Download Beach Erosion Map Grading System 90% and above “A”:

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Beach Erosion Map Grading System
90% and above “A”: This map has excellent coverage and is extremely neat. All the
symbols are the same size and the lines on the squares and rectangles are straight. This
map is extremely detailed and the vertical and horizontal or lateral interpretation of where
structures are is extremely accurate. The beaches are the proper width and the kelp
symbols are correctly placed. The questions in the workbook are intelligently answered
and every one has a response.
80% and above “B”: This map has very good coverage and is neat but some of the
symbols are not the same size and the rectangles and squares are a little sloppy. This map
has good detail and the vertical and horizontal or lateral interpretation of where structures
are is accurate, but not perfect. A few symbols are missing on some of the cliffs. The
beaches are the proper width or very close and the kelp symbols are correctly placed. The
questions in the workbook are answered and every one has a response.
70% and above “C”: This map has very good coverage but overall is a bit sloppy.
The symbols are not the same size and the rectangles and squares are not neatly drawn.
This map has some detail and the vertical and horizontal or lateral interpretation of where
structures are is off in several places. A few symbols are missing on some of the cliffs.
Not all the beaches are the proper width and the kelp symbols are mostly in their correct
place. Most of the questions or all of the questions in the workbook are answered but
some of the answers are incorrect or weak.
60% and above “D”: This map has poor coverage and is overall sloppy. The
symbols are not the same size and the rectangles and squares are not neatly drawn. This
map has little detail and many of the vertical and horizontal or lateral interpretation of
where structures are is off. Several symbols are missing on some of the cliffs. Not all the
beaches are the proper width and the kelp symbols are mostly in their correct place or
missing. Most of the questions or some of the questions in the workbook are answered
but some of the answers are incorrect or weak.
Less than 60% “F”: This map is extremely sloppy and it looks like the student did
not go to the beach. The symbols are not the same size and the rectangles and squares are
very messy. The map has little detail and most of the vertical and horizontal or lateral
interpretation of where structures are is off. Many symbols are missing or are in the
wrong place. Not all the beaches are the proper width and the kelp symbols may be in
their correct place or missing. Most of the questions or some of the questions in the
workbook are answered but some of the answers are incorrect or weak. Or, the questions
in the workbook are not answered.
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