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Camila Chaves.
Felipe Vega.
Sofia Cavallo.
Valentina Perez.
Skin: Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Much
of the information you receive about your environment
comes through your skin. Skin is made up of the three (3)
layers of tissue: The epidermis, the dermis, and a fatty
layer, each layer Is made up of different cells.
The epidermis is the outermost layer of our
skin. Is situated above the dermis and is
formed almost exclusively of epithelial cells.
Is the layer of cells directly below the epiderms. This layer
contains: Blood vessels, nerves, muscles, oil and sweat glands
and other structures. Is the second line of defense of the skin
and is 20 or 30 times thicker than the epidermis.
Fatty layer
Below the dermis is the fatty
region that insulates the body,
This is where much of the fat is
deposited when a person gains
- Protection
- Defense
- Controls temperature
- Sensation
- Vitamin production
- Bacteria can cause infection.
-Epidermis produces new cells.
-Dermis repairs.
Blood cells burst.
-Hemoglobin breaks down into pigments.
-Healing makes bruise yellow.
Glenoce Science Book Pag 435-439
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