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Spelling Soup: Complete spelling activities from any column to equal a grand total of 20 points
(or ‘soup’). Your soup (20 points) is due on Friday. Activities must all include a heading, title, and
point value, and be stapled together before turning in.
5 points
10 points
15 points
ABC Order: Write your spelling words in
Poetry: Write a poem using at least 7 of
Short Story: Write a short story using all of
alphabetical order.
your words
your spelling words.
*Underline each spelling word*
5 times Each: Write each word 5 times
Pictionary: Draw a picture of each of your
Definitions: Write the definition of each
spelling words. Then write the spelling word
new spelling word (using a dictionary)
Typing: Type each new spelling word four
Spelling Pyramids: Write each spelling
Cartoon Strip: Write a cartoon strip using
times on a computer with each row typed in
a different font
word in a pyramid 5x each
at least 10 of your spelling words
Colors: Write each spelling word 5 times
20 times Each: Write each word 20 times
Newspaper Article: Write a newspaper
each using a different colored ink for each
article using 10 of your words
Sentences: Use each spelling word in a
Word Jumble: Choose SIX different
Crossword Puzzle: Make a crossword
sentence that shows meaning. (context
clues should be included)
spelling words. For each word, mix up the
letters to form as many new words as you
Example: PLANET
Plan, Plane, Net, Tan, Pan, Nap, Lap, Pet,
Pen, Ten, Tap, Tale, Plate, Lane, Plant
puzzle that includes the definition clues for
at least 10 of the words
*Underline each spelling word*
*Underline each spelling word*
*Underline each spelling word*
* You must have at least 5 new words made from each spelling word*
Parts of Speech: Classify each spelling
word into parts of speech
*Hint: Graph paper works really well, but is not a requirement*
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