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Psychological Disorders
Definition, diagnosis and
Understanding psychological
disorders through the ages
• Ancient Greece: imbalance of the “four
– Treated with bloodletting & vomiting
Understanding psychological
disorders through the ages
• Dark ages-Middle ages: devil or witchcraft
– Treated with various tortures
– Patients locked in asylums
• Away from public
• On display
Understanding psychological
disorders through the ages
• 18th century: medical model of disease
– Medical and social reforms
• 20th century: biopsychosocial model of
psychological disorders
– Considers biological, psychological and sociocultural influences
Classification of disorders
• DSM-IV-TR - diagnostic manuals used by
– Symptoms
– Labels
– Prognoses
– Sample cases
– Statistics
What constitutes a disorder?
• Behavior is ___________
• Behavior is ___________
• Behavior is ___________
Anxiety disorders
• Characterized by feelings of excessive
apprehension and anxiety
– Generalized anxiety disorder
– Phobic disorders
– Panic disorder
– Obsessive-compulsive disorder
– Post-traumatic stress disorder
Generalized Anxiety disorder
• Symptoms
• Prevalence
Phobic disorders
• Persistent and irrational fears
– Agoraphobia
– Social phobias
– Specific phobias
• Acrophobia, claustrophobia, hemophobia,
pyrophobia, triskadekaphobia, ophidiophobia,
astraphobia, nyctophobia, aichmophobia,
coulrophobia, trichophobia…
Panic disorder
• Panic attacks
– Symptoms
– Not:
– May result in agoraphobia
Obsessive-Compulsive disorder
• Persistent obsessions and compulsions
– Obsession =
– Compulsion =
Post-Traumatic Stress disorder
• Result of severe trauma and emotional
– Symptoms
– Lasting 4+ weeks
• Relies on (lack of) emotional resilience
Treatment for anxiety disorders
• Biological
– Antianxiety drugs
– Antidepressant drugs
• Cognitive
– Cognitive-behavior therapy
• Behavioral
– Exposure therapy
– Systematic desensitization
Mood disorders
• Disorders characterized by emotional
– Major depressive disorder
– Bipolar disorder
Major Depressive disorder
• Overwhelming sadness, hopelessness
and loss of interest
– Symptoms
– Symptoms last 2+ weeks
– Prevalence
Bipolar disorder
• Characterized by wide swings between
two emotional extremes
– Mania
– Depression
• Cyclic switching between moods
Treatment for mood disorders
• Biological
– Antidepressants (depression)
– Mood stabilizers (bipolar)
– Electroconvulsive therapy (depression)
– Deep-brain stimulation (depression)
– Transcranial magnetic stimulation
• Psychotherapy
– Cognitive-behavioral therapy
– Psychodynamic/Interpersonal therapy
Dissociative disorders
• Separation of conscious awareness from
previous memories, thoughts and feelings
– Dissociative identity disorder
– Dissociative fugue
Dissociative Identity disorder
• Alternation between two or more distinct
– Symptoms
Dissociative Fugue
• Spontaneous break from personal identity
– Symptoms
– Results from recent psychological trauma
Treatment for dissociative disorders
• Psychotherapy
• Antidepressants
Personality disorders
• Maladaptive behaviors which impair social
– Antisocial personality disorder
– Borderline personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
• Marked by a lack of conscience and
malicious behavior patterns
– Symptoms
– Prevalence
Borderline personality disorder
• Unstable personality, mood, identity and
– Symptoms
– Prevalence
• Split from reality
– Disorganization of thought, perceptions,
emotions and behaviors
• Symptoms
– Positive
• Thought disorder
• Hallucinations
• Delusions
– Negative
• Flat affect
• Lack of motivation
• Decline in communication and interaction
• Dopamine hypothesis - excess of DA
causes positive symptoms
• Prenatal factors
– Virus
– Stress
• Environmental or developmental factor
influences onset
Treatment for Schizophrenia
• Biological
– Antipsychotic drugs
• Reduce dopamine
• Long-term consequences
• Behavioral
– Operant conditioning
• Token economy
• NSCC Counseling Center (TB 1650),
(206) 527-3676
– individual, group, couples counseling, crisis
counseling, walk-in, psychiatric consultation
• Crisis Line: (206) 461-3222
– or 1(866)-4CRISIS
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