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Egypt – Gift of the Nile
The geography profoundly shaped every
aspect of culture in ancient Egypt
• 97% of Egypt
uninhabitable desert
• The Nile cuts through
it flowing northward
• Every June the waters
rise, overflow, and
recede, leaving fertile
• Whole population
narrowly packed into
a stretch of land on
the riverbanks.
The Cycle of Death and Rebirth was
central to Egyptians’ world view
• Source #1: the Nile. Its predictabe
flooding was seen as part of a great
cosmic rhythm
• Source #2: the sun. Its daily cycle of
rising and setting was associated
with being born and dying
• They viewed their exsistence in an
otherwise barren desert because
they were blessed by the gods
• Source #3: the king. Pharaohs were
seen to be as powerful as natural
forces, and could be reborn also.
• Mummification ensured the
pharoah would have his body for
his next life, along with all his
material possessions
Geography of Egypt also influenced politics
• Natural barriers
isolated and
protected Egypt
from outsiders
• Not affected by
others, a strong
identity was
there from the
very start
This satellite photo of Egypt shows clearly how Egypt is
protect on all sides by deserts or large bodies of water.
Upper and Lower Egypt
• Egypt has always been
divided into many
separate districts
called nomes
• Through alliances they
evolved to form two
main factions of
Egypt, one in the
north (Lower) and one
in the south (Upper)
• Little is known about
this Pre-dynastic
This map shows the various nomes of Lower Egypt
Narmer and the unification of Egypt
• Around 3100
BCE became
ruler of Upper
Egypt, defeated
Lower Egypt,
and united the
regions for the
first time
All the pharaohs that will follow Narmer always still called themselves the kings of the
two lands, Upper and Lower Egypt, and this was signified by the fact that the pharaohs
actually wore two crowns, one placed on top of the other. One was the white cobra
crown of Upper Egypt, and the other was the red vulture crown of Lower Egypt.
The Old Kingdom
• Capital of united
Egypt would be at
Memphis, where
Upper and Lower
• Across the river
would be the most
famous cemetery in
world history
The Old Kingdom Period was the great age of pyramid
building that started with Djoser's 6-step pyramid at Saqqara.
Golden Age of pyramid building
• First pyramid
designed by
Imhotep, as the
grand tomb for his
boss the pharaoh
• The Old Kingdom
saw the building of
the famous pyramids
of Giza
• Pyramids were not
built with slave labor
For almost 5,000 years the Pyramids at Giza were
the tallest man-made structures in the world
Fall of the Old Kingdom
• Eventually nobles
gained more
wealth/power and
challenged the
• The country
fragmented back to
nomes and an era of
chaos lasting from
about 2181- 2041
Inscription in the tomb of local Governor, Ankhtifi, who lived during
the time of the collapse of the Old Kingdom
The Middle Kingdom
• Eventually a strong-man
from Upper Egypt,
Mentuhotep II, compelled
other nobles to accept his
• His rule begins what
historians call the Middle
Kingdom, lasting from
about 2040-1782 B.C.E.
• It was an uneasy time of
antagonism between
pharaohs and nobles
This pectoral is a superb example of the technical skill and
artistry of Middle Kingdom jewelers. The two falcons,
representing the sun god Re, clasp a circular hieroglyph
meaning "encircled," thus declaring the solar deity's supreme
power over the universe.
Fall of the Middle Kingdom
• The country will
again fragment
back to nomes and
an era of chaos
lasting from about
1782-1570 B.C.E.
• During this time
Lower Egypt is
conquered by the
Hykosos people