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Nicholas P. Azar, D.M.D
An Abstract Presented to the Graduate Faculty of
Saint Louis University in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Dentistry (Research)
Introduction: The cephalometric radiograph has been a staple in orthodontic diagnosis
and treatment planning since its introduction by Broadbent in 1931. Many analyses have
been created by which to compare skeletal and dental relationships. Little research has
been performed evaluating how valuable a cephalometric radiograph is in diagnosing and
treatment planning orthodontic patients with consistency. Purpose: The aim of this
study was to focus on the value that orthodontists place on cephalometric radiographs
when diagnosing and treatment planning on two separate occasions.
Materials and Methods: Ten faculty members from SLU CADE were chosen at random
to evaluate 65 sets of orthodontic records excluding the cephalometric radiograph. Each
participant evaluated 11 of the 65 total records, of which 6 had been treated by that
doctor, and the remaining 5 by none of the participants. A questionnaire of various
skeletal questions and treatment plan options was applied to each case. The responses to
each case treated by the participants (named “internal data”) were analyzed separate from
the 5 universal cases (named “external data”) providing two sets of data. Skeletal
relationships were calculated for external data only in order to compare evenly between
the participants. Consistency of questionnaire responses was based on Kappa agreement
measures and rates >0.60 were deemed statistically significant. Results: All internal
data with regards to planning the use of auxiliary appliances, the decision to extract, and
if surgical treatment was indicated came back at least substantially consistent to the
original treatment plans. Estimating the patients’ skeletal classification, planning the use
of an auxiliary appliance, and whether surgical treatment was indicated were consistently
significant for the external data. Conclusions: Based on these findings it can be
concluded that orthodontists are confident in diagnosing and treatment planning without
the use of a cephalometric radiograph and are consistent in their treatment plan decisions
for cases they have treated in the past. However, there is little consistency of treatment
plan decisions between doctors for cases treated by an unknown orthodontist. Finally,
skeletal-dental relationships cannot be determined without access to a cephalometric
Nicholas P. Azar, D.M.D
A Thesis Presented to the Graduate Faculty of
Saint Louis University in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Dentistry (Research)
Professor Eustaquio Araujo,
Chairperson and Advisor
Professor Rolf G. Behrents
Assistant Professor Donald Oliver
This thesis is dedicated to my family and parents who have supported and guided
me through all my years of education. To my beautiful wife, Jill, you have been with me
every step of the way and without your endless patience, love, and support none of this
would be possible. To my kids, Joseph, Adelaide, and Jane, because even on the worst of
days coming home to see your smiling faces gives me the desire to keep working hard.
Finally, to my parents, you have provided me with all the necessary tools to be successful
in life and your willingness to put your kids’ needs first will never be forgotten.
This research project would not have been possible without the leadership and
guidance of many important people.
Dr. Eustaquio Araujo, my mentor and advisor, for always making yourself
available to teach and guide me through this process. Your wisdom in the field and
calmness in life are an inspiration.
Dr. Rolf Behrents, whatever achievements I have in life I have you to thank. You
provided me with an opportunity to attend the finest institution in orthodontic education
and that is something I will never forget.
Dr. Donald Oliver, I thank you for all the time and effort you give to SLU and
hope you realize this place would not exist in its current form without you.
Dr. Heidi Israel, who performed all my statistical analysis and made herself
available whenever necessary.
Mrs. Eustaquio Araujo, for taking time to assist me in creating figures for my
literature review.
Finally, to the participants of this thesis and faculty at SLU CADE. Without your
eagerness and devotion to the field none of this would have been possible.
Table of Contents
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................v
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1
Facial Evaluation and Diagnosis ..............................................................................5
Dental Evaluation and Diagnosis ...........................................................................10
Cephalometrics ......................................................................................................13
Steiner Analysis .....................................................................................................17
Tweed Analysis ......................................................................................................20
McNamara Analysis...............................................................................................23
Related Studies and Purpose ..................................................................................28
References ..............................................................................................................31
Abstract ..................................................................................................................34
Introduction ............................................................................................................36
Materials and Methods ...........................................................................................37
Results ....................................................................................................................40
Discussion ..............................................................................................................47
Conclusions ............................................................................................................53
Appendix A ........................................................................................................................54
Appendix B ........................................................................................................................58
Appendix C ........................................................................................................................61
Appendix D ........................................................................................................................66
References ..........................................................................................................................69
Vita Auctoris ......................................................................................................................71
List of Tables
Table 2.1
Angle paradigm vs. soft tissue paradigm: A new way of looking at
treatment goals (adapted from Proffit et al.) ...................................................4
Table 2.2
Soft tissue averages determined by Farkas ......................................................7
Table 2.3
Normative standards for comparison of the maxillary and mandibular
lengths (adapted from Jacobson) ...................................................................25
Table 3.1
Agreement measure for internal and external frequency data
(adapted from Landis and Koch) ...................................................................40
Table 3.2
Consistency of the decision to use an auxiliary appliance for internal data ..41
Table 3.3
Consistency of the decision to extract for internal data .................................42
Table 3.4
Consistency of the decision surgery is not indicated for internal data ..........42
Table 3.5
Response rates of skeletal relationships for external data .............................44
Table 3.6
Consistency of the decision to use an auxiliary appliance for external data .44
Table 3.7
Consistency of the decision surgery is not indicated for external data ..........44
Table 3.8
Consistency of the decision to extract for external data ................................45
List of Figures
Figure 2.1
Four standard orthodontic facial photos .........................................................5
Figure 2.2
Anthropometric facial analysis (adapted from Farkas) ..................................6
Figure 2.3
The smile arc ..................................................................................................8
Figure 2.4
Facial outlines depicting Class I, Class II and Class III profiles ....................9
Figure 2.5
Class I dental occlusion (adapted from Angle) ............................................10
Figure 2.6
Class I dental relationship as viewed from the (A) lateral and
(B) frontal views ..........................................................................................11
Figure 2.7
Class II molar and incisor relationships .......................................................12
Figure 2.8
Dental appearance of A) Class II division 1 and B) Class II division 2
malocclusion ................................................................................................12
Figure 2.9
Class III molar and incisor relationships ......................................................13
Figure 2.10
Class I, Class II, and Class III soft tissue and skeletal discrepancy
appearances (adapted from Jacobson) ........................................................15
Figure 2.11
The facial angle ...........................................................................................16
Figure 2.12
The SNGoGn angle .....................................................................................18
Figure 2.13 A) SNA angle and B) SNB angle ................................................................19
Figure 2.14
Normal and acceptable compromises for Steiner’s chevrons
(adapted from Steiner’s Cephalometrics in Clinical practice) ....................19
Figure 2.15
The Tweed Triangle ....................................................................................21
Figure 2.16
The Tweed-Merrifield profile line (adapted from Merrifield) ....................22
Figure 2.17
The Tweed-Merrifield Z-angle (adapted from Merrifield) .........................23
Figure 2.18
The Facial axis angle ...................................................................................26
Figure 2.19
Position of the maxillary and mandibular incisors as measured from
McNamara’s constructed reference lines (adapted from Jacobson) ............27
Figure 3.1
Most influential aspect of the records for all participants for internal data..42
Figure 3.2
Anchorage concerns for all 10 participants for internal data .......................43
Figure 3.3
Most influential aspect of the records for all participants for external data .45
Figure 3.4
Anchorage concerns for all 10 participants for external data .......................46
Figure 3.5
Responses for whether the provided records were satisfactory to
confidently diagnose and treat orthodontic cases without a
cephalometric x-ray ......................................................................................47
Prior to initiating treatment orthodontists perform a comprehensive examination
consisting of medical and dental history and an intraoral examination. Diagnostic records
are then collected which normally includes photographs, study models and panoramic
and cephalometric radiographs. The records provide clinicians with the necessary facial,
dental and skeletal information needed to thoroughly diagnosis and treatment plan
orthodontic treatment. While photographs and study models offer no harm to the patient,
standard orthodontic radiographs expose patients to various levels of radiation. Although
radiation levels experienced by dental radiographs are low1,2 when compared to medical
radiation scans and everyday background exposures,3 there must be clinical justification
for exposing patients to x-rays. The American Dental Association believes “dentists
should weigh the benefits of dental radiographs against the consequences of increasing a
patient’s exposure to radiation” and practice the “as low as reasonably achievable”
(ALARA) principle to minimize exposure to radiation.4 The primary purpose of the
radiographic examination is to provide additional information that may not be evident
clinically.5 However, many orthodontic textbooks do not describe a radiograph protocol.
Rather, they explain diagnosis and treatment plan benefits for periapical, bitewing,
panoramic and cephalometric radiographs.6–9
Bitewing, periapical and panoramic radiographs enable identification of carious
lesions, periapical and bony pathology, potential TMJ dysfunction and dental
development. Specific to orthodontics the lateral cephalometric radiograph provides
information about skeletal size, position, proportion and symmetry of the individual
through which it is possible to assess skeletal disharmonies. In 1986 Atchinson reported
a 90% response rate by orthodontists who routinely take lateral cephalometric and
panoramic radiographs at the initial exam.10 However, there is little research
demonstrating the value that orthodontists place on these radiographs for diagnosis and
treatment planning purposes. Given the high percentage of radiographs taken at initial
exams demonstrated by Atchinson and the little research to prove otherwise, is it fair to
assume this number could be lowered thereby diminishing the amounts of radiation
exposure to our patients? Most orthodontists would agree cephalometric radiographs
provide skeletal and dental relationships otherwise unattainable. However, is this amount
of information produced a necessity in all orthodontic cases? The aim of this study is to
focus on the value that orthodontists place on cephalometric radiographs when
diagnosing and treatment planning orthodontic treatment. The diagnosis of facial, dental
and skeletal relationships and their contributions to orthodontic treatment planning will
be addressed in the literature review.
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature
Orthodontic treatment is generally performed to improve a person’s life by
increasing harmony between dental and jaw relationships. Prior to treatment records are
taken in order to diagnose and treatment plan the case. According to Graber the purpose
of diagnosis is twofold: document the patient’s initial condition and supplement the
diagnostic information with a clinical examination.8 Standard records consist of: dental
casts, intra and extra-oral photographs, panoramic and cephalometric radiographs and
direct clinical measurements.
The clinical examination is the first time the doctor has the opportunity to assess
the malocclusion and begin formulating a treatment plan. Graber points out three
essential outcomes of the clinical exam: overall impression of the oral health and soft
tissues, jaw function, and dental-facial esthetics.8 Periodontal disease,
temporomandibular joint dysfunction, decay, and prosthodontic concerns are noted and
must be considered in the diagnosis and treatment plan.
Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning has three components: facial, dental
and skeletal diagnoses. The facial diagnosis is performed immediately upon meeting the
patient and has become increasingly important as the orthodontic specialty is undergoing
a paradigm shift from hard tissue analysis as the primary concern to soft tissue analysis.
As depicted in Table 1.1, Angle’s paradigm of ideal occlusion and harmony of the dental
and skeletal components is being replaced by the soft tissue esthetics and functional goals
of the soft tissue paradigm. Angle believed diagnosis and treatment planning should
focus on skeletal and dental components and the soft tissue relationships were a
byproduct. According to the soft tissue paradigm, proportions of the soft tissue
integument of the face and the relationship of the dentition to the lips and face are the
major determinants of facial appearance. Therefore, ideal soft tissue relationships and
esthetics are considered first and the skeletal and dental relationships are secondary
Table 2.1 Angle paradigm vs. soft tissue paradigm: A new way of looking at
treatment goals (adapted from Proffit et al.)6
Angle Paradigm
Soft Tissue Paradigm
Primary Goal of Treatment
Ideal dental occlusion
Ideal soft tissue proportions
and adaptations
Secondary Goal of Treatment
Jaw relationships
Functional occlusion
Hard versus Soft Tissue Relationships
Ideal skeletal and dental
relationships produces ideal
soft tissue
Ideal soft tissue defines
ideal skeletal and dental
Diagnostic Emphasis
Dental casts and
cephalometric radiographs
Clinical examination of soft
Treatment Approach
Obtain ideal dental and
skeletal relationships and
the soft tissues will be okay
Determine ideal soft tissue
relationships and then place
the jaws and teeth as
needed to obtain them
Facial Evaluation and Diagnosis
During the initial clinical exam facial photos are taken and most commonly
include facial frontal, facial profile, facial smile, and oblique smile (Figure 2.1).8
Figure 2.1: Four standard orthodontic facial photos
Lay people are increasingly aware
of facial esthetics, dental irregularities and
Center for Advanced Dental Education
Stephanie Kettler
1/21/2011, Final, YR. 41 MO. 6
malocclusions. Otuyemi et al. demonstrated
a strong relationship in the perceptions of
dental appearance by patients and parents.11 Moreover, patients have opinions on their
treatment outcomes. Ethically, orthodontists have a responsibility to consider patients’
goals in treatment. The concept of paternalism versus patient autonomy is not defensible
ethically, legally or practically.12,13 Facial photos enable two-dimensional soft tissue
analysis in horizontal and vertical planes for the purposes of evaluating facial
asymmetries and soft tissue characteristics. In addition, lip fullness, lip incompetence,
chin protrusion, facial convexity, gingival display, smile arc and overall facial balance
should be considered in the overall treatment plan. Facial photos are examined with the
patient and soft tissue goals are agreed upon.
Analysis of the frontal facial photo focuses on proportions and asymmetries. A
small degree of bilateral facial asymmetry exists in essentially all normal individuals, and
this has been termed “normal asymmetry.”6 An ideally proportioned face can be divided
into central, medial, and lateral equal fifths, and superior, middle, and inferior facial
thirds.6 The study of facial balance using photographs is not unique to orthodontists.
Figure 2.2 demonstrates the dimensions the anthropologist, Farkas, studied on Canadians
and modern Europeans providing the data shown in Table 2.2. Modern day orthodontists
routinely analyze facial photos for symmetry in facial fifths and facial thirds to determine
soft tissue balance. Farkas’ work provided norms for twelve facial dimensions routinely
used in orthodontic diagnosis.14
Figure 2.2: Anthropometric facial analysis (adapted from Farkas)14
Table 2.2: Soft tissue averages determined by Farkas14
1. Zygomatic width (Zy-Zy) (mm)
2. Gonial Width (Go-Go) (mm)
3. Intercanthal distance (mm)
4. Pupil-midfacial distance (mm)
5. Nasal base width (mm)
6. Mouth width (mm)
7. Face Height (N-Gn) (mm)
8. Lower face height (subnasale-Gn)(mm)
9. Upper lip vermilion (mm)
10. Lower lip vermilion (mm)
11. Nasolabial angle (degrees)
12. Nasofrontal angle (degrees)
137 (4.3)
97 (5.8)
33 (2.7)
33 (2.0)
35 (2.6)
53 (3.3)
121 (0.8)
72 (6.0)
8.9 (1.5)
10.4 (1.9)
99 (8.0)
131 (8.1)
130 (5.3)
91 (5.9)
32 (2.4)
31 (1.8)
31 (1.9)
50 (3.2)
112 (5.2)
66 (4.5)
8.4 (1.3)
9.7 (1.6)
99 (8.7)
134 (1.8)
Analyzing the frontal view in terms of fifths and thirds points to the potential
asymmetries and helps the clinician determine if treatment should address the
discrepancy. Meyer-Marcotti noted that compared to orthodontists and oral surgeons,
laymen were equally able to detect asymmetries when located near the midline, and they
believed asymmetries of the nose to be more negative than those of the same degree of
the chin.15 The increasingly educated and perceptive public has helped develop the
current soft tissue paradigm shift and an increased focus on facial symmetries as
determined by photography.
The facial frontal smile photograph is used to assess “mini-esthetics.” These
include an assessment of gingival display, tooth display, gingival heights, and buccal
corridors.6 Along with attention to the soft tissue treatment objectives, mini-esthetics are
routinely a portion of the patient’s chief complaint. Smile arc and buccal corridors have
become part of the layperson orthodontic focus and research has been dedicated to
layperson’s perspective of these dental characteristics.16 As defined by Sarver and
depicted in Figure 2.3, the smile arc is defined by the curvature of the maxillary incisal
edges being consonant to the curvature of the lower lip.17 Buccal corridors exist when
the transverse dimension of the maxillary dentition is deficient in relation to the adjacent
soft tissue. Black shadows appear in the lateral segments of the smile giving an
unaesthetic appearance.
Figure 2.3: The smile arc
In addition to the frontal smile, the oblique/45 degree smile photo studies the
relationship between the occlusal plane and curvature of the lower lip (i.e., the smile arc).
Sarver’s research focused on the smile arc from the frontal point of view. However,
Springer et al. defined the ideal smile arc as one where the occlusal plane is consonant
with the curvature of the lower lip in an anterior to posterior direction.18 Therefore,
according to Springer the oblique smile photo is necessary to critique the smile arc.
The profile photo is used to assess facial convexity, nose and chin protrusion and
the anterior-posterior relationship between the maxilla and mandible. Orthodontic
skeletal diagnosis has long been, and continues to be, based on cephalometric
radiographs. A facial profile photo allows the analysis of the face from the same
perspective as the lateral cephalometric radiograph, only its purpose is soft tissue
evaluation. The maxillo-mandibular relationship, chin projection and/or retrusion, lip
competence and any other lateral soft tissue views may be studied from the profile
photograph. Although skeletal dimensions may not be determined from a facial
photograph, in many cases skeletal discrepancies are evident on the photos.
Figure 2.4: Facial outlines depicting Class I, Class II and Class III profiles
Figure 2.4 displays Class I, Class II, and Class III facial profiles. Although maxillary and
mandibular dimensions are not known, the type of skeletal disharmony is evident.
Dental Evaluation and Diagnosis
In 1899, Edward Angle defined ideal dental occlusion based on the maxillary and
mandibular first molars.19 Because the lower arch is somewhat smaller than the upper,
the labial and buccal surfaces of the teeth of the upper jaw slightly overhang those of the
lower. In normal occlusion the mesio-buccal cusp of the upper first molar is received in
the sulcus between the mesial and distal buccal cusps of the lower. The slight
overhanging of the upper teeth brings the buccal cusps of the bicuspids and molars of the
lower jaw into the mesio-distal sulci of their antagonists, while the upper centrals,
laterals, and cuspids overlap the lower about one-third the length of their crowns. Figure
2.5 shows Angle’s ideal Class I dental occlusion from the lateral and frontal perspective.
Vertical lines on the maxillary first molar clearly demonstrate its relationship of the
mesial buccal cusp resting in the embrasure of the buccal groove of the mandibular first
Figure 2.5: Class I dental occlusion (adapted from Angle)19
The maxillary central and lateral incisors are larger in height and width than their
mandibular antagonists. As seen in Figure 2.6, they overlap the lower about one-third the
length of their crowns and extend beyond them distally overlapping about one-half of the
opposing mandibular lateral incisors.19
Figure 2.6: Class I dental relationship as viewed from the (A) lateral and (B) frontal
The first molars are also the reference point for defining Class II and Class III
malocclusion. A Class II malocclusion exists when the lower first molar is positioned
distally relative to the upper first molar. In most cases a Class II dentition will exhibit
maxillary incisors in a forward position relative to the lower incisors (Figure 2.7) with the
presence of an overjet.
Figure 2.7 Class II molar and incisor relationships
Class II malocclusions are further defined by the relationship of the anterior segments. A
Class II division 1 malocclusion has the upper incisors more proclined in relation to the
remainder of the maxillary dentition establishing a positive overjet while a Class II
division 2 malocclusion presents with retroclined central incisors (Figure 2.8).
Figure 2.8: Dental appearance of A) Class II division 1 and B) Class II division 2
Class III malocclusion exhibits a mandibular first molar mesially positioned relative to
the maxillary first molar (Figure 2.9). Most often the maxillary incisors in a Class III
malocclusion are behind the mandibular incisors and termed “negative overjet.” Both
Class II and Class III malocclusion are defined when at least one side of the dentition
exhibits the molar relationship.
Figure 2.9: Class III molar and incisor relationships
Although one of the objectives of this study is to analyze the possibility of
treatment planning without the aid of cephalometric radiographs, it is important to review
at least a few of the many cephalometric analyses currently in use.
In 1931 radiographic cephalometry was introduced to the United States via a
publication in the Angle Orthodontist by Broadbent. Since its introduction the lateral
cephalometric radiograph has become a standard tool in orthodontic diagnosis and
treatment planning.20 The basis of Broadbent’s design was a constant focal-spot-toobject distance and approximately 5 centimeter object-to-film distance. Modern day
cephalometric radiographs are taken with the ear rods placed on both ears and the head in
natural head position. Natural head position is a standardized and reproducible
orientation of the head in space when one is focusing on a distant point at eye level.21
The focal spot of the x-ray is directed through the patient’s midsagittal plane and
produces a lateral two-dimensional x-ray film of the patient’s head. Orthodontic
standards include skeletal evaluation by way of radiographic cephalometry. The x-ray
provides information as to skeletal size, position, proportion and symmetry of the
individual by which it is possible to assess skeletal disharmonies. A facial photograph
will represent, in most cases, soft tissue discrepancy. However, skeletal discrepancies
and soft tissue discrepancies may not be the same. Figure 2.10 from left to right
represents Class I, Class II, and Class III soft tissue profiles and skeletal discrepancies.
In this example soft tissue and skeletal discrepancies are matched. However, a Class I
soft tissue profile is not always associated with a Class I skeletal and dental relationship.
Figure 2.10: Class I, Class II, and Class III soft tissue and skeletal discrepancy
appearances (adapted from Jacobson)21
Cephalometric radiographs enhance orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning
through linear and angular measurements of the maxilla, mandible, and associated
dentition. For this reason orthodontists began utilizing cephalometric analyses whereby
the average facial pattern was used as the “norm” to compare each patient. However,
when treatment decisions based on measurements obtained from individual tracings
become dogmatic one must remember all tracings must be interpreted independently and
then compared to the average facial pattern. One cannot expect facial patterns of
orthodontic patients to conform to an average when individuals with normal occlusion
differ from that average.21
In 1948 Downs introduced one of the first cephalometric analyses to the
orthodontic specialty. His objective was to develop a method of describing the nature of
the facial skeleton pattern of normal occlusion and the manner in which the denture fits
into it. Downs believed that if the normal pattern and its range of variation could be
described, then the abnormal one could be determined by comparison.22 Downs located
the Frankfort horizontal, the plane connecting porion and orbitale and used it as the plane
of reference by which all radiographs and photographs would be judged. From this plane
he defined three anterior-posterior facial types based on his “facial angle” (Figure 2.11)
in order to categorize all patients.
Figure 2.11: The facial angle
The facial angle is defined by Frankfort horizontal and a line connecting hard tissue
nasion and hard tissue pogonion. Analysis of the angle defined the relative position of
the mandible to the maxilla as retrognathic, mesognathic or prognathic. Following
Downs’ publication of his cephalometric analysis many variations were developed as
alternatives to analyze cephalometric radiographs.
Steiner Analysis
During the 1950s Steiner developed his cephalometric analysis focusing on
various parts of the skull; specifically, the skeletal, dental and soft tissue profiles.21 A
major influence on Steiner’s orthodontic work was provided by Reidel. Prior to Steiner’s
publication Reidel studied patient cephalograms of various ages and malocclusions with a
focus on the relationship of the maxilla to the cranium and mandible. Reidel identified
the most anterior points of the maxilla and mandible and labeled them A-point and Bpoint, respectively. Although most orthodontists of the time believed the ideal plane of
reference was Frankfort horizontal, Reidel believed that porion and orbitale were
traditionally used as a reference point because anthropologists had used the landmark to
analyze dry skulls and the points were easily identified.23 However, he felt there was too
much error associated with their identification as the primary facial plane to reference his
analysis. Therefore, he made the anterior cranial base, sella to nasion (SN), as his plane
of reference. From SN, Reidel drew a line from A-point and B-point to create the angles
SNA and SNB. These angles enabled Reidel to analyze the maxilla and mandible
independently, and the discrepancy between the jaws with the ANB angle. Finally,
Reidel focused on the mandibular plane angle by taking a line connecting Gonion (the
most convex point on the inferior border of the mandible) and Gnathion (the midpoint
between pogonion and menton) and extended the line to the SN line creating the
mandibular plane angle (Figure 2.12).
Figure 2.12: The SNGoGn angle
Steiner was highly influenced by Reidel and utilized his findings as part of his analysis.
Figure 2.13 shows SNA and SNB angles utilized by both Reidel and Steiner. Along with
these two angles Steiner focused on ANB and SNGoGn as the centerpiece of his analysis
with the following averages: SNA 82°, SNB 80°, ANB 2°, and SNGoGn 32°.24
Discrepancies from the norm defined the associated jaw as deficient or excessive
depending on the value of the angles and the appropriate skeletal classification was
applied. Steiner also emphasized the value of interpreting all aspects of the analysis and
not simply reading the numbers. An ANB exceeding 2° did not always mean a protrusive
maxilla and a Class II dental relationship. If the SNA angle was within its normal limits
(82° +/-3.9°)24 most often the mandible was deficient which could be verified by the
SNB angle.
Figure 2.13: A) SNA angle and B) SNB angle
In order to graphically represent how his patients were different from the cephalometric
“norms” previously established, Steiner created chevrons representing the ideal and
acceptable compromises from the ideal (Figure 2.14).
Figure 2.14: Normal and acceptable compromises for Steiner’s chevrons (adapted from
Steiner’s Cephalometrics in Clinical practice)25
His method of analysis outlined the norms as the following: ANB: 2°, Maxillary central
incisor to NA: 4mm and 22°, Mandibular central incisor to NB: 4mm and 25°.25 The
Steiner analysis creates a baseline chevron for each patient and acceptable compromises
are filled in based on realistic treatment objectives and goals.
Tweed Analysis
Angle is widely recognized as the father of orthodontics due to his creation of
what is now the modern day edgewise appliance. He believed an orthodontic appliance
should have four properties: 1. simplicity 2. efficiency 3. delicacy 4. inconspicuousness.8
In 1928, just two years before he died, the Angle System was introduced to the
orthodontic world and consisted of a horizontal 0.022 x 0.028 inch slot. Due to his
untimely death he had little time to introduce and teach the mechanisms of his system and
it was up to his successors to advance the appliance. Prior to his death Angle spent 7
weeks working with Tweed developing the Angle System appliance. Between 1928 and
1932 Tweed held firmly to Angle’s belief that teeth should never be extracted and a
person should present with a full complement of teeth. However, in following his
patients’ post-orthodontic treatment he was discouraged by the amount of relapse he
observed. For 4 years Tweed devoted his time in studying why his cases were
experiencing so much relapse and determined his most important observation; upright
mandibular incisors frequently were related to post treatment facial balance and
successful treatment.26
Prior to Tweed’s cephalometric analysis publication in 1954 he attended a
cephalometrics course taught by Moore, Wylie, Downs and Reidel to better understand
the influence of cephalometrics on treatment outcomes. Following the meeting Tweed
began focusing his attention on how cephalometrics would aid his diagnosis and
treatment planning, rather than using cephalometrics as a timeline for growth and
development. He gathered a sample of four cases he treated in which he felt facial
esthetics were pleasing and focused on angles he believed to be important in a successful
orthodontic outcome.27 These angles are Frankfort plane to mandibular plane angle
(FMA), Frankfort-mandibular incisor angle (FMIA), and incisor-mandibular plane angle
(IMPA), otherwise known as the “Tweed Triangle” (Figure 2.15).
Figure 2.15: The Tweed Triangle
Taking the average of the 3 angles from cases he believed were the best clinical outcomes
he determined ideals for the three angles: FMIA 65°, FMA 25°, and IMPA 90°.27
In 1960 Tweed selected Merrifield, one of his outstanding students, to continue
his work teaching the edgewise mechanism. For ten years prior to Tweed’s death he and
Merrifield continued Tweed’s cephalometric studies and incorporated a soft tissue
analysis as part of their focus. The Tweed Triangle norms became the standard of care
for all patients treated with the Tweed-Merrifield technique. However, they felt soft
tissue chin and lip thickness may mask skeletal and/or dental disharmonies. Tweed
believed the upper lip thickness should equal the total chin thickness and to analyze facial
balance he created the profile line. A line tangent to the chin and vermilion borders of
both the upper and lower lips and should lie in the anterior one third of the nose when
facial balance is present (Figure 2.16).
Figure 2.16: The Tweed-Merrifield profile line (adapted from Merrifield)28
Moreover, in order to connect the profile line with a component of the Tweed Triangle,
Merrifield created the Z angle (Figure 2.17). Represented by the angle between Frankfort
plane to the profile line, the Z-angle enabled Merrifield to identify whether facial balance
was incorrect due to a soft tissue disharmony, hard tissue disharmony, or combination of
both. Merrifield determined the ideal Z angle range was 70-80° with the ideal being 7578° depending on age and gender.28
Figure 2.17: The Tweed-Merrifield Z-angle (adapted from Merrifield)28
McNamara Analysis
In 1984 McNamara outlined a method of cephalometric evaluation based on five
major sections:29
1. Maxilla to cranial base
2. Maxilla to mandible
3. Mandible to cranial base
4. Dentition
5. Airway
McNamara considered two factors when assessing the maxilla to the cranial base: the
first is the skeletal relationship of point A to the nasion perpendicular, and the second is
the patient’s soft tissue profile.29 A vertical line is drawn inferiorly from nasion through
a perpendicular point at Frankfort horizontal.
McNamara determined the average
distance of point A from nasion perpendicular to be 1.0mm for well balanced faces of
both male and female patients.29 Secondly, in a soft tissue evaluation of the maxilla to
the cranial base the average nasolabial angle, as formed by drawing a line tangent to the
base of the nose and a line tangent to the upper lip, should be 102° (+/- 8°).21
The maxilla to mandible relationship exists based on the difference of lengths
between the linear measurements between two points: condylion to point A and
condylion to anatomic gonion.
McNamara devised a table (Table 2.3) whereby all
maxillary lengths correspond to an effective mandibular length within a range.
Table 2.3: Normative standards for comparison of the maxillary and mandibular lengths
(adapted from Jacobson)21
Midfacial Length (mm) (Co-Point A)
Mandibular Length
(mm) Co-Gn)
Lower Anterior Facial
Height (mm) (ANSMe)
In assessing anterior-posterior discrepancies McNamara stresses measuring both the
midface and mandibular lengths, comparing to norms, and defining the disagreement. To
assess vertical relationships between the maxilla and mandible he utilizes Frankfort
Horizontal to the mandibular plane (FMA) (an average of 22° +/- 4°)21 and the facial axis
angle. The facial axis angle (Figure 2.18) is constructed between a line through the
posterosuperior point of the pterygomaxillary fissure (PTM) connecting basion and
nasion, and a perpendicular through gnathion. According to McNamara, in a wellbalanced face the appropriate facial axis angle is 90°.
Figure 2.18: The Facial axis angle
The mandible to cranial base relationship is determined by one measurement: the
linear measurement of hard tissue pogonion to nasion through a perpendicular point at
Frankfort horizontal. The measurement is the distance between the constructed line and
hard tissue pogonion. Therefore, negative numbers correspond to a retrusive mandible
and positive numbers correspond to an excessive mandible.
In assessing the dentition, McNamara focused on the maxillary and mandibular
incisors (Figure 2.19). Parallel to nasion perpendicular, a line is drawn through A-point
and the distance measured from this line to the facial surface of the maxillary incisor,
with an average of 4-6mm.29 The mandibular incisor is measured in a similar fashion,
only the constructed line travels from hard tissue pogonion through A-point, with an
average of 1-3mm.29
Figure 2.19: Position of the maxillary and mandibular incisors as measured from
McNamara’s constructed reference lines (adapted from Jacobson)21
The airway analysis is specific to the upper and lower pharynx widths.
McNamara believes a constricted pharynx may cause airway impingement leading to
heavy mouth breathing and associated malocclusions. The average upper airway width is
15-20mm and lower 11-14mm.21
After the five sections of the McNamara analysis are complete a table is created to
assess the problem list and formulate a treatment plan..
Related Studies and Purpose
Prior studies have demonstrated the influence treatment philosophy and
diagnostic records have on orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.5,30–35 In 1977
Brown et al.. evaluated 4 orthodontists’ responses to treatment necessity of 50
orthodontic patients using study models only. All 50 cases were studied three times at
weekly intervals answering the following questions: was treatment necessary? why
treatment was necessary? and, when should treatment begin? In 41 of the 50 cases (82%)
it was thought by at least 1 examiner treatment was indicated, but disagreement existed
among them why and when treatment should begin.34 Following Brown’s 1977 study
Silling et al.. focused on the value orthodontists placed on cephalometric radiographs in
treatment planning orthodontic cases. Twenty-four orthodontists independently
evaluated 6 cases, 3 with the radiograph and 3 without, and questionnaires were provided
for each case focusing on treatment decisions and growth patterns. The authors
demonstrated high or total agreement on treatment decisions with or without
cephalometric radiographs; therefore, it may be necessary for orthodontists to reassess
their routine use of cephalometric radiographs.33
Brown and Silling were both able to demonstrate orthodontists’ confidence in
treatment planning with limited diagnostic information. However, neither study
distinguished between what was the most important aspect of the records. In 1991 Han et
al.. sought to evaluate how each record, when provided incrementally, contributes to
treatment decisions.31 Pretreatment records of 57 orthodontic cases were evaluated on 5
different occasions by 5 separate orthodontists. The records were provided in the
following stages: 1) Study models (S); 2) S + facial photographs (F); 3) S + F +
panoramic radiograph (P) 4); S + F + P + lateral cephalogram (C); 5) S + F + P + C +
tracing. A diagnostic standard (DS) was created for each case by each orthodontist based
on their evaluation at stage 5 and used to compare to treatment decisions rendered at the
other four stages. Overall the DS was achieved with study models alone in 54.9% of the
cases, study models and photographs 54.2%, study models, photographs and panoramic
x-ray 60.9% and study models photographs, panoramic x-ray and cephalometric
radiograph 59.9%. Similar to Brown et al..’s results 14 years prior, Han et al.. showed
study models alone were sufficient in treatment planning cases almost 55% of the time
and the addition of a cephalometric radiograph decreased the DS by 1% compared to the
same records without a cephalometric radiograph.31
The same time Han et al.. was evaluating treatment decisions relative to increases
in available diagnostic records, Atchinson et al.. were focusing on the contribution of
radiographs to treatment plans. Thirty-nine orthodontists diagnosed and treatment
planned six cases using orthodontic records which included the study models, facial and
intra oral photographs, and medical and dental histories. Following the initial evaluation
the clinician requested any x-ray he desired and reported his gain in confidence of the
treatment plan. There were 741 radiographs ordered, of which 192 produced changes in
the diagnoses, and the lateral cephalometric radiograph was the most productive.5
Results showed that orthodontists were approximately 75% confident of their diagnosis
before reviewing any radiograph.
More recently Devereux et al.. focused on the added value lateral cephalometric
radiographs provided to orthodontists’ treatment planning decisions. They compared
treatment plan changes in three groups of orthodontists who evaluated six cases on two
occasions, T1 and T2, with varying access to a lateral cephalometric x-ray (LC). One
hundred ninety-nine participating orthodontists were divided into 3 groups. The groups
were defined by the availability of the following records: 1) all records except LC for T1
and T2; 2) all records including the LC at T1, and all records without the LC at T2; 3) all
records including the LC at T1 and T2. The authors reported that “for most treatmentplanning decisions the availability of a lateral cephalometric x-ray and its tracing did not
make a significant difference in any treatment-planning decision.”32
Prior research has demonstrated a cephalometric radiograph is not always
indicated for self-assurance when diagnosing and treatment planning. To this point,
studies have not shown treatment plan consistency when evaluating the same case with
and without a cephalometric radiograph. The aim of the current study is to evaluate
reliability of determining skeletal and dental relationships and consistency of diagnosing
and treatment planning with and without a cephalometric radiograph.
1. Freeman JP, Brand JW. Radiation doses of commonly used dental radiographic
surveys. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 1994 Mar;77(3):285–9.
2. Gibbs SJ, Pujol A Jr, Chen TS, James A Jr. Patient risk from intraoral dental
radiography. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 1988;17(1):15–23.
3. Mah J. X-ray Imaging and Oral Healthcare. Radiology Centennial. 2006
4. American Dental Assoication Council on Scientific Affairs. The use of dental
radiographs: update and recommendations. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006
5. Atchison KA, Luke LS, White SC. Contribution of pretreatment radiographs to
orthodontists’ decision making. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 1991
6. Proffit W. Contemporary Orthodontics. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2007.
7. Moyers R. Handbook of Orthodontics. 2nd ed. Chicago: Year Book Medical
Publishers; 1963.
8. Graber T, Vanarsdall R, Vig K. Orthodontics Current Principles and Techniques. 4th
ed. St. Louis: Elsevier; 2005.
9. Jarabak J, Fizzell J. Technique and Treatment With Light-Wire Edgewise
Appliances. 2nd ed. Saint Louis: CV Mosby; 1972.
10. Atchison KA. Radiographic examinations of orthodontic educators and practitioners.
J Dent Educ. 1986 Nov;50(11):651–5.
11. Otuyemi OD, Kolawole KA. Perception of orthodontic treatment need: opinion
comparisons of patients, parents, and orthodontists. African Journal of Oral Health.
2005;2(1 and 2):42–51.
12. Sfikas PM. A duty to disclose. Issues to consider in securing informed consent. J Am
Dent Assoc. 2003 Oct;134(10):1329–33.
13. Mortensen MG, Kiyak HA, Omnell L. Patient and parent understanding of informed
consent in orthodontics. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003 Nov;124(5):541–50.
14. Farkas L. Anthropometry of the head and face in medicine. 2nd ed. New York:
Ravens Press; 1994.
15. Meyer-Marcotty P, Stellzig-Eisenhauer A, Bareis U, Hartmann J, Kochel J. Threedimensional perception of facial asymmetry. Eur J Orthod 2011 Feb 25
16. Parekh SM, Fields HW, Beck M, Rosenstiel S. Attractiveness of variations in the
smile arc and buccal corridor space as judged by orthodontists and laymen. Angle
Orthod. 2006 Jul;76(4):557–63.
17. Sarver DM. The importance of incisor positioning in the esthetic smile: the smile arc.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2001 Aug;120(2):98–111.
18. Springer NC, Chang C, Fields HW, Beck FM, Firestone AR, Rosenstiel S, et al..
Smile esthetics from the layperson’s perspective. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.
2011 Jan;139(1):e91–101.
19. Angle E. Classification of Malocclusion. Dental Cosmos. 1899;41:248–64.
20. Broadbent BH. Bolton Standards of Dentofacial Development Growth. Mosby. 1975
21. Jacobson A. Radiographic Cephalometry: From Basics to Videoimaging.
Quintessence; 1995
22. Downs W. Analysis of the dentofacial profile. Angle Orthodontist. 1955 Nov
23. Steiner C. Cephalometrics for you and me. Am J Orthod. 1953 Oct;39(10):720–55.
24. Riedel R. The relation of maxillary structures to cranium in malocclusion and in
normal occlusion. Division of Health Sciences University of Washington.
25. Steiner C. Cephalometrics in clincial practice. Tweed Foundation. 1956 Oct
26. Tweed CH. Indications for the extraction of teeth in orthodontic procedure. Am J
Orthod Oral Surg. 1944 1945;42:22–45.
27. Tweed CH. The Frankfort-Mandibular Incisor Angle (FMIA) in orthodontic
diagnosis, treatment planning and prognosis. Tweed Foundation. 1953 Oct;:121–69.
28. Merrifield LL. The profile line as an aid in critically evaluating facial esthetics. Am J
Orthod. 1966 Nov;52(11):804–22.
29. McNamara J. A method of cephalometric evaluation. Am J Orthod. 1984 Dec;86(6).
30. Ribarevski R, Vig P, Vig KD, Weyant R, O’Brien K. Consistency of orthodontic
extraction decisions. Eur J Orthod. 1996 Feb;18(1):77–80.
31. Han UK, Vig KW, Weintraub JA, Vig PS, Kowalski CJ. Consistency of orthodontic
treatment decisions relative to diagnostic records. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.
1991 Sep;100(3):212–9.
32. Devereux L, Moles D, Cunningham SJ, McKnight M. How important are lateral
cephalometric radiographs in orthodontic treatment planning? Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop. 2011 Feb;139(2):e175–81.
33. Silling G, Rauch MA, Pentel L, Garfinkel L, Halberstadt G. The significance of
cephalometrics in treatment planning. Angle Orthod. 1979 Oct;49(4):259–62.
34. Brown WA, Harkness EM, Cousins AJ, Isotupa K. Treatment planning from study
models: an examiner variability study. Angle Orthod. 1977 Apr;47(2):118–22.
35. Johnston LE, Paquette DE, Beattie JR, Cassidy DW, McCray JF, Killiany DM. The
reduction of susceptibility bias in retrospective comparisons of alternative treatment
strategies. Craniofacial Growth Series, Center for Human Growth and Development,
The University of Michigan. 1990;25.
Introduction: The cephalometric radiograph has been a staple in orthodontic diagnosis
and treatment planning since its introduction by Broadbent in 1931. Many analyses have
been created by which to compare skeletal and dental relationships. Little research has
been performed evaluating how valuable a cephalometric radiograph is in diagnosing and
treatment planning orthodontic patients with consistency. Purpose: The aim of this
study was to focus on the value that orthodontists place on cephalometric radiographs
when diagnosis and treatment planning on two separate occasions.
Materials and Methods: Ten faculty members from SLU CADE were chosen at random
to evaluate 65 sets of orthodontic records excluding the cephalometric radiograph. Each
participant evaluated 11 of the 65 total records, of which 6 had been treated by that
doctor, and the remaining 5 by none of the participants. A questionnaire of various
skeletal questions and treatment plan options was applied to each case. The responses to
each case treated by the participants (named “internal data”) were analyzed separate from
the 5 universal cases (named “external data”) providing two sets of data. Skeletal
relationships were calculated for external data only in order to compare evenly between
the participants. Consistency of questionnaire responses was based on Kappa agreement
measures and rates >0.60 were deemed statistically significant. Results: All internal
data with regards to planning the use of auxiliary appliances, the decision to extract, and
if surgical treatment was indicated came back at least substantially consistent to the
original treatment plans. Estimating the patients’ skeletal classification, planning the use
of an auxiliary appliance, and whether surgical treatment was indicated were consistently
significant for the external data. Conclusions: Based on these findings it can be
concluded that orthodontists are confident in diagnosing and treatment planning without
the use of a cephalometric radiograph and are consistent in their treatment plan decisions
for cases they have treated in the past. However, there is little consistency of treatment
plan decisions between doctors for cases treated by an unknown orthodontist. Finally,
skeletal-dental relationships cannot be determined without access to a cephalometric
Prior to initiating treatment orthodontists perform a comprehensive exam
consisting of medical and dental history and an intraoral examination. Diagnostic records
are collected which normally includes photographs, study models and panoramic and
cephalometric radiographs. While photographs and study models offer no harm to the
patient, standard orthodontic radiographs expose patients to varying levels of radiation.
Although radiation levels experienced by dental radiographs are low1,2 when compared to
medical radiation scans and everyday background exposures,3 there must be clinical
justification for ordering radiographs. The American Dental Association believes
“dentists should weigh the benefits of dental radiographs against the consequences of
increasing a patient’s exposure to radiation” and practice the “as low as reasonably
achievable” (ALARA) principle to minimize exposure to radiation.4 The primary purpose
of the radiographic examination is to provide additional information that may not be
evident clinically.5 Many orthodontic textbooks do not describe a radiograph protocol.
Rather, they explain diagnosis and treatment plan benefits for periapical, bitewing,
panoramic and cephalometric radiographs.6–9
Since its introduction the lateral cephalometric radiograph has become a standard
tool in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.10 The x-ray provides skeletal size,
position, proportion and symmetry of the individual by which it is possible to assess
skeletal disharmonies.
Orthodontists routinely compare cephalometric values of their
patients to ideals created by various analyses.11–14 In 1986 Atchinson reported a 90%
response rate by orthodontists who routinely take lateral cephalometric and panoramic
radiographs at the initial exam.15 However, there is little research showing the value
orthodontist place on these radiographs for diagnosing and treatment planning.
As early as 1979 Silling et al.16 demonstrated high or total agreement on
treatment decisions with or without cephalometric radiographs. More recently Devereux
et al..17 focused on the added value lateral cephalometric radiographs provided to
orthodontists’ treatment planning decisions. They compared treatment plan changes in
three groups of orthodontists who evaluated six cases on two occasions, T1 and T2, with
varying access to a lateral cephalometric x-rays (LC). The authors reported that “for
most treatment-planning decisions the availability of a lateral cephalometric x-ray and its
tracing did not make a significant difference to any treatment-planning decision.”17
The aim of this study is to focus on the value that orthodontists place on
cephalometric radiographs when diagnosis and treatment planning on two separate
occasions. Participants were asked to evaluate orthodontic records, not including the
cephalometric radiograph, and answer questions focused on skeletal relationships and
treatment plan options. The null hypotheses were the following: 1) orthodontists need a
lateral cephalometric radiograph in order to determine skeletal characteristics, and 2)
orthodontists do not need a lateral cephalometric radiograph to consistently treatment
plan extraction and auxiliary appliance use.
Materials and Methods
The purpose of the study is to evaluate how much value orthodontists place on
cephalometric radiographs for diagnosis and treatment planning. Ten faculty members
from the Saint Louis University Center for Advanced Dental Education (SLU CADE)
were chosen at random to evaluate orthodontic records not including a cephalometric
radiograph. To be considered for participation they must have graduated from an
accredited orthodontic residency program and begun teaching at the University prior to
January 1, 2005. All faculty members meeting the above inclusion criteria were
considered. Prior to participation a consent to participate form (Appendix A) was
provided to each participant.
Sixty-five sets of patient records were obtained at random from the SLU CADE
archives using inclusion criteria set forth by the research team. Computer software of
digitally filed patient records were used to create lists of archived patients meeting the
following inclusion criteria: the participating faculty member’s name, removal of braces
prior to January 1, 2007, less than 8mm of crowding, no missing permanent teeth (not
including third molars), no mutilated dentitions, no presence of or potentially impacted
teeth (as determined by the panoramic x-ray), no mixed dentition cases, no surgical
treatment rendered, and all patients should be between11-19 years old with no exclusion
based on race or gender. Any case in which traditional photographic and radiographic
film records were present were scanned and digitized with Dolphin Imaging® software
for consistency purposes. Pretreatment records including composite 8 photos, study
models, and the panoramic x-ray were provided to the participants.
Each participant evaluated 11 total cases, of which 6 had been treated by that
respective orthodontist and 5 by other orthodontists. The 6 cases specific to the
participant were called “treated” and the other 5 termed “universal.” All participants
evaluated the 5 universal cases along with their treated cases. A maximum of two hours
was allowed to answer the questionnaires and no information was provided regarding the
treatment history of the cases.
A questionnaire (Appendix B) made of various skeletal questions and treatment
plan options was created and applied to all 65 sets of patient records. The questionnaire
consisted of a total of 19 questions, 16 of which (84%) were original questions written
and tested by the research team. The remaining 3 were adapted from Devereux et al..17
All cephalometric landmarks and angles related to the questionnaire were drawn and
measured on the pretreatment cephalograms by the principle investigator prior to faculty
participation. The measurements were documented and termed “actual” for comparison
purposes following data collection. All treatment decisions pertaining to the treated and
universal cases were also documented and termed “actual.” All answers provided on the
questionnaires were documented as “guesses.” Although question #5 on the
questionnaire used the term “orthopedic appliance” it was made clear to each participant
that may include any auxiliary appliance, not including inter or intraarch elastics. Each
participant was also made aware the use of a MSI for treatment inferred “maximum
anchorage” for question #17.
In order to test consistency of diagnosis and treatment planning with and without
cephalograms the “actual” decisions were tested against the “guesses” for questions 1-6,
8-16, and 18. Although the research team felt the inclusion criteria for all the cases was
indicative of the majority of orthodontic cases treated, reliability of determining skeletal
relationships (questions 1-4) were analyzed for the universal cases only. The remaining
questions were analyzed by charting participant responses. Data gathered from the
“treated cases” was termed “internal” and data gathered from the “universal cases”
termed “external.”
Response rates were calculated and reported for questions 1-6, 8-16, and 18 by
comparing “actual” treatment plan decisions to the participants’ guesses on the
questionnaires. A scale was created based on Kappa agreement measures from Landis
and Koch and can be seen in table 3.1.18 A range of 0.00-1.00 was used with 0.00
representing zero consistency and 1.00 representing perfect consistency.
Table 3.1: Agreement measure for internal and external frequency data (adapted from
Landis and Koch)18
Response Rate
Level of
Almost Perfect
Response rates were calculated using the consistency between answers provided
on the questionnaires compared to actual skeletal relationships determined by the PI prior
to the study and treatment decisions documented in the treatment charts. Tables were
created displaying matches between answers on the questionnaires to actual treatment
decisions or measurements. Surgical treatment was not provided to any case within the
sample. Response rates for the indication for surgery demonstrated how often the
participants agreed surgery was not indicated. The decision was made by the research
team that response rates >/=0.60 were considered statistically significant and labeled as
either substantial or perfect depending on the value. All response rates </=0.59 were
deemed inconsistent with respect to answering the question “can orthodontists
consistently diagnose and treatment plan cases on two occasions with limited access to a
lateral cephalometric x-ray?”
Internal Data
All internal data with regards to planning the use of auxiliary appliances, the
decision to extract, and if surgical treatment was indicated came back at least
substantially consistent to the original treatment plans. The following response rates
were recorded for the aforementioned areas: the decision to use an auxiliary appliance
=0.78 (substantial), the decision to extract =0.80 (substantial), and the decision surgery
was not indicated =0.92 (perfect), and can be seen in tables 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4.
Table 3.2: Consistency of the decision to use an auxiliary appliance for internal data
Table 3.3: Consistency of the decision to extract for internal data
Table 3.4: Consistency of the decision surgery is not indicated for internal data
Responses for what influenced each participant’s treatment decisions can be seen
in figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: Most influential aspect of the records for all participants for internal data
The concern each participant had for anchorage for each case can be seen in
figure 3.2
Figure 3.2: Anchorage concerns for all 10 participants for internal data
Extraction decisions and patterns (if applicable) were compared at both time
points for all participants’ “treated” cases and can be seen in appendix C.
External Data
Reliability of determining skeletal relationships was calculated for the external
data since all participants evaluated the same 5 cases. Determining skeletal
classifications without a cephalometric radiograph was considered reliable and the
response rate was substantial at a value of 0.74. Determining the ANB angle, SN-GoGn
angle, and IMPA had rates of 0.60, 0.36, and 0.32, respectively. All responses for
determining skeletal relationships can be seen in table 3.5.
Table 3.5: Response rates of skeletal relationships for external data
ANB Angle
SNGoGn Angle
IMPA Angle
The decision to use auxiliary appliances had a response rate at 0.66 (substantial)
and can be seen in table 3.6.
Table 3.6: Consistency of the decision to use an auxiliary appliance for external
The decision surgical treatment was not indicated had a perfect response rate of
0.88 and can be seen in table 3.7.
Table 3.7: Consistency of the decision surgery is not indicated for external data
The decision to extract had a rate of 0.22 (poor) as shown in table 3.8. This
demonstrates a 22% level of agreement for extractions between the examiner panel.
Table 3.8: Consistency of the decision to extract for external data
Responses for what influenced each participant’s treatment decisions can be seen
in figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3: Most influential aspect of the records for all participants for external data
The concern each participant had for anchorage for each case can be seen in
figure 3.4
Figure 3.4: Anchorage concerns for all 10 participants for external data
Extraction decisions and patterns (if applicable) were compared between the
participants’ responses and the decision made by the treating doctor (not participating in
the study) and can be seen in appendix D.
Responses for whether the provided records were satisfactory to confidently
diagnose and treat orthodontic cases without a cephalometric x-ray were the only instance
in which all responses were charted together and can be seen in figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5: Responses for whether the provided records were satisfactory to confidently
diagnose and treat orthodontic cases without a cephalometric x-ray
The goal of the study was to determine if orthodontists could reliably diagnose
and consistently treatment plan orthodontic cases without the use of cephalometric
radiographs. All participants randomly chosen were faculty members at Saint Louis
University Center for Advanced Dental Education and 9 of 10 were trained at the same
university. All participants report routinely taking cephalometric radiographs as part of
their initial diagnostic records.
The patients used in the study ranged from 11-19 years old and were comprised of
Class I and Class II malocclusions. The age range and malocclusion type were believed
to be indicative of the majority of orthodontic cases seen in private practice and SLU
CADE. It was decided at the onset of the study not to disclose to the participants they
had treated a portion of the patients to be evaluated. There was a concern that some or all
of the participants may remember the “treated” cases thereby diminishing the value of the
reliability measures. Following data collection no participant informed the principle
investigator they recognized any of the records.
The discrepancy between the maxilla and mandible, the angle of the mandible to
the cranial base and the angulation of the mandibular incisors are cornerstones in most
orthodontic analyses. For this reason the skeletal questions were based on ANB,
SNGoGn and IMPA to test if clinicians could reliably determine the angles without a
cephalometric radiograph. For most orthodontists major treatment plan decisions such as
the need for surgery, indications for extractions and basic biomechanical philosophies are
decided upon based on the aforementioned angles. Overall there was low reliability for
all participants in determining skeletal related questions for the universal cases without a
cephalometric radiograph. However, the doctors were substantially reliable in
determining a patient’s skeletal classification without the cephalometric radiograph.
Should this finding be unexpected? Orthodontists study faces everyday and for many of
them the differences between a retrusive, normal, and protrusive mandible are glaring.
The second focus of the study was to test consistency of treatment plan decisions
with and without a cephalometric radiograph. Prior studies have focused on the value
elements of diagnostic records have on treatment plan decisions.5,16–19 However, previous
literature has not focused on consistency of treatment plan decisions before and after
treatment when a cephalometric radiograph is not provided at both time points. Are
cephalometric radiographs valued so highly that a previous treatment plan would change
without the radiograph’s presence?
Consistency of treatment decisions were based on the use of an auxiliary
appliance (e.g. functional appliance, expander, headgear, forsus) and the decision to
extract. Planning the use of an auxiliary appliance was consistent for internal and
external data. In fact, doctors 3 and 4 had perfect consistency when planning the use of
an auxiliary when comparing their own evaluations at the two time points. Both
participants documented functional appliance use in their original treatment plans.
Consistency of extraction decisions were split between internal and external data
with substantial consistency (0.79) for internal and poor consistency (0.22) for external.
These findings raise two important questions regarding treatment decisions: 1. did the
participants remember the “treated” cases? 2. does treatment philosophy play the highest
role in treatment decisions when comparing orthodontists? As stated earlier not one
participant mentioned any recognition of any case they evaluated. Therefore, according
to this study it can be assumed they continue to consistently evaluate and treatment plan
orthodontic cases with limited consideration for the cephalometric information. Another
explanation for the discrepancy between internal and external data for extraction
decisions may have to do with the sample size. Each “treated” case was analyzed on one
occasion by one participant. Whereas, the “universal” cases were analyzed on 10
separate occasions by 10 different participants. The large variation in sample size
between the two sets of data may explain the discrepancy between internal and external
Pre-angulated (“straight-wire”), non-prescription (“Tweed-Merrifield
mechanics”), Tip-edge® and Damon® are just a few in a large variety of philosophies
orthodontists use to treat cases. Are treatment plans influenced by a practitioners
philosophy? In this study the level of consistency was substantial within the examiners
for extraction decisions and planning auxiliaries, and between the examiners for planning
auxiliaries. However, the consistency between examiners in planning extractions for the
universal cases was poor. This finding is similar to the one by Ribarevski et al.20 who
demonstrated good agreement within examiners and poor between the examiners when
extraction decisions were made on two occasions. Although both studies demonstrated
poor reliability between examiners when extraction decisions are made on two separate
occasions, an important factor would be that the treatment decision making did not
consider patients’ complaints or expectations. Although patient autonomy is considered a
new paradigm in treatment planning, Mortenson et al.21 demonstrated that parents and/or
patients demonstrate little knowledge and rely on the professional advice. There was no
record or evidence that treatment was influenced by patient autonomy.
Although surgical cases were excluded from the sample, the belief that surgical
treatment was not indicated was highly significant for both internal and external data.
Severe skeletal discrepancies are almost always evident without the aid of a
cephalometric radiograph. According to this study even moderate skeletal discrepancies
were identified without the cephalometric radiograph. The surgery decision question was
included on the questionnaire to provide the participants with all possible treatment
options. The response rate was low for the need of surgery (16.9%); however, 7 of the 11
responses indicating surgery was the proper treatment were in response to 3 of the
universal cases. More interesting, 4 of the 10 doctors reported they would provide
surgical treatment for at least one of the internal cases. It is agreed that a lateral
cephalometric radiograph is a reliable diagnostic record by which severe skeletal
discrepancies may be accurately assessed. Yet, even without a radiograph these doctors
believed surgical treatment was indicated. Is there a reason to be concerned that, in some
cases, when planning orthodontic treatment doctors become more aggressive with limited
diagnostic information?
What is the weight of skeletal, dental, and facial variables in treatment planning?
80% of the doctors responded with dental considerations having the most influence on
their treatment decisions for the “treated” cases and 70% of the doctors for the
“universal” cases. Therefore, although this study does not answer the question of
whether or not treatment philosophy plays a major role in planning treatment, it can be
inferred that most orthodontists consider dental relationships above skeletal and facial
relationships when planning treatment.
When asked about their comfort level to diagnose an orthodontic case without a
cephalometric radiograph 70% of the orthodontists believed they were able to
satisfactorily diagnose and treatment plan orthodontic cases for at least 7 of the 11 cases.
Given the data it is safe to say with regards to consistency for the internal cases most
orthodontists can plan treatment without a cephalometric radiograph. It is important to
remember that this study only included Class I and Class II orthodontic patients in which
surgical treatment was never discussed. Therefore, it cannot be assumed this conclusion
is valid for all orthodontic patients. Moreover, there was low reliability in determining
ANB, SNGoGn, and IMPA angles, all of which are centerpieces in most cephalometric
analyses. Since there was not 100% agreement among all participants in relation to the
records provided, it cannot be assumed that all orthodontists can consistently diagnose
and treatment plan orthodontic cases without a cephalometric radiograph.
1. Orthodontists can consistently treatment plan the use of an auxiliary
appliance, the decision to extract, and if surgical treatment is indicated
without a cephalometric radiograph for cases they treated in the past
2. Orthodontists can consistently treatment plan the use of an auxiliary appliance
and if surgical treatment is indicated without a cephalometric radiograph for
cases treated by other orthodontists
3. A patient’s skeletal classification can reliably be determined without the use
of a cephalometric radiograph
4. The majority of orthodontists are confident in diagnosing and treatment
planning without the use of a cephalometric radiograph
Appendix A
Participant Informed Consent
You are being asked to take part in a research study conducted by Nicholas Azar, DMD,
and colleagues because you have been a faculty member at SLU CADE and a practicing
orthodontist for no fewer than 7 years. This consent document may contain words that
you do not understand. Please ask the research study doctor or research study team to
explain anything that you do not understand.
Past literature has shown clinicians' ability to satisfactorily diagnose and treatment plan
orthodontic cases with limited use of diagnostic records. In some cases, models alone
showed a 55% response in feeling comfortable diagnosing and treatment planning cases.
Moreover, in studies whereby clinicians were asked to treatment plan cases on multiple
occasions at different time intervals with additional records being added at each time
point, satisfactory responses typically peaked with the use of models and patient photos.
For these reasons we are interested in the value we place on cephalometric radiographs
and their associated tracings. We want to know if treatment plans are altered based on
the inclusion and exclusion of these records. All data will be collected at SLU CADE and
all 10 participants will be randomly chosen from faculty who fit the criteria listed in the
above section.
Your role in this research is to answer questions provided to you based on 11 different
sets of orthodontic start records, not including the cephalometric x-ray and its
corresponding tracing and measurements. . You may take as long or as short as you feel
necessary to answer the questions. You may not leave the room while answering the
questions and must answer all the questions for the questionnaire’s responses to be
considered valid. When you enter the conference room on the second story of CADE
there will be two boxes labeled “unanswered questionnaires” and “completed
questionnaires.” Please take one stack from the “unanswered” box and use these to
record your responses. At each station of records there will be a numerical heading on
the records which you will write down next to the alphabetized heading on each one of
your questionnaires. Once completed, please place all completed questionnaires in the
“completed” box and exit the room. We request that you do not discuss the project
and/or cases with any other faculty member or resident at SLU CADE.
Your only time involved in the research study is the time needed to answer all 11
questionnaire packets. You will have a 2 hour time limit and may not leave the
conference room once you have begun.
The only risk to you is loss of confidentiality of your responses. Your responses will be
collected anonymously to minimize this risk.
The research team is willing to discuss any questions you might have about the risk.
You may not benefit directly from this research. However, the long-term potential
benefit of the study may include decreased necessity to take cephalometric radiographs
and a reduced exposure to radiation for the patient.
You may choose not to be in this research study.
The results of the research study may be published but your name or identity will not be
revealed and your record will remain private. In order to protect your information,
Nicholas Azar will collect your anonymous responses along with his thesis chair. The
chair will create 10 stacks of 11 questionnaires all with a specific letter coding (ie. first
stack all have the letter "A" in the top left corner). Each record will have a number
coding on the top left corner and the subject will be asked to write the record's number
coding next to their letter coding on each questionnaire.
The Saint Louis University Institutional Review Board (the Board that is responsible for
protecting the welfare of persons who take part in research) may review your research
study records. State laws or court orders may also require that information from your
research records be released.
There are no costs to participant in this research study and there will be no
reimbursement to participants.
If you believe that you are injured as a result of your participation in the research study,
please contact the research study doctor and/or the Chairperson of the Institutional
Review Board as stated in section 10.
If you have any questions or concerns about this research study, or if you have any
problems that occur from taking part in this research study, you may call Nicholas Azar
at 314-740-3236
If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant or if you believe you
have suffered an injury as a result of taking part in the research, you may contact the
Chairperson of the Saint Louis University Biomedical Institutional Review Board (314977-7744), who will discuss your questions with you or will be able to refer you to
someone else who will review the matter with you, identify other resources that may be
available to you, and provide further information as how to proceed.
Your participation in this research is voluntary. You may choose not to be a part of this
research. There will be no penalty to you if you choose not to take part. You may leave
the research study at any time. The research study doctor or research study staff will let
you know of any new information that may affect whether you want to continue to take
part in the research study.
I have read this consent document and have been able to ask questions and state any
concerns. The research team has responded to my questions and concerns. I believe I
understand the research study and the potential benefits and risks that are involved.
Statement of Consent
I give my informed and voluntary consent to take part in this research study. I will be
given a copy of this consent document for my records.
Consent Signature of Research Participant
Print Name of Participant
I certify that I have explained to the above individual(s) the nature and purpose of the
research study and the possible benefit and risks associated with participation. I have
answered any questions that have been raised and the subject/patient has received a copy
of this signed consent document.
Signature of Principal Investigator
Print Name of Principal Investigator
Appendix B
Participant Questionnaire
1) What is your skeletal classification of this patient?
a. Class I
b. Class II
c. Class III
2) What do you believe the A-point-Nasion-B-point (ANB) angle is?
a. Less than -4°
b. Between zero and -4°
c. Between zero and +4°
d. Between +4° and +8°
e. Greater than +8°
3) What do you believe the Sella-Nasion-Gonion-Gnathion angle (Sn-GoGn) is?
a. Less than or equal to 26°
b. Greater than 26° but less than or equal to 30°
c. Greater than 30° but less than or equal to 34°
d. Greater than 34° but less than or equal to 38°
e. Greater than 38°
4) What do you believe the lower incisor to mandibular plane angle (IMPA) is?
a. Less than or equal to 90°
b. Greater than 90° but less than or equal to 100°
c. Greater than 100°
5) Do you plan to use an orthopedic appliance as part of your treatment plan (eg.
RPE, Functional Appliance, Headgear)?
a. Yes
b. No
6) Would you extract as part of the treatment plan?
a. Yes
b. No
7) Which aspect of the case is the most influential in your treatment plan?
a. Skeletal characteristics
b. Dental characteristics
c. Facial characteristics
If yes to #6 answer the following questions about your extraction pattern. If
no to #6, move on to #17
4 first bicuspids
a. Yes
b. No
Maxillary 1st bicuspids and mandibular 2nd bicuspids
a. Yes
b. No
10) 4 second bicuspids
a. Yes
b. No
11) Maxillary 2nd bicuspids, Mandibular 1st bicuspids
a. Yes
b. No
12) Asymmetric bicuspid extraction pattern of your choice (eg. 3 first bicuspids, 1 2nd
a. Yes
b. No
13) Maxillary 1st bicuspids, one mandibular incisor
a. Yes
b. No
14) Maxillary bicuspids only
a. Yes
b. No
15) Mandibular bicuspids only
a. Yes
b. No
16) Mandibular incisor only
a. Yes
b. No
17) How would you classify anchorage in this case?
a. No anchorage concern
b. A little anchorage concern
c. Maximum anchorage
18) Does this patient require surgery to meet your ideal treatment plan?
a. Yes
b. No
19) Do you feel you were able to reach a satisfactory tx plan with the provided
a. Yes
b. No
Appendix C
Extraction Frequency Data for Treated Cases
Appendix D
Extraction Frequency Data for Universal Cases
Case 1: Non-Extraction
Case 2: Upper 4’s, Lower 5’s
Case 3: Non-Extraction
Case 4: Asymmetric bicuspid extraction pattern
Case 5: Non-Extraction
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Nicholas Philip Azar was born on November 17, 1981, in Belleville, Illinois, to
Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Azar. In 2004 he received his undergraduate degree in biology
from Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio. Following college he attended the
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he received his Doctorate in Dental Medicine in
2009. He is currently a candidate for the degree of Master of Science in Dentistry at
Saint Louis University Center for Advanced Dental Education where he will also receive
his certificate as a specialist in the field of orthodontics. He married his wife, Jill Azar,
on May 27, 2006, in St. Louis, MO, and they have three children: Joseph, Adelaide, and