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Stack Implementations
Chapter 21
Chapter Contents
A Linked Implementation
An Array-Based Implementation
A Vector-Based Implementation
A Linked Implementation
When using a chain of linked nodes to
implement a stack
• The first node should reference the stack's top
Fig. 21-1 A chain of linked nodes that implements a stack.
A Linked Implementation
Data field and constructor
public class LinkedStack implements StackInterface,
private Node topNode; // references first node in chain
public LinkedStack()
topNode = null;
} // end default constructor
Each node an instance of class Node
private class Node implements
{ private Object data;
// entry in stack
private Node next;
// link to next node
< Constructors and the methods getData, setData,
getNextNode, and setNextNode are here. >
} // end Node
A Linked Implementation
Fig. 21-2 (a) A new node that references the top of the
stack; (b) the new node is now at the top of the stack.
A Linked Implementation
Fig. 21-3 The stack after the first node in
the chain is deleted.
An Array-Based Implementation
When using an array to implement a stack
• The array's first element should represent the
bottom of the stack
• The last occupied location in the array
represents the stack's top
This avoids shifting of elements of the
array if it were done the other way around
An Array-Based Implementation
Fig. 21-4 An array that implements a stack; its first
location references (a) the top of the stack; (b) the
bottom of the stack
An Array-Based Implementation
Data fields and constructors
public class ArrayStack implements StackInterface,
{ private Object [] stack; // array of stack entries
private int topIndex;
// index of top entry
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = 50;
public ArrayStack()
{ stack = new Object[DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE];
topIndex = -1;
} // end default constructor
public ArrayStack(int maxSize)
{ stack = new Object[maxSize];
topIndex = -1;
} // end constructor
An Array-Based Implementation
Fig. 21-5 Another array-based stack after top removed by
(a) decrementing topIndex; (b) setting
stack[topIndex]=null and then decrementing topIndex
A Vector-Based Implementation
When using a vector to implement a stack
• Vector's first element should represent the
bottom of the stack
• Last occupied location in the vector represents
the stack's top
Based on an array that can be expanded
• Performance similar to array-based
A Vector-Based Implementation
Data fields and constructors
import java.util.Vector;
public class VectorStack implements StackInterface,
{ public VectorStack()
{ stack = new Vector(); // vector doubles in size if necessary
} // end default constructor
public VectorStack(int maxSize)
{ stack = new Vector(maxSize);
} // end constructor