset form" /> <br />
Now the welcome template appears as:
Rails with Ajax
There is a library of JavaScript utilities named Prototype, which has
much of what is needed
To access it, place the following in the Rails template document:
<%= javascript_include_tag "prototype" %>
Problems using Rails and Ajax
- Not all elements can be modified or replaced on all browsers using only
the Rails tools
- A simple solution: Use div elements for content that is to be replaced
using Ajax
Rails implements Ajax as follows:
1. Triggered by a user event or a timer
2. Data associated with the event is sent asynchronously to a controller method (an action
handler) on the server using an XHR object
3. The controller action handler performs some operation and returns text or markup
4. JavaScript on the browser receives the response and performs the update to the